403 Forbidden in SharePoint After Deploying Website - asp.net

We have an old ASP.NET application hosted in IIS6/Win2k3. It's a document generation application that uploads the documents to SharePoint 2003. The application uses an application pool under the user sharepointservice, which is the administrator of the SharePoint site. The web application, which has been recently migrated to .net 2.0 from 1.1, uses NTLM authentication to identify our intranet users.
As the IT administrators are on holidays, I, the developer, has been given local admin rights to the Win2k3 box. The issue is, whenever I deploy the website, though the documents are uploaded appropriately to the SharePoint site via the application, the users are not able to download them. The error is
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied
I know the IT guys use a service account, not their domain user accounts.
I have already tried to modify the permissions in IIS for that website. I even put Everyone and <Domain>\Users to have read access to all of those folders, to no avail. I've scoured the net, there are no definitive answers. Am I missing something else?

I hate answering my own question, but this did it for me:
The application pools for the SharePoint site were modified from the default. So I reset them, including the AppPools for _layouts, _vti_bin, and _wpresources. Their AppPools are now the default, and are the same.
This link gave me the lead.

You are probably being prompted by permissions for the file system. Check the directories where IO is happening and make sure the user sharepointservice is using in the app pool has read/write permissions.

I just had this problem and solved it after following these instructions:
It seems the webapplication took so long that it hadn't created everything correctly when the IIS timed out. So I was receiving strange errors like yours.


How to develop asp.net app with windows-auth in Azure?

There asp.net application with windows authentication through the local active directory. It needs to be deployed in the Azure but when I try to do it I get the error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page". Appendix definitely need to use a local directory, so I can not change the type of authorization on organizational accounts. What can I do with this problem?
update: if anywhere discussed a similar problem , please give a link

ASP.NET Access to the path denied, on Web Server

I am having a problem, that is when I deployed my asp.net 4.0 application on my web server i am unable to write to App_Data folder. Actually it has an xml file which I am trying to write some information into. I am getting the following error.
Access to the path 'C:\HostingSpaces\hosterind\mydomain.com\wwwroot\App_Data\ErrorLog.xml' is denied.
I tried searching every corner for a possible solution before posting on stackoverflow but i am unable to fix this. Searching similar questions on internet (stackoverflow too) i concluded that i need to handle it through IIS as everywhere it was quoted on internet to grant permission to App_Data folder through IIS Manager. As accessing IIS Manager of your web hosting server is impossible, i supposed people are referring to my local IIS server. So, i copied my project which i was developing in visual studio from location: C:\Users\DanComputer\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\MyWebProject and pasted into C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Then i located my project in IIS Manager by selecting DefaultAppPool as application pool. I changed my App_Data folder permission to allow full control for IIS_IUSRS(DanComputer\IISUSRS). Then i copied my App_Data folder to my web hosting space using ftp software but it didn't solve my problem. I tried many thing even changing permission to allow full control for everyone but it did't work and i am still getting the same error. Any help please?
You need to know what is the identity of the Application Pool of your app. You can get this information from IIS or console. It is possible that your hosing company may have a control panel that can give you that information.
Then you need to give permissions to the account in the app pool identity the names will be the same or at least be very similar to what you saw in IIS:
So using my examples above I will have to give permissions to Local Service or Network Service to read/write my app_data folder.

ASP.Net MVC IIS6 and ACL Errors

I have an asp.net mvc 3 app installed on IIS6 and I am getting ACL errors (401.3 errors) when trying to access it. It is running as a virtual app under the default web. I have gone through what I believe are the correct security setting on the respective folders.
I have given the Network Service and in IUSER_ users access to the root folder of the default web. I have also given access to the microsoft.net, temp and system32 folders under c:\windows.
I still get the 401.3 error. When I set the app to use both anonymous and windows authentication I get prompted for credentials. Entering the credentials allows me to access the app. This means that there is some file/folder that needs permissions.
So I used FileMon to see what was going on. I hit the site and get the ACL error but I see no ACCESS DENIED errors in FileMon nor so I see any reference to the site itself. It is like I never made a request. (Yes I cleared my cache).
I am tapped out on what to do next. Any suggestions on where to look to determine what resources needs permissions?
Thanks in advance!
In order for MVC to work on IIS6, you need to do some configuration changes in IIS. Specifically, you should tell IIS to handle all request, in order to ensure that the .NET routing engine kicks in.
This is one of the best tutorials on getting MVC to work with IIS6.

IIS7 IUSR account permissions not working with forms authentication and file upload

I am trying to deploy an asp.net 4 app to a new microsoft server 2008 R2
I have set up the application as I have done dozens of times before and set the folder permissions appropriately.
I have tried setting the application pool name directly to have write permissions
I have tried setting IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, NETWORK SERVICE and Users.
I have confirmed that windows authentication is disabled and anonymous is enabled as well as forms authentication is enabled. Logging in works fine i can access all pages normally except if i try to write to the folder. Then a password is required box pops up which looks like windows authentication (even though its disabled)
Every post here states and in my past experience says if I set the folder permissions for the defaultidentity application pool it should work, but for some reason this server wont let me do it!
Any help would be most appreciated.
Welp this turns out to be a really weird one. For some reason when SQL reporting services is installed it reserves the folder name "Reports" in any IIS Web application folder regardless of whether your actually using Reporting services. Its not created by default or anything, but if you happen to create folder titled "Reports" dont expect to access anything from it. After many hours of frustration it turns out it's a random reservation which doesn't throw any error just somehow overrides your authentication protocol to use windows authentication for their reserved folder.
Thanks Microsoft!

Configure IIS 6 web application on a personal server

A group of us wrote a .NET web application for our University class and in order to let our prof test with it I am setting it up on my webserver at home. Here is what I have done so far:
I created a new account on my domain, I then granted that account Read, write access to the folder where the app is stored. I have setup an application pool that uses this new account as its identity and created a new site that uses the new application pool.
I initially was receiving the Service unavailable error message, so I realized I had to add my account to the IIS_WPG account. So now I am stuck at the "page cannot be found". The website is pointing to the correct folder (I can see the aspx page list from within the IIS browser) but when browsing the site either in IIS, on a browser on the server or on a browser within my network I keep getting Page cannot be found. The home directory is pointing to default.aspx which is what our app uses.
The app of course works just fine when running from within the IDE, but now that I am trying to get it to work it doesn't want to.
Any thoughts?
you should give error details first.
for now, I suggest you check the 'network service' account's permission.this is the ASP.NET's account.
then publish your site to *.aspx file and *.dll file. to see if there is any errors.
So I found the issue. What I didn't know is that by default, IIS 6 does not turn on support of active server pages and .NET pages in Web Service Extensions. Once I had turned this on the site began to work just fine.
