Where is BoneCP documentation? - bonecp

BoneCP has a very interesting list of features. A look at Javadoc reveals many tweakable parameters. But there seems to be very little documentation on what those parameters actually do or how to configure BoneCP.
For instance, I discovered bonecp-config.xml or maxIdleTime somewhere in forums when I googled for something else.
Is there a systematic documentation somewhere that I just am too blind to see?

Docs are a little weak right now, but really apart from the config there's little to look into. Have a look here:


What is the state of OpenMath standard? Are there alternatives?

I have had a hard time finding any project that uses the OpenMath standard and that's still maintained. A lot of libraries seem to have disappeared, to be undocumented or rely on dependencies nowhere to be found... and I'm a bit lost.
Are there projects actively using this standard? Is there any cooler standard I'm not aware of? I know there's MathML and OMDoc but the first doesn't hold semantic information like OpenMath and the second relies on OpenMath, so neither of them counts as an alternative.
I have also found more recent libraries like pyopenmath and openmath-js, but neither of them implements the whole standard and are not being further developed.
(I wasn't really sure what site to post this question in... so if you think I should move it to somewhere else please tell me kindly. Thanks. Already moven from Math stackexchange)

Starting out with Fstar

I have been reading about F-star from some of its paper and the F-star tutorial, but I find myself quite lost trying to understand its concepts. For example, dependently type, Dijkstra monads, etc.
What are the pre-requisites to properly understand and learn about F-star?
Any explanation of links to any resource will be helpful too.
You might find the following general resources helpful.
None of these are particularly specific to F*, but some of the concepts you learn there will provide useful background.

Flex/ActionScript reference?

I'm a Java/C++ developer and now I am starting with AS 3.0 and I want some online reference of the classes and functions that AS has... The site I'm looking for, should be pretty similar to C++ Reference. Or at least allow me to browse the classes that Flex/As has and let me see a little description of what is it good for, with an example on how to use.
I really don't know if such a site exists, or if the community has other kind of documentation system that is broadly used (that will be pretty much welcome too).
Thanks nice people from Stack Overflow, even if this is my first question, I always found what I needed in this great Q&A service.
I've looked in the adobe documentation, but what they have is so static (PDFs mostly). Also should consider that I'm not using Flash/Flex Builder but Eclipse/AXDT so any IDE specific reference wouldn't as helpful as just a reference to the language.
Have you seen this Adobe documentation? http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/index.html It seems to me, that it fills your needs. You can list all classes and packages, filter by different products (flash/flex/air/...) and by version. For every class, you can see all own properties and methods, plus show inherited methods, etc. It pretty much meets my requirements for language reference/documentation.

Anyone doing anything yet with Adobe's Project Alchemy?

Making another appearance this year at MAX was Alchemy, Adobe's C/C++-to-AVM2-bytecode compiler. It seems like really interesting stuff -- I haven't yet had time to really dig in and try it out myself, but I can definitely imagine putting it to good use. Wondering whether any of you've had a chance to have a look at it yet, and if so, what kinds of things you've tried, how they've gone, what your opinions are, and the like. Thanks!
I have played a bit with Alchemy; tried to port swfmill to AS3.
My project stalled because I would really need a good compression library...after all I cannot drag a library along with my C code ;)
Also, I found out that it is, at this stage, more reliable to read your files from Flex then pass their content to the C code than trying to read them in your C code itself.
I have an example of how I do this on my blog.

ASP.NET and System.Diagnostics tracing - have I missed something, or is this a bad idea?

For various common reasons I wanted to use tracing for my ASP.NET application. Especially since I found out about the possibility to use the Service Trace Viewer tool which allows you to examine your traces in a powerful way.
Since I had never used this trace thing before, I started stuying it. After a while of Google, SO and MSDN I finally have a good idea of how things work. But I also found one very distrubing thing.
When using trace in ASP.NET applications it makes a lot of sense to group the trace messages together by web requests. Especially since one of the reasons I want to use it is for studying performance problems. The above mentioned tool also supports this by using <Corrleation> tags in the generated XML files. Which in turn come from System.Diagnostics.Trace.CorrelationManager. It also allows other nice features like Activity starting/stopping, which provides an even better grouping of trace messages. Cool, right?
I though so too, until I started inspecting where the CorrelationManager actually lived. After all - it was a static property. After some playing around with Reflector I found out something horrifying - it's stored in CallContext! Which is the kind of thing we shouldn't be using in ASP.NET, right?
So... am I missing something here? Is tracing really fundamentally flawed in ASP.NET?
Added: Emm, I'm kinda on the verge of rewriting this stuff myself. I still want to use the neat tool for exploring the traces. Any reason I shouldn't do this? Perhaps there is something better yet? It would be really nice if I got some answers soon. :)
Added 2: A colleague of mine confirmed that this is not just a theoretical issue. He has observed this in the system he's working on. So it's settled. I'm going to build a new little system that does things just the way I want it to. :)
Added 3: Wow, cool... the guys at Microsoft couldn't find anything wrong with using Correlation Manager in ASP.NET. So apparently we're not getting a fix for this bug after all...
You raise a very interesting question. After looking at Reflector, I also see that CorrelationManager is using the CallContext to store the activity id. I have not worked with tracing much, so I can't really speak on behalf of what types of activities it tracks, but if it tracks a single activity across the entire life cycle of a page request, per the article you referenced above, there is a possibility that the activity id could become disassociated with the actual activity. This activity would appear to die halfway through.
HttpContext would seem ideal for tracking an entire page request from beginning to finish, since it will be carried over even if the execution changes to a different thread. However, the HttpContext will not be transferred to your business objects, where as the CallContext would. On a side note, I saw that CallContext can also be transferred when using remoting between client and server apps which is pretty nifty, but in the case of tracking the website, this would not really be all that useful.
If you haven't already, check out this guy's site. The issue described in this article isn't specifically the same issue that Cup(Of T) article mentioned, but it's still pretty interesting. He also provides several very informative links on the page that describe components of the CorrelateionManager.
Unfortunately, I don't really have an answer to your question, but I definitely find the topic interesting and will continue looking into it. So please update this post as you learn more. I'm curious to see what you or others (hopefully someone out there can shed some light on the topic) find while looking into this.
Anyway, good luck. I'll talk to some of the peeps at my work about this and post more later if I find anything.
OK, so this is how it ended.
My colleague called Microsoft and reported this bug to them. Being certified partners means we get access to some more prioritized fixing queue or something... don't know that stuff. Anyway, they're working on it. Hopefully we'll see a patch soon. :)
In the mean time I've created my own little tracing class. It doesn't support all the bells and whistles that the default trace framework does, but it's just what I need. :) More specifically:
It writes to the same XML format as the default XmlWriterTraceListener so I can use the tool to analyze the logs.
It has a built in log rotation - something my colleague had to do himself on top of XmlWriterTraceListener.
The actual logging is deferred to another thread so performance can be measured more accurately.
Correlations are now stored in HttpContext.Items so ASP.NET threading peculiarities don't affect it.
Happy end, I hope. :)
