css media queries: target mobile devices without specifying width, pixel ratio, etc - css

Let's say I just want to target every tablet and phone, regardless of size, is there a media query for this? Is it possible to do this without specifying a size? Or is using a size the only way to target mobile devices, and not desktops?

I've been struggling with this for a few days, but a good way to check for handheld devices is the max-device-width. Desktop pc's don't send this to the browser, but most (if not all) handhelds do use this.
In my case I wanted to show a compressed version of the site on all devices (including desktop) when below a certain width, for which I used
#media all and (max-width: 640px)
But a certain overlay popup that used position: fixed had to be changed on handhelds only (because the css property works in all desktop browsers but not on all handhelds). So for that I used an additional rule:
#media all and (max-device-width: 640px)
In which I target all handhelds below 640 but not desktop browsers. Incidentally, this also doesn't target iPads (which is how I wanted it) because it has a higher device width than 640px.
If you just want to target all devices just pick a low min width (1px) so that it doesn't exclude any device regardless of width.

In the CSS3 spec, #media handeld is mentioned but it has perhaps no browser support.
So, no.
However, you might find this site useful, it explains other some media query techniques for mobile.

I don't think you'll have too much luck with a pure css approach. You'll want to do something along the lines of the modernizer.js approach and us JS to detect device and append a class name to body based on that.
What is the best way to detect a mobile device in jQuery?
Then include that class in your media queries to special case mobile devices of varying sizes.


How to detect screen size (e.g. large desktop monitor vs small smartphone screen) with CSS media queries?

Consider two screens:
same resolution
same orientation
but different physical sizes
Exempla gratia:
How can i target different screen sizes with CSS media queries?
Because, for example:
for the one 1920px wide display, it is uncomfortable to read the long lines of text that stretch edge-to-edge, and you'd want some padding, margin, or other spacing to narrow the text
but for the other 1920px wide display, you want text to go edge-to-edge
Bonus Chatter
And you can't try to invoke User-Agent strings:
i'm asking about CSS media queries, not User-Agent strings
the 4" screen could be connected to a PC
the 18" screen could be connected to a phone.
And you can't try to weasel out of the question by talking about orientation, or by musing if the screen supports touch or not, nor can you use the handheld attribute
I'm asking about using CSS to style a page based on the (physical) size of the screen.
Bonus Reading
Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used (tries to rely on resolution)
Media Queries: How to target desktop, tablet, and mobile? (tries to rely on resolution)
How To Build A Mobile Website
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website
Using Media Queries For Responsive Design In 2018
What media query breakpoints should I use? (tries to rely on resolution) ("breakpoints" is another word for "pixels")
Media Query for Large Desktop
CSS media queries for handheld and not small browser screens
Media query about screen size instead of resolution
Well a typical media query for this would use min-width or max-width to hide or show things depending on display size. This is dependent on a <meta> tag which tells the browser to use the physical width of the display as the viewport width rather than using the resolution of the display as the viewport width.
For example:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
#media all and (max-width: 600px)
/*Put your mobile styles here*/
It's not a perfect solution and doesn't really account for touch interfaces for tablets or other larger mobile displays, but it's a good place to start for building mobile user interfaces.
It's important to emphasize that this is intended for displays in which the content is scaled. I know for fact that most modern mobile devices use scaling (2x/3x on iOS and xhdpi/xxhdpi on Android), but it should also work with Windows scaling, though I'm not 100% sure on that and don't have a way to test it at the moment.
These media queries can accept any CSS unit as well, so you could very well use actual inches if you wish.
#media all and (max-width: 3.5in) { /* ... */ }

Target desktop device with #media query in mobile-first css

I'm doing a mobile-first approach but now I need to target desktop browsers only to style the scrollbars in chrome.
#media (min-width: X) isn't what I'm looking for, I really want to target the device
#media not handheld doesn't work because iOS and android think they're not handhelds
I know that #media only screen should target mobile devices but what is the opposite? The closest I came was #media not only screen but that doesn't work.
EDIT: To clarify. With mobile-first I mean that I don't want to style the scrollbars for all devices and then make an exception for mobile. I want it the other way around: mobile should be the default, desktops are the exception
EDIT 2: More clarification. I'm not looking to target desktop because of a breakpoint in size, I want to target capabilities and/or behaviour. For example, using the :hover selector on mobile is bad because touchscreens don't have mice but they DO activate that selector when you tap an element and then never de-activate it until you tap something else. They treat it as :focus. So I would not want to declare that except for desktop (again, desktop should be the exception here, not the other way around).

"Proportional" media queries using viewport-units

iOS8/Safari doesn't seem to understand / support media queries containing viewport units like: (max-height: 175vw). It works just fine on iOS9 devices though. I tried using max-aspect-ratio and max-device-aspect-ratio but they're also being ignored.
Does anyone have any idea why this isn't working or know of any other way of creating media queries that are not tied to proportions/aspect ratios instead of specific screen sizes?
Explanation (or, why do I even need this?)
We're working on an ios/android app using Cordova and instead of having to worry about breakpoints and all different screen sizes, we decided to use viewport units quite extensively and only worry about a few aspect ratio / screen size proportions.
So, right now, the styles we have work fine on devices like iPhone 5, 6, 6+, most Android devices (and any other device that share these proportions or anything in between).
Now, devices like iPhone4 and iPads have considerably different proportions; they're more 'square' per say. To account for that, we just need a media query for 7/4 and below proportions and (max-height: 175vw) works just fine on iOS9 and Android devices (we're using Crosswalk for Android, so consider Chrome too), but doesn't seem to work on iOS8/Safari.
Just had an idea. For now I'll use (max-height: 175vw) and that should fix all Android devices (at least 4.4 that we're supporting) and iOS9 devices. After that, I may just need an extra media query for iPhone4 and/or iPad.
It seems like aspect-ratio is supported for media queries by now, as I have just tested in the current versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari (see demo).
#media screen and (max-aspect-ratio: 1/1) {
.landscape { display: none; }
Please take note that you have to specify the ratio in form of a division (e.g. 16/9). Floating point values (e.g. 1.7777) will not supported.
Of course, in a media query, min-aspect-ratio is functionally aequivalent to max-width with the corresponding value in viewport units (vh) – but better supported by browsers.
Until viewport units are really supported, you can use cordova-anyscreen to accomplish what you want. https://github.com/biodiv/cordova-anyscreen .
You will also be able to support Android down to 4.0, maybe even 2.3 (which might not be important) and iOS 6+.
Proportional Layout is done in reference to a screen with the dimensions 1080*1920. So if you want 50% width you would use 540px. The display is measured by the script and it recalculates the 540px matching the screen.

CSS media queries for modern mobile browsers

I'm having a problem with my media queries where I want to target phones, tablets or computers. the problem is that today some phones and tablets have a high screen resolution.
I can´t seem to find a proper combination to achieve this. Could you help me and post the queries that you guys use for your websites? I've been working on these for days, to no avail.
Should I use some JavaScript library for this?
I found a very good jquery library that seems to be very reliable with today's devices. And even though it is not being developed anymore, I found that it successfully detected all the devices tested, regular phones and tablets, high ppi phones and tablets, and desktop or laptop computers.
Try it out, and see if it works for you too
There is no way to make everyone happy. For our upcoming responsive website we used a few breakpoints
1920px - is our biggest, we cut off at this point
We have our server output classes on the body to detect classes (can be done with modernizr I think, never used it), for example, .iphone, android, .mobile, .phone, .tablet
So if you are using an iphone we would get
.iphone and .phone on the body tag
For some pages we also defined breakpoints at 320px and 480px
We use jquery for everything, just a warning, jquery runs fairly slow on Samsung tablets, man do we hate that device
Example of media query (we use LESS)
// normal styles
#media only screen and (max-width: #maxTabletWidth) {
// less than 1024px styles, yes I know 1280px is also tablet
#media only screen and (max-width: #maxPhoneWidth) {
// less than 768px styles
Good luck
Having built quite a few responsive websites, I find that instead of specifying 'x' width for a desktop monitor, 'y' width for a tablet, and 'z' width for a mobile; it's better to use breakpoints to ensure your site works across all browser sizes.
That said, a good site to look at if you're interested in various screen sizes is screensiz.es, where you can see popularity stats as well as their physical pixel widths.
Being device agnostic means that you won't have to readapt designs, and builds when Apple, or Samsung release their super thin, or super chunky devices.
A final suggestion to aid the functionality on the variety of devices would be to employ something like Modernizr to detect touch events.
Hope that helps.
I wonder if you are using the right tool for the job. Responsive design lets you stop trying to target specific devices or guess what the specifics of the next iPad / smartphone will be.
Set the break points to manage the layout of your design at different viewports and you are 90% done ;)

Css Media Queries specifically for tablets

I have a media query -->#media all AND (max-width: 1024)..which works well on a Samsung tablet, but I need this to only apply on th tablet and not on the pc. If the device is a pc, it should only #media screen and (max-width: 768px).. how do I go about it?
you can not check for the device (pc, tablet, handheld) with media queries, only for the device width (more, i know, but op ask for device-width).
Maybe this article will help you understand more of it?
Media query should never be device specific - you simply say 'for an output of this size do this, but for an output of a different size, do that'. Whether it's a phone, PC, tablet, kiosk, watch or anything else should be irrelevant. For this reason, media query doesn't enable you to query hardware as such.
You may want different behaviour (rather than style) based on device capability, e.g.. is this a 'touch' device? But that should be managed in JS rather than CSS.
What is the actual goal of your query? Does it matter that the CSS is applied to a PC as well as a tablet?
The short answer: you don't.
The longer answer: you're going about it the wrong way.
It's easy to fall into the trap of using screen widths to target specific devices, but that's an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole. Why? Because the widths of mobile devices overlap with the widths of desktops.
For example, here are a list of screen widths, can you guess which ones are desktop?
Guess what? I bet you're wrong about your guesses. 1024 and up seems like a "desktop" resolution, but iPhone 5 Retina is 1136x640, and the 3rd generation iPad is 2048x1536. To make things even more complicated, many people on desktops don't keep their browsers maximized, so device width does not equate to browser width. And what happens on the Kindle, which has a higher resolution, but also increases the text size?
And more devices are coming to the market on a regular basis.
So, your best bet? Abandon the idea of targeting specific devices or device classes altogether. If you absolutely have to, use JavaScript to look for touch screens (as that's the most likely reason you need to adjust the interface specifically for a class of devices).
You can still use media queries to target widths (or better yet, in my experience, use proportional media queries), but don't expect it to necessarily work on a given device.
