How do I add whitespace using GWT 2.4 and uiBinder? - css

I'm working on doing my layout using HTMLPanel in uiBinder.
I want to create some whitespace, lets say 70px of height, in several places on the page, to split up the vertical layout of the widgets.
What is the preferred way to do this? Using CSS or a panel that isn't visible or some other method?

Use CSS. You can write it right at the top of your ui.xml file.


AEM Grid - How to add spacing between columns in AEM grid

We are on 6.5.3. Like in CSS/bootstrap, there is a property to add the spacing between grid columns. I would like to know if there is any way to achieve this in AEM Grid? We need to add some gaps to ensure content doesn't stick together when content is placed inside the column grids. Modifying the grid.less is an option that we are thinking of as last resort, but we would like to check if there is a declarative way from the AEM grid, for example specifying the spacing in some property.
There is no property for padding/margin in AEM grids by default, this is the reason we have grid.less file in place OOTB. But,you can edit and add a property in your templates for that.
Although, this is not the best approach
If you want to add default spacing in all the grids, you have to do it in grid.less.
This would be even worse, as these changes would be global
A Better Approach
I would suggest to create a spacer component instead of adding a default padding in all grids. That way, when you don't want padding in your grids you wouldn't get stuck again.
Content Authors can just add a spacer component(or multiple) in between different components depending upon the size of padding/margin you need.
Customizing AEM Grid

How to remove padding created by ResponsiveGridLayout control in OpenUI5 (SAPUI5)?

I am creating a form using OpenUI5 and I noticed that when I am using the ResponsiveGridLayout layout, the form gets some padding (blue area around the input fields). Please see result here:
If I am using the GridLayout layout, the padding is as expected:
Any idea how I can get a form with very a small padding (like in GridLayout example), but in the same time I want to be able to use the 12-column grid system so I can set the size on my input fields?
Ideally, the views need to be XML and to use OpenUI5 classes/controls if possible.
You could just swap the responsible style classes using .addStyleClass() and .removeStyleClass().
Not sure if it works, but thats the easiest possible fix I can think of that might be worth a try.

Completely remove sidebar from MediaWiki

How do I completely remove the sidebar from MediaWiki, and I mean in the sense that the content div occupies 100% of the width of the browser space? I've successfully implemented an extension where non-registered users do not have a sidebar or toolbox to begin with and hence the extra space now seems rather superfluous in such cases.
I'm trying to create my own skin from Vector and have tried so far to change the margin-left: 10em and corresponding tags in div#content and mw-panel in the skin's css file but no luck so far.
Why use CSS when you can edit the sidebar menu and have this stored in the database
Navigate to MediaWiki:Sidebar edit the page and remove the components you don't need
If you want to use CSS then you can try,
to see if it gives you the desired effect.
Or you can do what dreamweiver said and use JQuery
If, as you are writing, you are creating your own skin, then you simply do not have to print the sidebar! It is there because you have a piece of code in your skin printing it.
Search your skin code for $this->data['sidebar'], and you will find the loop that prints the sidebar.
However, I'm guessing that you skin has some kind of navigation,and rather than reinventing the wheel, I would recommend using the sidebar, with it's built-in functionality (possible to set from MediaWiki:Sidebar, etc), even if you chose to use it in another fashion. it doesn't have to be printed as a sidebar,just because that's the name -- it could be a top menu, a dropdown, ...

how to adjust the height of two adjacent cell without using dispaly:table-cell

Can any one help this..
I want to adjust the two adjacent cell height using div tag without using the display:table-cell. Please reply as soon as possible..
I don't believe you can do what you're trying to do using simply CSS.
I'd recommend using a jQuery Equal Heights plugin like this one:
You simply load jQuery and the plugin onto your page then use it like so:
Hope that helps.

Place grid over map using CSS?

I have a world map image. I would like to place a SQUARE GRID over the entire map. I would like each square (cell grid) to change via mouseover with a border color change and background color change.
The grid needs to be layered over the map, transparent except the borders (which is the grid).
Can I achieve this using CSS or there a better way to do this?
Many thanks.
I'd suggest using a CSS grid framework as an easy way to produce the grid layout. I'd go for this one as you can easily use create a grid with 0px gutters.
You will need to modify the CSS to make the grid absolute positioned so it sits over the top of your map.
Each element in the grid is a DIV so you can easily attach Javascript events to each one to allow users to control the map. If it's a simple colour change on hover then just use css.
You can make the grid transparent using css too:
