Does anybody know of a Wordpress plugin that produces a PDF locally? - wordpress

The function of the plugin is to print the page contents as a PDF.
I can find a bunch that connect to an external service in a popup to generate the PDF, but I can't seem to find one that produces the PDF on the server where the PDF needs to be generated.
The reason I don't want to use these external services is because of branding, and because most of them have advertising. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't mind using these plugins either.
I'm OK with paying money if the plugin is good enough.
P.S. On an unrelated note, Wordpress' plugin search sucks :( I can't filter by version number, compatibility, etc.

I've found this
Should help you find what you need.
I already tried Print Friendly, and I think it could work in your situation.


Where to create gutenberg block

This Gutenberg update looks sweet, but it's immediately frustrating trying to follow any of the documentation.
I started with the very simple looking tutorial that is the first result on Google. It has code that looks to make sense for what I'm trying to do here. Great.
Except it says nothing about where to put this code to make it work.
Other tutorials are all about "download our plugin and we'll create one for you" - but I don't want to add that huge nest of code when what I'm really looking for is a fairly simple static block of code I can have users drop into a page.
Back in the day we'd just register a short code in the functions.php file and call it a day.
Can someone explain to me:
Where to put this registration code?
Where to put this JS code it references?
If I'm somehow going about this with a huge misunderstanding of how Gutenberg works?
To actually solve this properly would need a couple of chapters of a book... but here's the very condensed answer.
Taking a very quick look at the link you shared, the code should be put in a plugin as there are calls to the function plugins_url(). So you need to first create a plugin. It's not difficult to build a simple plugin but it does take a bit of time getting used to how things need to be registered and how everything is glued together (that's why I said that a proper answer would take a couple of chapters of a book :D).
Once you have the plugin, the code should be within the plugin (or in any PHP file that is included by the plugin) and the JS file should go inside the plugin directory in a folder called step-01
There's a git repo from WordPress with some Gutenberg examples. I haven't looked to hard at them, but It might be a good idea to follow the code in there with the tutorial of how to build a plugin (and the WordPress code reference site opened too :D). If you are going to be developing things for WP, I recommend you to get Zeal or Dash to be able to browse the documentation in an easy and fast way.
I just found that you can create the scaffolding with wp cli. Wordpress has a tutorial on how to use the wp scaffold block command here.

Corporate Intranet on IIS 7: Looking to Enhance Directory Listing

I am looking for the ability to enhance the appearance of the directory listing pages of a very basic corporate intranet I developed for use by our employees. I am using Windows Server 2012 R2, and the site is deployed in Internet Information Services.
I did not use anything like Visual Studio to create this, and I have already handwritten all of the CSS and HTML for the index page that serves as a jump-off point for the rest of the site so that users can get to the content they need; however, the directory listings pages where the users land leave quite a bit to be desired to say the least.
I just want to be able to add some quick styles to these directories, such as modifying the font family and perhaps the link styles. Nothing major, really. The site already functions perfectly for what it was designed to do, and has been for years. This is just something that's always kind of bugged me but I never devoted any time to it. I'd like to do that now. Ideally I'd be able to just add something in the web.config file like inline CSS, or perhaps link it to a .css file that will house the styles. The latter is probably preferred, actually, but any way is fine.
Any help is greatly appreciated. To get this out of the way early: yes, I have done lots and lots and lots of searching on this topic — I'm talking hours. I have not been able to find a solution that seems to meet my needs. I consider posting here as somewhat of a last resort because I understand that it's a free resource and users here are usually quick to let other users know when they didn't find a particular article that seems to offer the solution they're seeking — which is usually a result of not knowing exactly what keywords to use — and I don't want to waste anyone's time. Just know that I have tried everything I know to find the solution, and that I'm genuinely stumped and looking for help from some pros.
Thank you!
Since the directory page is not HTML, you can't directly style it with CSS. However, there are a few options for changing the way it looks.
Write a script to point to your own, custom-styled, directory page. See this forum thread for tips on how to do that and a sample script.
Create a custom page using this module that you can further customize yourself.
Use the DirectoryListing open source app, which allows for customization of the directory page.
Either one of those solutions should give you more control over how the directory page looks.

Wordpress PHP-exec header problem

I am trying to integrate one of my websites with facebook connect.
I have developed the code and it works as expected.
I want to integrate the code into a wordpress page utilizing the php-exec plugin to parse php.
When i do as can be seen at it simply does not work. Seemingly the session etc is registered but it simply displays the connect box again..
Any ideas?
Does your code use global variables? Php-exec works using eval() and eval() has different rules for globals.
But I've got more ideas...
There are a few different versions of the facebook connect api, but all of the ones I've used used also required a lump of javascript to be included in the site, I don't see that on your page. Make sure it isn't needed.
If that's not the problem, try including the facebook lib in wp-config.php, then call it from php-exec. I'm not really sure if that'll work or not but it's worth a shot.

Is there any online text editor for HTML, CSS with saving and syntax highlighting facility?

I want to make css file from accessible from everywhere (home, office etc) and ready to edit.
and save.
I will do hand coding ,just want syntax highlighting and saving on net facility.
I tried google docs (it's good because i can save online and it has revision history feature too which is useful) but it doesn't have syntax highlighting and also tried it's same as i want but it save file on our local pc.
and i usually use but i heard it will delete the code if nothing will happen to code in 3 month.
In nutshell I'm looking for online editor like Dreamweaver source view. with code hosting too.
Update 2
i found it useful but , no facility for saving.
Bespin is a mozilla project with a lot of potential. I couldn't recommend it more highly.
See following
See here if you could get any solution.
If you don't like then use a blog with syntaxhighlighter.
Dabblet is pretty impressive !
Saves to github gists. For more info look at the help/about page
You could just use wordpad witch comes with windows, and then you could upload it to a server such as Dropbox. Simples.(Make sure you put .css at the end of the filename).

dashcode and external rss feeds

I was wonder if anyone can help me with this. I've been looking everywhere for this information, but I want to make a web application using dascode rss. I know that you can't link external sources. Does anyone know a way I can get around it. From what I understand a little php can get around this, but I'm unsure where to look.
OK, first thing no PHP. Dashcode is limited to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Although having said that there are a whole range of system calls that cna be made using the functionality provided by various parts of the x-cde system.
Second yes you can link to external sources such as other web sites, api on say Twitter, google etc. RSS feeds and so on, not sure where you got the idea to the contrary.
If you want to learn how to do a Dashcode RSS then open up Dashcode, start a new project, either web based or Dsashboard based and choose the RSS project. This will give you an out of the box template to add you own information and then see how it works. Then customise it.
In the above i am assuming Snow Leopard and the latest Dashcode/X-code but it will still gove you most of what you want on earlier version.
