Find/grep statement code filter - unix

I need to generate a list of IFS files that contain a given string
("iim"). (IFS is the IBM System i database) I need to search directory /linoma/goanywhere/projects
recursively. I've been able to do this with a combination of the FIND
and GREP commands in QSHELL:
find /linoma/goanywhere/userdata/projects -type f -exec grep -lRF "iim"
'{}' ';'
Here's the rub: there is a subdirectory I want to ignore
(/linoma/goanywhere/userdata/projects/demo). How would I modify my
find/grep statement to exclude the demo folder?

find /linoma/goanywhere/userdata/projects -( -type f -and -not -path '/linoma/goanywhere/userdata/projects/demo/**' -) -exec grep -IRF 'iim' '{}' ';'
should work for GNU find, I believe. If your local find doesn't support that syntax, you might also brute-force remove by appending | grep -v /linoma/goanywhere/userdata/projects/demo


BASH: performing a regex replace on a path from find command

AIM: to find all JS|TS excluding *.spec.js files in a directory but replace the base path with ./
I have this command
find src/app/directives -name '*.[j|t]s' ! -name '*.spec.js' -exec printf "import \"%s\";\n" {} \;
which in said directory prints the marked JS files. However I want to replace the src/app with ./
I've tried playing with [[]] and this command but they don't work.
find src/app/components -name '*.[j|t]s' ! -name '*.spec.js' -exec printf "import \"%s\";\n" ${{}/src
/hi} \;
zsh: bad substitution
Given your "AIM", all you really need is:
find src/app/directives -type f -name "*.[jt]s" ! -name "*.spec.js" -printf "./%f\n"
The reason being is the '|' in your character-class isn't matching anything, but isn't hurting anything for that matter. Your second ! -name "*.spec.js" is fine. You don't need -exec and can simply use -printf "./%f\n" (where "%f" provides the filename only for the current file). You simply prepend the "./" as part of the -printf format-string.
Let me know if I misunderstood your AIM or if you have further questions.
Removing src/app/directives While Preserving Remaining Path
If you want to preserve the remainder of the path after src/app/directives (essentially just replacing it with '.'), you can use a short helper-script with the POSIX parameter expansion to trim src/app/directives from the front of the string replacing it with '.' using printf in the helper script. For example the helper could be:
printf ".%s" "${1#./src/app/directives}"
(note: the leading "./" being removed along with src/app/directives is prepended by find, the '.' added by the printf format-string will result in the returned filename being ./rest/of/path/to/filename)
Call the script whatever you like, below. Make it executable chmod +x
The find call would then be:
find src/app/directives -type f -name "*.[jt]s" ! -name "*.spec.js" -exec path/to/ '{}' \;
Give that a go and let me know if it does what you are needing.

trouble listing directories that contain files with specific file extensions

How to I list only directories that contain certain files. I am running on a Solaris box. Example, I want to list sub-directories of directory ABC that contain files that end with .out, .dat and .log .
Something along these lines might work out for you:
find ABC/ \( -name "*.out" -o -name "*.log" \) -print | while read f
echo "${f%/*}"
done | sort -u
The sort -u bit could be just uniq instead, but either should work.
Should work on bash or ksh. Probably not so much on /bin/sh - you'd have to replace the variable expansion with something like echo "${f}" | sed -e 's;/[^/]*$;;' or something else that would strip off the last component of the path. dirname "${f}" would be good for that, but I don't recall if Solaris includes that utility...

Recursively search files named string.xml for certain text

This command will search all directories and subdirectories for files containing "text"
grep -r "text" *
How do i specify to search only in files that are named 'strings.xml'?
You'll want to use find for this, since grep won't work that way recursively (as far as I know). Something like this should work:
find . -name "strings.xml" -exec grep "text" "{}" \;
The find command searches starting in the current directory (.) for a file with the name strings.xml (-name "strings.xml"), and then for each found file, execute the grep command specified. The curly braces ("{}") are a placeholder that find uses to specify the name of the file it found. More detail can be found in man find.
Also note that the -r option to grep is no longer necessary, since find works recursively.
You can use the grep command:
grep -r "text" /path/to/dir/strings.xml
grep supports an --include option whose use is to recurse in directories only searching file matching PATTERN. So, try something like below:
grep -R --include 'strings.xml' text .
I also tried using find which seems to be quite faster than grep:
find ./ -name "strings.xml" -exec grep "text" '{}' \; -print
These links speak about the same issue, might help you:
'grep -R string *.txt' even when top dir doesn't have a .txt file
Try below command
find . -type f | xargs grep "strings\.xml"
This will run grep "strings\.xml" on every file returned by find

Using mtime other than with FIND

I am trying to write a script which will move files older than 1 day to an archive directory. I used the following find command:
for filename in `find /file_path/*.* -type f -mtime +1`
This fails since my argument list is too big to be handled by find. I got the following error:
/usr/bin/find: arg list too long
Is it possible to use find in an IF-ELSE statement? Can someone provide some examples of using mtime other then in find.
Edit: To add the for loop of which the find is a part.
find /file_path -name '*.*' -mtime +1 -type f |
while read filename
do ...move operation...
That assumes your original code was acceptable in the way it handled spaces etc in file names,
and that there is no sensible way to do the move in the action of find. It also avoids problems with overlong argument lists.
Why not just use the -exec part of find?
If you just want to cp files, you could use
find /file_path -name "." -mtime +1 -type f | xargs -i mv {} /usr/local/archived

Unix Find Replace Special Characters in Multiple Files

I've got a set of files in a web root that all contain special characters that I'd like to remove (Â,€,â,etc).
My command
find . -type f -name '*.*' -exec grep -il "Â" {} \;
finds & lists out the files just fine, but my command
find . -type f -name '*.*' -exec tr -d 'Â' '' \;
doesn't produce the results I'm looking for.
Any thoughts?
to replace all non-ascii characters in all files inside the current directory you could use:
find . -type f | xargs perl -pi.bak -e 's,[^[:ascii:]],,g'
afterwards you will have to find and remove all the '.bak' files:
find . -type f -a -name \*.bak | xargs rm
I would recommend looking into sed. It can be used to replace the contents of the file.
So you could use the command:
find . -type f -name '*.*' -exec sed -i "s/Â//" {} \;
I have tested this with a simple example and it seems to work. The -exec should handle files with whitespace in their name, but there may be other vulnerabilities I'm not aware of.
tr -d 'Â'
What does the ' ' stands for? On my system using your command produces this error:
tr: extra operand `'
Only one string may be given when deleting without squeezing repeats.
Try `tr --help' for more information.
sed 's/ø//' file.txt
That should do the trick for replacing a special char with an empty string.
find . -name "*.*" -exec sed 's/ø//' {} \
It would be helpful to know what "doesn't produce the results I'm looking for" means. However, in your command tr is not provided with the filenames to process. You could change it to this:
find . -type f -name '*.*' -exec tr -d 'Â' {} \;
Which is going to output everything to stdout. You probably want to modify the files instead. You can use Grundlefleck's answer, but one of the issues alluded to in that answer is if there are large numbers of files. You can do this:
find . -type f -name '*.*' -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sed -i "s/Â//" \{\}
which should handle files with spaces in their names as well as large numbers of files.
with bash shell
for file in *.*
case "$file" in
*[^[:ascii:]]* )
mv "$file" "${file//[^[:ascii:]]/}"
I would use something like this.
for file in `find . -type f`
# Search for char end remove it. Save file as
sed -e 's/[ۉ]//g' $file > $
mv $ $file
The above script will fail as levislevis85 has mentioned it with spaces in filenames. This would not be the case if you use the following code.
find . -type f | while read file
# Search for char end remove it. Save file as
sed -e 's/[ۉ]//g' "$file" > "$file".new
mv "$file".new "$file"
