loading additional user data -

I am wanting to know when is the earliest point I can load additional user specific data like permissions into a session object right after login. I am using the membership provider but the data to be loaded is from a custom table. Session start is too late and I have tried the master page.
I'm also wondering where to put that logic to load the additional data.
I know it would be right after the user is authenticated but where? Global, login page, master page, default page etc.
Any advice would be great.

The earliest is obviously right after the user is authenticated. In other words, you should do it immediately your database call to confirm user credentials is successful.
The exact point it's difficult to tell without seeing your code. You may have user authentication logic on your login page (not a good architecture but it's quite common to see this) or you may have the logic on a business layer or a data access layer. You didn't show a piece of code as to tell you where makes more sense for you to have it but it's definitely within the login page or a call to another class made from the login page.
It is definitely not MasterPage or Global.asax


ASP.NET Session Management - User Decides Cookies Or HttpSessionState

I am working on a small web application right now and part of the requirements is to allow the user to pick how their session will be managed: with either cookies or HttpSessionState. I have researched how to use cookies ( and Sessions ( I will be using non-persistent cookies.
The application will collect some data about the user (name, age, school) and take this session data and display messages on another page depending on the data that the user entered.
The thing I am having problems with is how to deal with how the user will pick the management. That information is also part of the session! The selection will be checked on every page on the web application.
I have researched globals ( but that is not a good method because it can be shared among different users which is not what I want! Correct me if I am wrong. How can I store this data temporarily through the session without actually using a session or a cookie?
Is it even possible to do this with cookies and sessions being mutually exclusive?
At the end of the day, you should save it somewhere. This option if it is not persistent, as it may be asked/changed by every time user visits the web site, the easiest way is to save it in a hidden html field. As user submits the forms, the value will be passed to the next page if you are using html forms. Or you can retrieve the value and send it manually in (e.g. Transfer).
You may use ViewState (not recommended) as well. If the information should be persister for future, try using User Profiles in and save it as a custom field in database. This one is really cumbersome.

ASP secure user login in different access level and restricted access pages

Im building an ASP website with user login. Does any one knows what is the best and must secure way to make login page and make pages restricted access? I know some ways and used them for some website but sometimes they were not that secure. There is couple access level for this website. Admin, User, Sales Team, and couple more. Thanks.
you can use session variables to store user level and then on asp code define what user can or can not see.
Or in database, I assume, you have field where level of access is defined as well.
Basically make your security level part of SQL query and show only data user should be able to see.
Basically you should have level of access in database, login page verify credentials and then store user level in session variable.
On any given page, while header loads, ASP retrives session variable and compare it to database.
If user have clearance to see that data he will if not-- display message that he is not authorized or redirect somewhere else where he can be.
Add an include file at the top of your ASP pages which is executed before any of the page's code. This way you can write your security code once, and apply it to all of your pages.
Assuming you are using IIS as your web server, you can let it handle your website security by using the different available authentication methods.
Perhaps the best authentication method for you would be Windows Integrated Authentication since it allows you to create groups (or maybe use the existing ones) to give access to certain directories or pages.

How to destroy a session of another than current user in

I'm using 4.0 with MVC 2.0 and the membership provider.
I need to terminate a the user session before I delete it. Otherwise if the user is still authenticated the next time it will visit a page null reference exceptions will occur when trying to access the user data and profile.
I get the Session.Abandon() method but what I'm looking for is the same on a user, something like user.AbandonSessions().
I realize this question has been asked before but I can't get a straight answer.
I think you may be tilting at windmills. There are just too many things working against your desired goal.
If you adjust your perspective to embrace the arbitrary nature of a browser based app and instead of trying to eradicate all vestiges of a users state in order to avoid errors, rather take measures to ensure that the required data is present in the session and if not then recreate it or redirect the user to an appropriate location.
In any case, remember that in order to affect any session related action capably, you must force a request cycle to ensure the cookies are properly processed by the browser, but that is beside the point I am trying to make.
Good luck.
You could use a custom membership provider which instead of deleting an account, just deactivates that. You could also have the custom membership provider to lock the account at the same time.
But you need to call it in the context of the user you want to sign out.

multiple login pages in ASP.NET forms authentication

My bank's website has 2 login pages for online banking. On the first page, I enter my username. If I don't enter a valid username, I get an error message, and do not get to the 2nd page. The 2nd page displays a picture based on my user name, and has me enter my password. If I manually type a URL to a page inside the site after entering my username but before entering my password, I am redirected back to the first login page.
Is there a good way to implement this in ASP.NET with Forms Authentication? I only get 1 loginUrl in my web.config.
I am fairly certain my bank uses Java.
I do not find this a good idea, because this way any attacker know if the user name is the correct, then its need to know the password.
Second reason is that is more complicate and you need to be sure that you do not forget something on the way to login.
Third reason is that is not the common way to login, so people did not have use to it.
If you like to make the same, you need 2 pages, in the first you ask the user name, then you search on your local database if this is a valid user, then you keep this user name on a variable that you send on the second page that is the actual login. On the second page you have a common login module, but you have hide the user name, and at the same time you have set it with the value from the previous page. And then the rest is up to you.
Hey I know the bank on this one. Well provided it's the same bank there is another page that the user has to visit if they are on a computer thats never accessed the login before. Once the enter the user name they visit a question answer page where the question is a random one they picked when they first signed up or at least when they thought up this cockeyed login page. Then they visit the password page.
You can implement this yourself if you are using the built in AspNetSqlMembershipProvider provider you can customize the built in login control and override the OnLoggingIn method. You can then do what ever checks you need on that login and move it to another page. On the next page you can override other methods the same way like: OnAuthenticate, and OnLoggedIn while still using the built in control (but customized) if needed. Then you can set the login page in your web.config to your first login page. You can see MSDN for other methods as well.
Now as already pointed out this is not ideal because it's not typical and most users will not understand what is going on or think it's flaky (just like i do about the bank). Not to mention you will need to do additional checks similar to how that bank is doing it to make sure everything is legit coming from the client. So in the end I wouldnt recomend it, it's to much hassle for the end user mainly.

Security for ASP.NET Diagnostics page

I'm thinking of creating a diagnostics page for an ASP.NET app, which would be mostly intended for admin use to get more information about the application for diagnosing problems.
Examples of the info the page might have :
System.Environment.MachineName (might be useful in web farm scenarios)
database name
current user's session ID
Some of the info on this page might be sensitive from a security perspective.
If you've done this sort of page before, what sort of security did you put on access to this page ? .
I should add - occasionally it might be useful to see this page whilst logged in as a specific (i.e. real) end user. e.g. say a problem can only be reproduced when logged in as a particular user. Being able to see the diagnostics page for that user might be useful. e.g. knowing the current session ID might be helpful for debugging.
EDIT 2 :
I'm starting to think that this diagnostics page should in fact be two different pages. One to display stuff which is the same for all users (e.g. database name, CLR version), and another for stuff which can vary by session (e.g. browser info, session ID).
Then you could lock down security more for the first page.
Yes, I've added this sort of page before (and found it useful). The security was pretty simple: the page contained a password form. The server-side code checked this password against a configured value and, if correct, displayed the real content and set a value in the user's session to say that they've been authenticated as a developer, so that they're not prompted again next time.
I suppose there was also a little security by obscurity, since the URL of the page wasn't published anywhere.
I was also careful not to reveal anything really sensitive on the page. For example, it allowed viewing our application config values, but masked out anything with "password" in it - hey, if we really want to see the password we can open a remote desktop session to the server.
There's also a couple of other ways you could do this:
If your web application has user authentication, restrict access to this page by checking that the user is flagged as an administrator or belongs to some kind of admin role.
Use a simple if (Request.IsLocal) ... type check, though the downside of this is that you still have to connect to the server and browse the website locally - which might not always be possible. However, this does still have the benefit of being able to easily view key system settings.
Personally, I've used a combination of both methods where a local request always allows access, and non-local requests require an admin user - eg. if (!Request.IsLocal && !IsAdminUser()) throw new SecurityException().
Also, I'm in agreement with Evgeny - be careful not to reveal anything really sensitive on this page (such as application connection strings or passwords).
use forms authentication and setup a user or two with access to that page. that way you can change passwords and revoke access once the site is deployed.
It sounds like you want a robust solution for your error page. I would take a look at open source projects like Elmah ( for a good example of a robust error page which includes configurable security. To give you an idea, here is a post on configuring Elmah which takes you through setting up the security. The security I have tested allows me to use my domain credentials to login.
