Interacting with the wordpress api with an application -

I have built an application from which I would like to post blog entries to wordpress, using the wordpress API. Thus far I have been unable to find any good tutorials or walkthroughs to do so. How might I use the wordpress API to upload blog content via an application?

I know that you should use the xml-rpc (probably need to enable on your server under administration area). xml-rpc. However, actual implementation details I am not positive on. Hopefully this gives you a start.


SPA with content management

I would like to build Single Page Web Application (SPA) with React.js.
Application would need some Content Management System for back-end. I was thinking to use WordPress and their REST-API's but I don't know how to retrieve data from my wordpress installation.
Back-end and front-end would be in different domains so just building WP theme with React.js wouldn't work.
Basically, I don't know how to call and populate data from wordpress to my front-end.
I would need someone to point me to the right direction. And, maybe recommend easier CMS to use in this task.
Actually it is very easy to access your WordPress website data through HTTP REST API
Here you have the full documentation on WordPress REST APi

Dynamic linking to Wordpress database

I intend to use WP to setup a freelancers website (similar to oDesk) to connect service providers with service seekers in a WEB 2.0 dynamic environment. This site requires multiple forms to enter and retrieve information using database and show them in filtered or non-filtered views in separate pages.
Please advise if there are available plugins to expedite developing this site, or otherwise any guidance would be appreciated. I specifically would like to know how to connect forms to database and then how to retrieve this information from the DB.
You are likely going to have to create your own custom WordPress theme, using various custom PHP pages to connect your web forms to your database. I think your project is well beyond the scope of a simple WP plugin.
If this was my project, I'd ditch WordPress and go for something custom built in Rails. WordPress is a good enough CMS, but it isn't really a good fit for what you are looking to accomplish.

How to add Facebook connect to an website (for novice)?

I was wondering if anyone can point me to a tutorial / step by step guide / downloadable template (free or paid) / video about adding Facebook connect functionality to a website.
I've created several website but I'm self learned and inexperienced.
I have no knowledge of oAuth protocols simply basic (VB) of going to the database, getting data and posting it on the site.
I've gone through several posts on the matter but it seems that they changed lots of stuff from before 2012 (so most articles are irrelevant). I also went through Stackoverflow but the questions and answers are above my expertise.
My site is basic and was also built from scratch without using any existing methodology (like MVC etc.). I also tried working on a new site with the ready template Visual Studio 2012 sets up. The built in sign up form seems to work (though I do not understand what it does) and I removed some of the functionality which I think was created to enable Facebook connect since it bounced lots of errors I couldn't understood.
The end goal is to allow easy one step signup and signin while getting the user's email and maybe birth-date.

Using wordpress as external content management system

We are planning to create an website (probably mvc), that needs a cms for news items.
Our content managers and others who require to publish news have asked if they can use wordpress for content management.
Our users have different roles, and news items should be visible to certain roles, or even specific users if possible.
The reason they want wordpress is the manager's user friendliness, so if some other alternative with the same kind of user experience would be ok.
Could anyone please point me in some direction?
NOTE: I'm still doing research at the moment, so I've got nothing holding me back at this point.
There is an API plugin that has been developed to spit out information in JSON, but I have not actually implemented a site with it:
Perhaps you could have the authors work on a wordpress install and create your app to draw content via that plugin?
I too was facing the same issue, little different. We want to have WP as CMS so that our site can take the benefit of SEO which is very easy with WP. SO we installed WP under a folder in the Main based website. Initially there were issues, I was unable to run it. Finally managed to run it. Solution is posted here - Hope it will help someone. Actual site where we implemented this is
Now I want to have specific section of WP to be accessible on my site. SO I am exploring different options and will post, if found something
DotNetNuke is the most popular ASP.NET based CMS (source). I am implementing my first project in it and so far I am very happy with it.
Note the free edition will not work for you since you need customizable security roles and free has a limited set of predetermined roles. You'll need the pro edition.
I don't know how similar it is to WordPress. Overall, WordPress is much more popular but of course there are platform issues with WordPress since it is Apache based and you want to create an ASP.NET website.

What is the use of Wordpress APIs?

I saw in wordpress some APIs being published for developers. What could a developer gain by using those APIs?
I think you've taken API to mean something similar to what Flickr and Vimeo do, which they are not. They are simply ways for you to access and ammend core functionality of the Wordpress platform, so as to bend it to do what ever it is you need it to do.
There are ways to pull data from your blog to a mobile devise, but that is a very different question.
Wordpress API are for those that want to develop a theme, or writing custom plugins for Wordpress.
Either way, you can use to integrate Wordpress in your exisiting php site, using the powerful backend as an administration tool and the using the API to retrieve the content and present it in your (already) website.
