Add text after expression <%$ ... %> -

In my ASPX page I've this:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server"
NavigateUrl="<%$ Resources:Path, Article%>"
Text='<%# Eval("title") %>' />
For the NavigateUrl attribute I want to specify an ID like
NavigateUrl="<%$ Resources:Path, Article%>?id=4"
But when I do that the expression is not precessed by the ASP parser.
How can I do that?

Don't do this in markup. You have a server control here -- give it an ID (say, ID="NavigationLink", and then do something like this in your .cs file:
void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// I'm guessing that "4" was just an example here, so fill that piece in with a function you can call to create the proper ID.
NavigationLink.NavigateUrl = Properties.Resources.Path + Properties.Resources.Article + "?id=4"
Edit: I'm assuming that when you say <%$ Resources:Path, Article%> that you're trying to reference the Path and Article entries in your resources file, but upon further reflection, it's hard to tell exactly what you're doing. Can you be more specific here?

You can define a protected function in the code behind class and call it from the markup. Like this:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server"
NavigateUrl="<%# GetNavigateUrl(Eval("ID")) %>" <%-- Passing an ID as a parameter for example --%>
Text='<%# Eval("title") %>' />
Code behind:
// Again, idObj is just an example. Any info from the data item can be passed here
protected string GetNavigateUrl(object idObj)
int id = (int)idObj;
string urlFromResources = // retrieving the url from resources
return urlFromResources + '?ID=' + id;

You could retrieve the resource values programmatically, in your code-behind, and set the NavigateUrl property from there.

Try String.Format...
<% =String.Format({0}?id={1}, Request.ApplicationPath, 4) %>
It looks like you're mixing some other language into this (javascript?).
Also, don't forget to give your server-side controls an ID.


How to reference a .Net web control's selected value in NavigateURL

I have an ASP.Net page with a GridView. In one of the GridView cells there's a HyperLink control and its NavigateURL property is set like so:
NavigateUrl='<%# "~/telecom/SmartPhoneInventory.aspx?IMEI=" + Eval("IMEI") %>'
There's a RadioButtonList (rblDeviceType) on this page (not in the GridView) with four values. I want to add another querystring to the HyperLink's NavigateURL so that:
NavigateUrl='<%# "~/telecom/SmartPhoneInventory.aspx?IMEI=" + Eval("IMEI") + "&devicetype=" + rblDeviceType.SelectedValue %>'
This is of course not correct syntax. Is there a way to do this?
Try this:
In your html
<a href='<%= string.Format("~/telecom/SmartPhoneInventory.aspx?IMEI={0}&devicetype=", this.someValue, rblDeviceType.SelectedValue) %>'>
Hello World
or in your html:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server"
NavigateUrl='' ID="demoLink">
Hello World
and then in your codebehind:
demoLink.NavigateUrl= string.Format("~/telecom/SmartPhoneInventory.aspx?IMEI={0}&devicetype=",this.someValue,rblDeviceType.SelectedValue)
Which you present as Eval("IMEI") in your sample code since your code is not part of the Grid you will need to get this from either a control directly, session, viewstate or server side variable. Your code sample does not allow me to understand where is the original source of this value.
Try this in your code behind:
public partial class _Default : Page
public string someValue = "Hello World";
Using string.Format and <%= instead of <%#

Web Forms error message: "This is not scriptlet. Will be output as plain text"

In my ASP .NET Web Forms I have the following declarative code:
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtbox" CssClass='<%=TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS%>' />
The constant TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS is defined in a base class that the page's code-behind class inherits from:
public class MyPageBase : Page
protected internal const string TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS = "myClass";
The edit-time compiler however warns me that "This is not scriptlet [sic]. Will output as plain text".
True to its word, the css class is rendered as literally "<%=TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS%>".
What does this error message mean and is there a workaround so I can still use a constant in a base class?
You cannot use <%= ... %> to set properties of server-side controls.
Inline expressions <% %> can only be used at
aspx page or user control's top document level, but can not be embeded in
server control's tag attribute (such as <asp:Button... Text =<% %> ..>).
If your TextBox is inside a DataBound controls such as GridView, ListView .. you can use: <%# %> syntax. OR you can call explicitly DataBind() on the control from code-behind or inline server script.
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtbox" class='<%# TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS %>' />
// code Behind file
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ASP.NET includes few built-in expression builders that allows you to extract custom application settings and connection string information from the web.config file. Example:
So, if you want to retrieve an application setting named className from the <appSettings> portion of the web.config file, you can use the following expression:
<asp:TextBox runat="server" Text="<%$ AppSettings:className %>" />
However, above snippet isn't a standard for reading classnames from Appsettings.
You can build and use either your own Custom ExpressionBuilders or Use code behind as:
txtbox.CssClass = TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS;
Check this link on building Custom Expression builders.
Once you build your custom Expression you can display value like:
<asp:TextBox Text="<%$ SetValue:SomeParamName %>"
runat="server" />
The problem is that you can't mix runat=server controls with <%= .. %>code blocks. The correct way would be to use code behind: txtbox.CssClass = TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS;.
This will work.
Mark up
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtbox" class='<%# TEXTBOX_CSS_CLASS %>' />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
But its a lot cleaner to access the CssClass property of the asp:TextBox on Page_Load

using values within if conditions in mark up

I want to use a value that is pulled from the SQL within the if statement. Ideally i want to do the equivalent of
<% If DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.BookID") == 1 Then%>
Is there a way to do this with the correct syntax?
This is how you put conditions in aspx file. Just a rough sample base on what I understand:
<%# System.Convert.ToInt32((DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "BookID")!="") ? DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "BookID"):0) %>
Make sure you have int in BookID not any other type.
Explaining Further:
In case you want to have an if else condition:
<%# If DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "DATAFIELD") <> "" Then
End If %> // This is invalid
The above statement can be properly written in aspx file as this:
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "DataField").Equals("")?"":"Something"%>
I'm not sure if this can be done or not the way you are requesting it.
As you may or may not know, the typical way to do this is to have a control in your markup, like so
<asp:listView ID="SophiesListView" ...
<asp:HyperLink ID="hlGlossary" title="click here for more information" target="_blank" runat="server" />
</asp:listView />
Then, in the codebehind, find your listview / repeater / datagrid or what have you and choose ItemDataBound. Inside this event, do something like this:
If e.Item.DataItem("vehicleType") IsNot DBNull.Value AndAlso e.Item.DataItem("vehicleType") = "JETSKI" Then
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("hlGlossary"), HyperLink).NavigateUrl = "Glossary.aspx#JETSKI"
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("hlGlossary"), HyperLink).Text = "?"
End If
To keep your page logic as simple as possible your best bet is to data bind to the Visible property of controls. For example, if you want to only show some html if the BookID == 1 then create a new property on your data source like this
public bool Show
return BookID == 1;
and in your page you'd have
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval("Show") %>'>
...html goes here...

ASP.NET Repeater question

I have a repeater control and under the ItemTemplate, I have Image control. Anyway the old
How can I set the ImageUrl programatically?
Anyway, the old html code I have was like this:
<img src="<%# Eval("ImageSource") %>" alt="" />
But I want to check if the image exists in directory or not then I can setup with temp image.
I have a code but .. it's not really working so there's no sense of showing it here. Can you guys help me? Should I use ItemCreated or ItemDataBound event?
In the xml side in the template, you need to call a method directly.
<asp:Image runat="server" ID="myImg" ImageUrl='<%# MyImageUrlFunction(Eval("DataFieldName").ToString()); %>' />
You need a corresponding method in the code behind defined publicly:
public string MyImageUrlFunction(string field)
// put some logic here to determine url
return imageUrl;
In your ItemDataBound, do something like:
protected void rpt_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterEventArgs e)
HtmlImage img = (HtmlImage)e.Item.FindControl("img");
string imageUrl = (string)DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "ImageSource");
if (File.Exists(imageUrl))
img.Src = imageUrl;
That's System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlImage, System.Web.UI.DataBinder and System.IO.File.
ItemDataBound. You can get the control reference through the current item's findcontrol event, and then check to see that the image exists. You can get the file path using Server.MapPath("~/images/test.png"), and then if it doesn't, inject your own.
You can also use a public method that the client-side markup can call, pass in the URL, and provide a default if it doesn't exist.
<asp:Image ImageUrl='<%# System.IO.File.Exists(Eval("ImageSourceProperty").ToString()) ? Eval("ImageSourceProperty").ToString() : TemporaryImagePath %>' runat="server" />
for the Error
The server tag is not well formed
You should remove extra space in your code!
<%# System.IO.File......%>
should be <%#System.IO.File......%>

Can I use <%= ... %> to set a control property in ASP.NET?

<asp:TextBox ID="tbName" CssClass="formField" MaxLength="<%=Constants.MaxCharacterLengthOfGameName %>" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
The code above does not work. I can set the MaxLength property of the textbox in the code behind but i rather not. Is there away I can set the MaxLength property in the front-end code as above?
You could use DataBinding:
MaxLength="<%# Constants.MaxCharacterLengthOfGameName %>"
and in your code behind Page_Load call:
or directly databind the page:
The <%= expression %> syntax is translated into Response.Write(expression), injecting the value of expression into the page's rendered output. Because <%= expression %> is translated into (essentially) a Response.Write these statements cannot be used to set the values of Web control properties. In other words, you cannot have markup like the following:
<asp:Label runat="server" id="CurrentTime" Text="<%= DateTime.Now.ToString() %>" />
Try to use custom expression builder:
// from
public class CodeExpressionBuilder : System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilder
public override CodeExpression GetCodeExpression(BoundPropertyEntry entry,
object parsedData, ExpressionBuilderContext context)
return new CodeSnippetExpression(entry.Expression);
And then use it like
<asp:TextBox ID="tbName" CssClass="formField" MaxLength="<%$ Code: Constants.MaxCharacterLengthOfGameName %>" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
As Ropstah said, it isn't going to work with the <%= expression %> syntax.
But you could probably use databinding, which just requires that you use the <%# expression %> syntax and then call MyTextBox.Databind in CodeBehind.
Of course, at that point it might be more clear to just do the whole operation in CodeBehind.
Another alternative: if you really want this to be declarative, you could get away from the Label and embed your expression in a span tag.That way you still get to apply CSS, etc and I think the <%= expression %> syntax would work.
Why don't you just set it in the Page_Init callback function in the code behind?
This example is geared towards getting the max length from underlying sql types in linq. But you should be able to customise it to your needs
It looks like you want to be able to control the max length of a specific type of text box from a single location so that if that max length needs to change, you only need to change it in one place.
You can accomplish this by using a skin file. You set the max length in the skin file as you would normally and then any textbox that uses that max length would use the skin. If the length changes then you only need to change the skin file.
You can do it with databinding
MaxLength='<%# Constants.MaxCharacterLengthOfGameName %>'
runat="server" />
Then in the code behind
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
You can embed "normal" code in the .aspx file if you so want, like:
tbName.MaxLength = Constants.MaxCharacterLengthOfGameName
<asp:TextBox ID="tbName" CssClass="formField" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
This harkens back to an older style "classic" ASP way of doing this.
