Secure data transfer over HTTP when HTTPS is not an option - http

I would like to write an application to manage files, directories and processes on hundreds of remote PCs. There are measurement programs running on these machines, which are currently managed manually using TightVNC / RealVNC. Since the number of machines is large (and increasing) there is a need for automatic management. The plan is that our operators would get a scriptable client application, from which they could send queries and commands to server applications running on each remote PC.
For the communication, I would like to use a TCP-based custom protocol, but it is administratively complicated and would take very long to open pinholes in every firewall in the way. Fortunately, there is a program with a built-in TinyWeb-based custom web server running on every remote PC, and port 80 is opened in every firewall. These web servers serve requests coming from a central server, by starting a CGI program, which loads and sends back parts of the log files of measurement programs.
So the plan is to write a CGI program, and communicate with it from the clients through HTTP (using GET and POST). Although (most of) the remote PCs are inside the corporate intranet, they are scattered all over the country, I would like to secure the communication. It would not be wise to send commands, which manipulate files and processes, in plain text. Unfortunately the program which contains the web server cannot be touched, so I cannot simply prepare it for HTTPS. I can only implement the security layer in the client and in the CGI program. What should I do?
I have read all similar questions in SO, but I am still not sure what to do in this specific situation. Thank you for your help.

There are several webshells but as far as I can see ( ) they run on the top of an existing SSL/TLS layer.
There is also S-HTTP.
There are several ways of authenticating to an server (username/passwort) in a protected way, without SSL. . But these solutions are focused only on sending a username/password to the server.

Would it be possible to implement something like message-level security in SOAP/WS-Security? I realise this might be a bit heavy duty and complicated to implement, but at least it is
definitely secure
possibly supported by some libraries or frameworks you could use
suitable for HTTP


HTTP response times GUI

I'm looking for an application available on CentOS, that allows me to check periodic connectivity response times between that server and a specific port of a remote server (in this case servers a SOAP API).
Something that preferentially allows me to send periodic API calls, but if not possible, just telnet's that remote port, but shows results in a graphic.
Does someone know about an application that allows this, without the need for me to create a script that writes results to a log file that is less readable in terms of time perspective?
After digging and testing a bit more, ended up using netdata:
Awesome tool, extremely simple to use and install.

easy server and client communication

I want to create a program for my desktop and an app for my android. Both of them will do the same, just on those different devices. They will be something like personal assistants, so I want to put a lot of data into them ( for example contacts, notes and a huge lot of other stuff). All of this data should be saved on a server (at least for the beginning I will use my own Ubuntu server at home).
For the android app I will obviously use java and the database on the server will be a MySQL database, because that's the database I have used for everything. The Windows program will most likely be written in of these languages: Java, C#c C++, as these are the languages I am able to use quite well.
Now to the problem/question: The server should have a good backend which will be communicating with the apps/programs and read/write data in the database, manage the users and all that stuff. But I am not sure how I should approach programming the backend and the "network communication" itself. I would really like to have some relatively easy way to send secured messages between server and clients, but I have no experience in that matter. I do have programming experience in general, but not with backend and network programming.
side notes:
I would like to "scale big". At first this system will only be used by me, but it may be opened to more people or even sold.
Also I would really like to a (partly) self programmed backend on the server, because I could very well use this for a lot of other stuff, like some automation features in my house, which will be implemented.
EDIT: I would like to be able to scale big. I don't need support for hundreds of people at the beginning ;)
You need to research Socket programming. They provide relatively easy, secured network communication. Essentially, you will create some sort of connection or socket listener on your server. The clients will create Sockets, initialize them to connect to a certain IP address and port number, and then connect. Once the server receives these connections, the server creates a Socket for that specific connection, and the two sockets can communicate back and forth.
If you want your server to be able to handle multiple clients, I suggest creating a new Thread every time the server receives a connection, and that Thread will be dedicated to that specific client connection. Having a multi-threaded server where each client has its own dedicated Thread is a good starting point for an efficient server.
Here are some good C# examples of Socket clients and servers:
As a side note, you can also write Android apps in C# with Xamarin. If you did your desktop program and Android app both in C#, you'd be able to write most of the code once and share it between the two apps easily.
I suggest you start learning socket programming by creating very simple client and server applications in order to grasp how they will be communicating in your larger project. Once you can grasp the communication procedures well enough, start designing your larger project.
But I am not sure how I should approach programming the backend and
the "network communication" itself.
Traditionally, a server for your case would be a web server exposing REST API (JSON). All clients need to do http requests and render/parse JSON. REST API is mapped to database calls and exposes some data model. If it was in Java, it would be Jetty web server, Jackson Json parser.
I would really like to have some relatively easy way to send secured
messages between server and clients,
Sending HTTP requests probably the easiest way to communicate with a service. Having it secured is a matter of enabling HTTPS on the server side and implementing some user access authentication and action authorization. Enabling HTTPS with Jetty for Java will require few lines of code. Authentication is usually done via OAuth2 technique, and authorization could be based on ACL. You may go beyond of this and enable encryption of data at rest and employ other practices.
I would like to "scale big". At first this system will only be used by
me, but it may be opened to more people or even sold.
I would like to be able to scale big. I don't need support for
hundreds of people at the beginning
I anticipate scalability can become the main challenge. Depending on how far you want to scale, you may need to go to distributed (Big Data) databases and distributed serving and messaging layers.
Also I would really like to a (partly) self programmed backend on the
server, because I could very well use this for a lot of other stuff,
like some automation features in my house, which will be implemented.
I am not sure what you mean self-programmed. Usually a backend encapsulates some application specific business logic.
It could be a piece of logic between your database and http transport layer.
In more complicated scenario your logic can be put into asynchronous service behind the backend, so the service can do it's job without blocking clients' requests.
And in the most (probably) complicated scenario your backend may do machine learning (for example, if you would like you software stack to learn your home-being habits and automate house accordingly to your expectations without actually coding this automation)
but I have no experience in that matter. I do have programming
experience in general, but not with backend and network programming.
If you can code, writing a backend is not very hard problem. There are a lot of resources. However, you would need time (or money) to learn and to do it, what may distract you from the development of your applications or you may enjoy it.
The alternative to in-house developed of a backend could be a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) in cloud or on premises. There are number of product in this market. BaaS will allow you to eliminate the development of the backend entirely (or close to this). At minimum it should do:
REST API to data storage with configurable data model,
custom business-logic
Disclaimer: I am a member of team, which is a Backend-as-a-Service. Check our website and contact if you need to, we will be able to work with you and help you either with BaaS or with guiding you towards some useful resources.
Good luck with your work!

HTTP through a domain socket

I'm writing a bit of desktop software which has two components. Component B queries component A. Creating a web service seems like an ideal way to do IPC in principle. The data model fits, there are ready-made client and server libraries, a well known way to encode and decode parameters etc.
But setting up an HTTP server on a network socket doesn't seem right for a local application. For example what port do I choose? I don't really want people to be able to scan and talk to the app from outside etc.
So I was thinking that I might be able to do HTTP over a domain socket. Does that make any sense? Is there any precedence for it? Is there an equivalent protocol that I could use for IPC which has the same properties as HTTP (requests for specified resources (URIs), encoded parameters, response)?
Looking for C libraries (and possibly Go and ObjC for bonus points).
Binding to the loopback interface only ( solves your "external visibility" problem, only processes on the local machine will be able to connect.
It does not solve your port allocation problem though, the port number you choose might be taken by the time your app starts. Then your server can't bind and your client connects to the other process bound to your port.
Old, less hip, but CORBA implementations tend to have the problems you have not thought of yet figured out already.

How do client-side web-based agents work?

I'm not sure if I'm asking the question properly. I'm referring to locally installed software, often called an "Agent" that keeps in regular communication with some host via HTTP. e.g. When you install LogMeIn, the Agent keeps in communication with the server so that when you visit with your web browser and connect to the agent, the server is able to initiate communication. The Agent, however, isn't a webserver, nor are any ports forwarded to the Agent. So, is the Agent constantly polling the server asking like a broken record, "Can I help you? Can I help you? Can I help you?" Or is the http connection from Agent to server somehow kept open? I know you can keep an http connection open, but A) how, and B) for how long? Does the Agent need to act like a less annoying broken record asking, "Can I help you? Yet? Yet? Yet?" with much more time in between each question? Or can the Agent ask once and wait indefinitely, asking again only once it learns that the connection has been dropped?
Bottom line is, I'd like to create a small little sample program for trying my hand at writing a client/server application that communicates via the Internet using HTTP. Either side needs to be able to initiate commands / requests. The Agent would likely communicate with the Server using some sort of API, perhaps RESTful. When I start the experiment, I'll be using Perl. It'd be fun to create a Hello World project that would have samples in many languages for many platforms how to write the agent and how to communicate with the server. The agent code would do client side things (e.g. determine public IP address) and send the data to the server. The server would act on the data (e.g. store IP address in a database). The server might also initiate a command to the Agent (e.g. Hey, Agent! What's your CPU type?) Proper authentication / authorization between Agent and Server is of course a necessity.
Are there any existing projects to model off of? Any existing documents? Perhaps I'm just missing terminology and if I just knew that everything I was asking can be summarized by the term foo, then the doors would be opened wide for what I could find in searches!
I looked into the code of Ubuntu's Landscape. It uses Python's Twister -- a web server for HTML5 Websockets. So I'd say what I was looking for in an answer is Websockets (bi-directional communication). That now has opened up a wealth of options, node.js, twister, mojolicious, and many many more as web servers. Turns out using Ajax to poll every few seconds is a very bad idea -- an overwhelming slam on web servers. Keep the connection open.

Are there any open standards for server failover?

I'm building a client-server application and I am looking at adding failover to the client so that when a server is down it will try to connect to another available server. Are there any standards or specifications covering server failover? I'd rather adopt an existing standard than implement my own mechanism.
I don't there is, or needs to be any. It's pretty straight forward and all depends on how you can connect to your sever, but basically you need to keep sending pings/keepalives/heartbeats whatever you want to call em, and when a fail occurs (or n fails in a row, if you want) change a switch in your config.
Typically, the above would be running as a separate service on the client machine. Altenativly, you could create a method execution handler which handles thr execution of all server calls you make, and on Communication failure, in your 'catch' block, flick your switch in config
You're question is very general. here are some general answers:
Google for Fault Tolerant Computing
Google for High Availability Solutions
This is usually handled at either the load balancer or the server level. This isn't something you normally do in code at the client.
Typically, you multihome the servers each having their own IP + one that is shared between all of them. Further, they communicate with each other over tcp for the heartbeat to know which is the Active node in an Active / Passive cluster.
I can't tell what type of servers you have, but most of the windows servers can do this natively.
You might consider asking the question at serverfault to see how to properly configure your servers to support this.
