Firefox extension development sqlite - sqlite

using Builder online tool
to build and test my extension
now that I want to store data locally I'm following this tutorial
but the code snippets are not working for me
Should I be developing them locally using the classic SDK or is there a way to add SQLite support to the Add-on builder ?

Add-on SDK is sandboxed by default and doesn't provide direct access to XPCOM. To use XPCOM objects you need to break out of the sandbox:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
var {Services} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
var {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
var file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["my_db_file_name.sqlite"]);
var mDBConn =;
Note that Components stays undefined - use Cc instead of Components.classes, Ci instead of Components.interfaces and Cu instead of Components.utils.

You can use the simple JS wrapper:


VSIX - Get RootSuffix in Visual STudio extension

To debug Visual Studio extensions you can start an experimental instance with a certain "RootSuffix". See
Is there a way to know the provided rootsuffix in the code of your extension?
I.e. "Exp" if the instance was started with "devenv.exe /RootSuffix Exp"
The DTE object has a CommandLineArguments property which contains the information you need.
Can be retrieved with following code:
IVsAppCommandLine cmdline = (IVsAppCommandLine)GetService(typeof(SVsAppCommandLine));
cmdline.GetOption("rootSuffix", out var present, out var value)

Looking for Nuget package to install Firebase into Xamarin project in Visual Studio 2019 [duplicate]

I been trying to add google analytics to my xamarin forms apps , but everything I see contains a lot of code, is there any easy way to get this working.It cant be this hard.
I followed this , but when I added the init part it cant find the namespace. the nuget is already installed.
what other steps should I follow?
To use ksemenenko.GoogleAnalytics, install ksemenenko.GoogleAnalytics package, and add the namespace using Plugin.GoogleAnalytics;:
then you can use the api in your porject:
GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.TrackingId = "UA-11111111-1";
GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.AppId = "AppID";
GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.AppName = "TEST";
GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.AppVersion = "";
//GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.Debug = true;
//For tracking install and starts app, you can change default event properties:
//GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.ServiceCategoryName = "App";
//GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.InstallMessage = "Install";
//GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.StartMessage = "Start";
//GoogleAnalytics.Current.Config.AppInstallerId = "someID"; // for custom installer id
//Track view

How do I add an Apps Script Library to AppMaker?

I created this script to determine if the Session.getScriptTimeZone() would draw the time zone from the library file rather than AppMaker. Here's the script:
function getFormattedDateString(dt,format){
var format=format||"E MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm";
var dt=dt||new Date();
return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(dt), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), format);
I tested it in another script with the following code:
function test(){
Logger.log(AMSLib.getFormattedDateString(new Date()));
I went into AppMaker and this dialog:
I've tried the Script ID from here:
I've also tried several deployment ID's from the publish from Manifest dialog and I keep getting the same answer:
I've also tried the Project Key which is used with other apps scripts to load libraries.
I don't know what to try next.
First things first, you need to publish your Apps Script app, after that it'll be assigned Script ID(by the way it can also be found in the published app URL). Once you have Script ID, you can specify it in App Maker and select library version you want to use:
To access library's functions you need to use name specified in the object setting:
// Server side library call
var result = MyLibraryName.doSomeCoolStuff();
App Maker should be smart enough and pickup all library's public functions for autocomplete.
Learn more:
That's really odd to not have a script key there. You might make a copy of your script, something might be corrupted. You can also get the key from the URL ex:
Remember to File-> Manage Versions and create a version. You also need to set the sharing to public.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'openDatabase' of undefined

I want to work with sqlite with cordova framework for the first time. As I've read on a tutorial I should use ngcordova like this:
var db = null;
app.controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope, $ionicSideMenuDelegate) {
$scope.toggleLeft = function () {
$scope.toggleRight = function () {
.controller('home_ctrl', function ($scope, $cordovaSQLite) {
db = $cordovaSQLite.openDB({name: "my.db"});
//db = $window.opendb({name: "my.db"});
$cordovaSQLite.execute(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS people(id integer primary key, firstname text, lastname text)")
When I run this code an error says:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'openDatabase' of undefined
In some articles like this: How do I use the ngCordova sqlite service and the Cordova-SQLitePlugin with Ionic Framework?
recommends to use commands like this: ionic start myApp sidemenu
I don't know what is it, I just use cordova command like: cordova run android or cordova create my_project
What should I do to run my create a table from my cordova project?
You might take a look at this tutorial:
When you see this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'openDatabase' of undefined
It is happening for one of a few reasons:
You are not wrapping the $cordovaSQLite methods in the $ionicPlatform.ready() function.
You are trying to test this native plugin from a web browser.
You have not actually installed the base SQLite plugin into your project.
The most common reasons for this error are #1 and #2. Native plugins, must be used only after the application is confirmed ready, thus the $ionicPlatform.ready() method. Since native plugins use native code, you cannot test them from your web browser.
Read through the tutorial I linked because it should help you.
Actually, I opened an old project and I get this error only when I run the project with -cls (because of liverelaod). But I have a small bug to fix there so I didn't investigate it too much(just fix it without livereload). But maybe this little hint helps somebody.

How to run Openstack-Swift java api?

I try to run Openstack-Swift java sdk sample.
I have swift and keystone project to use swift only.
I found this project :
But, I don't know how to run this project in Window Eclipse.
Should I build all project(nova, etc..) in maven?
Do you know how to run this project or website that post run-way in regular sequence?
I have not tried Woorea but i know a lot many developers are using Jclouds, the link has well documented guide with example how to use the Java SDK.
Hope it helps.
looks like you can build SWIFT independently (part of woorea peoject)
as it states in the readme file here:
(com.woorea swift-client 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
the Maven artifact ID should be:
Here is a nice toturial that can be of hand:
it has the example for the java api for using SWIFT,
for example, this code snippet (more details in the link):
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
properties.put("verbose", "true");
properties.put("auth.credentials", "passwordCredentials");
properties.put("auth.username", "demo");
properties.put("auth.password", "secret0");
properties.put("auth.tenantName", "demo");
OpenStackClient openstack = OpenStackClient.authenticate(properties);
AccountResource account = openstack.getStorageEndpoint();
.put(new File("pom.xml"), new SwiftStorageObjectProperties() {{
getCustomProperties().putAll(new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("customkey.1", "customvalue.1");
List<SwiftStorageObject> objects = account.container("hellocontainer").get();
just keep in mind that when using openstack's API you will most likely need to authenticate (get tokens etc..) so that you will need the Keystone lib as well
hope this helps.
