Implementing the AsyncContext notifier thread - servlets

Here's the scenario:
typical web push/comet application where short messages must be pushed at the same time to 3000-4000 connected users;
moving from 1 thread/connection model to a new implementation using Servlet 3.0 (AsyncContext) on Tomcat 7;
One thing I need help to understand is what's the best/safest aproach in implementing the 'notifier' mechanism.
The simplest way is the standard example: 1 thread waiting for a new message and then looping the AsyncContexts list and calling aCtx.getResponse().getWriter().print(message) for each.
Now, my concern is what happens when there are slow clients connected (and considering we may have 1000s this will always be the case). Could the notifier thread be blocked or waste too much time waiting on these slow clients and affecting everybody? This may be trivial but it's not clear for me if the 'write' is asynch or blocking or if the output buffers would compensate for this at least up to a point.
Or is it better to create for each connected client a Runnable (that would do the aCtx.getResponse().getWriter().print(message) ) and submit it to an Executor using a fixed thread pool? I'm not sure however if creating let's say 4000 Runnable at a time (for each message) makes sense or what the performance would be.
And one last thing, does anyone have real/production experience using Tomcat 7 for this sort of app (asynch servlet)? Should i consider it 'production ready in this area? Thanks.


What are the async benefits on the backend?

I understand the benefits of async on the frontend (some kind of UI). With async the UI does not block and the user can "click" on other things while waiting for another operation to execute.
But what is the benefit of async programming on the backend?
The main benefit is that there could be various slow operations on the backend, which can prevent other requests from using the cpu at the same time. These operations could be: 1. Database operations 2. File operations 3. Remote calls to other services (servers), etc. You don't want to block the cpu while these operations are in progress.
First of all, there a benefit of handling more than one request at a time. Frameworks like or django create new (or reuse existing) threads for each requests.
If you mean async operations from the thread of particular request, that's more complicated. In most cases, it does not help at all, because of the overhead of spawning new thread. But, we have things like Schedulers in C# for example, which help a lot. When correctly used, they free up a lot of CPU time normally wasted on waiting.
For example, you send a picture to a server. Your request is handled in new thread. This thread can do everything on it's own: upack the picture and save it to disk, then update the database.
Or, you can write to disk AND update the database at the same time. The thread that is done first is our focus here. When used without scheduler, it starts spinning a loop, checking if the other thread is done, which takes CPU time. If you use scheduler, it frees that thread. When the other task is done, it uses propably yet another precreated thred to finish handling of your request.
That scenario does make it seem like it's not worth the fuss, but it is easy to imagine more coplicated tasks, that can be done in the same time instead of sequentailly. On top of that, schedulers are rather smart and will make it so the total time needed will be lowest, and CPU usage moderate.

Async vs Horizontal scaling

I am working on a .net client which consumes a REST api (JSON). The client is a web application with high traffic and considerable user interaction
When writing the wrappers around the external REST api i am trying to decide
If i should make all calls made for the API async? This will be all the way from UI to the API as explained here This will help me in achieving the desired performance but i will have to figure out a way to handle UI when Tasks are waiting to be completed
Or Is it an overkill? And do i just use sync/sequential code? I could still get (some) performance by Horizontally scaling the application?
I am keen to understand what is the preferred way of calling an external REST api from a client (if there is any) and how is the UI handled for those case where people do use async?
So you have about 10 requests per second in a busy period. This by itself does not require asynchronous IO. Assuming 1sec per request that's 10 threads. 10 threads are nothing.
There is one special case, though: What if the backend service you are calling sometimes takes a long time to respond (a bug, overload, index rebuild, ...)? If it takes 30 seconds to respond or timeout that means that 300 requests are in flight. This is too much for the default thread-pool settings. This will effectively shut down the entire app by pool exhaustion until the requests are cleared.
You can do two things:
Use async IO for all high-volume actions.
Reduce timeouts and have a load-breaker for the number of in-flight requests. Example:
SemaphoreSlim sem = new SS(50); //max 50 in-flight
if (!sem.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero))
throw new Exception("Load limit exceeded");
Both are equally safe and well-performing. Do not make the mistake to think that async IO causes your IOs to become faster.
The semaphore solution requires less architectural changes but it requires permission to drop requests. These requests would not have completed anyway with high likelihood.

.Net MVC Threading Long running process

I have a long running process in my MVC application(C#).
Its building data for many reports.
Some of the clients could take several minutes or longer to calculate. Is running the process in a separate thread the best option?
Is there another way to allow the process to run, while allowing the user to still use the rest of the site?
If threading is the best solution, any good sites or stackoverflow threads to look at on how to do this?
When I've had cases like those, I usually would build a service to asynchronously process requests, and return a handle that I could use to check on its status in a database. IMHO, splitting it off as a thread in the web application seems like you'd be trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.
I've used two methods to solve this. If the work is guaranteed to not be TOO long running, I've kicked off a thread to do the work and return immediately to the user. When we couldn't make that guarantee, we used a queue (we happened to use MSMQ) for executing long running tasks. This processing was done on a different server apart from IIS. A benefit of this is that we built in a wait and retry on failure mechanism. So besides it handling long running tasks, we also used it for anything that might fail in a way that was inconvenient to handle in our MVC app. The main example of this is sending an email. Rather than do that in the MVC app we would just toss an email task on the queue. We used the Command Pattern for the task objects placed on the queue. Once we had that mechanism in place, we stopped using the technique of spawning a thread from our MVC code.

Considerations for ASP.NET application with long running synchronous requests

Under windows server 2008 64bit, IIS 7.0 and .NET 4.0 if an ASP.NET application (using ASP.NET thread pool, synchronous request processing) is long running (> 30 minutes). Web application has no page and main purpose is reading huge files ( > 1 GB) in chunks (~5 MB) and transfer them to the clients. Code:
while (reading)
Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Single producer - single consumer pattern implemented so for each request there are two threads. I don't use task library here but please let me know if it has advantage over traditional thread creation in this scenario. HTTP Handler (.ashx) is used instead of a (.aspx) page. Under stress test CPU utilization is not a problem but with a single worker process, after 210 concurrent clients, new connections encounter time-out. This is solved by web gardening since I don't use session state. I'm not sure if there's any big issue I've missed but please let me know what other considerations should be taken in your opinion ?
for example maybe IIS closes long running TCP connections due to a "connection timeout" since normal ASP.NET pages are processed in less than 5 minutes, so I should increase the value.
I appreciate your Ideas.
Personally, I would be looking at a different mechanism for this type of processing. HTTP Requests/Web Applications are NOT designed for this type of thing, and stability is going to be VERY hard, you have a number of risks that could cause you major issues as you are working with this type of model.
I would move that processing off to a backend process, so that you are OUTSIDE of the runtime, that way you have more control over start/shutdown, etc.
First, Never. NEVER. NEVER! do any processing that takes more than a few seconds in a thread pool thread. There are a limited number of them, and they're used by the system for many things. This is asking for trouble.
Second, while the handler is a good idea, you're a little vague on what you mean by "generate on the fly" Do you mean you are encrypting a file on the fly and this encryption can take 30 minutes? Or do you mean you're pulling data from a database and assembling a file? Or that the download takes 30 minutes to download?
As I said, don't use a thread pool for anything long running. Create your own thread, or if you're using .NET 4 use a Task and specify it as long running.
Long running processes should not be implemented this way. Pass this off to a service that you set up.
IF you do want to have a page hang for a client, consider interfacing from AJAX to something that does not block on IO threads - like node.js.
Push notifications to many clients is not something ASP.NET can handle due to thread usage, hence my node.js. If your load is low, you have other options.
Use Web-Gardening for more stability of your application.
Turn-off caching since you don't have aspx pages
It's hard to advise more without performance analysis. You the VS built-in and find the bottlenecks.
The Web 1.0 way of dealing with long running processes is to spawn them off on the server and return immediately. Have the spawned off service update a database with progress and pages on the site can query for progress.
The most common usage of this technique is getting a package delivery. You can't hold the HTTP connection open until my package shows up, so it just gives you a way to query for progress. The background process deals with orchestrating all of the steps it takes for getting the item, wrapping it up, getting it onto a UPS truck, etc. All along the way, each step is recorded in the database. Conceptually, it's the same.
Edit based on Question Edit: Just return a result page immediately, and generate the binary on the server in a spawned thread or process. Use Ajax to check to see if the file is ready and when it is, provide a link to it.

Long-running ASP.NET tasks

I know there's a bunch of APIs out there that do this, but I also know that the hosting environment (being ASP.NET) puts restrictions on what you can reliably do in a separate thread.
I could be completely wrong, so please correct me if I am, this is however what I think I know.
A request typically timeouts after 120 seconds (this is configurable) but eventually the ASP.NET runtime will kill a request that's taking too long to complete.
The hosting environment, typically IIS, employs process recycling and can at any point decide to recycle your app. When this happens all threads are aborted and the app restarts. I'm however not sure how aggressive it is, it would be kind of stupid to assume that it would abort a normal ongoing HTTP request but I would expect it to abort a thread because it doesn't know anything about the unit of work of a thread.
If you had to create a programming model that easily and reliably and theoretically put a long running task, that would have to run for days, how would you accomplish this from within an ASP.NET application?
The following are my thoughts on the issue:
I've been thinking a long the line of hosting a WCF service in a win32 service. And talk to the service through WCF. This is however not very practical, because the only reason I would choose to do so, is to send tasks (units of work) from several different web apps. I'd then eventually ask the service for status updates and act accordingly. My biggest concern with this is that it would NOT be a particular great experience if I had to deploy every task to the service for it to be able to execute some instructions. There's also this issue of input, how would I feed this service with data if I had a large data set and needed to chew through it?
What I typically do right now is this
WHERE WorkCompleted IS NULL
It allows me to use a SQL Server database as a work queue and periodically poll the database with this query for work. If the work item completed with success, I mark it as done and proceed until there's nothing more to do. What I don't like is that I could theoretically be interrupted at any point and if I'm in-between success and marking it as done, I could end up processing the same work item twice. I might be a bit paranoid and this might be all fine but as I understand it there's no guarantee that that won't happen...
I know there's been similar questions on SO before but non really answers with a definitive answer. This is a really common thing, yet the ASP.NET hosting environment is ill equipped to handle long-running work.
Please share your thoughts.
Have a look at NServiceBus
NServiceBus is an open source
communications framework for .NET with
build in support for publish/subscribe
and long-running processes.
It is a technology build upon MSMQ, which means that your messages don't get lost since they are persisted to disk. Nevertheless the Framework has an impressive performance and an intuitive API.
I agree that ASP.NET is not suitable for Async tasks as you have described them, nor should it be. It is designed as a web hosting platform, not a back of house processor.
We have had similar situations in the past and we have used a solution similar to what you have described. In summary, keep your WCF service under ASP.NET, use a "Queue" table with a Windows Service as the "QueueProcessor". The client should poll to see if work is done (or use messaging to notify the client).
We used a table that contained the process and it's information (eg InvoicingRun). On that table was a status (Pending, Running, Completed, Failed). The client would submit a new InvoicingRun with a status of Pending. A Windows service (the processor) would poll the database to get any runs that in the pending stage (you could also use SQL Notification so you don't need to poll. If a pending run was found, it would move it to running, do the processing and then move it to completed/failed.
In the case where the process failed fatally (eg DB down, process killed), the run would be left in a running state, and human intervention was required. If the process failed in an non-fatal state (exception, error), the process would be moved to failed, and you can choose to retry or have human intervantion.
If there were multiple processors, the first one to move it to a running state got that job. You can use this method to prevent the job being run twice. Alternate is to do the select then update to running under a transaction. Make sure either of these outside a transaction larger transaction. Sample (rough) SQL:
UPDATE InvoicingRun
SET Status = 2 -- Running
AND Status = 1 -- Pending
IF ##RowCount = 0
SELECT Cast(0 as bit)
SELECT Cast(1 as bit)
Use a simple background tasks / jobs framework like Hangfire and apply these best practice principals to the design of the rest of your solution:
Keep all actions as small as possible; to achieve this, you should-
Divide long running jobs into batches and queue them (in a Hangfire queue or on a bus of another sort)
Make sure your small jobs (batched parts of long jobs) are idempotent (have all the context they need to run in any order). This way you don't have to use a quete which maintains a sequence; because then you can
Parallelise the execution of jobs in your queue depending on how many nodes you have in your web server farm. You can even control how much load this subjects your farm to (as a trade off to servicing web requests). This ensures that you complete the whole job (all batches) as fast and as efficiently as possible, while not compromising your cluster from servicing web clients.
Have thought about the use the Workflow Foundation instead of your custom implementation? It also allows you to persist states. Tasks could be defined as workflows in this case.
Just some thoughts...
