Ack: Search directory tree for files with a particular extension - ack

I basically just want to do ack foo *.citrus and have ack drill down and find the string 'foo' in all Citrus files in the current directory and below. The trouble is that this won't work if there aren't any Citrus files in the current directory.
I tried messing with -G without success. Do I really need to add a file type in .ackrc just to limit the search to files with a given extension?

As suggested by Andy Lester, you can also create a typeset without taking the trouble to add it in your .ackrc file:
ack --type-set=cit=.citrus --cit "foo"

By default, ack searches only in files with known types ( like *.java, *.cpp etc. ). It doesn't know about files *.citrus, so to search in such files you must use -a cmd line switch:
$ack -a -G '\.citrus$' foo

You don't have to set it in .ackrc if you don't want. You can also set ACK_OPTIONS in your environment, or specify --type-set arguments on the command line. ack doesn't care.


Ack dooesn't show the line number when i search in the single file

example) When I search the exec in proc.c file,
$ ack allocproc proc.c
p = allocproc();
if((np = allocproc()) == 0){
// Return to "caller", actually trapret (see allocproc).
but when I search in the whole directory,
$ ack allocproc
---- blah blah blah ----
84: p = allocproc();
139: if((np = allocproc()) == 0){
357: // Return to "caller", actually trapret (see allocproc).
... I want to show lines when I search a string in the single file...
Maybe add a line in .bashrc alias ackl='ack -H'
and use ackl command as default... will solve this temporarily.
The -H flag in ack will force ack to put a file header and line number on every file. This behavior is copied directly from GNU grep.
You point out the option of creating a shell alias. Another option is to put the -H in an ackrc file. ack supports three different places to find an ackrc. There's a system-wide one in /etc/ackrc, there's one that's personal to you in your ~/.ackrc file, and you can also have a project-specific file, typically in the root of a project.
For more about ackrc files, look at the ack manual (ack --man is one way to see it) and look for the section "THE .ackrc FILE" and "ACKRC LOCATION SEMANTICS".
The one downside to putting -H in your .ackrc is that it will always be in force no matter how you call ack, so if, for example, you're piping output from one process through ack, ack will still show the heading and line numbers.
One other way to deal with this: Just add the -H option when you need it.
I've discovered that, in both grep and ack, if they behave differently with one file than they do with multiple files, you can force the multiple-file behavior by including /dev/null as a second file to search through.
Of course, using the -H switch is much cleaner (and has the advantage of being listed in the documentation, so that curious maintainers can see the exact purpose behind its use), but if you're in a pinch and don't have the documentation available (or if you're using some other program that behaves differently with one vs. with multiple files), then using /dev/null will probably work.
I don't recommend using this /dev/null technique in commands called in scripts -- in such cases, the -H switch is the preferred method, unless for some reason -H is literally unavailable to you.

How to generate translation file (.po, .xliff, .yml,...) from a Symfony2/Silex project?

Im going to build a Silex/Symfony2 project and I have been looking around for a method to generate XLIFF/PO/YAML translation files based on texts-to-be-translated inside the project but not found any instruction or documentation on it.
My question is: Is there an automated way to generate translation file(s) in specific format for a Symfony2/Silex project?
If yes, please tell me how to generate the file then update the translation after that.
If no, please tell me how to create translation file(s) then adding up more text for my project? I am looking for an editor desktop based or web-based instead of using normal editor such as Transifex, GetLocalization (but they dont have option to create a new file or add more text)
After a long time searching the internet, I found a good one:
I see you've found a converter, but to answer your first question about generating your initial translation file -
If you have Gettext installed on your system you could generate a PO file from your "texts-to-be-translated inside the project". The command line program xgettext will scan the source files looking for whatever function you're using.
To scan PHP files for instances of the trans method call as shown here you could use the following command -
find . -name "*.php" | xargs xgettext --language=PHP --keyword=trans --output=messages.pot
To your question about editors:
You could use any PO editor, such as POEdit, to manage your translations, but as you say you eventually need to convert the PO file to either an XLIFF or YAML language pack for Symfony.
I see you've already found a converter tool. You may also like to try the one I wrote for Loco. It supports PO to YAML, and PO to XLIFF
Workaround for busy people (UNIX)
You can run the following command in the Terminal:
$ grep -rEo --no-filename "'.+'\|\btrans\b" templates/ > output.txt
This will output the list of messages to translate:
'Please provide your email'|trans
'Please provide your phone number'|trans
I mean almost.. But you can usually do some work from here...
Obviously you must tweak the command to your liking (transchoice, double-quotes instead of single...).
Not ideal but can help!
grep options
grep -R, -r, --recursive: Read all files under each directory, recursively this is equivalent to the -d recurse option.
grep -E, --extended-regexp: Interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression.
grep -o, --only-matching: Show only the part of a matching line that matches PATTERN.
grep -h, --no-filename: Suppress the prefixing of filenames on output when multiple files are searched.

Change to xth directory terminal

Is there a way in a unix shell (specifically Ubuntu) to change directory into the xth directory that was printed from the ls command?
I know you can sort a directory in multiple ways, but using the output from ls to get the xth directory?
An example shell:
$ ls
$ first_dir second_dir third_really_long_and_complex_dir
where I want to move into the third_really_long_and_complex_dir by passing 3 (or 2 in proper array format).
I know I could simply copy and paste, but if I'm already using the keyboard, it would be easier to type something like "cdls 2" or something like that if I knew the index.
The main problem with cd in an interactive session is that you generally want to change the current directory of the shell that is processing the command prompt. That means that launching a sub-shell (e.g. a script) would not help, since any cd calls would not affect the parent shell.
Depending on which shell you are using, however, you might be able to define a function to do this. For example in bash:
function cdls() {
# Save the current state of the nullglob option
SHOPT=`shopt -p nullglob`
# Make sure that */ expands to nothing when no directories are present
shopt -s nullglob
# Get a list of directories
# Restore the nullblob option state
# cd using a zero-based index
cd "${DIRS[$1]}"
Note that in this example I absolutely refuse to parse the output of ls, for a number of reasons. Instead I let the shell itself retrieve a list of directories (or links to directories)...
That said, I suspect that using this function (or anything to this effect) is a very good way to set yourself up for an enormous mess - like using rm after changing to the wrong directory. File-name auto-completion is dangerous enough already, without forcing yourself to count...

making a dicomdir-File useing dcmtk: useing "absolute" Path?

I want to create a dicmdir file using dcmmkdir where the file-path isn't the same as the dicomdir-path.
File stored in C:\Dicompath
Dicomdir should be stored in H:\tmp
dcmmkdir -v +r -Pmi +D H:\tmp\ +id C:\Dicompath\
Does anybody know what I have to do getting my vision?
According to the documentation for the associated dcmgpdir application, you need to specify a file name with the +D option. For most reliable outcome, I also believe you need to specify a (dummy) file name pattern with option +p:
dcmmkdir -v +r -Pmi +D H:\tmp\DICOMDIR +id C:\Dicompath\ +p *.*

Renaming files in directory with various endings on Mac?

Trying to rename a set of files in a directory with various filetypes, all with one common word, say 'foo', to another word, say 'bar' on a MacBook Pro.
Any ideas?
Use with care:
ls | grep foo | while read -r name; do echo mv "$name" "${name//foo/bar}"; done
That will report the commands it will run when you omit "echo". Inspect
the results, then rerun with "echo" omitted. This makes no attempt to work
on files with newlines in the name, nor does it recurse into subdirectories. If you want to work with files whose name begins with ., add -a to the invocation of ls. For safety's sake, you may want to add -i to the invocation of mv. Certainly make a backup first.
I don't have access to a Mac, but under Ubuntu you can use the rename command for this. Here's the man page in case that command is available
