any support for UNDO in Sqlite manager - sqlite

due to my impatience i corrupted my database with a replace query now all rows in that column shows 0.
is there any support for Sqlite manager in Firefox using which i will be able to undo to my previous state of DB.

There's no such thing as UNDO -- however if you began a transaction prior to starting your query (or queries), you could simple not commit the transaction. Short of that, you need to restore from a backup (and if you don't have a backup, you'll probably think to make one next time?).


Issue with rollback in MariaDB [duplicate]

There are some groups of queries that include creating tables, fields, etc. How to implement a mechanism by which a group of requests should be executed all, or if somewhere the error was canceled all? That is, the principle of transactionality with ALTER TABLE queries for example (which are committed implicitly)
You are talking about Commit and Rollback.
However if you are mixing normal SQL with DML (CREATE/ALTER/DROP etc) the DML commands have an implied COMMIT as part of there execution, you cannot avoid it. So this will likely cause you problems if mixed with your normal insert/update/delete type queries
Transactional DML is not possible until MySQL 8.0. In that version, there is a "Data Dictionary" that is stored in InnoDB tables. (I don't want to think about the bootstrap required!) The DD allows, at least in theory, the ROLLBACK of DDL actions such as ALTER and DROP TABLE. Study the 8.0 docs to see if it does enough for your needs.
In the past (pre-8.0), Many DML operations were at least reasonable "crash safe". For example, an ALTER used to copy the table over, then quickly swap in the new table. This provided a reasonably good way to recover from, a crash during an ALTER.
There have been a lot of major improvements to ALTER since 5.6. Before then, the only really "instant" alter was adding an option to an ENUM, and that had caveats. There are still things that mandate a complete, time-consuming, rebuild of the table -- such as any change to the PRIMARY KEY.
DML operations should be minimized; they are not designed for frequent use.

How to rollback all the commits in Oracle DB

Recently I made a mistake, that, all the tables in my oracle database were dropped (running drop command from SQL Developer tool) in a sequence of all transactions unbeknownst to me that I was dropping tables at the wrong database. Each time I dropped a set of tables, I committed the operations. By the time, I realized that I have dropped the tables at the wrong DB, I was too late to rollback, since it rolled back the last operation only. I searched online as well, and found SavePoints to be the resolution, but I had no savepoints configured. I had the backup of all the tables taken 2 days before, so, I ran scripts from there and made lost changes for the past 2 days.
Is there any other way that I take to get my DB state back. I have made it a practice to make savepoints while performing such operations though. But, I am still confused. One who doesn't know about savepoints will lose all the data.
DDL statements like drop do an implicit commit so you cannot rollback to undrop a table. Nor would a savepoint help you since that only lets you go back to an earlier point in the current transaction.
If you have merely dropped a table, assuming you haven't disabled the recycle bin, you can simply do a flashback drop
flashback table <<table name>> to before drop
If you have a more complicated script that is doing more than just dropping tables, you may want to set a restore point prior to running the script. You could then flashback the entire database to that restore point if something goes wrong.
create restore point <<your restore point name>>
<<run your script>>
flashback database to restore point <<your restore point name>>

Optimizing select with transaction under SQLite 3

I read that wrapping a lot of SELECT into BEGIN TRANSACTION/COMMIT was an interesting optimization.
But are these commands really necessary if I use "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF" before? (Which, if I remember, disables the log and obviously the transaction system too.)
Note that I don't agree with BigMacAttack.
For SQLITE, wrapping SELECTs in a Transaction does do something:
It reduces the number of SHARED locks that are obtained and then dropped.
So I think the transaction would also be beneficial even if you had journal_mode turned off, because there is still the locking overhead to consider.
Maybe read_uncommitted would be something you could consider - I would guess that it would disable the SHARED locking.
"Use transactions – even if you’re just reading the data. This may yield a few milliseconds."
I'm not sure where the blog is getting this information, but wrapping SELECT statements in transactions does nothing. Transactions are always and only used when making changes to the database, and transactions cannot be disabled. They are a requirement. What many don't understand is that unless you manually BEGIN and COMMIT a transaction, each statement will be automatically put in their own unique transaction. Be sure to read the de facto SO question on improving sqlite performance. What the author of the blog might have been trying to say, is that if you plan to do an INSERT, then a SELECT, then another INSERT, then it would increase performance to manually wrap these statements in a single transaction. Otherwise sqlite will automatically put the two insert statements in separate unique transactions.
According to the "SQL as Understood by SQLite" documentation concerning transactions:
"No changes can be made to the database except within a transaction. Any command that changes the database (basically, any SQL command other than SELECT) will automatically start a transaction if one is not already in effect."
Lastly, disabling journaling via PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF does not disable transactions, only logging. But disabling the log is a good way to increase performance as well. Normally after each transaction, sqlite will document the transaction in the journal. When it doesn't have to do this, you get a performance boost.
So it has been brought to my attention by "elegant dice" that the SQLite documentation statement I quote above is misleading. SELECT statements do in fact use the transaction system. This is used to acquire and release a SHARED lock on the database. As a result, it is indeed more efficient to wrap multiple SELECT statements in a single transaction. By doing so, the lock is only acquired and released once, rather than for each individual SELECT statement. This ends up being slightly more efficient while also assuring that all SELECT statements will access the same version of the database in case something has been added/deleted by some other program.

Best way to get rows changed in an sqlite db

I'm watching an sqlite db which an app uses.
I want to know what changes have been made since
I last checked.
I can dump to sql and diff against the last dump,
but it seems there should be a better way.
Is there?
PS Not to be coy, specifics: I'm managing photos with Shotwell, which has a great GUI.
I'm mirroring Shotwell's db in Postgresql, where I've restructured and augmented to my liking. After a Shotwell session, which involves adding, tagging, adjusting ... I want
to apply those changes to Postgres.
Add a field named _changed to your table(s). On every manipulation (update, insert into...) of a row set the field to the current timestamp. Now you can check which rows have been updated since.

Deleting the primary index of a SQLite database

I am building an iPhone app which has a quite big SQLite database.
In order to make it lighter I thought I could delete the Primary index, and then add it on the first launch.
How is would that be possible ?
Thank you
Assuming that you have verified that this is worthwhile (is the DB really that much bigger with an index than without?)
In your preferences bundle of the application, set a flag for 'first-run'. When the application runs, check for the existence of this field (and that it is set). If those conditions are met, run the indexing code. When complete, unset the flag and delete the flag.
Now, on subsequent invocations of the app, when it checks for the flag, it will not be found and so the indexing will not run again.
