How to access any web site using IP:Port? - iis-7

I have One windows 2008 R2 server. I have installed website that is running fine. Now I have installed Website Panel this is opening like IP:9001 with in server. But When I trying to open that url from outside this is not opening. In that same IP my one website is running fine outside.
Please suggest me how do i d o the setting that I an access one website IP:PORT like that from outside.

You have to configure an port forwarding on the router thats between the inside and the outside. There should already be a rule for port 80 otherwise your site shouldnt work from outside


ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT When Accessing An IIS Website From Another Machine On The Network

I'm receiving an ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT error when trying to access the Default.aspx webpage from another computer.
I have setup a local website using IIS - from the machine where the website has been hosted using IIS, I am able to navigate to the Default.aspx webpage on the local browser.
I have setup bindings to an IP address so I can access it from other devices on the network. I have also setup the firewall to unblock all ports so I am able to access this.
When I navigate on the local machine where I have the website hosted using IIS, I am able to see the Default.aspx webpage.
However, now that I have binded an IP in IIS to the website, I want to be able to reach it from another PC on the network.
Currently I am able to access all the webpages in sub directories and also the main directory for the website using:
BUT I am not able to access the homepage named
I have no idea why. The error I receive is sent an invalid response.
I don't know what the issue is. I don't know if there is something in Default.aspx that is stopping the webpage from being displayed when trying to be accessed from a machine and not the local machine.

Access wordpress website on localhost from remote network

I want to show my client the WordPress website on localhost being developed by me (it's still in the beginning stage, not ready to go live yet). This is what I have done so far:
- I have done port forwarding and have tested it (whenever I access my Xampp localhost from the remote network by entering my computer's ip, it opens up the localhost dashboard).
Now this where I'm stuck:
- Whenever, I specify a directory of website (in htdocs) on my remote network's url (like this: mycomputer's ip/folder's name it changes the url to localhost/folder's name and the page doesn't open).
How do I resolve this issue?
Add this line to your wp-config.php might help:
and comment or delete that line when your work from home.
But there's something can be improved. Try to some DDNS services and install their application to your local machine. After installed, you can access your computer from even you're home or not. So with below setting, you no need to edit anything when you change your work location.

Run multiple sites from one IP in IIS7 on windows server 2008

I have Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7, and I'm using an ASP.NET app. I am trying to run multiple sites from one IP, but I can't access the sites from the outside. I can only access the Default website from outside but when I want to access the second one it does not work.
host configured for both sites:
They both run fine locally on the Server and I have added a rule on the firewall to allow all inbound. but still
any help will be really appreciated
Maybe try to change the port for the second site.

how to configure iis so that I can connect to my iis hosted localhost from a remote windows pc

there must be a load of questions on this but I cant get it working. I have a app running locally hosted within iis (windows 8/ version 6.2) which I can browse locally. Example below, and it works without a problem.
I'm trying to browse this site from a windows virtual machine using remote desktop and then launching the browser on the client machine. Unfortunately this display "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
any ideas why I cant get through on a remote desktop? The client has internet access obviously and I can ping the other machine (both ways). Is there an IIS or firewall setting I can configure. The firewall on the dev box (i.e. the web server in this situation) has a firewall switched on. When I turn it off I still get the same error message.
My iis authenication settings are shown below (for my website, not for the 'Default Web Site'):
On the client machine, I'm using the following:
Try using https: instead of http: and also to access the website from other PC, you need to enable your Anonymous Authentication. And you also need to Enable the Directory Browsing from IIS settings of website.
Can you ping the ip? Disable the firewall on both machines and try.
Let me know

imitate iframe coming from another domain

I am trying to develop a small web application which will consist of one web applicaiton using an iframe from another domain. I am trying to test this on my local machine, and for this I need to imitate as if the iframe is coming from another domain (while it's actually on the same domin as the other web application - my computer). Can this be done? If so, how?
Thank you
Test it through a local http server (just in case your were accesing to the local files).
Define 2 different vhosts in your http server.
Edit your etc/hosts file to add:
So now you have 2 different sites, but running on the same computer.
