How to open a link like from code? -

I want to open an URL like when a user clicks on a button. How can I open this link in new tab from code (I want to read link from database)?

You can use:
Method in ASP.NET to navigate to another web page.

call JavaScript from Page Behind Code Like this.
"onLoad", "openNewWindow()", true);
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide
function openNewWindow() {
popupWin ='',
'menubar, toolbar, location, directories, status, scrollbars, resizable, dependent, width=640, height=480, left=0, top=0')
// done hiding -->
you can also do it using window.location("")

As suggested before me use
this should work as the method is designed also for absolute urls. Do not leave the http:// prefix.

<input type="button" onclick="openlink()"/>
function openlink()
document.location.href = "";

just execute the below line on button click


Jquery ajax call not working in anchor tag

I have a link which downloads a file on click. I wrote a function on onclick event of that link tag to do some ajax operations when it is clicked.
But the function is not getting called when we click on that link.
However, if i debug the code or place a alert box in that js function, it just works fine. what will be the cause for this?
My code:
<a href="DllLocation.dll" onclick=fntrackdownloads() ></a>
function fntrackdownloads() {
$.get("default.aspx?RT=1", Responsetrackdownloads);
Working code:
function fntrackdownloads() {
$.get("default.aspx?RT=1", Responsetrackdownloads);
Any help will be appreciated.
note: the anchor tag is generated dynamically from code behind and
written to dom. i am unaware of what dll location will come in href
$(document).("click", "a.putaclass", function(e) {
//what to do on the click
var $a=$(this);
$.get(pathtoserver,function(d) {
alert('data received:'+d);
return false; //or e.preventDefault
It's probably because the default anchor behaviour interrupts your AJAX response.
Try to put return false at the end of the function that's called on click and see what happens.
I think you are missing the "quotes" here:
or more in jQuery way:

Jquery tab selection on postback

I have an page with some JQuery tabs. Everything works ok.
I added a dropdownlist in one of the tabs, that causes a postback. After the postback I want the same tab to be selected.
I initialize the tabs as:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var $myTabs = $(".tabsDiv").tabs();
Then, on the PageLoad event, I inject a script to select the tab:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "TabSelect", "$myTabs.tabs('select', 1);", true);
For some reason this doesn't work. The script is running but the tabs are not selected.
Is it because the RegisterClientScriptBlock places the script in the bottom of the page and, for some reason, it runs too late?
Any help is appreciated.
Thx in advance
Calling $myTabs.tabs('select', 1); I think results in an error. $myTabs is not a global variable. It's scope is only in $(document).ready(function() { ... });
Can you try with $(".tabsDiv").tabs('select', 1); and see if it works?
It might run too early... bottom of the page is good, try this instead:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "TabSelect",
"$(document).ready(function() { $myTabs.tabs('select', 1); });", true);
Basically, it also runs this code at the ready event.

How to trigger onload event when downloading a file in an iframe?

Suppose we have the following HTML file:
<html xmlns="">
<title>Test iframe download</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var init = 0;
function download() {
document.getElementById("dload_frame").src = "";
function alert() {
if (init == 0) {
init = 1;
else {
document.getElementById("alert_span").innerHTML = "Got it!";
<span id="alert_span">Main content.</span><br/>
<input type="button" value="Download" id="btn" onclick="download()" />
<iframe id="dload_frame" src="" onload="alert()"> </iframe>
Now, if the URL to which iframe's src is being rewritten to (in this case - "") returns HTML, no problem: the onload event fires, the span's contents are replaced, everybody's happy.
However, if the content type of the file returned by the URL is set to something that forces the browser to open the save file dialog, the iframe's onload event never fires.
Is there any workaround? Using iframes isn't necessary, the desired behavior is to launch a callback after the browser begins downloading the supplied file.
I have encountered the same problem as this:
Here is my work-around, please see if it works for you:
function download(){
var url = '';
var htm = '<iframe src="' + url +'" onload="downloadComplete()"></iframe>';
document.getElementById('frameDiv').innerHTML = htm;
<div style="display:none" id="frameDiv">
<button onclick="download()">download file</button>
As far as I can remembered iframe's onload event fires only once.
Setting another value for src attribute will not cause the onload event to fire again.
I have the same problem, onLoad handler is only fire when the content change. If you download a file. If you delete HTTP header to print file content on iframe, the onload is correctly fire.
My solution after many different approaches to get this working across ff ie safari and chrome was not have a 2 step download.
the original JS request to create an iframe loads a src that would normally have loaded the pdf
However, the src now loads a page with yet another iframe inside of it, which now contains the url of the pdf.
in the html response I trigger the onload and also a catchall setTimeout funciton which calls my response on window.parent.window.handlerfunction which my onload on the top iframe would have been. The result is a PDF download and a trigger on the top level parent of the handler function that works across the browsers since it no longer relies on detecting an actual iframe load but rather relies on supported parent/child window relationships.
hope this helps someone who was also stuck
You can check iframe readyState property repeatedly after short time intervals until it gets completed.
function iframe_onload(iframe_id, js) {
var iframe = document.getElementById(iframe_id);
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
if (iframeDoc.readyState == 'complete') {
window.setTimeout('iframe_onload("' + iframe_id + '",`' + js + '`);', 100);
You might need help of jquery for this, for instance you can do this:
$('alert_span').html(result);//or some content

What is the best approach for (client-side) disabling of a submit button?

Only disable after user clicks the submit button, but before the posting back to the server
ASP.NET Webforms (.NET 1.1)
Prefer jQuery (if any library at all)
Must be enabled if form reloads (i.e. credit card failed)
This isn't a necessity that I do this, but if there is a simple way to do it without having to change too much, I'll do it. (i.e. if there isn't a simple solution, I probably won't do it, so don't worry about digging too deep)
For all submit buttons, via JQuery, it'd be:
$('input[type=submit]').click(function() { this.disabled = true; });
Or it might be more useful to do so on form submission:
$('form').submit(function() {
$('input[type=submit]', this).attr("disabled","disabled");
But I think we could give a better answer to your question if we knew a bit more about the context.
If this is an ajax request, then you'll need to make sure you enable submit buttons again on either success or failure.
If this is a standard HTTP form submission (aside from disabling the button with javascript) and you're doing this to safe guard from multiple submissions of the same form, then you ought to have some sort of control in the code that deals with the submitted data, because disabling a button with javascript might not prevent multiple submissions.
You could do something like this:
$('form').submit(function() {
.find(":submit,:image") // get all the submit buttons
.attr({ disabled : 'disabled' }) // disable them
.end() // go back to this form
.submit(function() { // change the onsubmit to always reject.
return false;
Benefits of this:
It will work with all your forms, with all methods of submission:
clicking a submit element
pressing enter, or
calling form.submit() from some other code
It will disable all submit elements:
<input type="submit"/>
<button type="submit"></button>
<input type="image" />
it's really short.
I'm guessing that you don't want them to hit the submit button more than once while the submit is processing.
My approach has been to just hide the button entirely and display some sort of status indicator (animated gif, etc) instead.
Here's a very contrived example (it's technically in prototype but I think a jquery version would be very similar):
<script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleSubmit()
return true;
<img src="include/images/progress-wheel_lg.gif" id="progressWheel" style="display:none;"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" onclick="handleSubmit();"/>
in JQuery:
$('#SubmitButtonID').click(function() { this.disabled = true; });
On thing to be aware of is that you should not disable the button before the form is submitted. If you disable the button using javascript in the OnClick event you may lose the form submit.
So I would suggest you hide the button using javascript by placing an image above it or by moving the button out of the visible range. That should allow the form submit to proceed normally.
There are three ways to submit a form that should be covered. Use both David McLaughlin's and Jimmy's suggestions. One will disable the submit button form element while the other disables the basic HTML form submit.
For the third, these won't disable Javascript from doing a form.submit(). The OnSubmit="return false" method only applies when a user clicks the submit button or presses Enter in a input form element. Client side scripting will need to be handled as well.
How about
Code behind:
btnContinue3.Attributes.Item("onclick") = "disableSubmit()"
function disableSubmit() {
document.getElementById('btnContinue3').onclick = function() {
alert('Please only click once on the submit button!'); return false;
This doesnt solve the problem of what happens if the postback times out, but other than that it worked for me.

Call onresize from ASP.NET content page

I have a JavaScript method that I need to run on one of my pages, in particular, the onresize event.
However, I don't see how I can set that event from my content page. I wish I could just put it on my master page, but I don't have the need for the method to be called on all pages that use that master page.
Any help would be appreciated.
Place the following in your content page:
<script type="text/javascript">
// here is a cross-browser compatible way of connecting
// handlers to events, in case you don't have one
function attachEventHandler(element, eventToHandle, eventHandler) {
if(element.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent(eventToHandle, eventHandler);
} else if(element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(eventToHandle.replace("on", ""), eventHandler, false);
} else {
element[eventToHandle] = eventHandler;
attachEventHandler(window, "onresize", function() {
// the code you want to run when the browser is resized
That code should give you the basic idea of what you need to do. Hopefully you are using a library that already has code to help you write up event handlers and such.
I had the same problem and have come across this post :
IE Resize Bug Revisited
The above code works but IE has a problem where the onresize is triggered when the body tag changes shape. This blog gives an alternate method which works well
How about use code like the following in your Content Page (C#)?
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "resizeMyPage", "window.onresize=function(){ resizeMyPage();}", true);
Thus, you could have a resizeMyPage function defined somewhere in the Javascript and it would be run whenever the browser is resized!
