SQL Server Storing session state seems not to be working? - asp.net

I've configured SQL Server to store session state (from here).
All I want to do is that when the user has logged into my application via browser A, I see that logged session when I visit my app from the browser B.
Right now that scenario doesn't work, I must log in one more time.

When browser B is opened (assuming it's a different browser altogether or a new instance of the same browser) a new session is created; therefore, what you see is expected behavior.
Also, I assume you mention this because you store in session some sort of key that indicates that the user has logged in successfully, correct?
If you want this behavior, you'd need to send some sort of authentication cookie with a long expiration date, you'd then read the cookie on the login page and consider the user as successfully authenticated, but keep in mind that this is a potential security risk.


Why is User.Identity.IsAuthenticated equal true after I restart my dev. server?

I think that internal mechanism of authenticaton should set a cookie with a token and store the same token on a server and next on every request compare the tokens from the cookie and on the server and if they are equal then user is logged in. I don't know where a server stores token, maybe in Session or something else (not persistent), but I'm sure that after the server's restart the server's tokens's store should be cleaned up therefore a user with an old cookie can't be authenticated. But in a practice after I restart my server a user is still authenticated and have access to pages because User.Identity.IsAuthenticated returns true. It seems to me wrong. Even if I remove this user from my DB (I use Membership) because I don't want this user have access anymore and restart my server, the user is still authenticated. Can anyone explain this?
Source of answer
Here is how authentication process works.
You setup some stuff in your web.config around where the login page is, how long the login is good for and whether or not to use sliding
expiration (should the time be extended if the user is active on your
User comes to your site, enters their username and password.
That information is posted to your server. You take that information, verify that it is correct (authenticate). If it is
correct, the server then issues an encrypted cookie known as the
FormsAuthenticationTicket Note - this could have a different name in
the new Identity stuff, but the same principle.
The cookie's contents includes items such as the user name and expiration date of the login.
On each request, the server looks at the cookie collection for the authentication cookie. If found, it decrypts it, reads the values and
determines if this is still a valid cookie (expiration time). Once it
has the user information from the cookie, the server can use this
information to determine if the user is authorized for the resource
requested (look up by username).
If the cookie is not present, or has expired, or When the user logs out, the cookie is deleted from the cookie collection. Now, if the user tries to go to a resource that is for authorized users only, then the user is redirected back to the login page.
Hope this helps.

log out a user logged in from different browsers/machines using forms authentication

Consider the case of forms authentication with persistent cookies.
If the same user logged in using two different browsers or two different machines, when user logs out from one of the browser/machine, wouldn't still he be able to login from the other browser/machine?
Usually, how do web applications handle this case?
I have to agree with Srinivas for the most part. Here is my take on the subject
On Login create an HTTP Only cookie with a guid generated at login this will be your browser/computer key. Closing browser will remove cookie
Get user id
Persist in the pair in user table ex: user:a, key:12345
On subsequent requests authentication algorithm after user has been authenticated
Get the last used key in the db with current user id
Check that the cookie is present, if not then completely unauthenticate
Check that the cookie value is the same as that in the database, if not then completely unauthenticate
With this method any subsequent login will cause a required reauthentication & invalidate any other authentications. In effect forcing the user to use only 1 browser/computer
I usually do it this way : I have a session column in my user table(in database) When the user logs in I store the value Y in it.I change it to N when he logs out.Every time the user tries to log in, I check the value in the corresponding session column and if it is Y I tell the user that he is already logged in and if it is N then I allow the user to log in. But we have to be careful and set the value to N when the user logs out or closes the browser.
Forms Authentication with cookies (regardless of whether they are persistent or not) is browser session based (persistent cookie would of course work across multiple sessions of same browser (on same user account on same machine). So two browser sessions (or two different browsers or browser on two machines etc) would be treated as different scope as far forms authentication is concerned.
So user can make multiple login from different browser sessions and logout in one will not affect other. Its is up to web application whether to allow multiple concurrent logins for same user or not. For example, online banking sites would restrict to only one user session - so if user logs in from different session then earlier session is invalidated (i.e. user is logged out). One has to write custom implementation in ASP.NET to do so - typical implementation would make every user session entry into database (typically required for audit purposes anyway) - so whenever new entry is added, a check is made to see if there is any active session for same user and if yes then that session is marked inactive. Every request would check if current user session is active or not, if not then it would flag such message to user.

asp.net - Prevent multiple logins for a single user

How can I prevent a single user from logging in to my asp.net website from more than one computer at the same time?
I have tried using the application server side state managenment but it is not work properly.
1) If you are Using Coookies to Track Users,
When a user logs in you write a unique guid to the database and store it in their authentication cookie, then every page request you check to see if they (GUIDs) are identical, and if not you log them off.
2) if not using cookies, Store the UserName, GUID in Application Cache, and user Session variable. Compare User Session to Aplpication Cache to see if he is already logged in.

the latest logon session is retained and the user is automatically signed out from the other session

Let suppose, I am building an asp.net website which has login scenario in it. I want to provide a certain functionality to the website that if the user is already login on computer 1 and now try to login on computer 2, so he will be allowed to remain login on computer 2, while automatically logout him from computer 1.
I also know that http is a stateless medium, so whenever user interact with computer 1 and try to interact with the page, it will get noticed at that time.
You need to store the additional data (the computer currently 'logged in') in the database, or application state. Then when you process the authentication request - check to see if the machine you stored matches the one requesting authentication - if it does not, you would force the user to log-in and store the new computer (ip address) in the database/application state.
In case Tony's suggestion does not fulfill your purpose, You need to generate a hash comprising of "UserLoginName" + "HOST_NAME" +"TIME" (or any combination you like) and store that hash in your Database against that loginName and also send that hash to the user in a Cookie.
On subsequent request you can check through a handler or module if that specific cookie is submitted and contains the value matching your database, if it matches then the user is coming from the same machine and no need to update anything , if not user is coming from some other machine either the cookie shall not be there or would be containing some other hash value so you should send him to Login page again and upon login just recreate the hash and update it in your database against his login.
Hope this shall work.

How does gmail keep a user logged in?

I wonder how gmail/Google keeps a user logged in even across sessions. And how (e.g. cookies) and what (e.g. time) do they use to decide to re-prompt the user for the login?
The short answer is that cookies do not have to expire when you close down the broweser or the machine they are on. Depending on constraints configured in the browser, if the server sets an expiry date in the future, the browser will continue to present the cookie until that expiry time.
Well cookies are stored in your local machine, you can see those in totals -content settings -cookies.You can clear the cookies as well.So your information is stored there.More over about the sessions if they have been implemented on the websites...They could be destroyed by two methods ,one is by giving the time for session to expire the another way is when you forcefully want to expire the session then session abandon method is used.You must have seen sometimes if you don't scroll through a page for some time, then its written there your session has been expired. Sessions are executed on the server side and there values can be stored on the client side in the cookies as well.
Hope it would help you to understand William
