delete_post hook in Wordpress not working - wordpress

add_action( 'delete_post', 'test_function' );
function test_function(){
echo "Hello!";
The "Hello!" isn't showing up when I delete a post (It is a custom post-type, but that shouldn't matter right?). How do I debug this?
EDIT: I can't put that code in any front-end files like header.php or index.php because I won't be able to view the output when I delete a post from the back-end. What's the best way to tackle this?

Try doing the following to see if you are reaching your filter. I tested this here with 3.2.1 and it works fine for me.
function test_function(){
die('deleted post');
this action will not run until you delete the post from the trash.
If you want it to run when you move it to the trash the action is 'trash_post'.


Wordpress add rewrite rule doesn't work for me

I'm developing a plugin that creates 2 pages: one listing page and one details page.
I don't use custom types. I have created a table into the database where I save the company details and also a slug for the details page.
It's working properly but I have a problem with the URLs. They are not pretty.
On the listing page I use this code to create the link:
<?php echo stripslashes($value->company_name); ?>
The generated link looks like this:
I use the query because I need it on the details page, where I use this code:
$company_slug = $_GET['companyname'];
$company_details = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $table_company WHERE company_slug = '$company_slug'");
This is how I retrieve the company details from sql and it also works just fine.
I have created manually in Wordpress the details page.
The problem is that I want the details URL to look pretty, like this:
Generating it like this it's easy but when I click, I get a 404, since the query from URL is missing.
I was thinking it's easy to create directly the pretty URL and on the details page to parse the URL and get the company slug. It didn't work. I get a 404 maybe because the page doesn't physically exist.
So, I've done some research about URL rewrite and I have found some examples but none worked.
I have found tried this code also:
add_filter('query_vars', function($vars) {
$vars[] = "companyname";
return $vars;
function custom_rewrite_rule() {
add_action('init', 'custom_rewrite_rule', 10, 0);
I've read that I shouldn't use matches if I use a custom URL instead of index.php, so I have also tried without matches:
No results. If course, after every change I have saved again the permalinks.
This should be an easy task but somehow it doesn't work.
Does anyone of you know how can I make this work?
Thank you.
I am assuming that the details page you created has the slug company/details. Here's what you need to do to make it work-
1. Add the custom rewrite rules in functions.php file:
function theme_custom_rewrites() {
add_rewrite_tag("%companyname%", "([a-z0-9\-_]+)");
add_rewrite_rule('^company/details/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/?$', 'index.php?pagename=company/details&companyname=$matches[1]', 'top');
add_action('init', 'theme_custom_rewrites');
It registers a new rewrite tag/query var named companyname to be used later and registers a custom rewrite rule for the specific URL structure you want (/company/details/company_name).
2. Get the company name on the template file and use it: After you have added the above code and saved the permalinks, you can get the companyname just by using the get_query_var() function.
$companyname = get_query_var( 'companyname' );
Hope it helps. Thanks.
Thank you very much for your fast reply. It worked.
Of course, I had to change the link on the listing page to:
<?php echo stripslashes($value->company_name); ?>
I have removed the query from the link and it looks like this now:
What I don't understand, is how does WP know which is the query, since I removed it from the link.
I can see the same data if I access
But, basically, this part (?companyname=) doesn't exist anymore in the link, since I changed it.
I have no query now in my plugin, but somehow everything works properly. :)
I did not declare it somewhere. It's completely gone and it works.
How does this code know that the query exists and it's retrieving the slug from the database?
$companyname = get_query_var( 'companyname' );
I only have this code now:
<?php echo stripslashes($value->company_name); ?>
So, no query in URL.
Thank you for your time.

Trigger a Link once a new post is Published

Is there Anyway to trigger a link once new post is Publish ?. My goal is to use it to ping sitemap
I simply don't want to set cron job for this. Please Gurus in the house is there anyway I can use theme function to achieve this ? I am new to wp coding Please.
From the Wordpress Plugin API:
publish_post is an action triggered whenever a post is updated and its new status is "publish"
So in your theme's functions.php, write your function to call the google url, then use the add_action function, with publish_post as the hook, and your function's name as the callback.
function test()
write code here.....
add_action( 'publish_post', 'test' );

Wordpress plugins function code

I am trying to make a simple plugin that displays some info in the users profile page ( I have managed this part) but what I am not getting to work is I want to add a function that will check to see if a file exists on in a folder ( I can do this part ) but when I add a function into the plugin code it does not work or stops the page from showing up.
Any help would be great I just need to trigger the function on load of user looking at there profile.
function check_file(){
if($file == 'me.jpg'){
//do something
Found the answer
add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'check_file' );
Above line will run the check_file function when user will see the profile.

wordpress add_action('save_post', 'my_function) not working

I am trying to trigger an even upon saving / updating a post in wordpress... see here:
add_action('save_post', 'generate_location');
function generate_location($post_id) {
echo "hey";
the problem is that its not working...
any ideas why? Syntax?
WordPress implements the Post/Redirect/Get pattern to avoid duplicate form submissions, so you're not going to see anything echo'd from a save_post callback.
Instead, you can do a wp_die( 'hey' ) instead, or log something to the database or file system.
I don't know whether you got this working, but I was having the same issue and discovered how to fix it!
in wp-includes/post.php on line 2940 (at the time of writing), this if/else is run whilst saving a post:
if ( !empty($page_template) && 'page' == $data['post_type'] ) {
You will notice that, if there is an error with the template the function stops there and save_post is never called.
In my case, the posts I was trying to save were imported from a pre-existing site. The new site had no page templates at all, so WP was still trying to save the page with the template from before, failing, and thus; save_post was never called.
I added
/* Template Name: Default Template */
to page.php, bulk edit, selected the template and saved. Remove the template name from page.php (as it shows up twice(, and now save_post is triggered every time.
This was the solution in my case anyway. i'm sure it'll affect someone else, somewhere down the line.

wordpress - catching save event with a plugin

i'm writing my first plugin for wordpress and i have some doubts regarding the hooks.
So i want an action to be executed when admin saves a post, and i'm using (inside a class):
add_action( 'save_post', array($this, 'save_post'));
function save_post(){
global $wp_query;
the problem is that it prints the global variable when admin opens the "create a new post" and it doesn't when the user saves a post.
I want it to happen the other way around, but i can't find anything in the docs, and i'm completely alone here.
Any help? thanks
I think you're looking for the 'publish_post' action. There's also a 'draft_post' if you need it.
