Jar file not executing - jar

I am having a problem, I run my jar file but nothing happens, not even an error, it just returns to the cmd line where I started. the java code is ok because it works fine in netbeans on the machine i created it on, what is missing from the machine I am actually running it on? help please

If you are using javaw(java's "consoleless" version) instead of java and you print the answers with:
System.out.println(String stringToPrint);
or with
System.out.print(String stringToPrint);
You won't have anything printed on the screen because javaw won't print anything, so try execute it like this:
java -jar filename.jar
If this is not what you are looking for, sorry.


I am trying to convert a python .PY file to .EXE. But the EXE file won't run because of "Fatal Error Detected Failed To Execute Script Error" Help Pls

I am a absolute beginner with Python. What I have done so far is I have installed Python with IDLE, Pycharm, Pygame-zero and Pyinstaller too. I have a (.py) file game I would like to turn into a (.exe) file. So I can release my game for my friends to play.
I have entered this command into CMD window "pyinstaller --onefile -w gamename.py"* (*My game is not really called "gamename". I have called it that in this code above. For this example only.)
When in the file folder of my game and then Pyinstaller converts my file into the (.exe) file. But everytime I try to run this file. It fails with this error message - "Fatal Error Detected, Failed To Execute Script Error".
I have watched all kinds of YouTube videos trying to solve this problem and have tried these following fixes:
Updated Pyinstaller (4.3).
Updated Python (3.9.5).
Changed the path in Enviroment Variables to point to Python39\Scripts and resetting my computer.
Coverted the (.py) file to (.exe) by including the console window. Then after running the program after when the console window disappears. Opening the CMD window again and typing the file directly "gamename.exe" to run.
Installing auto-py-to-exe program.
Each time deleting the Main, Dis and Spec files and moving the (.exe) file into the main file folder. With the resources for the games. Music, Images and Sounds.
Testing out my Python script to check. If it doesn't have any errors while loading through IDLE and it doesn't. It works straight away, I can play my game through IDLE. There is no errors in the code of my game script.
And after trying all of these solutions it still hasn't solved this issue.I still have the same error message appearing when trying to run my game. Now I have found out what the meaning is to this error message that appears. Which is:
"Fatal Error: failed to execute
This means something has gone wrong as it's giving you a visual warning about it; this is not an error, it's a warning; the real error has been printed to stdout/stderr. If you open the executable using the terminal or something else that will preserve the console output, you will most likely see a Python error telling you what went wrong. Fixing this and repackaging is the solution to this issue".
I have remade the (.exe) file including the console window and it does explan what the error is. When I try to run my game, the error comes up as:
"FileNotFoundError: {Errno 2} No such file or directory: C:*****\Local\Temp_MEI58602\pgzero\data\icon.png {4268} Failed to execute script.
Any suggestions? On how to fix this error please. So I can run and play my game outside of Python on any PC.
A Possible Answer:
I have found a webpage that has the possible answer to my problem. But I don't know what they mean, because I am a beginner with Python. Can anybody read this and break it down for me? Here is what it say's:
"Pyinstaller packaging exe, missing icons and other issues
When the exe runs, it will decompress a resource folder named "_MEI*" to a temporary directory on the computer, and delete it when the program ends.
uses a path like ‘\icon.png’ in the program. When the exe is running, it will only search for its own directory, of course it cannot be found.
Two, the solution
Make sure the picture is in this temporary resource folder
This can be done by editing the'.spec' configuration file to add pictures.
(Note: .spec is the file generated by Pyinstaller last time, in your python project directory.)
These are the three pictures I used, which is actually adding three tuples to the "binaries" list
Before the comma is the address of the picture in the python project, after the comma is the address of the package into the ‘_MEI*’ temporary folder.
I have built an ‘img’ folder to store pictures in it. Just put a dot in the root directory, such as (’./img/info.png’,’.’)
Finally, run when packagingpyinstaller program entry.spec, You can add the picture resource.
(Note: Other external resources can also be added in this way, such as .ini, .txt, .exe, etc.)
Make sure the program can find this path
Because the name of the temporary directory is different each time, a method is needed to dynamically obtain this path.
The code is presented, and the core statement is ‘os.path.realpath(sys.path[0])’.
Python running effect is as follows:
Package it as an exe, drag it to the cmd window and run it."
Here is the link to the webpage to the article. Because it makes use of screenshots that I can't include on this webpage;
Please read this acticle and break it down for me. It does seem to be explaining the solution to my problem. But what does it all mean? What pictures is he talking about? Please explain.
I am not sure why but PyInstaller doesn't seem to bundle everything needed for Pygame Zero, including that icon.png file. The solution is simple, though. You just need to use pyinstaller --collect-all pgzero --onefile -w <scipt_name>. If your game has sounds, images or anything like that, remember to include those specific folders as well using --add-data <file_or_folder>. Also, make sure your script includes the following lines.
import pgzrun
I hope it helps, even though it is a little late.

RobotFramework RIDE cannot import library

I have a file right here: Library ../../MyLib/My_Lib.py, and I try to import the python file in RIDE, but RIDE still report "FAIL : No keyword with name '****' found", and this keyword is defined in the My_Lib.py, seems RIDE cannot find the python file.
I using python 2.7.8+Robot Framework 3.1.2+windows server 2012r2. I even selected Library -> Name -> Browse in RIDE, but the error still there and this whole robot test case folder is copied from another server which is working fine
Can anyone suggest what have I missed?
Ah! I have worked this out, if anyone else meets the same issue, you can click Tools->view RIDE Log, to see what's happening there. For my case, it's because I didn't install thrift but the My_Lib.py obviously used thrift module, so the My_Lib.py compile failed with "No module named thrift.Thrift".
Is it possible the Python library was created to work with Python 3.x.x leading it to not work on your Python 2.7.8? See https://wiki.python.org/moin/Python2orPython3
Check what python version is being run on the other server where the test is running fine. You might need to update your local Python version.
Also, you could try running the Robot test outside of RIDE just in case. You may do so by navigating to the test folder where the .robot file resides and running the following command:
robot test_file_name.robot
See if you get the same error that way. Please report back after doing the mentioned checks and we can continue debugging, my reputation doesn't let me comment on your question so I will just update the answer as we go along.

Pyinstaller executable not running

I made a small application using Python and Tkinter and I then tried to convert it into an executable file using Pyinstaller.
Pyinstaller creates the executable in the folder 'dist' as expected but when I double click on the file it will not run. Can you please help me find out what I am missing?
When this happens to me.. I use the process of elimination to discover the cause.
Simply remove modules from your code until the program execution actually begins. You can detect if you code is running by putting a dbgview output statement at the top of your code. Once your code execution works... you'll know what module or section of code is the root of the problem with regard to pyinstaller.

Scilab issue with exec command

I am using Scinote 5.4.0 with OSX 10.7.4. I am unable to execute script files from the console using the exec("path") command; when I do so, only the first line of the script file is read.
-->x=[0:.1:10]'; //(the first line of my code)
If however I "execute with echo" from the editor Scinote, the script will run just fine.
Does anybody know what is going on? (The script files I am trying to run are in my present working directory).
Update: I just installed Scilab on an identical machine and the same thing is happening.
Update: Per Scilab's bugtracker, it appears to be caused by Scinote defaulting to cr eol on a mac. I don't really know what this means or how to fix it, but the adventure continues!
Update: I found the solution!:http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.scilab.user/6184
In the preferences, I changed the eol to Unix, and the default file encoding to iso-8859-1. I restarted and exec is now working!
The link is not easy to follow so here's the answer (pasted)
The problem is actually scinote's, not scilab's. I don't have a Lion
machine to check if I'm correct, but it seems scinote's file encoding
is no longer compatible in ML. I discovered that when I opened scinote
generated files with a different text editor (vi) the new lines
weren't encoded right for my machine. The other give-away was that
executing scripts written prior to upgrading worked fine.
Go to preferences and in the scinotes tab, switch default file
encoding to iso-8859-1. I also switched the end-of-line to Unix.

How to run PHPUnit Test from another directory

I have a very straightforward PHPUnit test in c:\kim\test\HelloTest.php on a Windows PC. I can execute it from within the c:\kim\test directory with the command:
phpunit HelloTest
The problem is that I can't execute it from any other directory.
As far as I know I should be able to execute this from the c:\kim directory with:
phpunit test
Also, I would have thought the following syntax would work too:
phpunit c:\kim\test
But I don't get any response from the command. Simply a blank line and then I am returned to the cursor.
I am trying to get unit tests working properly with Netbeans and I think I need to solve this problem first. Perhaps it has something to do with paths? Any ideas?
I spent quite a while trying to sort this out, per the comments above. Also tried reinstalling PHPUnit. In the end I ran up a new server, installed XAMPP, and all works fine.
If any help.
I am using makegood extension for eclipse which handle phpunit test execution with one click.
Maybe you can find similar extension for Netbeans or switch to eclipse
