I have read so many questions and articles from this web site.
However I am getting tired of looking for something I want to manipulate.
In SQL Server, I used to call procedures like "EXEC Some_Procedure_name arg1, 'arg2', arg3, 'arg4'".
When input parameters are in numeric, I woudn't use sing quotation.
But in oracle, do I really need to write something like using Input and Output parameters?
Let's say that the procedure is below:
p_JOB_ID IN varchar2,
outCursor OUT MYGEN.sqlcur
OPEN outCursor FOR
Then I must specify the name of input parameter's name in my c# code like below:
var userNameParameter = command.Parameters.Add("p_JOB_ID", Job_ID);
returnValueParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.In;
Can't I just call it like "Execute GET_JOB 'j208';"?
To return datasets from a stored procedure in Oracle, you need to use a "REF CURSOR".
This is explained in detail, with code examples for .NET, here:
I am working on a system where I need to create a view.I have two databases
I want to create the view on the EMS_DB using table from CDR_DB. This I am trying to do via dblink.
The dblink is created at the runtime, i.e. DB Name is decided at the time user installs the database, based on the dbname dblink is decided.
My issue is I am trying to create a query like below to create a view from a table which name is decided at run time. Please see below query :
select count(*)
from (SELECT CONCAT('cdr_log#', alias) db_name
FROM ems_dbs a,
cdr_manager b
WHERE a.db_type = 'CDR'
and a.ems_db_id = b.cdr_db_id
and b.op_state = 4 ) db_name;
In this query cdr_log#"db_name" is the runtime table name(db_name get's created at runtime).
When I'm trying to run above query, I'm not getting the desired result. The result of the above query is '1'.
When running only the sub-query from the above query :
SELECT CONCAT('cdr_log#', alias) db_name
FROM ems_dbs a,
cdr_manager b
WHERE a.db_type = 'CDR'
and a.ems_db_id = b.cdr_db_id
and b.op_state = 4;
i'm getting the desired result, i.e. cdr_log#cdrdb01
but when i'm trying to run the full query, getting result as '1'.
Also, when i'm trying to run as
select count(*) from cdr_log#cdrdb01;
I'm getting the result as '24' which is correct.
Expected Result is that I should get the same output similar to the query :
select count(*) from cdr_log#cdrdb01;
But the desired result is coming as '1' using the full query mentioned initially.
Please let me know a way to solve the above problem. I found a way to do it via a procedure, but i'm not sure how can I invoke this procedure.
Can this be done as part of sub query as I have used above?
You're not going to be able to create a view that will dynamically reference an object over a database link unless you do something like create a pipelined table function that builds the SQL dynamically.
If the database link is created and named dynamically at installation time, it would probably make the most sense to create any objects that depend on the database link (such as the view) at installation time too. Dynamic SQL tends to be much harder to write, maintain, and debug than static SQL so it would make sense to minimize the amount of dynamic SQL you need. If you can dynamically create the view at installation time, that's likely the easiest option. Even better than directly referencing the remote object in the view, particularly if there are multiple objects that need to reference the remote object, would probably be to have the view reference a synonym and create the synonym at install time. Something like
create synonym cdr_log_remote
for cdr#<<dblink name>>
create or replace view view_name
select *
from cdr_log_remote;
If you don't want to create the synonym/ view at installation time, you'd need to use dynamic SQL to reference the remote object. You can't use dynamic SQL as the SELECT statement in a view so you'd need to do something like have a view reference a pipelined table function that invokes dynamic SQL to call the remote object. That's a fair amount of work but it would look something like this
-- Define an object that has the same set of columns as the remote object
create type typ_cdr_log as object (
col1 number,
col2 varchar2(100)
create type tbl_cdr_log as table of typ_cdr_log;
create or replace function getAllCDRLog
return tbl_cdr_log
l_rows typ_cdr_log;
l_sql varchar(1000);
l_dblink_name varchar(100);
SELECT alias db_name
INTO l_dblink_name
FROM ems_dbs a,
cdr_manager b
WHERE a.db_type = 'CDR'
and a.ems_db_id = b.cdr_db_id
and b.op_state = 4;
l_sql := 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM cdr_log#' || l_dblink_name;
execute immediate l_sql
bulk collect into l_rows;
for i in 1 .. l_rows.count
pipe row( l_rows(i) );
end loop;
create or replace view view_name
select *
from table( getAllCDRLog );
Note that this will not be a particularly efficient way to structure things if there are a large number of rows in the remote table since it reads all the rows into memory before starting to return them back to the caller. There are plenty of ways to make the pipelined table function more efficient but they'll tend to make the code more complicated.
i need to interact with an oracle database,i usually use toad but i need to simplify some operations.
i'd like to have forms and buttons to launch custom query
have a button "username" and a button "start" so when i press the button ,the program will do some checks whit ifs and cases and then some insert or update
web page or windows application i don't care as long its "easy" to do
i've tried visual basic but i cant understand how to do updates and inserts
Thank you
AFAIK you can try every language that .NET framework supports (even F#), but most popular way is to use C# with .NET.
There are a lot of books and manual online abut connecting .NET to DB. Also try reading about LINQ.
You may strat by looking on the net if there is an easy code that it could help you on your needs.
You can always try paste some code of your mine here so ppl will help you.
IF you managed to make calls to Oracle from VB or the other languages that you are using, but you are having trouble with specific commands, you could wrap them in PL/SQL procedures or packages.
Here's a simple example:
create or replace procedure updateuser(p_user in varchar2) as
--here you can declare local stored procedure variables and you can already give some starting value if you want
somevariable number := length(p_user) + 1;
someothervariable varchar2(10);
--some useless code just to show you basic usage:
someothervariable := '(' || p_user || ')';
--Your update or insert statement:
UPDATE sometable
SET somecolumn = someothervariable
where username = p_user;
To call it from your VB, you might need to do something like this: (forgive my poor knowledge of vb, the syntax may be all wrong):
myvbsub "begin updateuser('" + vbuservar + "'); end;"
Hope this helps!
Im creating reports using Jasper ireport. I created a PL/SQL function in Oracle Application Express to translate number in corresonding text .
eg. 125 to One Hunderd and Twenty Five.
Now i need to call this function into Jasper ireport by passing parameter imto this function. Is it possible?
I found ways to call procedure into ireport but I couldnt find ways to call a function into ireport. Can anyone help?
Let's say your function is named fnNumToStr.
As we know from the basics, PL/SQL functions can be called from SQL queries if they accept and return values as SQL datatypes. In your example the function accepts number and returns VARCHAR2 so it's fine.
Write a query like:
SELECT fnNumToStr(numCol)
FROM tableName
Something like this should do. If you are passing parameter to this function then
SELECT fnNumToStr($P{paramName})
FROM tableName
should do.
I have a SQL function that I am calling in my VB.Net code within a display function. The SQL function will format my account data to include the following results form a Table.
The table data: "001000011121" (this is the type of structure the data has before formated)
So the data table data and vb Properties would be called Myaccount, HerAccount, ThisAccount.
Once the data is pulled and then formatted in the VB.net code it will result into a GridDisplay as as: ""
The way I have my Public Function in my code is:
Public Funcion GetDisplay(_
ByVal dbBass as DataProvider_
,ByVal pps AS TMGDatarequestParms_
,By filter As IFilter_
) As Ilist
Dim strobe As String = CType(parms.OptionalParameters, DataProvider).Database
Dim sql As BiGSqlBuilder(TABLE)
sql.Select = String.Format("ID, [{0}].dbo.GLForamtAcct(Myaccount) AS [Myaccount], [{0}].dbo.GLFormatAccount(HerAccount) AS [HerAccount], [{0}].dbo.GLFormatAccount(ThisAccount) AS [ThisAccount]", strobe)
I left out some of the return code since not necessary. The only thing I'm concerned is how to format the SQL within the VB.net Code above. I hope this makes sense I'm new to this whole abstraction stuff. Any help would be Highly appreciated cause I'm pretty sure how I have it above does not work.
Suggest implementing your display code in your higher tiers, rather than burdening your database with this business logic.
It sounds like you're string to use String.Format() to insert the table name in your string. This syntax of database.schema.object is really only needed if performing cross database calls.
If you really want to use your SQL UDF to perform your formatting, suggest using/formulating a SELECT statement like:
dbo.GLFormatAccount(Acct1) AS Acct1,
dbo.GLFormatAccount(Acct2) AS Acct2,
dbo.GLFormatAccount(Acct3) AS Acct3
FROM MyTable
I'm working on an ASP.NET project with an Oracle Database. We are using TOAD to add/manage the stored procedures -- and in general I like TOAD and Oracle. The one thing I've found frustrating is finding a simple way to test an Oracle Stored Proc, such as SQL Server's "exec [SP_NAME] Param1, Param2, ParamN" syntax.
All of our stored procedures output Ref Cursors. Here is an example of a Stored Proc:
outCursor OUT MYGEN.sqlcur
OPEN outCursor FOR
Any suggestions?
You just need a script that calls your stored procedure and has a bind variable for the ref cursor output to display it in TOAD's grid in the Editor window.
type result_set is ref cursor;
APP_DB1.GET_JOB(1, :result_set);
When you then run this TOAD will prompt you to 'bind' :result_set, just select ref cursor from the list of types and then the result will display in the grid. The trick is to think of yourself as a 'client' calling your stored procedure and you need your own ref cursor to store the result.
If you just looking for a way to invoke the SP, then the Oracle way is:
I don't use Toad, but you should be able to put this into a SQL window and execute it.
In sqplus you can use the syntax
SQL>var rc refcursor
SQL>exec APP_DB1.GET_JOB(the job id you want to query, :rc)
SQL>print rc
That should do it. The first line defines a bind variable. You could also define a variable for the job id, or just type it in.
TOAD shows the result in a grid just fine with sample script from Russel. Run as script.
variable P_CUR refcursor;
exec PACK.GETEXECUTION ( '9f363e49-88c1-4295-b61e-60812d620d7e', '6', :P_CUR );
print P_CUR;
The idea is just to bind the outCursor variable to a cursor when toad prompts you for the variable type. Just pass the other variables the usual way. Like in the example below.
APP_DB1.GET_JOB(1, :v_outCursor);
Run it and a dialogue box will prompt you to bind the :outCursor variable as shown in the following image.
Toad will then display the result in the result grid.