How to use ASP.NET Membership for User Defined Permissions -

I have a simple ASP.NET MVC 3 application. I have the database I designed for the application, which corresponds to a domain model (in an App.Domain assembly).
I auto-generated the Application Services Membership tables and added them to the application database. Membership creation is working fine.
I created a 'Permission' table which has a composite PK made up of UserId (from the auto-generated aspnet_Users table) and ContentId (from the Content table holding the application content).
The idea is to allow users to allocate permissions to other users for the content they create.
My plan is to then place logic in the Controllers that goes something like:
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Guid currentUser = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
int[] accessible = (from p in context.Permissions
where p.UserId == currentUser
select p.ContentId).toArray();
Then to get the content for the current user, something like this:
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IEnumerable<content> content = context.Content
.Where(x => x.PublicAccess < 3
|| accessible.Contains(x.ContentId));</content>
If I have made any sense, can anyone tell me if this is a normal way to handle user defined permissions.
Also, this code doesn't work because it won't cast the linq to an int[]. Any help with that?

Typically permissions are handled by the role subystem. You do something like this:
if (User.IsInRole("RoleName")) {
You can combine this with dynamically assigned content permissions by looking up what roles or users are assigned to the content, and checking if the user is in that role, or if the users is specifically allowed.
Role based permission scales better than assigning users to specific pages. As the number of pages grow, assigning users to pages becomes a nightmare. So you typically assign roles to pages, then assign users to roles.
Your code seems to want to do a lot of work, returning lots of different content items. Typically, you know what item you want to control access to. So you might do something like:
var roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser()
var content = from p in context.Permissions where p.ContentID == contentID
&& roles.Any(x => p.Roles.Contains(x)) select p;
But, there are so many ways to do this, you will have decide what works best for you.
I don't understand your last bit about not casting to an int[]. I assume .toArray() is a typo, it should be .ToArray(). And if ContentID is an int, .ToArray should create an int[].


ASP.NET How to Apply Roles & Members Read/Write Securtiy to Pages, Sections, Fields, & Records

I've built a number sites using classic ASP type security and have continued using the same methods in ASP.NET. However, I now am looking for recommendations for a better or best practice way of doing it. I've read a few resource online but have not seen anything comprehensive enough that's applicable to what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do is apply user specific security that determines that user's access to specific pages, sections on that page, and fields in each section. It also needs to restrict access to various records as well and determine whether it's read or write privileges.
For those interested, here's how I've done it so far:
Because I lacked the know-how, here's how I did it using the old ASP classic way...
First, on the database side I have 4 relevant tables: tblUsers, tblRoles, tblPages, tblRecords (haven't gotten to sections and fields yet). Each user can belong to a "role" and the role then determines what pages they can access as well as what records they can access in various tables (there are a number of other tables in the db as well e.g. tblCustomers, tblSales, etc...). Each table includes these fields:
tblUsers: UserID, UserName, UserPwd
tblRoles: RoleID, RoleName, UserID
tblPages: PageID, PageName, RoleID
tblRecords: RecordID, RecordTable, RoleID
Now on the application side here's what I've done:
First, my login page is based on 1) looking up the user name and password in the tblUsers table and 2) if found, setting a session variable named "UserLoggedIn" = true. Then on every page load event I check if the UserLoggedIn session is set to true, if so, continue... if not clear all session variables (log out) and send the user back to the login page. The old classic ASP way of doing it.
Second, with the login set up, to control page access, when the user is logged in I created another session variable that holds a pipe delimited string of all the pages that user can access (e.g. Session("PageAccess") = "{1|3|10|8}"). Then in each page's load event I've explicitly added a variable/constant that uniquely identifies that page (e.g. pageone.aspx has Dim PageID As String = 1). Then I check to see if the PageID matches an ID stored in the PageAccess session. If it does, continue... If it doesn't I send them to the home page.
Third/Last, for the records access, I did the same thing. When the user is logged in I created a session variable that hold a pipe delimited string of all the records the user could access along with the table it's related to (e.g. Session("RecordAccess") = "{tblCustomrs||1|5|7}" and checked it and applied it basically the same way as the page session variable.
My Solution is :(it worked for my projects)
tables : tblUser , tblRole ,
tblUserInRole : userid,roleid,username,password (this design help you can assign more than one role to a user)
tblrole, tbrules(your Access Controls for example pages)
tblRulesInRole : roleid , ruleid,Editable,Viewable,printable,Deletable
For Implement Access Control in every request and response ,you should Create HttpModule......

Single website multiple databases, database switching

I have created a content management system (CMS) for my company’s product databases. The CMS is based on scaffolding with many custom pages and actions mixed in. We have 7 products currently, all of which share the same database schema (Entity Framework model-first) and all run perfectly in the CMS. The issue is that every time we get a new product we must clone the CMS and change the connection string in the app.config to point to the correct database in order to work with the new database. While this works, it’s becoming bothersome to maintain and will fail us completely as we acquire more products.
What I would like to do is have a centralized landing page where a user is directed to log in, then given the option to connect to and edit a specific product based on their selection. The idea is that we would have one CMS site which would be able to switch between the databases depending on the user. It is not an option to combine all of the product database in to a single master product database.
I am not sure where to start to achieve this goal, or if this is even the correct plan to achieve my goal of having a single CMS to maintain, and am looking for some guidance in this.
Assuming that your database structures are identical, you could use a factory method anywhere you get an instance of your entity context and put logic in there to grab the correct connection string (or calculate it if there's a naming convention that you could use). Something like this might work for example:
public static MyDatabaseEntities CreateEntityContext(string productName)
string connectionString = null;
switch (productName.Trim().ToLower())
case "apples":
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase_Apples"].ConnectionString;
case "pears":
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase_Pears"].ConnectionString;
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase"].ConnectionString;
return new MyDatabaseEntities(connectionString);
Then use this method anywhere you need an instance of your CRM data context passing in the product name that you've calculated on your landing page.
Create another database for user to database mapping. The structure would be like so:
database UserMap
table Users
username (composite primary key)
dbID (composite primary key, foreign key to "Databases" table)
table Databases
dbID (primary key)
populate the list of database in table "Databases"
Do your SQL work to copy the users from the other websites into this "UserMap" database
Write a trigger in each CMS database to add or remove a user as they are created or removed in their respective CMS so it updates the "UserMap" database
Modify your code on the CMS(s) to use this single database for lookup to what connection string should be used.
This would allow you to rely on the single database for the lookup and switch between them in a managed fashion going forward. It requires some up front work but after the triggers are there, you don't have to do anything more.

how to Get Number Of Users Online for each role using ASP.NET

I would like to know the number of users logged for each role into my ASP.NET application
i have an (Admin) role and the (rest) role
i want to know the Number Of Users Online for each one not the entire application what this method did :
You will need to enumerate the users yourself. If you make use of
you get a collection of all available users. Then you can loop through each user and check the IsOnline property to see if the user is online. To determine the roles of the user, you can make use of the methods in the Roles class.
For example, if you have two roles admin and rest, and you would like to display how many users are online in each role, you could do something like this:
var adminCount = 0, restCount = 0;
foreach ( var user in Membership.GetAllUsers().Where(u => u.IsOnline) )
if (Roles.IsUserInRole(user.UserName, "admin"))
else if (Roles.IsUserInRole(user.UserName, "rest"))
// do something with adminCount and restCount
If you have more complicated role structure, or many roles, you could use a map to store the count per role. The logic is up to you what you want to accomplish, this should provide all the pieces necessary to express your custom counting logic.

Best way to check a setting in all profiles

Using, is there a recommended best way to access a particular field of the profile in code. I was looking in my old Problem-Design-Solution 2.0 book, and it does it by pulling all members in the DB and then iterating through each one's profile (see code below). Is there a better way?
for each (MembershipUser user in Membership.GetAllUsers())
ProfileCommon userProfile = profile.GetProfile(user.UserName);
if (userProfile.mysetting == desiredValue)
//do something
Edit 1
I found that it can be done a little more efficiently than pulling members and then pulling profiles. It is possible that not all members have a profile, so if you use the following code, you'll pull all the profiles (which may be fewer in number than members, and then can iterate across it:
for each (ProfileInfo theProfile in ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles (ProfileAuthenticationOption.All)
ProfileCommon pc = ProfileBase.Create(theProfile.UserName)
if (pc.mysetting == desiredValue)
//do something
It still round trips the DB for each profile, but it may not do it as many as if we used the members...
With built-in Profiles, no there isn't a better way. One option as provided by Tim is Table Profile provider or writing your own profile provider.
Or you can go completely other route i.e. storing profile information in your own custom table.
You could use the Table Profile Provider and build custom queries to get your desired settings.
You could probably do better with linq, I don't have VS with me right now, but pseudo code would look something like this:
var users = from MembershipUser user in Membership.GetAllUsers()
where user.mysetting == desiredValue
select user
then iterate over the users,
foreach(MembershipUser u in users) {
// do something
that should only contain the ones of interest. Linq should handle executing the SQL for you correctly, but you can check to see what it's doing with profiler.
Actually that probably won't get you anything from a performance perspective, the GetAllUsers is going to bring back everything. You might want to create a linq2sql dbml map for the users table and use that instead of Membership class for querying against a custom property.
ASP.NET Roles and Profiles: best way to query for collection of users who match custom profile property?
If you're using the table profile provider you may be able to use the linq query against that table:

User configurable security in multi-tenant ASP.NET website

We are building a multi-tenant website in ASP.NET, and we must let each customer configure their own security model. They must be able to define their own roles, and put users in those roles. What is the best way to do this?
There are tons of simple examples of page_load events that have code like:
if (!user.InGroup("Admin")
But that hard codes the groups and permissions in the code. How can I make it user configurable?
Perhaps put the configurable roles in a DB table, where you store the roles and tenant, and then the PagePermissions in another table, for example:
Table "Role"
RoleId, TenantId, Role
Table "PagePermissions"
PageId, RoleId
Table "UserRoles"
UserId, RoleId
Then in the page load check whether the User is in a RoleId that has permissions for that page, for example:
Select PageId FROM
UserRoles UR INNER JOIN PagePermissions PP
ON UR.RoleId = PP.RoleID
WHERE UR.Userid = #UserId AND PP.PageID = #PageId
If there are no rows returned then deny the user.
I would create a configuration system for the website that is easily managed in config-files. Where you could get typed members and use like this.
foreach(var group in ThisPageConfiguration.AcceptedRoleNames)
if (user.IsInRole(group))
Each customer could then configure their site in their configuration files... And every other type of things you'd want to configure.
