Drupal 6 CAS "client" won't login automatically - drupal

I'd like to get three Drupal websites to work together using CAS. So, one of these Drupal websites is using the CAS server module; but, when I go to the other Drupal websites as a CAS "client" I still have to press "Log in" to be logged in.
Is it possible for the CAS "client" to check automatically? So, users won't have to press the "Log in" button if they are already logged in? And, if they aren't they can remain anonymous.

Ok, I figured it out. It's called "the Gateway feature" in CAS.
My confusion was because the Drupal CAS module wasn't working the way I had thought it would. Here is what the client portion of the Drupal CAS module says:
[ x ] Check with the CAS server to see if the user is already logged in?
This implements the Gateway feature of the CAS Protocol.
So, digging through the module code I was able to figure out a solution.
The Fix:
The phpCAS function that implements the CAS gateway feature is:
Here is a snippet of code that I plan to use:
$is_auth = phpCAS::checkAuthentication(); // Returns TRUE or FALSE
if ($is_auth) {
else {
// Do nothing until user is ready to authenticate.
I have a couple options:
Put this functionality in a separate "glue" module
Hack the Drupal CAS module to suit my needs
Try to make improvements, and see if this can be contributed back
(If I'm lucky, I might get to contribute some code back to this module.)

As one of the cas module mainainers I'd like to request that this discussion get moved to an issue in the projects issue queue. This code snippet should do absolutely nothing different, since using "CheckAuthentication" should cause a drupal login. If you're getting different behavior, we want to know about it and fix it.

It turns out this functionality is working in the CAS module, but the "Caching mode" needs to be set to "Disabled". See issue: http://drupal.org/node/1280474
Also, the authentication check only happens the first time the site is accessed (until the browser is closed and re-opened). See issue: http://drupal.org/node/1405448


Presto custom PasswordAuthenticator plugin for coordinator authentication is not triggered

I created a presto custom password authenticator plugin (internal) by making a copy of the LDAP plugin and modifying it. You can see that code here: https://github.com/prestodb/presto/tree/master/presto-password-authenticators/src/main/java/com/facebook/presto/password.
I created copies of the Authenticator, AuthenticatorFactory, and the config, and modified them to basically just take a user/password from the config and to only allow that user in. I also put the new class in the PasswordAuthenticatorPlugin registration code.
I can see the plugin loading when presto is started, but it doesn't appear to do anything despite no errors being present. What am I missing?
Note: I had already found a solution to this, I'm just recording it on SO as I originally came here and found no help.
To make a custom password plugin work, you actually need HTTPS enabled for communication with the coordinator. You can actually see this recommendation at the bottom of their documentation:
Additionally, the coordinator must be configured to use password authentication and have HTTPS enabled.
So, the steps to make it work are:
Make sure your main config.properties has "http-server.authentication.type=PASSWORD".
Make sure you add a password-authenticator.properties next to config properties with content like the sample in the link above. But make sure you use your string from your authenticator as the name, and that you add your configuration properties instead (user name and password).
Set up a JKS store or a real certificate (some instructions here from Presto for JKS: https://prestodb.github.io/docs/current/security/tls.html).
Add SSL config to your config.properties.
Set up your JDBC driver to use the same key store.
I wrote up a blog on it with a bit more detail as well if any of that doesn't make sense. But after doing all this, you should find that it does require a password and it does enforce your plugin.

How to pass parameters from Wordpress Contact Form 7 to an external server?

I have a login form created in Wordpress using Contact form 7. I'm tryig to pass parameters from this form to an external server. But it is not happening.
I am a designer, and not much of a programmer. I understand code(sometimes) but can not write it from the scratch.
I have designed a website for a client. This client has a "Flying Returns" like logistic membership system in which members get lots of perks in shipping etc. This system is on their own server. They want the users to log in to that system from this website.
So I have created a login form using Contact Form 7. I have set skip_mail: on; I have tried a few plugins login, but either they dont log into different servers or are expensive, or does not yield correct URL and hence does not log into the system. Therefore I have finally decided to make it happen using code.
Their programmer has given me following JS code that will take the parameters from this form and pass on to their system. IF the parameters are correct, then the user is logged into the system and taken to the member's dashboard page on their server (not my website/server), else it returns an error message, {"error":"Login Data Incorrect.."}
I have tried to put this code with in the contact form. Here is the code (i've hidden the actual IP address, sorry):
document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7submit', function( event ) {
alert( "Fire!" );
}, false );
If I remove the document.location line, it shows the alert. But the above, in its entirety does nothing. If I use the URL, replace variables with actual values and paste it browser, it logs me into the system without a hitch.
I have tried quite a few different codes which I could find as possible solution on internet, this site including, but to no avail.
Please help me out. I want the email and password to be passed to this external server, if they are correct then the user should log in and see their dashboard there. Else if it gives the above mentioned error message, then I should be able to reset the form and give an error message to the user.

Trouble integrating simplephp with symfony

Ok, i'm integrating simpleSAML with symfony as an sp, for my own reasons I don't want to use the sp bundle.
I've setup simplesaml in /simplesaml, as per instructions, and it works a charm.
I'm able to test it with a simple web site test.php, where i do this
$as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple('google');
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
and that works fine, but if i flip it over to my symfony site, i can see symfony resetting the php session cookie, so i assume that it is not able to find the one set by simplesaml.
I tried the same above code in my logincontroller to see if i could get my idp supplied data, i can not, it bounces me through my IDP login and lands me on the simplesaml page, which gives me 'State information lost'
Any help appreciated.
'State information lost' is pretty generic. The documentation provides a check list of things that can cause the problem
Hostname changes. If you visit https://www.example.com and your metadata says https://example.com then the cookie created on the initial visit won't be available.
Move between HTTPS and HTTP.
Mismatch between the cookie settings (name, path, domain, etc) for SSP and symfony
The SamlTracer plugin for firefox is useful in deciphering what SAML messages are being exchanged, including what attributes the IdP is sending.

ACS - bypassing user redirection to IdP?

I have only recently been looking into ACS, AAL, WAAD and I would like to avoid redirecting users to the login page of their IDP. I want to keep my users within my site and present them with a dropdown to choose who they wish to authenticate with and an area to request a username and password, then acquire token via code. Is this possible?
I have been reviewing some sample applications and produce a quick mock-up, but cant seem to get things working e.g.
_authContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://littledeadbunny.accesscontrol.windows.net");
string enteredEmailDomain = UserNameTextbox.Text.Substring(UserNameTextbox.Text.IndexOf('#') + 1);
IList<IdentityProviderDescriptor> idpdList = _authContext.GetProviders("http://littledeadbunny.com/NonInteractive");
foreach (IdentityProviderDescriptor idpd in idpdList)
if (String.Compare(ServiceRealmDropDownList.SelectedValue, idpd.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
Credential credential;
credential = new UsernamePasswordCredential(enteredEmailDomain, UserNameTextbox.Text, PasswordTextbox.Text);
_assertionCredential = _authContext.AcquireToken("http://littledeadbunny.com/NonInteractive", idpd, credential);
Using the code above, when I try to use the Windows Azure Active Directory User (admin), i get the error "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." where I attempt to acquiretoken.
When I use Google, I get an error "0x8010000C: No identity provider matches the requested protocol".
If there is a working sample? if I am doing something obviously wrong, I would appreciate the correction.
This is not supported for passive identity providers. IdPs like Google, Facebook, etc. don't want other people collecting credentials for them, as this leads to security issues and possible phishing attacks. They also don't support it because they need to be able to show a permission dialog (that screen that asks the user if they want to release data to you) which they can't do without the browser redirecting to them. Furthermore, Google in particular supports two-factor auth, which you couldn't replicate, and generally collecting credentials opens up whole cans of worms around other UI problems such as incorrect or forgotten passwords.
This is also generally a bad user experience, because your users are fairly likely to already be logged in to Google and have cookies there. If so, and if they've already consented to your app, they would just be silently redirected back to you. In your scenario, even if the user is already logged in they'd still have to provide a username/password.
The correct way to do these sorts of logins is to render a browser control in your app that allows the user to log in at their IdP, which is what AAL helps with.
I had the same error, executing a powerscript solved that error
PS C:\windows\system32> $replyUrl = New-MsolServicePrincipalAddresses
-Address https://mydomain.accesscontrol.windows.net/
PS C:\windows\system32> New-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalNames
#("https://mydomain.accesscontrol.windows.net/") -DisplayName
"MyDomain Namespace" -Addresses $replyUrl
But i'm stuck anyway with a 403 permission error
If you get any further i would like to know how :)

Basic HTTP Authentication with python 3.2 (urllib.request)

This is my first post with this account, and Ive been struggling for the last week to get this to work, so I hope someone can help me get this working.
Im trying to pull some data from https://api.connect2field.com/ but its rejecting all of my authentication attempts from python (not from a browser though).
The code Im using
import urllib.request as url
import urllib.error as urlerror
urlp = 'https://api.connect2field.com/api/Login.aspx'
# Create an OpenerDirector with support for Basic HTTP Authentication...
auth_handler = url.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
auth_handler.add_password(realm='Connect2Field API',
opener = url.build_opener(auth_handler)
# ...and install it globally so it can be used with urlopen.
f = url.urlopen(urlp)
print (f.read())
except urlerror.HTTPError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'code'):
if e.code != 401:
print ('We got another error')
print (e.code)
print (e.headers)
Im pretty sure the code is doing everything right, which makes me think that maybe theres another authentication step that ASP.net requires. Does anybody have any experience with ASP.Net's authentication protocol?
Im gonna be checking this post throughout the day, so I can post more info if required.
Edit: Ive also tried running my script against a basic http auth server running at home, and it authenticates, so Im pretty sure the request is set up properly.
It appears that IIS is set up to do basic authentication, ASP.NET will be most probably be configured to use windows authentication.
As you have said that authentication works via browser, so the best bet for you is to use tool such as fiddler to capture request/response when connecting via browser and also when connecting via your code. Compare them to troubleshoot the issue.
For example, I remember a case where the web site first requested authentication credentials and then re-directed to different url which prompted for different credentials.
