IE Width Rendering issues - css

I've designed a fixed-width page which renders equally in Chromium, Firefox, Safari, but has a small issue in (from what I can tell) ALL flavours of IE. I've added some conditional styles for IE, which make things a bit better, but it's still off (by only a couple of pixels).
The site in question is here:
IE and Chromium rendering side by side is shown here:
I added conditional styles for IE to fix the width of all the elements, prior to this, the banner style was much narrower than the body.
I assume I'm hitting up against an IE bug, but I can't figure out which one! Can anyone help please?

Your mainbodyie rule has a width that is different than the width in your standard css. (851px vs 848px). Fix that to match your other wrappers.
Also your page is not centered in IE - I suggest you wrap whole page in a fixed width wrapper with margin:0 auto to center whole page - so you don't keep repeating the width multiple times in your css for each layout element.

width: 848px;
padding-right: 0;

Use a div structure for enclosing all content like header,middle,footer inside it.Add following code for this div:
margin: 0 auto;


Margin bug...I don't understand what is wrong

Some strange is happening in applying the styling of css code in some browsers...
Please take a look in the example...
In Chrome the green div is bigger, than in Firefox, I really don't know what is the problem, I think in Firefox it displays as it should but in Chrome and IE9 it displays different.
I tried a lot of changes, can't resolve this for days.., I can use height: 100% or overflow hidden but I can't use one of them because: overflow hidden hide everything inside, but I have some draggable/sortable elements and height: 100% because I have a resizable function that will enlarge the yellow div...
The problem comes from something known as margin collapsing. Chrome and IE are rendering it correctly. Not sure what Firefox is doing.
There are many questions in here regarding the same problem. I've answered one of them here - Adding CSS border changes positioning in HTML5 webpage
Basically top and bottom margins between siblings, and children and parents collapse to highest of them. The float: left you put on .c1 prevents that from happening . The margin-bottom on .c3 gets stuck inside .c1 and that's why it gets bigger (that is, 'that's why .c1 gets bigger').
Try adding overflow: auto; to .c2- another way of preventing margins from collapsing - so c1's margin gets 'stuck in' .c2 instead - I'm assuming that's probably what you're looking for.
Here's a fiddle -> .
Remove the margin-bottom: 10px; from .c3 - this is what causes such behavior. As far as I know such issue is often referred to as 'collapsible margins', please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

DIV 100% height not respected in IE

I have an old layout that uses tables and I need to make a DIV to use the entire space of a TD. The CSS works fine in Firefox but IE interprets the 100% height as the entire window and doesn't take in account the presence of other elements on the page.
A working example can be seen in this Fiddle:
Firefox will see the DIV as 100% height of what's remained but IE will see it as 100% of the entire page.
How can I make IE match Firefox?
Thank you in advance for your advice.
I don't know wether exists more cleaner solution for this but with IE are still problems :-( I don't still understand why many people using IE so guy must still create separated CSS style for IE ... so let's back here. Problem is that IE don't respect height of <TD> in <TABLE> i think. So i created this temporary solution, add this to your CSS file
#big_cell {
height: 45% !important;
so this height: 45% !important is IE hack and it will be work only for IE.
Or instead of using the height attribute because of these problems you can use a spacer. For example a transparent small pic which you set the height you want.

Firefox & IE agree with each other (but not Chrome) on rendering padding for element with display: table-cell

I'm trying to create a site which uses laterally-stacked "blades" of content. The element containing them is moved laterally inside a div with overflow-x: hidden to create the desired sidescrolling effect. This seems to be working fine: The element containing the "blades" is set to display: table; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed and each blade is styled as follows: display: table-cell; width: 601px; border-right: 1px solid white; padding: 10px. Finally, the nav element has width 621px, with no horizontal padding or margins.
It all seems simple enough, but I'm getting a very odd cross-browser bug: Firefox and IE9 agree on how the page looks, but Chrome has a different opinion. I've figured out what Chrome is doing, but I haven't been able to figure out why it's doing it.
The doctype's set and everything else seems to be working fine. Except for background-colors, the rules above are all I've defined in the stylesheet, and there are no inline styles. Here are some screenshots which illustrate the problem behavior.
Here's the page in Firefox - as desired, the right edge of the navigation bar aligns with the right edge of the content box.
Same in IE9.
In Chrome, the padding is subtracted from the width, creating the overhang shown above. I never set border-box anywhere in the stylesheet, nor do I see it in the computed rules in Chrome - it just says that the width is 581px, whereas it's 601px in the other two browsers.
[Note: I saw that there were other posts on padding issues, but none where Firefox and IE9 agreed and Chrome did something different.]
Edit Here's a JSFiddle link:
This is just a bug in Chrome. When it computes column widths for table-layout: fixed, it incorrectly ignores cell padding. See discussion in complete with spec quotes, and the almost-5-year-old WebKit bug report at
You may be able to work around this by using width styles on display: table-column elements, as discussed in the Mozilla bug report above. Alternately, you could add a first row with 0 height and no paddings, but the cell widths you want... I realize both of those mess with the actual site markup, which may not be an option in your case, of course.

Unnaturally increasing the width of a div :)

let's say I have a div with right-aligned text and a fixed with:
width: 30px;
text-align: right;
is it ok if I increase the width of this div to 35px trough padding, to move the text away from the edge and avoid adding another element inside of it?
padding-right: 5px;
I mean would any browsers behave weirdly about it?
The result would be exacly what you said: a div of total width 35px. It seems to me you understand what you are doing, but there is never a substitute for actually testing in all your target browsers.
While this small piece of CSS looks innocent, it can change the elements around them in a way you didn't expect.
No It'll be ok, in every major browser.
Internet Explorer in Quirks Mode would have a problem with it due to it's box model.
If this is a problem, I would use a nested div that uses margins instead.
Your other option could be including an IE specific CSS file.
This is an area that we are getting a lot more control over with css3. Have a look at

list of block level elements gets split in IE6

I am trying to make a table-like calendar page, using fixed width and height block level elements. There is an outer container, which sets the width, and the cells get aligned by float: left. It works well in every browser, except in IE6, where the list gets split after the 29th element.
If I make the outside container a bit more wide (by at least 3 pixels) the problem gets fixed in IE6. Because the elements are more than 3 pixels wide, it doesn't change how the page looks. But I really don't understand why it happens, and what should I do not to make it happen.
I tried IE7.js, but it didn't help.
I know IE6 is such a buggy old browser, but while my sites are simple I prefer making them IE6 compatible.
link to the page in question
You can fix it by adding this to the bottom of style.css:
/* IE6 hack */
* html #naptar-list a, * html #naptar-list div {
width: 77px
This works by using the Star HTML hack to feed to only IE6 the declaration width: 77px (1px less than the actual width), which in my testing, fixed the problem: I'm not entirely sure why.
