How to avoid text selection in web page using css? - css

I am developing a web application and want to block selection of any text on the web page for the user. Personally I do not like add any Javascript for this. Is it doable using CSS only?
Thanks in advance.

I believe there are css3 rules (e.g. the user-select property) but at the time of writing they are not supported in all browsers. If you're looking for tricks, here is one:
Create an overlay DIV that is same size as the disabled DIV and place it over the disabled DIV using CSS positioning. You can use simple CSS or fall back to JavaScript if you have problems in calculating width, height or position. This could be annoying for the user by the way.
demo here


CSS pseudo after/before using content or background for img?

As for pseudo-elements :after/:before there are apparently two ways if I want to display image there:
using background-image:url(imgurl.png);
using content:url(imgurl.png);
Are both ways correct and valid? Why should I be using one way over another?
Apparently using the second method you cannot set the picture properties like size. But first method is generaly more taught on internet.
It depends on what your image is, just like the debate between using an <img> tag vs using background-image in your CSS.
If your image is part of your page's content, use content:url(imgurl.png);. Certainly if you want the images to be interactive or to to inform the user's experience while on your page, use content. If your image is just stylistic for your site's visual design, use background-image:url(imgurl.png);
Also, do note that you should use double colons: ::before and ::after. Only IE8 requires the single-colon versions.

Simple horizontal content slider / scroller only with CSS?

Click this link to see my concept image regarding the subject:
Hi! Is it possible to do such custom "sliders" for overflowing content without the default Scrollers? It doesn't matter how the actual transition goes (could work just like the regular horizontal scrollbar for i care, just without the ugly default gray buttons/bar). Preferably i would like to do it just with CSS, but if not, i'll consider other ways to do it aswell. Or i'll just simply create another page to the remaining images.
You can get rid of the scrollbars by setting
in CSS, which will "clip" the DIV contents.
I don't think there is a pure CSS way to scroll it. That is easily doable with jQuery.ScrollTo - just bind hover() or click() events to your arrow icons.
Take a look at this site, I believe it will be of some use to you. It's what I've used in the past:

Mask that blurs content behind it

As a purely aesthetical design thing, I'm wondering if it's possible to have an element with a non-opaque background blur out the content behind it.
More specifically, when I have a modal box appear (as part of my custom alert/confirm/prompt setup), currently the background content is "faded" by having a mask over the screen the same colour as the document's background.
What I'd like to do is apply a small amount of blur (just a few pixels) to the masked content to further direct attention to the modal box.
Browser compatibility is not an issue, since as I mentioned it's purely aesthetical. Preferably I'd like it to work in IE9 as a minimum, and Chrome if possible.
Also, no jQuery. By all means, provide an answer in jQuery if you want, but I'll be translating it to raw JS before letting it near my site.
Nowadays you can use the backdrop-filter CSS Property.
.modal {
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
Not possible with pure CSS..
You could use (with its limitations) the html2canvas script to render the pages to a canvas.
Then blur that image or the part you want with
Use the toDataUrl to get the image and use it as a background to your popup...
It is quite an involved process and requires a lot of javascript, but i believe it to be the only way to do it...
This would require javascript (and fairly complex javascript).
From what I understand, it sounds like you're trying to create an 'Aero glass' effect where the content behind a semitransparent element is given a blurred effect. It is not possible with HTML and CSS alone (unless you consider using IE-only filters).
At the moment, there aren't any CSS properties that can dynamically apply image filters like you're describing.
The html2canvas solution presented by Gaby is potentially overkill. You can get the same effect with an iframe of the same website that has been blured (via filter blur or another technique - "-webkit-filter: blur(2px)" only works in chrome as far as I know.
This said, I'd say both solutions are really really hacky and I'd personally never use either myself. I tried this out just to see if it was possible at all out of curiosity.
See a (chrome only) example here:

How can you hide a div when CSS is disabled?

Here is the scenario: I have a div which I pre-load into a page and automatically set it's display property to hidden. I use javascript to pop-up said div. The issue is when clients have CSS disabled they can see the DIV, obviously. What is the best way to have the div (or contents of the div) display only when my javascript function is called?
The best way I could think of is passing the raw HTML to a javascript var and then loading all the HTML using javascript, however, this is a bit slow(theres a decent amount of HTML) which causes the script to break when it tries to reference DIVs that do not exist yet.
any other more elegant solutions?
You can wrap html comment tags around it:
<!-- <div>your stuff, which should be invisible</div> -->
Or remove it completely from the DOM
Maybe, here some related stuff
If CSS is disabled, then the only way to hide the div is to remove it from the DOM.
You can set an inline style on the div (not recommended but your case is an exception anyway).
You can use JS/jQuery on page load to hide the div but it'll cause the flicker effect (div wiil be visible momentarily until the JS runs to hide it).
You want to have a div on your page when the page loads so that users without javascript can see it, perhaps to indicate them that some of the site functionalities require JS to work.
If you need to use that div exclusively with JS then having it already on the page is a bad approach imho. You should create it on the fly, at least the content.
This way you will ensure users without CSS won't see it, while still being able to show it for the rest of the people with JS enabled.
Set the height of the div you wanna hide to zero using javascript.
$('#mydiv').css("height", "0px");

How do I show flip effect in flex viewstate?

I'm new to Flex.
I want to build cool web application in flex.
For displaying content of my site, I use viewstack and button bar. It is ready, but now I'd like to add some animation effect in that.
For example changing the navigation content shows flip animation.
So how do I do that?
Help full link.
This sounds similar to another question: How can I nicely animate between viewstacks.
Perhaps that will help?
That example shows the most basic kind of animation which is readily available using open and widely supported web-standards such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The jQuery library will allow you to do this in just a few lines of code. Do you have an absolute requirement for flex?
