Hiding elements with negative margin - css

I have read (actually here on SO, but cannot find the post at the moment) about a way to hide elements with negative margins.
I recall, that the answer contained a deep explanation on why to do this, and the benefits over other methods (visibility: hidden; position: absolute;, display: none). And yes, the method provided a way to remove the element out of the document flow (possibly hackish, not valid).
Have I been dreaming about this or there is such a way? If there is, then yes, I would love the little in-depth explanation.
Thanks in advance!

Are you trying to hide block level elements like a div, or just the text on a link that's got a background image, for instance. If it's the second item, the CSS you're looking for is text-indent. I've used it in the past like this:
a.button {
/* .button is a for instance class name */
text-indent: -9999px
This will leave the block level element (the a tag) and any background you've placed on it, in the document flow, but will move the text off screen. This is a technique I've used in the past, but be careful of the text you're hiding--the search engines look at this as a quasi-black hat technique. Just make sure the hidden text doesn't look like keyword stuffing or obvious spam terms and you'll be fine.
Hope this helps.

Using negative margins is generally considered a more "accessible" way of hiding elements. Absolute positioning OR floating will remove it from the document flow.
This article summarizes several image replacement techniques.

Either you have been dreaming or you have become a victim of cargo cult coding. The obvious disadvantage of excessive negative margins is that you are relying on a maximum window size. (Excessive negative text-indent also has that problem and others.) Anything larger and the element becomes visible again. Add to that that it is nowhere specified what to do with negative margins of that magnitude.
Only with display: none you can remove an element reliably (as if it was not there). Absolute positioning takes an element out of the normal flow, which is not the same as removing it.


On centering a div (margin:0px auto; vs display:inline-block, etc.)

NOTE: the motivation behind this post is solely to understand CSS better. CSS remains mostly voodoo to me (despite hours and hours and hours of studying it), and I'm certainly not looking for any more voodoo (i.e. more "workarounds" or "hacks"). I'm looking for insight into CSS.
I have found two approaches for centering a div within its container. (Throughout this post I'll call the div to be centered #inner-div.)
The first approach is based on giving #inner-div the spec margin:0px auto;; the second one consists in giving #inner-div the spec display:inline-block.
AFAICT, the margin:0px auto approach also requires explicitly setting the width of the div, as illustrated in this jsFiddle; the key bit of CSS is
#inner-div {
margin:0px auto;
(To see what happens if the width specification above is omitted, see this jsFiddle.)
Similarly, AFAICT, the display:inline-block also requires 1) giving the spec text-align:centered to the element containing #inner-div, and 2) preventing the extraneous bottom-margin that the display:inline-block entails for #inner-div (this could be achieved, e.g., by giving the spec vertical-align:top to #inner-div and, AFAICT, any additional descendants with display:inline or display:inline-block). See this jsFiddle, in particular the following bits of CSS:
#outer-div {
#inner-div {
I find both approaches problematic. The second approach is clearly problematic, since the display:inline-block gives the affected div text-like semantics, resulting in unexpected behavior (like the seemingly gratuitous bottom margin mentioned above).
The first approach, on the other hand, requires the specification of #inner-div's width. This precludes the possibility of having this width specified implicitly by the widths of the contents of #inner-div. I don't like this: I often need to center divs whose width is difficult for me to determine, even at run-time (e.g. this width may depend on font-metrics, or the way the flow works itself out within #inner-div, etc.). After all, as the jsFiddle's given in this post show, the browser already computes the height of the #inner-div based on its contents (IOW, one doesn't have to explicitly specify #inner-div's height for the browser to do the right thing). Why can't the browser also compute #inner-div's width?
It seems to me that any reasonable layout system would allow one to say to the browser: "figure out the width of this div, based on the width of its contents, and center it within its container".
My question has two parts:
I'm looking for a well-informed confirmation that CSS really does not provide any way to direct the browser to compute the width of a div (based on its contents) and then center said div within its containing element; and
if the answer to the last question is "yes", is this so merely due to poor design on the part of the creators of CSS, or is there a good reason for CSS not to support this natural (to me at least) functionality?
Note: these are difficult questions; the second, in particular, requires not only a a command of the CSS standard, but also an understanding of the design of CSS itself: a pretty tall order!
Without a given width to work with, how would the browser know how to calculate the flow wrapping? It would be nice to tell the browser to 'make it look good', but they just aren't that smart. I feel your pain though; a fixed minimum width with a on-overflow-expand would make life easier.
How about setting the width as a percentage of the page width, or setting it dynamically with script?
I agree setting the div to a inline-block/table-cell/whatever introduces more trouble than it is worth.
BTW "margin: auto;" is enough, "margin:0px auto;" seems contradictory.

Is there any HTML element that exists as the quintessential inline-block?

The div is the quintessential block level element, and the span is the inline counterpart. They are the simplest possible form of that display type, with no other properties. In a great many cases I will give either of them the style:
display: inline-block;
This makes them behave in a very handy way. For div it means boxes that will easily sit next to each-other, while maintaining their width and height as defined. For the span I can use this to make colorful rectangles. The inline-block display is great for so many things, but I have never seen an element that starts as an inline-block without anything else going on.
Images (img) are, but they are obviously not suited for the same things as a div, they have that style, but they fulfill a different purpose.
So is there an element that I don't know of that is the quintessential inline-block, or is this left out?
And if not, why? The uses of inline-block are numerous, so it seems like there should be some element that takes that basic form.
There's no such element, and there are some good reasons why not.
inline-block has several uses in contemporary web design. However it is not part of the original design, which only includes block and inline elements. Instead it derives from <img> as added by NSCA Mosaic. (Which uses the wrong markup and helped defeat the original "responsive design". I think we've only just started to fix the problems with img).
Further down the timeline, inline-block still wasn't part of IE4 or 5, or any version of Netscape. It wasn't part of the early HTML4 era. So we wouldn't expect to find your hypothetical element in that version of the standard. inline-block only appears in CSS2, which came after HTML4. (Look at the reference section in each standard).
Unlike block, inline-block is affected by whitespace in the markup. It's implied by the name, and it's what you'd expect from looking at <img> in the middle of some text (aka wordprocessor object anchored "as character"). But beyond its origins there, the whitespace-dependent markup soon becomes very troublesome. I wouldn't expect W3C HTML5 to enshrine this in a new element.
Specifying it would certainly involve argument about "semantics", separation of content and presentation etc. (As well as what to call it :). And if the default rendering makes whitespace significant - is that not part of the semantics of that element? Consider using images to represent words - or individual letters of a word (with appropriate alt text). This illustrates that the presence of whitespace (or not) around this element would be semantically significant, just like the presenceofwhitespaceseparatingwordsissemanticallysignificant. That seems like a big problem to me.
inline-block is often promoted as a modern alternative to using float everywhere. But neither is genuinely suitable. This is why CSS3 will standardize new layout modes: "flexbox" and "grid", to support modern responsive designs with genuine, clean markup. No dummy markup (or dummy generated content). No hacking around whitespace-dependence.
The only elements I can think of that have an in-line appearance, but allow for a width and height to be set, are:
select, and
The only element here, though, that can take HTML content is the button element; which is not an ideal use of the button since it's intended to be an element with which the user might/should interact; rather than simply a container element.
While you may have multiple uses for such an element, there's no convincing reason, given the ease with which the display property might be changed, that the W3C, or any other authority, should explicitly define one; especially given that the only difference between inline and inline-block is the ability to assign dimensions and margin.
The img tag is inline-block by default:
Edit: You can check this SO question: Is <img> element block level or inline level?

A depth (z-index) nightmare

The best way to illustrate this question is with...a Fiddle! Before you visit the fiddle, notice there is text behind the grayest element, which is on top of a light gray element that has a border.
There is a main wrapping div (root), and two wrapping divs inside (wrap1 and wrap2). The problem here is that I need the content of wrap2 (highlight) to be behind the content of wrap1 (text), but in front of the background of the root.
This, however, must not change:
The HTML, the elements and wraps should be left untouched. Excluding the order of wrap1 and wrap2 inside root.
The highlight div must keep the absolute positioning.
Styling highlight with background-color is not an option, the existence of highlight is a must.
PS: the italics reference the id's of <div>s in the fiddle example, for whomever was too lazy to visit it.
I was able to display the text in front of the highlight by adding a z-index to text. (Adding the z-index to wrap1 also works.) The trick is to remember that z-index doesn't apply to statically-positioned elements, so you need to give the same div position: relative.
#text {
position: relative;
z-index: 1000;
(Large z-index because I've been bitten by IE not respecting low values in the past. May or may not still be an issue. ;-)
z-index can be difficult to grasp. I think somebody already answered your question, but if you want to learn more how they work, this is a pretty comprehensive guide:
And also, here is a link where you can try out different z-index and how they are affected by different position properties (the main reason for difficulty)

CSS Floats & Collapsing White Space

I have a page generated by a database. It creates a DIV for each entry (extremely simplified for sake a question). Each of these DIVs have a set width, and float left.
However, these DIVs don't have a set height, so occasionally the following as depicted in the image happens. Is there a good way to prevent this from happening, and the white space just 'collapsing?'
The link to the prototype site. Here
I think this article would help you:
Depending on what you have control over, you could always add clear: left; to every other element in your 2-column scenario.
Though, I beleive that the second "The Postal Shoppe" would actually be on the left, and the Brynwood Pak N Ship would be in the right column.
The problem isn't so much that "Brynwood Pak N Ship" isn't collapsing the white-space, it's that the second "The Postal Shoppe" is getting hung up trying to move all the way to the left column by the bottom right corner of the "Express Pack & Mail Center."
Setting clear: left will ensure those entries always move down far enough to "suck up" to the left edge of their parent container. But you will still see some un-evenness using that attribute; the "Brynwood Pak N Ship" will line it's top up with the newly-cleared "Postal Shoppe" showing a tiny gap at the top. Still probably preferable to what's going on currently.
You can add a clear: left attribute to every other div. Alternately, you could try using display: inline-block instead of floating left, but it's not as widely supported (I think it breaks in IE 6 or older), so you'd have to see what hacks are out there to make it work universally.
I suggest giving every box an equal height. This is visually better, and it solves your problem in one go!
I think this is difficult to solve in CSS. I like the suggestions other users have made with 'display:inline-block' and setting the height to be fixed. They both have minor drawbacks, but the situation will be better than it currently is.
If you are going to solve this "properly", we first need to agree what the proper solution is. I think it would be to have two columns, and for each element that has to be added, it is appended to the end of the currently least-full column. This won't necessarily result in elements alternately being placed in column 1 then column 2. Sometimes two (or more) small elements will be placed in column 2 to compensate for a large element in column 1, for example.
I doubt something as complicated as this is possible to define in CSS (but I've been surprised by what can be done before). It could be done using Javascript though. You could have a solution that does a fairly good job if Javascript is disabled using a purely CSS solution, and if Javascript is enabled you could arrange them more elegantly.
I'm not sure it is worth the effort of implementing this though. Some of the existing suggestions seem reasonable compromises, and if it were me, I'd probably go with the inline-block solution, but I thought I'd throw this idea out anyway.
This can be solved now using flex-direction and column-count:
.parent {
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 1.25rem;
.child-class {
flex-direction: column;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
I'm not sure if it's supported in all browsers but it's an easy css solution.

What is the best UI/CSS combination when displaying strings of unknown length?

I have a list of items that I am displaying in a floated list, with each item in the list at a fixed width so that there's two per row. What is the best practice to prevent this horrible thing from happening:
alt text http://x01.co.uk/floated_items.gif
Trim to a specified number of characters before displaying the data. Requires guesswork on how many characters will be "safe".
Overflow: hidden. Hacky.
Remove the background and just have a top border on each item.
Possible but silly:
Have a scrollbar in each item by doing overflow: auto, this will look horrendous.
Add a background image to the container. It's not guaranteed that there's always an equal number of items so this option is out.
Any help on this irritating issue appreciated!
Are you using a fixed font size, i.e. specified in px? If not you also need to consider the various text size options of each browser which is probably going to make the concept of trimming the string redundant. If it is fixed then perhaps seeing how many Ws you can fit in and restricting your text to that -3 and appending an ellipsis, not sure what this list is for so that's one approach.
Personally I'd probably use overflow:hidden as that covers all eventualities and ensures that it'll always keep your layout consistent.
I guess the last option would be to keep a tight control over what can be added to the list and prevent the problem occuring in the first place. Prevention better than cure as they say, although probably unhelpfully.
There are scripts that help with this by comparing the li in blocks of two and making them both equal to the tallest.
Usually, rather than thinking what's best from a css point of view though, you should consider what presentation you want, then get the css/JavaScript to get you to your desired effect.
If this is something that you're just wanting out of the way, consider using a gradient background image that highlights the top of the li and suggests the block without actually filling it in.
Adding link to a jQuery solution: Equalize
One solution would be to have a alpha-based PNG that would slowly fade the text to the backgroundcolor of your container, on the last 10px or so. That would look good if some text are considerebly shorter than the long ones, however in the case where the text would be equal to the container it could look kinda silly.
Of course, in combination with display: hidden and white-space: no-wrap
From an accessibility point of view it's not a good idea to simply hide the title, since that could hide content on people who increase font sizes due to bad eyesight. Your design should be able to float when hit by bad resolutions or similar obstructions, even if it floats into something less pleasing to the eye.
Now if I understand your issue with the background image correctly, I believe your problem could be solved using the techniques describes in the ALA article on sliding doors, where the background image expands with the content.
Here's some controversy for you.. use a table?
Sounds like you have a grid of data to me, would a table answer this problem for you?
It also raises the question, do you actually want the items to be the same height, or just have the same amount of black background behind them? You could apply the black to the row's background, then create the centre white separator with borders and margins.
You could try using:
ul li{
Don't know about cross browser consistensy though.
EDIT: This is the html I'm assuming:
<li>asdf trey tyeu ereyuioquoi
<li>fdas dasf erqwt ytwere r
<li>dfsaklñd s jfañlsdjf ñkljdk ñlfas
