Show static non-clickable heading in AutoCompleteExtender list -

I have an AutoCompleteExtender from the Ajax Control Toolkit. I need to have a heading in the dropdown list that shows how many items found, but it should not be selectable as an item.
I have tried this using jQuery, but even when I just add as a div, it is still selected as an item into the text box when I click on it:
function clientPopulated(sender, e) {
var completionList = $find("AutoCompleteEx").get_completionList();
var completionListNodes = completionList.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < completionListNodes.length; i++) {
completionListNodes[i].title = completionListNodes[i]._value.split(':')[2];
var resultsHeader;
resultsHeader = 'Max count of 1000 reached.<br/>Please refine your search.';
else if(completionListNodes.length>0)
resultsHeader = completionListNodes.length + ' hits.';
resultsHeader = msg_NoObjectsFound ;
jQuery(completionListNodes[0]).before('<div>' + resultsHeader + '</div>');

Add OnClientItemSelected and OnClientShowing events handlers and try script below:
function itemSelected(sender, args) {
if (args.get_value() == null) {
sender._element.value = "";
function clientShowing() {
var extender = $find("AutoCompleteEx");
var optionsCount = extender.get_completionSetCount();
var message = "";
if (optionsCount == 1000) {
message = 'Max count of 1000 reached.<br/>Please refine your search.';
else if (optionsCount > 0) {
message = optionsCount + " hits."
else {
message = "oops."
jQuery(extender.get_completionList()).prepend("<li style='background-color:#ccc !important;'>" + message + "</li>");
you even can do this without OnClientItemSelected handler:
function clientShowing() {
var extender = $find("AutoCompleteEx");
var oldSetText = extender._setText;
extender._setText = function (item) {
if (item.rel == "header") {
extender._element.value = "";
}, item);
var optionsCount = extender.get_completionSetCount();
var message = "";
if (optionsCount == 1000) {
message = 'Max count of 1000 reached.<br/>Please refine your search.';
else if (optionsCount > 0) {
message = optionsCount + " hits."
else {
message = "oops."
jQuery(extender.get_completionList()).prepend("<li rel='header' style='background-color:#ccc !important;'>" + message + "</li>");

We can give a better answer if you post the output html of your autocomplete control. Anyway if its a dropdown control;
<option value="-99" disabled="disabled">your message here</option>'

The answer by Yuriy helped me in solving it so I give him credit although his sollution needed some changes to work.
First of all, the clientShowing event (mapped by setting OnClientShowing = "clientShowing" in the AutoExtender control) is executed on initialization. Here we override the _setText method to make sure nothing happens when clicking on the header element. I have used the overriding idea from Yuriy's answer that really did the trick for me. I only changed to check on css class instead of a ref attribute value.
function clientShowing(sender, e) {
var extender = sender;
var oldSetText = extender._setText;
extender._setText = function (item) {
if (jQuery(item).hasClass('listHeader')) {
// Do nothing. The original version sets the item text to the search
// textbox here, but I just want to keep the current search text.
// Call the original version of the _setText method, item);
So then we need to add the header element to the top of the list. This has to be done in the clientPopulated event (mapped by setting OnClientPopulated = "clientPopulated" in the AutoExtender control). This event is executed each time the search results have been finished populated, so here we have the correct search count available.
function clientPopulated(sender, e) {
var extender = sender;
var completionList = extender.get_completionList();
var completionListCount = completionList.childNodes.length;
var maxCount = extender.get_completionSetCount();
var resultsHeader;
if(completionListCount == maxCount)
resultsHeader = 'Max count of ' + maxCount + ' reached.<br/>'
+ 'Please refine your search.';
else if(completionListCount > 0)
resultsHeader = completionListCount + ' hits.';
resultsHeader = 'No objects found';
'<li class="listHeader">' + resultsHeader + '</li>');
I have also created a new css class to display this properly. I have used !important to make sure this overrides the mousover style added from the AutoExtender control.
background-color : #fafffa !important;
color : #061069 !important;
cursor : default !important;


Hiding fields in Quick View form with JS not working

I need to hide few fields in a Quick View Form based on an Option Set (Choice) selection in that Quick View form. However it is not working, so am sharing the code I used for the same here. In my code, I am trying to hide certain fields if the option selected is not equal to a particular value...
function hideFields(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var quickViewControl = formContext.ui.quickForms.get("General");
if (quickViewControl != undefined) {
if (quickViewControl.isLoaded()) {
var orgtypevalue = quickViewControl.getControl("new_organizationtype").getValue();
if (orgtypevalue != 248870006) {
else {
// Wait for some time and check again
setTimeout(getAttributeValue, 10, executionContext);
else {
console.log("No data to display in the quick view control.");
else {
I need to know where am I wrong. Any help will be appreciated.
you need to update the following
first if version 9 I am updating this
"var quickViewControl = formContext.ui.quickForms.get("General");"
to "var quickViewControl = formContext._ui._quickForms.get("General");"
"var orgtypevalue = quickViewControl.getControl("new_organizationtype").getValue();"
"var orgtypevalue = quickViewControl.getAttribute("new_organizationtype").getValue();"
& update else with message to wait and call the function again like this
"setTimeout(hideFields, 10, executionContext);"
and add else for the If of "quickViewControl != undefined"
Kindly find the updated code:
function hideFields(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var quickViewControl = formContext._ui._quickForms.get("General");
if (quickViewControl != undefined) {
if (quickViewControl.isLoaded()) {
var orgtypevalue = quickViewControl.getAttribute("new_organizationtype").getValue();
if (orgtypevalue != 248870006) {
else {
// Wait for some time and check again
setTimeout(hideFields, 10, executionContext);
else {
//console.log("No data to display in the quick view control.");
setTimeout(hideFields, 10, executionContext);

Trying to understand sorting in the Table widget for a Page

I am trying to understand how sorting works in Table widgets works when loading a page. For most of my pages using the Table widget, the page loads sorted by the first column.
I do see the below code in the onAttach event for the Table panel in a page. I am wondering if this is the code that sets the sorting when a page loads.
// GENERATED CODE: modify at your own risk
window._am = window._am || {};
if (!window._am.TableState) {
window._am.TableState = {};
window._am.inFlight = false;
if (!window._am.sortTableBy) {
window._am.sortTableBy = function(datasource, field, fieldHeader, tableState) {
if (!field) {
throw "Can't sort the table because specified field was not found.";
tableState.inFlight = true;
if (tableState.sortByField === {
tableState.ascending = !tableState.ascending;
} else {
if (tableState.fieldHeader) {
tableState.fieldHeader.text = tableState.fieldHeaderText;
tableState.fieldHeader.ariaLabel = "";
tableState.sortByField =;
tableState.ascending = true;
tableState.fieldHeader = fieldHeader;
tableState.fieldHeaderText = fieldHeader.text;
var sortDirection = tableState.ascending ? "ascending" : "descending";
datasource.query.sorting[]["_" + sortDirection]();
datasource.query.pageIndex = 1;
datasource.load(function() {
tableState.inFlight = false;
fieldHeader.text = fieldHeader.text.replace(/ (\u25B2|\u25BC)/g, "");
if (tableState.sortByField === {
fieldHeader.ariaLabel = fieldHeader.text + " sort " + sortDirection;
fieldHeader.text = fieldHeader.text + (tableState.ascending ? " \u25B2" : " \u25BC");
Sorting is set on your datasource.
Click the model (top left) that your table is using.
Click Datasources and expand your Datasource (there will only be one, unless you have created additional ones).
Once you choose the field you want the table to use for sorting, you can choose "Ascending" or "Descending".
The problem is with adding new records from a separate create form. The new records always appear at the end of the list , until a subsequent 'load' is performed.

Why does R# tell me, "Not all code paths return a value" in a click handler?

At the end of my submit button click handler, Resharper warns that, "Not all code paths return a value."
What value would it be expecting from an event handler?
In deference to full disclosure, this is that event handler:
$("#submit_button").click(function() {
var begD = $.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', $('#BeginDate').val());
var endD = $.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', $('#EndDate').val());
if (begD > endD) {
alert('Begin date must be before End date');
return false;
else if (begD.toString() == endD.toString()) {
var dteString = begD.getFullYear() + "/" + (begD.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + begD.getDate();
var begT = new Date(dteString + " " + $('#BeginTime').val());
var endT = new Date(dteString + " " + $('#EndTime').val());
if (begT > endT) {
alert('Begin date must be before End date');
return false;
$("#NumberOfResults").css("visibility", "visible");
$("#NumberOfResults").html("Please wait...");
EnableButton("submit_button", false);
// If all are selected, don't enumerate them; just set it at "All" (change of case shows that the logic did execute)
var deptsList = $('#depts').checkedBoxes();
if (deptsList.length < deptsArray.length) {
$('#deptHeader span').html(deptsList.join(", "));
else if (deptsList.length == deptsArray.length) {
$('#deptHeader span').html("All");
// " "
var sitesList = $('#sites').checkedBoxes();
$('#sitesHeader span').html(sitesList.join(", "));
if (sitesList.length < sitesArray.length) {
$('#sitesHeader span').html(sitesList.join(", "));
else if (sitesList.length == sitesArray.length) {
$('#sitesHeader span').html("All");
var UPCs = $('#UPC').val();
if (UPCs == "All") {
$('#UPC').val("1"); // take everything (1 and greater)
var resultsText = jQuery.trim($("#spanNumberOfResults").text());
if (resultsText != "") {
$("#NumberOfResults").css("visibility", "visible");
if (resultsText == "0") {
$("#NumberOfResults").css("color", "red");
} else {
var href = '/#ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ThisApp"]/CCRCriteria/LoadReport';
// report_parms (sic) is referenced from LoadReport
var report_parms = {
GUID: "#Model.GUID",
SerialNumber: "#Model.SerialNumber",
ReportName: "#Model.ReportName"
};, "report_window", "resizable=1, width=850, left=" + (screen.width / 2 - 425));
}); // end of submit button click
Resharper isn't aware of event handlers.
It sees that your function will sometimes return false and sometimes won't return anything, and it complains.
It doesn't realize that this pattern is perfectly fine for event handlers.
Ignore it. Click handlers "can" return a boolean value indicating whether to process the click normally (true) or ignore it (false).
Resharper sees any return in the function as a clue that it should always return something.

How to pass current index to fancybox iframe

I have a group of links that I call fancybox on with the arrows enabled so that the user can click next and prev. Each link is decorated with the iframe class and href='/editdata.aspx'. I would to remove the arrows and pass in the current index so that the editdata.aspx save button can say "save and next" until it reaches the last link, which will then say "save and close".
From editdata.aspx I use
var numLinks = $(".link-items", parent.document.body).children("a.iframe").size();
This gives me the total number of links. I just need to know the current link that is being displayed to the user so that I can update the save button text.
Here is a sample of my code in editdata.aspx:
// change the save button to save and next if fancybox is loading multiple links
if (parent.$.fancybox) {
var links = $(".links", parent.document.body);
if (links && links.length > 0) {
var numlinks = $(links).children("a.popup").size();
var index = getParameterByName('index');
if (index == numlinks ) {
// this element is the last item to display so change the "save and next" to "save and close"
$("#btnSave").val("Save & Close");
$("#btnSave").click(function () {
else {
$("#btnSave").val("Save & Next");
$("#btnSave").click(function () {
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (results == null)
return "";
return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
How can I achieve this?
Thats easy for v2 -
beforeLoad : function() {
this.href = this.href + '?index=' + this.index;

Hide div doesn't work?

I have div which it is hidden by default , when the use clicks show link the following javascript method is called:
function ChangeControlVisibility(elementID) {
var element = $("#" + elementID);
if (element.css('display') != 'block' && element.css('display') != 'table') {;
var tempElement = $('div.expanded');
if (tempElement.length > 0) {
tempElement.css('background-image', 'url(../images/arrow1.gif)');
else {
var tempElement = $('div.expanded');
if (tempElement.length > 0) {
tempElement.css('background-image', 'url(../images/arrow2.gif)');
this step works but when i call the previous method at page_load event the method doesn't work:
element.css('display') undefined.
Is there any problem at the previous code????
Do you execute that code within the .ready() handler?
And by the way, unless you really need to explicitly check for display-state table, you could just ask for
if (!':visible')){
Ref.: .is(), .ready(), :visible
You can simplify it overall by using .toggle() and the :visible selector, like this:
function ChangeControlVisibility(elementID) {
var vis = $("#" + elementID).toggle().is(':visible');
$('div.expanded').css('background-image', 'url(../images/arrow' + (vis ? '1' : '2') + '.gif)');
This toggles the visibility (via .hide()/.show() under the covers) and checks the resulting visibility to see if it's shown in the page or not, and sets the arrow image according to this.
Have a look at the :hidden and :visible jQuery selector. and try something like this:
function ChangeControlVisibility(elementID) {
var hiddenElement = $("#" + elementID + ":hidden");
var element = $("#" + elementID);
if (hiddenElement.length > 0) { //to check if this element exists;
var tempElement = $('div.expanded');
if (tempElement.length > 0) {
tempElement.css('background-image', 'url(../images/arrow1.gif)');
else {
var tempElement = $('div.expanded');
if (tempElement.length > 0) {
tempElement.css('background-image', 'url(../images/arrow2.gif)');
