As I chose to extend the membership provider by creating a new table to record additional user information, at registration I need to populate this new table with the uniqueUserId from the membership table. please pardon my ignorance I am a novice. How do I modify this code to add the unique key to say a table called UsrProfile
public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Attempt to register the user
MembershipCreateStatus createStatus;
Membership.CreateUser(model.UserName, model.Password, model.Email, null, null, true, null, out createStatus);
if (createStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false /* createPersistentCookie */);
//add unique user id to myprofile
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(createStatus));
Unique Key from default Membership Provider can be retrieved by :
so you can easily create relation between user and your other tables.
But if you want to store additional properties of users why not utilize something that's already there like Profiles ? You only need to add the below structure to web.config
<clear />
<add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="ApplicationServices" applicationName="/" />
<add name="EverLoggedOn" defaultValue="False" type="System.Boolean" />
more info about profiles :
In MVC4 application I pointed Simple Membership provider to MongoDB Connection. But it is throwing error with connection string.
Here is my code
<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="server=;database=user" />
<membership defaultProvider="DefaultMembershipProvider">
<add name="DefaultMembershipProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" connectionStringName="DefaultConnection" applicationName="/" />
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="DefaultRoleProvider">
<add name="DefaultRoleProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleRoleProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" connectionStringName="DefaultConnection" applicationName="/" />
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("DefaultConnection", "Users", "Id", "Username", autoCreateTables: true);
public class SimpleMongoMembershipProvider : SimpleMembershipProvider
public override string CreateAccount(string userName, string password)
WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(userName,password, new { Gender = "Mal", DOB = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), Email = "" });
return base.CreateAccount(userName, password);
Account Controller
public class AccountController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var db = new SimpleMongoMembershipProvider();
db.CreateAccount("admin", "admin");
return View();
Any ideas? Any other step needs to be followed to point MongoDB as Connection
You don't appear to be authenticating or passing credentials to Mongo DB, you need to authenticate to the Mongo DB database, there are several different ways to do this depending on your usage, use the instructions outlined here:
I am using LDAP for User Authentication in MVC.My code goes below as follows:
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl)
bool validation;
LdapConnection ldc = new LdapConnection(new LdapDirectoryIdentifier((string)null, false, false));
NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(model.UserName, model.Password, "XXXXXXX");
ldc.Credential = nc;
ldc.AuthType = AuthType.Negotiate;
ldc.Bind(nc); // user has authenticated at this point, as the credentials were used to login to the dc.
validation = true;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
//validation = true;
catch (LdapException)
validation = false;
return View(model);
but i am getting an error as "LDAP server not available"
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="10"/>
<membership defaultProvider="AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider">
<clear />
<add name="AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider"
type="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider,System.Web, Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName" />
<add name="ADConnectionString" connectionString="LDAP://XXXXXXX:389/DC=XXXX,DC=XXXX" />
You did not set the path to the LDAP server (currently it is null)
LdapConnection ldc = new LdapConnection(
new LdapDirectoryIdentifier((string)null, false, false)
To debug, get rid of try..catch and see where exactly the error comes from. You might need to verify the path with your network administrator or use any tool like LDAP Browser where you could see if path and credentials would work.
Also, make sure that the way you want to authenticate is correct. If this is an intranet application then it might be that you could setup integrated Windows authentication which will not require any custom login process and can be configured on IIS.
I am using MVC4, I try to add user account to role:
my code is:
var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = model.UserName };
UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);
if (!Roles.RoleExists("Admin"))
Roles.AddUserToRoles(model.UserName, new[] { "Admin" });
and my web.conf is:
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider ="AspNetSqlRoleProvider">
<add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="AUI_Connection2" applicationName="/"/>
and i get “Illegal characters in path”??
Please help me for this issue.
I have used asp .net membership. while creating new user using asp .net membership using below code. i am getting membership provoder error. can anyone tell me the solution for
MembershipCreateStatus status;
//MembershipUser u = Membership.CreateUser(username, password, email, question,
// answer, true, out status);
MembershipUser u = Membership.CreateUser(username, password, email, question,
answer, true, out status);
if (u == null)
throw new MembershipCreateUserException(GetErrorMessage(status));
return u;
i have properly set web.config file. please tell me if i am missing anything. here is my web.config file membeship tag. and my database is mysql :
add name="MySQLMembershipProvider"
type="MySql.Web.Security.MySQLMembershipProvider, MySql.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d"
This is my error :MembershipCreateStatus.ProviderError
MembershipCreateStatus status;
Membership.CreateUser(username, password, email, question,
answer, true, out status);
if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false);
// Redirect to page
//get the error message here
return ErrorCodeToString(createStatus);
// if you get to here, throw an exception!
private static string ErrorCodeToString(MembershipCreateStatus createStatus)
// See for
// a full list of status codes.
switch (createStatus)
case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName:
return "User name already exists. Please enter a different user name.";
//add the rest of the error codes here....
I created a custom membership provider and am getting the following error trying to create a new "MembershipUser".
Could not load type 'MyTestApp.Membership.TestMembershipProvider' from assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
I am running this from a Unit Test project, so I'm not sure if that's causing the issue, but I did include System.Web, System.Web.ApplicationServices as well as a reference to MyApp.Membership and MyApp.DataModels (Entity objects).
The error happens inside my "GetUser" function which is below, my configuration is also below.
public override MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline)
AccountEntities db = new AccountEntities();
if ((providerUserKey is Guid) == false)
return null;
User user = (from u in db.Users
where u.UserId == (Guid)providerUserKey
&& u.Application.LoweredApplicationName == this.ApplicationName.ToLower()
select u).FirstOrDefault();
if (user != null)
{ // ERROR: Starts here, user object is correct, data is all there.
return new MembershipUser(this.ProviderName, user.UserName, (object)user.UserId, user.Email, user.PasswordQuestion, user.Comment, user.IsApproved, user.IsLockedOut, user.CreateDate, user.LastLoginDate, user.LastActivityDate, user.LastPasswordChangedDate, user.LastLockoutDate);
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
this.WriteToEventLog(ex, "Unable to get user from object '{" + ((Guid)providerUserKey).ToString() + "}'.", "Get User");
return null;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add name="AccountEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Account.AccountDataModel.csdl|res://*/Account.AccountDataModel.ssdl|res://*/Account.AccountDataModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='Data Source="EDITED";Initial Catalog=CustomAuthentication;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=EDITED;Password=EDITED;MultipleActiveResultSets=True'" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
<membership defaultProvider="TestMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
<add name="TestMembershipProvider" type="MyTestApp.Membership.TestMembershipProvider"
description="Membership Test"
requiresUniqueEmail="true" />
I just noticed I missed the below part in the configuration
type="MyTestApp.Membership.TestMembershipProvider, MyTestApp.Membership"
Works now!