I was searching in the web for exclusion-Inclusion principle, what i have found is this:
(from MathWorld - A Wolfram Web Resource: wolfram.com)
I doesn't matter if you don't understand the formula, in fact, what i need is to implement this:
For example, the input is:
(summation (list 1 2) 3)
Where (list 1 2) is i and j and 3 is the limit of the sum n.
(n had to be up the sigma but...)
Then, the output of formula, in Scheme will be:
(list (list 1 2) (list 1 3) (list 2 3))
How can i implemment this in Scheme or in Haskell? (sorry for my English).
In Haskell, use a list comprehension:
Prelude> [(i,j) | i <- [1..4], j <- [i+1..4]]
Prelude> [i * j | i <- [1..4], j <- [i+1..4]]
Prelude> sum [i * j | i <- [1..4], j <- [i+1..4]]
First line gives all a list of all pairs (i,j) where 1 <= i < j <= 4
Second line gives a list of i*j where 1 <= i < j <= 4
Third line gives sum of these values: Σ1 <= i < j <= 4 i*j.
In racket, you'd probably use a list comprehension:
#lang racket
(for*/sum ([i (in-range 1 5)]
[j (in-range (add1 i) 5)])
(* i j))
The core functionality you need for a simple implementation of the inclusion-exclusion principle is to generate all k-element subsets of the index set. Using lists, that is an easy recursion:
pick :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
pick 0 _ = [[]] -- There is exactly one 0-element subset of any set
pick _ [] = [] -- No way to pick any nonzero number of elements from an empty set
pick k (x:xs) = map (x:) (pick (k-1) xs) ++ pick k xs
-- There are two groups of k-element subsets of a set containing x,
-- those that contain x and those that do not
If pick is not a local function whose calls are 100% under your control, you should add a check that the Int parameter is never negative (you could use Word for that parameter, then that's built into the type).
If k is largish, checking against the length of the list to pick from prevents a lot of fruitless recursion, so it's better to build that in from the start:
pick :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
pick k xs = choose k (length xs) xs
choose :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
choose 0 _ _ = [[]]
choose k l xs
| l < k = [] -- we want to choose more than we have
| l == k = [xs] -- we want exactly as many as we have
| otherwise = case xs of
[] -> error "This ought to be impossible, l == length xs should hold"
(y:ys) -> map (y:) (choose (k-1) (l-1) ys) ++ choose k (l-1) ys
The inclusion-exclusion formula then becomes
inclusionExclusion indices
= sum . zipWith (*) (cycle [1,-1]) $
[sum (map count $ pick k indices) | k <- [1 .. length indices]]
where count list counts the number of elements of the intersection of [subset i | i <- list]. Of course, you need an efficient way to calculate that, or it would be more efficient to find the size of the union directly.
There's much room for optimisation, and there are different ways to do it, but that's a fairly short and direct translation of the principle.
Here is a possible way with Scheme. I've made the following function to create quantification
#lang racket
(define (quantification next test op e)
{lambda (A B f-terme)
(let loop ([i A] [resultat e])
(if [test i B]
(loop (next i) (op (f-terme i) resultat)) ))})
With this function you can create sum, product, generalized union and generalized intersection.
;; Arithmetic example
(define sumQ (quantification add1 > + 0))
(define productQ (quantification add1 > * 1))
;; Sets example with (require
(define (unionQ set-of-sets)
(let [(empty-set (set))
(list-of-sets (set->list set-of-sets))
((quantification cdr eq? set-union empty-set) list-of-sets
(define (intersectionQ set-of-sets)
(let [(empty-set (set))
(list-of-sets (set->list set-of-sets))
((quantification cdr eq? set-intersect (car list-of-sets)) (cdr list-of-sets)
This way you can do
(define setA2 (set 'a 'b))
(define setA5 (set 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
(define setC3 (set 'c 'd 'e))
(define setE3 (set 'e 'f 'g))
(unionQ (set setA2 setC3 setE3))
(intersectionQ (set setA5 setC3 setE3))
I work on something similar in Haskell
module Quantification where
quantifier next test op =
let loop e a b f = if (test a b)
then e
else loop (op (f a) e) (next a) b f
in loop
quantifier_on_integer_set = quantifier (+1) (>)
sumq = quantifier_on_integer_set (+) 0
prodq = quantifier_on_integer_set (*) 1
But I never go further... Probably that you can start from this however.
thanks for your support, I am a newbie...
I would like to swap elements BETWEEN two lists in Common-LISP given a certain index of the first and second list, for example:
(1 2 3 4) (A B C D) -> (D 2 3 4) when specified indexes are (0 3).
It might look randomish but it has a nice utility in musical sequences...
If you need to use an index, maybe a vector can be more sensible. Use for example ROTATEF, as explained by jkiiski:
CL-USER> (let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4))
(b (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
(rotatef (aref a 0) (aref b 3))
(values a b))
#(D 2 3 4)
#(A B C 1)
If you really want to use lists, then use NTH, or ELT, which works on both kinds of sequences.
Preemptive remark: you cannot modify constant data. Note how vectors a and b are allocated at runtime. Constant data is data that was computed at read-time or compile-time, and should not be modified at runtime. Quoted lists are constant, as shown by this example:
CL-USER> (let ((list '(a b))) (setf (first list) 0) list)
; in: LET ((LIST '(A B)))
; ==>
; caught WARNING:
; Destructive function SB-KERNEL:%RPLACA called on constant data: (A B).
; See also:
; The ANSI Standard, Special Operator QUOTE
; The ANSI Standard, Section
I'll illustrate what I want to do using Python (I want to write this in Clojure). I have this function:
def f(n):
for d in range(1,n+1):
Which is basically looping from d=1 to n inclusive, and summing up the values of d times the floor of n/d.
In Clojure I want to make this a recursive function. Python equivalent:
def f(d, n):
if d == 0: return 0
else: return d*(n//d) + f(d-1, n)
and then I'd call the function with f(n, n).
I am trying this:
(defn f
([n] (f n n))
([d n]
(if (> d 0)
(recur (dec d) n)
But I don't know if this is right so far or where to slip in the sum or how to do it, etc.
If you look at your Clojure f function, the [d n] arity recurs with
d decremented and
n unchanged
... until d is zero, when it returns 0.
If we write this arity as a distinct local function, using letfn, we can drop the unchanging n argument, picking it up from the f argument:
(defn f [n]
(letfn [(g [d]
(if (> d 0)
(recur (dec d))
(g n)))
This produces the wrong answer of course, always returning 0:
(f 10)
=> 0
But we can see where to put the sum in:
(defn f [n]
(letfn [(g [d]
(if (> d 0)
(+ (* d (quot n d)) (g (dec d)))
(g n)))
We have to revert the recur to an explicit recursive call to g, as it is surrounded by the +.
But at least it works:
(f 10)
=> 87
In Clojure I want to make this a recursive function.
Don't. I've done it above just to show you where the calculation fits in.
Explicit recursion is rare in idiomatic Clojure. Better use the functions that encapsulate its common patterns. I won't repeat what Carciginate has given, but once you get used to threading macros, I think you'll find the following clear and concise:
(defn f [n]
(->> (range 1 (inc n))
(map (fn [d] (* d (quot n d))))
(reduce +)))
By the way, a reasonable analogue of your Python code is
(defn f [n]
(loop [s 0, d 1]
(if (> d n)
(recur (+ s (* d (quot n d))) (inc d)))))
I managed to get 3 ways working. Unfortunately, this algorithm doesn't seem to lend itself to nice recursion.
To get safe recursion, I had to introduce a third parameter. I just couldn't get it arranged so the recur was in the tail position. I also decided to count up instead of down. I don't think there's anything left field here, although it did get quite long unfortunately.
(defn f3
([n] (f3 n 1 0))
([n d s]
(if (> d (inc n))
(recur n (inc d)
(+ s (* d (quot n d)))))))
(f3 10)
If unsafe recursion is ok, this can be simplified quite a bit. Instead of adding multiple argument lists, I decided to allow d to be defaultable using & [d?]] and a check later down. I tend to avoid adding multiple argument lists since par-infer has a difficult time handling the indentation required to make it work. This trick isn't possible with the first way due to how recur handles var args. It only works if you're not using recur, or you do use recur, but only destructure 1 var-arg.
(defn f2 [n & [d?]]
(let [d (or d? 1)]
(if (> d (inc n))
(+ (f2 n (inc d)) (* d (quot n d))))))
(f2 10)
Unless you really need recursion though, I'd just write it as a map and reduction:
(defn f1 [n]
(reduce + 0
(map #(* % (quot n %)))
(range 1 (inc n)))))
(f1 10)
Which to me is about as neat as it gets (without using a threading macro. See Thumbnail's answer).
Try this:
(defn f
([n] (f n n))
([d n]
(if (> d 0)
(+ (* d (quot n d)) (recur (dec d) n))
I have the following recursive function that creates a list of 0s (i.e. [0,...,0]) in VDM. How can this be translated to Isabelle using fun-where?
NewList: nat1 * seq of nat -> seq of nat
NewList(n, l) ==
if len l = n then l
else NewList(n, l ^ [0])
-- pre/post-conditions excluded here
My attempts are horribly wrong due to my lack of understanding of Isabelle (but below at least proves that I tried...).
NewList:: "N ⇒ (VDMNat VDMSeq) ⇒ (VDMNat VDMSeq)"
"NewList n [] = NewList n [0]"
| "NewList n [x] = (if len [x] = n then [x] else NewList n (x#[0]))"
| "NewList n (x # xs) = (if len (x # xs) = n then (x # xs) else NewList n ((x # xs) # [(0::VDMNat)]))"
*The data types VDMNat and VDMSeq are defined in some library. Please ignore the VDMNat and VDMSeq for now - any sort of implementation using Isabelle's data types are welcome (at least it would provide a good reference for my implementation). Please refer to the VDM code for the data types intended.
Could you also please explain what x, xs, and (x # xs) are referring to? I've seen this in several recursive function examples (though none helps me).
Thank you for your help!
First of all, x and xs are variables. When definiting recursive functions on lists, these are often used to denote the first element of the list (x) and the remaining list (xs). The expression x # xs means ‘x prepended to the list xs’, and that is the reason why (x # xs) # [0] in your question does not work: x # xs is a list and [0] is also a list. You would have to do x # xs # [0}, where # is the function to concatenate two lists.
Now, to your function: My interpretation of your function definition is that you have a natural number n and a list l and want to pad the list l with zeros at the back up to length n.
However, when the list l is of length > n to begin with, your function does not terminate. You would have to think about what to do in that case.
Here are my suggestions for what you could do:
Possibility 1
Change the = n to a ≥ n. Then you can prove termination of the function by looking at
function new_list :: "nat ⇒ nat list ⇒ nat list" where
"new_list n l = (if length l ≥ n then l else new_list n (l # [0]))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure (λ(n, l). n - length l)") auto
However, proving theorems about this will probably get ugly. I would therefore urge you to do something like the following two possibilities. Ideally, use functions from Isabelle's standard library, because there is usually good automation setup for them. Alternatively, define your own small building blocks (like take and replicate) for your datatypes and prove reusable facts on them and combine them to do what you want. A ‘monolithic’ function definition like yours is difficult to work with when doing proofs.
Possibility 2
Use the builtin function replicate, which takes a natural number n and an element and returns a list of n times that element:
definition new_list :: "nat ⇒ nat list ⇒ nat list" where
"new_list n l = l # replicate (n - length l) 0"
You can also do the same thing with fun, but definition is the more low-level tool. Note that definition does not add the function definition theorem new_list_def as a simplifier rule; you can do this by writing declare new_list_def [simp].
Possibility 3
You can combine possibility 2 with the builtin function take to ensure that you always get a list of length exactly n, even when the input list is longer (it is then possibly truncated):
definition new_list :: "nat ⇒ nat list ⇒ nat list" where
"new_list n l = take n l # replicate (n - length l) 0"
In the first two cases, you can prove the theorems
length l ≤ n ⟹ length (new_list n l) = n
take (length l) (new_list n l) = l
(in the first case by induction using new_list.induct; in the second case just by unfolding the definition and simplifying)
In the third case, you can prove
length (new_list n l) = n
take (length l) (new_list n l) = take n l
Obviously, if length l ≤ n, the first two and the last one coincide completely.
The easy solution is: replicate n (0::nat) using the function replicate of Isabelle/HOL's library.
If you want to implement the function yourself via fun then do what you should always do in functional programming ;) try to split your problem into smaller problems that can be solved recursively:
fun newlist :: "nat => nat list"
"newlist 0 = []" -- "the only list of length 0*)
| "newlist (Suc n) = ..." -- "use result for 'n' to obtain result for 'n+1'"
I am working with a function that searches through a range of values.
Require Import List.
(* Implementation of ListTest omitted. *)
Definition ListTest (l : list nat) := false.
Definition SearchCountList n :=
(fix f i l := match i with
| 0 => ListTest (rev l)
| S i1 =>
(fix g j l1 := match j with
| 0 => false
| S j1 =>
if f i1 (j :: l1)
then true
else g j1 l1
end) (n + n) (i :: l)
end) n nil
I want to be able to reason about this function.
However, I can't seem to get coq's built-in induction principle facilities to work.
Functional Scheme SearchCountList := Induction for SearchCountList Sort Prop.
Error: GRec not handled
It looks like coq is set up for handling mutual recursion, not nested recursion. In this case, I have essentially 2 nested for loops.
However, translating to mutual recursion isn't so easy either:
Definition SearchCountList_Loop :=
fix outer n i l {struct i} :=
match i with
| 0 => ListTest (rev l)
| S i1 => inner n i1 (n + n) (i :: l)
with inner n i j l {struct j} :=
match j with
| 0 => false
| S j1 =>
if outer n i (j :: l)
then true
else inner n i j1 l
for outer
but that yields the error
Recursive call to inner has principal argument equal to
"n + n" instead of "i1".
So, it looks like I would need to use measure to get it to accept the definition directly. It is confused that I reset j sometimes. But, in a nested set up, that makes sense, since i has decreased, and i is the outer loop.
So, is there a standard way of handling nested recursion, as opposed to mutual recursion? Are there easier ways to reason about the cases, not involving making separate induction theorems? Since I haven't found a way to generate it automatically, I guess I'm stuck with writing the induction principle directly.
There's a trick for avoiding mutual recursion in this case: you can compute f i1 inside f and pass the result to g.
Fixpoint g (f_n_i1 : list nat -> bool) (j : nat) (l1 : list nat) : bool :=
match j with
| 0 => false
| S j1 => if f_n_i1 (j :: l1) then true else g f_n_i1 j1 l1
Fixpoint f (n i : nat) (l : list nat) : bool :=
match i with
| 0 => ListTest (rev l)
| S i1 => g (f n i1) (n + n) (i :: l)
Definition SearchCountList (n : nat) : bool := f n n nil.
Are you sure simple induction wouldn't have been enough in the original code? What about well founded induction?
I'm trying to solve a problem in Scheme which is demanding me to use a nested loop or a nested recursion.
e.g. I have two lists which I have to check a condition on their Cartesian product.
What is the best way to approach these types of problems? Any pointers on how to simplify these types of functions?
I'll elaborate a bit, since my intent might not be clear enough.
A regular recursive function might look like this:
(define (factorial n)
(factorial-impl n 1))
(define (factorial-impl n t)
(if (eq? n 0)
(factorial-impl (- n 1) (* t n))))
Trying to write a similar function but with nested recursion introduces a new level of complexity to the code, and I was wondering what the basic pattern is for these types of functions, as it can get very ugly, very fast.
As a specific example, I'm looking for the easiest way to visit all the items in a cartesian product of two lists.
In Scheme,
The "map" function is often handy for computing one list based on another.
In fact, in scheme, map takes an "n-argument" function and "n" lists and calls the
function for each corresponding element of each list:
> (map * '(3 4 5) '(1 2 3))
(3 8 15)
But a very natural addition to this would be a "cartesian-map" function, which would call your "n-argument" function with all of the different ways of picking one element from each list. It took me a while to figure out exactly how to do it, but here you go:
; curry takes:
; * a p-argument function AND
; * n actual arguments,
; and returns a function requiring only (p-n) arguments
; where the first "n" arguments are already bound. A simple
; example
; (define add1 (curry + 1))
; (add1 3)
; => 4
; Many other languages implicitly "curry" whenever you call
; a function with not enough arguments.
(define curry
(lambda (f . c) (lambda x (apply f (append c x)))))
; take a list of tuples and an element, return another list
; with that element stitched on to each of the tuples:
; e.g.
; > (stitch '(1 2 3) 4)
; ((4 . 1) (4 . 2) (4 . 3))
(define stitch
(lambda (tuples element)
(map (curry cons element) tuples)))
; Flatten takes a list of lists and produces a single list
; e.g.
; > (flatten '((1 2) (3 4)))
; (1 2 3 4)
(define flatten
(curry apply append))
; cartesian takes two lists and returns their cartesian product
; e.g.
; > (cartesian '(1 2 3) '(4 5))
; ((1 . 4) (1 . 5) (2 . 4) (2 . 5) (3 . 4) (3 . 5))
(define cartesian
(lambda (l1 l2)
(flatten (map (curry stitch l2) l1))))
; cartesian-lists takes a list of lists
; and returns a single list containing the cartesian product of all of the lists.
; We start with a list containing a single 'nil', so that we create a
; "list of lists" rather than a list of "tuples".
; The other interesting function we use here is "fold-right" (sometimes called
; "foldr" or "reduce" in other implementations). It can be used
; to collapse a list from right to left using some binary operation and an
; initial value.
; e.g.
; (fold-right cons '() '(1 2 3))
; is equivalent to
; ((cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
; In our case, we have a list of lists, and our binary operation is to get the
; "cartesian product" between each list.
(define cartesian-lists
(lambda (lists)
(fold-right cartesian '(()) lists)))
; cartesian-map takes a n-argument function and n lists
; and returns a single list containing the result of calling that
; n-argument function for each combination of elements in the list:
; > (cartesian-map list '(a b) '(c d e) '(f g))
; ((a c f) (a c g) (a d f) (a d g) (a e f) (a e g) (b c f)
; (b c g) (b d f) (b d g) (b e f) (b e g))
(define cartesian-map
(lambda (f . lists)
(map (curry apply f) (cartesian-lists lists))))
Without all the comments and some more compact function definition syntax we have:
(define (curry f . c) (lambda x (apply f (append c x))))
(define (stitch tuples element)
(map (curry cons element) tuples))
(define flatten (curry apply append))
(define (cartesian l1 l2)
(flatten (map (curry stitch l2) l1)))
(define cartesian-lists (curry fold-right cartesian '(()))))
(define (cartesian-map f . lists)
(map (curry apply f) (cartesian-lists lists)))
I thought the above was reasonably "elegant"... until someone showed me the equivalent Haskell definition:
cartes f (a:b:[]) = [ f x y | x <- a , y <- b ]
cartes f (a:b:bs) = cartes f ([ f x y | x <- a , y <- b ]:bs)
2 lines!!!
I am not so confident on the efficiency of my implementation - particularly the "flatten" step was quick to write but could end up calling "append"
with a very large number of lists, which may or may not be very efficient on some Scheme
For ultimate practicality/usefulness you would want a version that could take "lazily evaluated" lists/streams/iterator rather than fully specified lists.... a "cartesian-map-stream" function if you like, that would then return a "stream" of the results... but this depends on the context (I am thinking of the "stream" concept as introduced in SICP)... and would come for free from the Haskell version thanks to it's lazy evaluation.
In general, in Scheme, if you wanted to "break out" of the looping at some point you could also use a continuation (like throwing an exception but it is accepted practise in Scheme for control flow).
I had fun writing this!
I'm not sure I see what the problem is.
I believe the main thing you have to understand in functional programming is : build complicated functions by composing several simpler functions.
For instance, in this case:
;compute the list of the (x,y) for y in l
(define (pairs x l)
(define (aux accu x l)
(if (null? l)
(let ((y (car l))
(tail (cdr l)))
(aux (cons (cons x y) accu) x tail))))
(aux '() x l))
(define (cartesian-product l m)
(define (aux accu l)
(if (null? l)
(let ((x (car l))
(tail (cdr l)))
(aux (append (pairs x m) accu) tail))))
(aux '() l))
You identify the different steps: to get the cartesian product, if you "loop" over the first list, you're going to have to be able to compute the list of the (x,y), for y in the second list.
There are some good answers here already, but for simple nested functions (like your tail-recursive factorial), I prefer a named let:
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(let factorial-impl ([n n] [t 1])
(if (eq? n 0)
(factorial-impl (- n 1) (* t n))))))