Share ASP.Net web application authentication with another web sites -

I have an large ASP.Net web application that will have a large number of users and I want to make this site accessible from other sites by take the credentials uses to have authentication to other sites on another domains, to make it easy to understand from you the idea like this site we can access it by using Yahoo, Google or Facebook account
my web application use form authentications.
any Idea to do this
Thanks all

I have tried to find out the links which might help you in your course to support multi-website authentication :-
Facebook Authentication
Google Authentication

If you use the passport authentication provider instead of the forms provider on your web site this would enable authentication across domains that support this. This works if you can implement this across your domains or you're using existing sites that already support this.


Multi-Tenant Application Owin External Logins

I'm building a Multi-Tenant application and I'm having problems for specify multiple sub-domains for a Facebook and Google external login witn Owin and WIF.
The tenants are using a sub-domain for example:
With Facebook and Google I can't specify multiple sub-domains for returns url of an application.
What are other solutions to this problem?
I thought about building a single login page, and after making the login to identify users, and perform the routing to tenant corresponding subdomain. The problem is that each tenant access his own database, and this solution involves having a common database of all users.
In short, I need to use external logins with a multi-tenant with a subdomain for each tenant. I do not think this problem is so rare, and the answers in stackoverflow are old, and no longer apply because have changed the application settings in Facebook and Google.
Finally, we adopt a solution-type like Single Sign On Server, which separates all user management from applications.
We recommend for such solutions, Identity Server v3 (

SSO between ASP.Net and JSP

I built an ASP.Net MVC 4 application which uses forms authentication by means of a custom membership provider inheriting from the Simple Membership.
Everything is working fine, but now I have a new requirement: I need to integrate a JSP application with mine.
This means that it has to authenticate against the same user database of my application and that they should somehow share the session in order to achieve a kind of Single Sign-On among the two applications (if an user is already authenticated in the ASP.Net application, he should be able to access the JSP application without logging in again, and vice-versa).
What architecture do you suggest me to use?
I would like to change as little as possible the ASP.Net application.
If you need to auhtenticate accross different domains:
You can implement your own security token service (like facebook, google does) Here is some ready to use implementation:
If the sites are running on the same domain (subdomain), then you can try to share an authentication cookie within these domains.
An explaining article: site lost authentication when login in other site on same server

I have 2 website in the same ISS7 webserver.
Both site use forms authentication.
When I'm logged in on first web site and I try to login on second web site, I lost authentication on fisrt one.
I need use both site on same browser and now is impossible.
What can I do to solve my problem?
I found solution in this post
Multiple applications using same login database logging each other out
Ensure that both web applications are using the same machineKey values in the web.configs. This is used for encryption/decryption of the forms authentication ticket. There is really good information here:

Sharing Windows Authentication between SharePoint and ASP.Net Web Application

We have a SharePoint web application that uses Windows Authentication e.g.
We also have an ASP.NET web application that uses Windows Authentication e.g.
However when navigating between the two applications, users must authenticate a second time. Is there a way to prevent this?
I have searched the web but have been unable to find a suitable answer. I have seen many examples using Forms Based Authentication but this is not a viable option since we are using the Active Directory.
Thanks in advance.
What is the authentication scheme you are using: NTLM / Kerberos ?
If you are using Kerberos, you can simply enable credential delegation between two applications.
If you are using NTLM, the only solution is to put them in Intranet zone. You can enforce it using Domain policy. Not that this will work only if the users are logged on to domain.

Sharing Forms Authentication between ASP.NET Web Site and Web Service

I have a web site and web service on the same server. The users log into the web site, which calls the web service to perform processing. The web service must ensure that only authenticated users access it. I thought that the easiest way to do this would be to share forms authentication between the two applications, since the user is already logged into the web site, but it does not work. The web service never sees the authenticated user. I tested creating another web site and sharing forms authentication between the two web sites and it worked fine, so I know the problem is specific to the web service.
Is it possible to share forms authentication between a web site and web service?
If not, what would be the best way of accomplishing the same end result, keeping in mind that I only have access to the user's password when they log into the web site.
