I have a vb.net MVC3 Razor app that generates PDF files. The problem is that if 2 seperate users click the print button at the same time it throws the following exception..:
The process cannot access the file 'E:\web\xxxxxxxxxxsonl\PDF_Files\MailingLables.pdf' because it is being used by another process.
All of the controller actions to do with printing are basically like below:
Function Ind_Cert(ByVal firstName As String, ByVal lastname As String, ByVal classRef As String)
Dim _Attendance As attendance = db.attendances.Where(Function(f) f.Completed_Class = "Completed" And f.firstName = firstName And f.lastName = lastname).FirstOrDefault
If Not IsNothing(_Attendance) Then
Dim _reg_classes As List(Of reg_classes) = db.reg_classes.ToList
Dim _registrants As List(Of reg_info) = db.reg_info.ToList
Dim _courses As List(Of cours) = db.courses.ToList
Dim _Board As List(Of board_members) = db.board_members.ToList
Dim Board_Member As board_members = _Board.Where(Function(f) f.Official_Cap = "xxxxxx President").FirstOrDefault
Dim RecordId As Integer = 0
Dim conf_info As conf_info = db.conf_info.Single(Function(r) r.id = 0)
Dim conf_num As Integer = conf_info.conf_number
Dim _conf_num As String = conf_num.ToString
Dim Length As Integer
Dim _prefix As String = String.Empty
If Str(conf_num) <> "" Then
Length = Str(conf_num).Length
End If
Dim Divisor As Integer = 10 ^ (Length - 1)
Dim conf_num_start As Integer = 0
Dim Digits(Length - 1) As Integer
While (conf_num > 10)
'Extract the first digit
Digits(conf_num_start) = Int(conf_num / Divisor)
'Extract remainder number - and store it back in Num
conf_num = conf_num Mod Divisor
'Decrease Divisor's value by 1/10th units
Divisor /= 10
'Increment Index
conf_num_start += 1
End While
If conf_num = 0 Or 4 Or 5 Or 6 Or 7 Or 8 Or 9 Then _prefix = "th"
If conf_num = 1 Then _prefix = "st"
If conf_num = 2 Then _prefix = "nd"
If conf_num = 3 Then _prefix = "rd"
Dim pdfpath As String = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\PDF_Files\"
Dim imagepath As String = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\PDF_Files\"
Dim _PdfName As String = "Cert_" + lastname + ".pdf"
Dim doc As New Document
doc.SetMargins(1, 1, 1, 1)
Dim _pageCounter As Integer = 0
Dim Californian As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\Fonts\" + "CALIFB.TTF", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED)
Dim Copper As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\Fonts\" + "COPRGTB.TTF", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED)
Dim Bold_Times As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.TIMES_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, False)
Dim BF_Times As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.TIMES_ROMAN, BaseFont.CP1252, False)
Dim F_Name As New Font(BF_Times, 16, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)
Dim _Parking_Name As New Font(BF_Times, 18, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK)
Dim _Parking_Date As New Font(BF_Times, 24, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)
'**********************************Y lines for trial***********************************
Dim y_line1 As Integer = 670
Dim _Counter As Integer = 1
Dim _Page As String = 1
Dim _CertJpg As Image = Image.GetInstance(imagepath + "/cert.jpg")
Dim imageWidth As Decimal = _CertJpg.Width
Dim imageHeight As Decimal = _CertJpg.Height
Dim writer As PdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, New FileStream(pdfpath + _PdfName, FileMode.Create))
Dim cb As PdfContentByte = writer.DirectContent
If _Attendance.Completed_Class = "Completed" Then
Dim _confInfo As conf_info = db.conf_info.Single(Function(a) a.id = 0)
Dim year As String = Right(_confInfo.conf_start_date, 4)
Dim _reg As reg_info = db.reg_info.Single(Function(b) b.id = _Attendance.reg_id)
Dim name As String = _reg.first_name + " " + _reg.last_name
Dim _dates As String = _confInfo.conf_start_date + " - " + _confInfo.conf_end_date
Dim _course As cours = db.courses.Single(Function(c) c.course_ref = _Attendance.course_ref)
Dim _className As String = _course.course_title.ToString
Dim _hours As String = _course.course_hours
Dim _certName As String = Board_Member.First_Name + " " + Board_Member.last_name
_CertJpg.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.UNDERLYING
_CertJpg.ScaleToFit(792, 611)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Californian, 36)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, "CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION", 396, 397.91, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Bold_Times, 22)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, name, 396, 322.35, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Bold_Times, 16)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, _hours + " Hours", 297.05, 285.44, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Bold_Times, 16)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, _dates, 494.95, 285.44, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Bold_Times, 16)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, "Class Attended: " + " " + _Attendance.course_ref + " -- " + _className, 396, 230.34, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Copper, 16)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, _conf_num + _prefix + " Annual Conference " + _dates, 396, 193.89, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Bold_Times, 13)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, _certName, 396, 175.69, 0)
cb.SetFontAndSize(Bold_Times, 10)
cb.ShowTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, "xxxxxxx President", 396, 162.64, 0)
End If
Return _PdfName
Return "Fail"
End If
End Function
This error happens like I said any time 2 users try to generate a PDF file at the same time. Anyone know of a fix for this issue? Google has turned up countless pages about someone can't delete a file in windows because its being used. But that isn't much help.. Any ideas???
You can pretty much do two things.
Add a lock on the file and block the second (and third and fourth, etc) until the lock is cleared
Create a unique file for each instance.
I'd recommend #2. You can keep the same file name, just put the file in a unique directory. A GUID is usually the easiest for me:
Dim pdfpath As String = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\PDF_Files\"
pdfPath = Path.Combine(pdfPath, Guid.NewGuid.ToString())
Then change your return to include the path created above.
Can you create the PDF file with a random file name to avoid the conflict in the first place?
Wrap your file access code in a lock.
lock (this)
//Write file
See Lock on MSDN
I am trying to reset the pagesize of each record in pdf, which is the total page
(1 of pagesize
2 of pagesize.......)
The 1st blockcode work for 1 single record but then when it come to multiple record it showed:
1 of 0 //1st record
2 of 0
1 of 0 //2nd record
I think there is something to do with document.setPageSize() but it is boolean and belong to Rectangle.
Please help me solve this problem.
Public Overrides Sub onEndPage(ByVal writer As PdfWriter, ByVal document As Document)
Dim page As Rectangle = document.getPageSize()
Dim cb As PdfContentByte = writer.getDirectContent()
Dim arialbasefont As BaseFont = arial.getBaseFont
Dim pg As Rectangle = document.getPageSize()
Dim pageNumberText As String = "Page " & writer.getPageNumber() & " of "
Dim timeStampText As String = Now.ToString
Dim pageNumberTextLength As Double = arialbasefont.getWidthPoint(pageNumberText, footerFontSize)
Dim timeStampTextLength As Double = arialbasefont.getWidthPoint(timeStampText, footerFontSize)
Dim pageNumberTextLeft As Double = 20
Dim templateLeft As Double = pageNumberTextLeft + pageNumberTextLength
Dim pageNumberTextBottom As Double = 5 + footerFontSize
cb.setFontAndSize(arialbasefont, footerFontSize)
cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, pageNumberText, pageNumberTextLeft, pageNumberTextBottom, 0)
cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, Now, pg.urx - (timeStampTextLength + 20), pageNumberTextBottom, 0)
cb.addTemplate(tpl, templateLeft, pageNumberTextBottom)
End Sub
For Each ProjectID In array
Dim rptRequestReportObj As New rptRequestReport2
rptRequestReportObj.Report(document, ProjectID)
Next ProjectID
I have an issue where only the last page of my pdf is stored.
The pdf should be multiple pages long, and this works fine if I just send the pdf to the browser using Response and the mms memory stream, however I need to add it as a pdf to an email and therefore are writing mms to bytes to create a new memorystream when I create my email attachment. This is to get around the closed stream error.
This is my code
Public Shared Function SendPrePackLabels(ByVal bf_id As String, mail As String) As Boolean
Dim pars(0) As SqlParameter
pars(0) = New SqlParameter("#bf_id", SqlDbType.VarChar) With {.Value = bf_id}
Dim p As String
Dim reader As PdfReader
Dim mms As New MemoryStream
Dim rt() As Byte
Dim i As Integer = 0
Using dc As Document = New Document
Using sc As PdfSmartCopy = New PdfSmartCopy(dc, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream)
With SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(Stiletto.cnStrRMIS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "BPM_spPrepack_Labels", pars).Tables(0)
For Each dr As DataRow In .Rows
Dim pdfr As New PdfReader("")
Using ms As New MemoryStream
Using pdfs As New PdfStamper(pdfr, ms)
Dim fields As AcroFields = pdfs.AcroFields
fields.GenerateAppearances = True
fields.SetField("pono", dr.Item("po_no").ToString)
fields.SetField("ref", dr.Item("alt_code").ToString)
fields.SetField("colour", dr.Item("colour").ToString)
fields.SetField("code", dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString)
For k As Integer = 1 To dr.Table.Columns.Count - 6
Dim j As Integer = k + 5
fields.SetField("s" & k, dr.Table.Columns(j).ColumnName.ToString)
If dr.Item(dr.Table.Columns(j).ColumnName.ToString).ToString = "" Then
p = "0"
p = dr.Item(dr.Table.Columns(j).ColumnName.ToString).ToString
End If
fields.SetField("p" & k, p)
fields.SetField("pack", dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString)
Dim bcfont As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont("", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED)
fields.SetFieldProperty("barcode", "textfont", bcfont, Nothing)
fields.SetFieldProperty("barcode", "textsize", 60.0F, Nothing)
Dim mBarcode As String = "219" & dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString
Dim cLength As Integer = mBarcode.Length
Dim zerostoadd As Integer = 12 - cLength
Dim digit12barcode As String = mBarcode.PadRight(12, CChar("0"))
Dim FinalBarcode As String = returnCheckDigitedBarcode(digit12barcode)
fields.SetField("barcode", FinalBarcode)
Dim par(1) As SqlParameter
par(0) = New SqlParameter("#sizerun_hdr_id", SqlDbType.VarChar) With {.Value = dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString}
par(1) = New SqlParameter("#ean13", SqlDbType.VarChar) With {.Value = FinalBarcode}
SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(Stiletto.cnStrRMIS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "BPM_spSizeRunEAN13", par)
pdfs.FormFlattening = True
End Using
reader = New PdfReader(ms.ToArray)
sc.AddPage(sc.GetImportedPage(reader, 1))
mms = ms
End Using
End With
End Using
End Using
Dim bt() As Byte = mms.ToArray
If mail.Length > 0 Then
Dim eMsg As New MailMessage()
eMsg.From = New MailAddress("myemail#mydomain.co.uk")
eMsg.To.Add(New MailAddress(mail))
Dim title As String = "<h3>Here are the Prepack Labels.</h3>"
eMsg.Subject = "Prepack Labels"
eMsg.Body = "<html>" & title & "</html>"
eMsg.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim att As Attachment = New Attachment(New MemoryStream(bt), "Prepack Labels.pdf", "application/pdf")
Dim SMTP1 As New SmtpClient
SMTP1.Host = "EX"
End If
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
I'm not sure of your exact problem but I'm pretty sure your life would be easier if you broke you giant function into smaller more specific functions that do only one thing. Also, I really recommend never writing to the raw ASP.Net stream until after you've created a PDF. Instead, always write to a MemoryStream, grab the bytes and do something with them.
The code below break it into four functions. CreatePdf() loops through the database and calls CreateSinglePdf() for each row in the table, merging them with your PdfSmartCopy. SendEmail() is blissfully unaware of iTextSharp completely and just receives a raw array of bytes that is assumed to be a PDF. This is all kicked off by SendPrePackLabels() which is where you'd probably want to also Response.BinaryWrite() your bytes.
Public Shared Function SendPrePackLabels(ByVal bf_id As String, mail As String) As Boolean
Dim bt = CreatePdf(bf_id)
Return SendEmail(bt, mail)
End Function
Public Shared Function CreateSinglePdf(dr As DataRow) As Byte()
Using ms As New MemoryStream
Using pdfr As New PdfReader("")
Using pdfs As New PdfStamper(pdfr, ms)
Dim fields As AcroFields = pdfs.AcroFields
fields.GenerateAppearances = True
fields.SetField("pono", dr.Item("po_no").ToString)
fields.SetField("ref", dr.Item("alt_code").ToString)
fields.SetField("colour", dr.Item("colour").ToString)
fields.SetField("code", dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString)
Dim p As String
For k As Integer = 1 To dr.Table.Columns.Count - 6
Dim j As Integer = k + 5
fields.SetField("s" & k, dr.Table.Columns(j).ColumnName.ToString)
If dr.Item(dr.Table.Columns(j).ColumnName.ToString).ToString = "" Then
p = "0"
p = dr.Item(dr.Table.Columns(j).ColumnName.ToString).ToString
End If
fields.SetField("p" & k, p)
fields.SetField("pack", dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString)
Dim bcfont As BaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont("", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED)
fields.SetFieldProperty("barcode", "textfont", bcfont, Nothing)
fields.SetFieldProperty("barcode", "textsize", 60.0F, Nothing)
Dim mBarcode As String = "219" & dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString
Dim cLength As Integer = mBarcode.Length
Dim zerostoadd As Integer = 12 - cLength
Dim digit12barcode As String = mBarcode.PadRight(12, CChar("0"))
Dim FinalBarcode As String = returnCheckDigitedBarcode(digit12barcode)
fields.SetField("barcode", FinalBarcode)
Dim par(1) As SqlParameter
par(0) = New SqlParameter("#sizerun_hdr_id", SqlDbType.VarChar) With {.Value = dr.Item("sizerun_hdr_id").ToString}
par(1) = New SqlParameter("#ean13", SqlDbType.VarChar) With {.Value = FinalBarcode}
SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(Stiletto.cnStrRMIS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "BPM_spSizeRunEAN13", par)
pdfs.FormFlattening = True
End Using
End Using
Return ms.ToArray()
End Using
End Function
Public Shared Function CreatePdf(ByVal bf_id As String) As Byte()
Dim pars(0) As SqlParameter
pars(0) = New SqlParameter("#bf_id", SqlDbType.VarChar) With {.Value = bf_id}
Using ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
Using dc As Document = New Document
Using sc As PdfSmartCopy = New PdfSmartCopy(dc, ms)
With SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(Stiletto.cnStrRMIS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "BPM_spPrepack_Labels", pars).Tables(0)
For Each dr As DataRow In .Rows
Dim pageBytes = CreateSinglePdf(dr)
Using reader = New PdfReader(pageBytes)
sc.AddPage(sc.GetImportedPage(reader, 1))
End Using
End With
End Using
End Using
Return ms.ToArray()
End Using
End Function
Public Shared Function SendEmail(bt As Byte(), mail As String) As Boolean
If mail.Length > 0 Then
Dim eMsg As New MailMessage()
eMsg.From = New MailAddress("myemail#mydomain.co.uk")
eMsg.To.Add(New MailAddress(mail))
Dim title As String = "<h3>Here are the Prepack Labels.</h3>"
eMsg.Subject = "Prepack Labels"
eMsg.Body = "<html>" & title & "</html>"
eMsg.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim att As Attachment = New Attachment(New MemoryStream(bt), "Prepack Labels.pdf", "application/pdf")
Dim SMTP1 As New SmtpClient
SMTP1.Host = "EX"
End If
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
I have two datatables (dtSF and CurveFitTable) that contain two different values which I have to multiply. The objective is to produce a datatable that contains the product of two values from two different datatables. The twist is, the CurveFitTable came from different csv files in a directory which I already defined.
What I intended to do is to have a datatable like the adjustedCopy table in the image below. Unfortunately, what I'm getting is a single datatable which kept on being overwritten and whenever I attempt to databind it to the grid, the datatable seems to be empty. Please help. T.T
This is my code:
Dim adjusteddemandtable As New DataTable()
Dim adjustedcopy As New DataTable()
Dim multiply_SF As Double
Dim adjusted_Demand As Double
Dim initial_Demand As Double
Dim basecurvestamp As Date
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add("Base Curve", GetType(Date))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns("Base Curve").SetOrdinal(0)
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add("Adjusted_Demand", GetType(Double))
Dim CurveFitTatble As New DataTable()
For Each filename As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackUpDirectory)
CurveFitTatble = GetDataTabletFromCSVFile(filename)
For Each row2 As DataRow In dtSF.Rows()
For Each row As DataRow In CurveFitTatble.Rows()
initial_Demand = row(1)
basecurvestamp = row(0)
multiply_SF = row2(0)
adjusted_Demand = multiply_SF * initial_Demand
Dim rowa As DataRow = adjusteddemandtable.Rows.Add()
rowa(0) = basecurvestamp
rowa(1) = adjusted_Demand
adjustedcopy.Merge(adjusteddemandtable, True, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey)
GridView1.DataSource = adjustedcopy
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I think, I'm missing something or overlooked an important step. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
I just did what #jmcilhinney told me (that is to replace nested Foreach nested loop. Here is my new code (and fortunately, it is working as its expected output requires)
Dim y As Integer = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackUpDirectory).Length
Dim row1 As DataRow
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < y
row1 = dtSF.Rows(i)
Dim filenames As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackUpDirectory)
Dim filename As String = filenames(i)
multiply_SF = row1(0)
CurveFitTatble = New DataTable()
Dim TS_Name As String = "TmeStamp" + "_" & i
Dim AD_Name As String = "AdjustedDemand" + "_" & i
If i = 0 Then
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(TS_Name, GetType(Date))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(AD_Name, GetType(Double))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns(AD_Name).SetOrdinal(i + 1)
ElseIf i > 0 Then
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(TS_Name, GetType(Date))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns(TS_Name).SetOrdinal(i + 1)
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(AD_Name, GetType(Double))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns(AD_Name).SetOrdinal(i + 2)
End If
'If row1(0) = filename Then
CurveFitTatble = GetDataTabletFromCSVFile(filename)
'For Each row As DataRow In CurveFitTatble.Rows()
Dim row As DataRow
For j As Integer = 0 To CurveFitTatble.Rows.Count - 1
row = CurveFitTatble.Rows(j)
initial_Demand = row(1)
basecurvestamp = row(0)
adjusted_Demand = multiply_SF * initial_Demand
Dim rowa As DataRow = adjusteddemandtable.Rows.Add()
If i = 0 Then
rowa(i) = basecurvestamp
rowa(i + 1) = adjusted_Demand
ElseIf i > 0 Then
rowa(i + 1) = basecurvestamp
rowa(i + 2) = adjusted_Demand
End If
i = i + 1
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I have started to deveop a website using asp.net.
I need to fetch some data from excel to display it to the client.
I am hosting my site on somee.com so that I can freely host it.
But on the server of somee.com Excel is not installed.
I have written some code for my website to display the data from from excel.
Dim xlApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application()
Dim xlWorkbook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(FileUploadPath & sender.text)
Dim xlWorksheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets(SheetName)
Dim xlRange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range = xlWorksheet.UsedRange
Dim rowCount As Integer = xlRange.Rows.Count
Dim colCount As Integer = xlRange.Columns.Count
Dim tbl As New DataTable()
For i As Integer = 1 To rowCount
For i As Integer = 1 To colCount
If rowCount > 1 Or colCount > 1 Then
For i As Integer = 1 To rowCount
For j As Integer = 1 To colCount
tbl.Rows(i - 1)(j - 1) = xlRange.Value2(i, j)
Next j
Next i
End If
gvReadFiles.AutoGenerateColumns = True
gvReadFiles.DataSource = tbl
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Close(False, Session(FileUploadPath & sender.text))
xlWorkbook = Nothing
xlApp = Nothing
Now I need to have some changes in code so it is not excel dependent.
Can you help me?
I solved it using google for more than 2 hours.
Here is the code
Dim objConn As OleDbConnection = Nothing
Dim dt As System.Data.DataTable = Nothing
Dim connString As String = ""
If Extension = "xls" Or Extension = ".xls" Then
connString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & FileUploadPath & sender.text & ";Extended Properties=" + Convert.ToChar(34).ToString() + "Excel 8.0;HDR=No;IMEX=1" + Convert.ToChar(34).ToString() + ""
ElseIf Extension = "xlsx" Or Extension = ".xlsx" Then
connString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & FileUploadPath & sender.text & ";Extended Properties=" + Convert.ToChar(34).ToString() + "Excel 12.0;HDR=No;IMEX=1" + Convert.ToChar(34).ToString() + ""
End If
objConn = New OleDbConnection(connString)
dt = objConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, Nothing)
Dim firstSheetName As String = "Sheet1"
If Not dt Is Nothing Then
Dim excelSheets As [String]() = New [String](dt.Rows.Count - 1) {}
' Add the sheet name to the string array.
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
firstSheetName = row("TABLE_NAME").ToString().Substring(0, row("TABLE_NAME").ToString.Length - 1)
Exit For
End If
Return firstSheetName
Catch ex As Exception
Return "Sheet1"
If objConn IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dt IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Try
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Closed 10 years ago.
the following code is for user control(it display banner), the page get stuck in IIS with status Executerequesthandler (when there is concurrent requests for this page), when I take this user control out from the page it runs smoothy, please note this control is embeded 5 times in the page. Here is the entire code for this user control, can someone spot out the problem?
Public Class daAds
Private Remote_Host As String
Private Script_Name As String
Private PATH_INFO As String
Private Page_Link As String
Private Country As String
Public Property p_Country() As String
Return Country
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Country = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property p_Page_Link() As String
Return Page_Link
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Page_Link = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property p_Remote_Host() As String
Return Remote_Host
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Remote_Host = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property p_Script_Name() As String
Return Script_Name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Script_Name = value
End Set
End Property
Private ConnectionToFetch As SqlConnection
Private ReadOnly Property Connection() As SqlConnection
ConnectionToFetch = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Return ConnectionToFetch
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As String
Return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnStr").ConnectionString
End Get
End Property
Public Property p_PATH_INFO() As String
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
PATH_INFO = value
End Set
End Property
Public Function showAd(ByVal Banner_inc As Integer, ByVal banner_layout As String, Optional ByVal ShowAdsInfo As Integer = 0) As String
'Return ""
'Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnStr").ConnectionString
Dim imp_user_ip As String = Trim(Remote_Host)
Dim imp_country As String = Trim(p_Country)
imp_country = Replace(imp_country, Chr(10), "")
imp_country = Replace(imp_country, Chr(13), "")
Dim imp_page_name As String = Trim(Script_Name)
Dim imp_page_name2 As String = Trim(PATH_INFO)
Dim imp_page_link As String = p_Page_Link
'Dim m As DataSet
'm = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "disp_banner_byPageName_views", parameters)
Dim InsertCommand As New SqlCommand
InsertCommand.Connection = Connection
InsertCommand.CommandText = "disp_banner_byPageName_views"
InsertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure '
'Dim IdParameter = New SqlParameter("#CategoryID", SqlDbType.Int)
'Dim NameParameter = New SqlParameter("#CategoryName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
'IdParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
'NameParameter.Value = txtCategoryName.Text
Dim Param_Imp_user_ip = New SqlParameter("#imp_user_ip", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Param_Imp_user_ip.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_Imp_user_ip.Value = imp_user_ip
Param_Imp_user_ip = Nothing
Dim Param_imp_country = New SqlParameter("#imp_country", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Param_imp_country.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_imp_country.Value = imp_country '"jo" '
Param_imp_country = Nothing
Dim Param_banner_inc = New SqlParameter("#banner_inc", SqlDbType.Int)
Param_banner_inc.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_banner_inc.Value = Banner_inc
Param_banner_inc = Nothing
Dim Param_imp_page_name = New SqlParameter("#imp_page_name", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Param_imp_page_name.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_imp_page_name.Value = imp_page_name
Param_imp_page_name = Nothing
Dim Param_imp_page_link = New SqlParameter("#imp_page_link", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Param_imp_page_link.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_imp_page_link.Value = imp_page_link
Param_imp_page_link = Nothing
Dim Param_banner_layout = New SqlParameter("#banner_layout", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Param_banner_layout.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_banner_layout.Value = banner_layout
Param_banner_layout = Nothing
Dim Param_activeBanners = New SqlParameter("#activeBanners", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Param_activeBanners.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Param_activeBanners.Value = ""
Param_activeBanners = Nothing
Dim Param_banner_width = New SqlParameter("#banner_width", SqlDbType.Int)
Param_banner_width.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_banner_height = New SqlParameter("#banner_height", SqlDbType.Int)
Param_banner_height.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_campaign_id = New SqlParameter("#campaign_id", SqlDbType.Int)
Param_campaign_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_imp_id = New SqlParameter("#imp_id", SqlDbType.Int)
Param_imp_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_banner_url = New SqlParameter("#banner_url", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500)
Param_banner_url.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_banner_img = New SqlParameter("#banner_img", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)
Param_banner_img.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_banner_text = New SqlParameter("#banner_text", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000)
Param_banner_text.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_banner_script = New SqlParameter("#banner_script", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2000)
Param_banner_script.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim Param_banner_ID = New SqlParameter("#banner_ID", SqlDbType.Int)
Param_banner_ID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim param_adv_name_script = New SqlParameter("#adv_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2000)
param_adv_name_script.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim ActiveBanner As String = ""
Dim banner_height As Integer
Dim campaign_id As Integer
Dim imp_id As Integer
Dim banner_url As String
Dim banner_img As String
Dim banner_text As String
Dim banner_script As String
Dim banner_ID As Integer
Dim banner_width As String
'ActiveBanner = Param_activeBanners.Value()
banner_width = Param_banner_width.Value()
banner_height = Param_banner_height.Value()
If (Not IsDBNull(Param_campaign_id.Value())) Then
campaign_id = Convert.ToInt16(Param_campaign_id.Value())
End If
If (Not IsDBNull(Param_imp_id.Value())) Then
imp_id = Convert.ToInt16(Param_imp_id.Value())
End If
banner_url = Param_banner_url.Value()
banner_img = Param_banner_img.Value()
banner_text = Param_banner_text.Value()
banner_script = Param_banner_script.Value()
banner_ID = Param_banner_ID.Value()
ConnectionToFetch = Nothing
Param_banner_width = Nothing
Param_banner_height = Nothing
Param_campaign_id = Nothing
Param_imp_id = Nothing
Param_banner_url = Nothing
Param_banner_img = Nothing
Param_banner_text = Nothing
Param_banner_script = Nothing
Param_banner_ID = Nothing
param_adv_name_script = Nothing
If imp_page_link = "" Then
imp_page_link = " "
End If
'Dim x As Integer = parameters(9).Value
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(campaign_id) Then
campaign_id = -1
End If
If IsNothing(campaign_id) Then
campaign_id = -1
End If
If campaign_id < 1 Then 'If CInt("0" & param_campaign_id.value) < 1 Then
Return "<!-- log name='campNull' value='" & campaign_id & "' -->"
End If
If ActiveBanner = "" Then
ActiveBanner = banner_ID
ElseIf InStr("," & ActiveBanner & ",", "," & banner_ID & ",") < 1 Then
ActiveBanner = banner_ID & "," & ActiveBanner
End If
Dim strRet As String
'If request.QueryString("ads") = 1 Then
'Response.Write(" SessionID:" & Session.SessionID & " " & " disp_custom_banner " & campaign_id & "," & banner_ID & "," & adv_id & " Country=" & gCountry & " Banner=" & adv_name & " IP=" & request.ServerVariables("Remote_host"))
' End If
Dim strbuilder As New StringBuilder
If ShowAdsInfo = 1 Then
strbuilder.Append("disp_custom_banner " & campaign_id & "," & banner_ID & "," & " Country=" & imp_country & ", Banner=" & param_adv_name_script.Value())
End If
strbuilder.Append("<!-- log banner=" & banner_ID & " activeBanners=" & ActiveBanner & " -->")
strbuilder.Append("<script language='javascript' defer=defer>AdvimgBanner=" & IIf(imp_id = Nothing, 0, imp_id) & ";</script>" & vbCr)
If Len(banner_script) > 5 Then
''''''''' added for counting issue
Dim tmtmp As String = Replace(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), "PM", "")
Dim tm As String = Replace(tmtmp, "AM", "")
tm = Replace(tm, ":", "")
Dim max, min, RandomNum
max = 10000
min = 1
RandomNum = CStr(Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd() + min))
RandomNum = RandomNum & "-" & banner_ID
Dim ReFactor As String = Replace(banner_script, "[timestamp]", RandomNum & tm)
strbuilder.Append(Replace(ReFactor, "&cacheburst=", "&cacheburst=" & RandomNum & tm))
Return strbuilder.ToString
End If
If InStr(LCase(banner_img), ".swf") > 0 Then
Dim url_str As String = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode("http://www.xxx.com/includes/bannerhits.asp?campaign_id=" & campaign_id & "&imp_id=" & imp_id & "&URL=" & HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(banner_url))
Dim banner_str As String = "<A HREF=/includes/in_banner_hits.asp?campaign_id=" & campaign_id & "&imp_id=" & imp_id & "&URL=" & HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(banner_url) & " TARGET='_blank'>"
Dim bannersrc As String = "/updates/banners/" & banner_img
Dim concatEmbedID As String = "CAMP" & campaign_id
Dim DivNameID As String = "flashbanner" & banner_layout
Dim bannerhit As String = "http://www.xxx.com/includes/bannerhits.asp?campaign_id=" & campaign_id & "&imp_id=" & imp_id & "&URL=" & banner_url
bannerhit = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(bannerhit)
strbuilder.Append("<div id='<%=DivNameID%>'>")
strbuilder.Append("<a href='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer'>")
strbuilder.Append("<img src='http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif' alt='Get Adobe Flash player' border='0' /></a></div>")
strbuilder.Append("<script type='text/javascript' src='/includes/scripts/swfobject.js' ></script>")
strbuilder.Append("<script type='text/javascript' >")
strbuilder.Append("var so = new SWFObject(" + bannersrc + ", " + DivNameID + "," + banner_width + ", " + banner_height + ", ""6"", ""#ffffff"");")
strbuilder.Append("so.addParam(""quality"", ""autohigh "");")
strbuilder.Append("so.addParam(""bgcolor"", ""#ffffff"");")
strbuilder.Append("so.addParam(""swliveconnect"", ""false"");")
strbuilder.Append("so.addParam(""wmode"", ""transparent"");")
strbuilder.Append("so.addVariable(""clickTAG""," + bannerhit + ");")
strbuilder.Append("so.write(" + DivNameID + ");")
strbuilder.Append("<A HREF=/includes/in_banner_hits.asp?campaign_id=" & campaign_id & "&imp_id=" & imp_id & "&URL=" & HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(banner_url) & " TARGET='_blank'>" & _
" <IMG SRC='/updates/banners/" & banner_img & "' WIDTH='" & banner_width & "' HEIGHT='" & banner_height & "' BORDER='0' ALT='" & banner_text & "' vspace='5'></A>")
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strbuilder.Append("<!--log name='err' value='" & Err.Description & _
"' Source='" & Err.Source & "' Number='" & Err.Number & "'-->")
End If
InsertCommand = Nothing
Dim strReturn As String = strbuilder.ToString
strbuilder = Nothing
Return strReturn
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class
In short: You should create,open,use,close,dispose Connections where you're using them.
The best way is to use the using-statement. By not closing the connection as soon as possible, the Connection-Pool needs to create new physical connections to the dbms which is very expensive in terms of perfomance.
Using conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnStr").ConnectionString)
Using insertCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("disp_banner_byPageName_views", conn)
insertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
' ....
End Using
End Using
Performance problems are the least you get when not closing connections properly.
Edit: I've overlooked the ConnectionToFetch.Close in the middle of the code.
But anyway, you should use using or the finally of a try/catch to close a connection, otherwise it'll keep open in case of any exceptions. Because you've already a try/catch you could use it to close it in it's finally block.
I don't want to nag even more, but an empty catch is bad, because you'll never know when an exception was raised. You might want to log or at least throw it again there to catch it in Application_Error and/or in a custom error page or at the caller of this method.
' code here
Catch ex As Exception
' log exception and/or throw(what is always better than to intercept it)
End Try