Divide block of asp.net mvc code into different file parts - asp.net

I have hundred lines of code asp.net in my view, It make me difficult to find what I need it. So do anyone have some idea to divide it into separate files? As I know, in php , have function include().

Take a look at ASP.NET MVC partial views. These let you break down your view into separate reusable components, similar to user controls in ASP.NET WebForms.


References to building dynamic online forms in .NET

I would need to create dynamic online forms, e.g. using ASP.NET MVC and Razor as view engine. So you would be able to select a form template, populate it, add new fields, etc.
Are there any references/guides I could follow? I tried searching but couldn't really find any. Creating a main template view with controller, and partial pages with sub-controllers could be one way. This way validation and transformations would be quite well encapsulated.
There is a similar question here on StackOverflow:
Dynamically Produce Razor Views at Runtime?
Also, among the ten tricks for razor views, the two last tips are about building views and eegerly generating code from razor:
Maybe those two links can help you getting started at the least

calculating total using angularjs and webforms usercontrol

Im new to using angularjs with webforms.
i am using asp.net 4.0 webforms project. It have a usercontrol(uc.ascx) with a textbox and I dynamically multiple of the usercontrols on a page(Default.aspx)..on this aspx page i have a text box which should display the sum of the values in the textboxes of the dynamically added usercontrol..
can some one help me on how i can achieve this?
I researched all over the internet but could find a proper tutorial that works with usercontrols and angularjs
Well I think your are looking into the wrong direction angularJs isn't similar to knockoutJS probably both of them have double binding, but definitely they are very different.
Angular is a Single page application that's built mostly for CRUD's applications, the typical architecture is to use a restFul web service behind angular (which is going to be your front end) and they communicate using JSON as the communitacion format, been that said, I'd suggest to move on ASP.NET web API and angular
this video could be helpful for you to get the whole picture.
Unfortunately i don't have an specific example for your scenario but I've found a couple of articles that may help you on your journey.
A good example of how to use knockout.js and asp.net definetelly you can look at it and take that as a good source for learn it and apply it to your case.
This is another example using a usercontrol with knockoutjs
take a look to this gibhub repo with and example of the proposed architecture

Best Practices for ASP.NET Webforms Project structure

When using ASP.NET webforms, I see two main ways to structure a project:
1) Have a lot of .aspx files (including code behind files) and maybe some .ascx files (with code behind files.
2) Rely on a lot of .cs files (class files), and have the classes construct everything with Controls.Add(), etc.
The first method above results in a lot of aspx and ascx files and very few .cs files. The second method above results in a lot of .cs files, but very fewer aspx and ascx files.
Is there a "best practices" way to structure project? Does Microsoft recommend one of these techniques? Is there any information on which of the two styles is used more commonly?
I would stick with the first approach. Some controls are extremely tedious (or difficult) to be created progamatically.
Take the GridView or ListView for example, create an *.aspx page with a GridView which has custom templates with template columns. Then run your application, find the *.dll in the ASP.NET temp directory, decompile the class and look how messy and complicated is the code. It would be very difficult to maintain it over time and/or make changes.
On the other hand, having some declarative code isn't bad as long as you try to maintain the balance.
If you haven't done so, check out ASP.NET MVC. If you cannot opt for MVC you can implement MVP pattern with ASP.NET WebForms. These two patterns provide good way to separate presentation, model and routing.
There is nothing wrong with either approach. Which one you use depends on personal preference, feasibility, and requirements.
One issue you may face is that fewer developers will be able to pick up your project and run with it if you use the second approach, or will take much longer to get up to speed with it. You will find a lot more developers that can easily pick up the first approach and go.
Use approach one as much as possible and only resort to approach two when the out of the box controls do not give you the functionality you require - you can create a custom control by inheriting from an existing control in this case. This is not an "either/or" scenario - you should use both approaches judiciously.

Generic ASP.NET MVC models, controllers and views

I am currently evaluating ASP.NET MVC as a possible technology for a web project. As I am a beginner to ASP.NET MVC I need a bit of advice.
We currently have an ASP.NET system that renders grids from data that is retrieved from a database using OLE DB and data tables. The data is rendered on a web page using a grid view that uses the columns from the database. The system is built in a generic way and driven from the database so that we do not have to write a custom page to display and render each table in the database. We effectively have one ASP.NET page that is used to render and edit different tables in the database.
We are looking at rewriting the system using ASP.NET MVC. Is it possible to have generic models, controllers and viewers in ASP.NET MVC that use dictionaries or lists instead of having separate classes for each table in a database?
On the controller side I have seen the following article to convert a data table to an IEnumerable:
Convert DataTable to IEnumerable
However, I am not sure whether the same can be achieved on the model and viewer side.
Is the whole idea of generic models, controllers and views perhaps contrary to the idea of ASP.NET MVC?
First, you don't need custom models for views or controllers if you know you will be using something generic.
Second, you can write editor/display templates that can work on generic data and you can use them in your views.
We are looking at rewriting the system using ASP.NET MVC. Is it possible to have generic models, controllers and viewers in ASP.NET MVC that use dictionaries or lists instead of having separate classes for each table in a database
Generic solutions are very often a excellent recipe for maintenance nightmare. They work well until you have to extend the application. In my experience you do not switch from the generic solution when you want something extra, but do a small workaround. Next time you'll add another small workaround. And after a year you do not want to touch that application again.
If that's not the case for you, congratulations! You can just use a DataTable as your model in the view.

ASP.NET MVC3 List all areas

I have an ASP.NET MVC3 application in which I am creating multiple areas, is there a way I can find out programmatically the number of areas that are present and their names.
What I want to do it create some partial pages in the different areas and in the main application create a page that will render the partial pages.
Is there a way I can find out programmatically the number of areas that are present and their names
No AFAIK currently there isn't an easy and reliable way to do this. In ASP.NET MVC 4.0 though there will be, I promise :-)
Currently you might need to use reflection and look at all namespaces containing Areas.something and count them. Not very reliable.
