wordpress adding links easily - wordpress

we have an author that wants to be able to easily bookmark various articles and have them appear in a wordpress backed site. Over the years we have been using a cobbled together approach where we use the delicious toolbar and it feeds to a google reader. They bookmarked using these tools and we used wordpress to consume the rss feeds they produced. Now google has removed this feature.
Im hesitant to add yet another bookmarking/rss service out there for fear that I will be back to this problem in 6 months. I was thinking of writing or finding a simple firefox addon that would just create a link or blog post based on the url (and possible scan the html or css). It seems like this is a common problem, any other ideas or suggestions on how to solve this? I proposed just having our author use wordpress admin to add links, but that was too cumbersome.

Have you tried the "Press This" bookmarklet that comes with WordPress? It's on the Settings → Writing menu. Just drag it up to the bookmark toolbar in your browser.


Wordpress: What do I need to allow users to highlight texts?

Great day to you all,
I'm using a forms plugin to create quizzes. In the plugin there is a piece of literary text on the left, questions on the right. I would like the user to be able to highlight or underline anything during the quiz. I have done a lot of researching to try and find a solution or a plugin to achieve such purpose.
If you please, assist I will be forever thankful. The plugin I'm using is eForm - WordPress Form Builder by WPQuark.
I have found the below tool set on one of the sites I was randomly browsing to find that what I am looking for is not impossible, but it is either custom-coded or a plugin somewhere. I can link the website that I have found this tool set on if you wish.
enter image description here

Can I add RSS-less websites on Feedly or other RSS-Reader?

I am a huge fan of RSS.I am currently using Feedly as my default RSS Reader.I have a question though that I am unable to find the answer.How can I follow a website that does not provide RSS Feeds?I have tried several addons on firefox or extensions on chrome that automatically detect RSS when I am visiting a website,therefore with one-click I can add that website on Feedly.In addition I have searched through the internet to create manually an RSS Feed,when a website does not provide one,but it seems there is not a free way to do it,or if I try an online 'RSS Creator' (like page2rss and more) most of the times they are not working (either can't find the RSS of a website or create an invalid RSS).However,I didn't give up,so I was desperately seeking a way,to find the RSS Feed via the 'source code' of a website.Unfortunately,that only works for Youtube Channels and not for other websites.Is there a way via those actions to 'follow' another website?
I have found a way to 'detect changes' of Feed-less websites using update-scanner addon on firefox and page monitor on chrome.But,all I want to do is put those webpages in one app/website (like Feedly) so that I can follow them whether I am using my pc,or iphone/ipad (iOS),or tablet (android),or another user's pc/laptop.Any suggestions?Keep in mind that iOS devices don't support extensions.If I confused you,visit this link and you'll understand exactly what I am looking for.
The only drawback is that googleReader does not exist anymore!Do you know another RSS Reader that support this feature (like Feedly,the Old Reader etc) ?
A simple but basic solution is Page2Rss.com. You put the URL of the page. One's a day, the service crawl the page and generate an item for all what's new.
Feed43.com does a much better job, even its free version. You have to elaborate rules of extraction from the HTML code.
Feedity is much (much) more interactive, bit commercial.

creating blogroll by inoreader, feedly or similar ones

In Google reader(R.I.P) we could select some interesting links by a special tag and then make public them and show links on our blogs or websites.
Is there a way to create this by Google reader alternatives like Inoreader or Feedly or AOL reader or etc?
I should probably start by saying that I'm the BDFL of Inoreader, but I feel obliged to answer you. If anyone thinks my answer is inappropriate or that this can be achieved with one of the other mentioned options, feel free to bash me in the comments :)
Yes, you can do that in Inoreader.
Since you are familiar with Google Reader, you shouldn't have much difficulties starting up with it, but if you have, here's a quick guide to get you started.
Depending on what you need to achieve the option you want is accessible via right-click on a folder or a tag:
Then in the dialog that pops up, you will see an Export option. Click it and you will get 3 links - for RSS feed, HTML page (what you need) and a public OPML file (for folders only):
A few notes on folders and tags:
Folders are used to group sources (RSS, social and other feeds) and content inside them is automatically populated from the feeds.
Tags on the other hand are mostly manually populated by you. When you read an article and you find it interesting, you can press "T" or click the label icon at the bottom of article to tag it. This behavior is almost identical in all major RSS readers. Working with tags in Inoreader is covered in detail in this blog post.
Now I said mostly before, because tags can also be automatically populated by Inoreader's Rules. Basically they works like your email filter. You can set up keywords or other conditions and tag articles automatically as they arrive. This feature is covered in this blog post.
Hope this helps!

How would I go about adding a 'recently played music' section to my website?

I have a personal website programmed in HTML and PHP with Drupal as a backend and I'd like to add a section to the website that displays the last song that I've played in itunes or a similar music program.
What would the best way be to go about doing this?
if you use lastFM (http://www.last.fm) they have some widgets to use on you're personal website.

browser shots wordpress plugins

One of my users asked if there was a plugin to take automatically a screenshot from a submitted website url. He also asked if there was a wordpress plugin for this.
can anyone tell me if such a plugin exist for wordpress or if it's possible with php, ajax or any other language?
As far as I understand your question you can use http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/seekxl-snapr/ this plug-in will show a thumbnail of the url as the mouse over.
There are other plug-ins that uses websnapr[dot]com to create the images as well.
I personally don't know of any Wordpress plugins that take screenshots of a submitted website url, however there is a very nice service at http://browsershots.org/ that might be what you're looking for. Browsershots will render screenshots in almost any combination of browser and OS you could ever want.
Hope this helps.
I've had trouble with this for a while, it's so hard to get an accurate high quality screenshot generated. I've just released a stable plugin for handling this, it makes the process of automatically generating website screenshots in WordPress dead simple with a simple shortcode:
[browser-shot url="http://link-to-website" width="600"]
For more info checkout the official plugin page: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/browser-shots/
As far as i understand, you want this.
This plugin creates a website screenshot using only a website URL and
save into your own wordpress media library.
After creating the image, wordpress will prompt you either to "insert
into post" or "change attributes" just like after you upload an image.
Renaming is available.
