Qt StyleSheet custom style attribute custom QGLwidget - css

I have created a subclass of QGLwidget and I was hoping that I could use a stylesheet to tell openGL how to render a scene.
For Example:
qApp->setStyleSheet("CustomWidget { background-color: yellow }");
Then in my paintGL method:
QColor bg = "Get 'background-color' style somehow"
glClearColorf(bg.redF(), bg.greenF(), bg.blueF(), 0);
Also, is it possible to create custom style sheet attributes?
qApp->setStyleSheet("CustomWidget { foo-attr: 1 }");
I have read up on the QStyle and QStyleOption classes, but I don't quite understand how to apply them to a practical application.

You can declare Q_PROPERTY in your custom widget and then set them with
qproperty-yourPropertyName: "value";
You can access BG of your custom widget with QPalette
QColor bg = palette().color(QPalette::Window);
But I'm not sure if it will work


QLabel change font color without changing any other style

I want to change the color of the text in a QLabel dynamically.
I have defined the color and style of the QLabel in the ui file and I want to change it when a certain event takes place.
I want to change the color without changing any other style of my QLabel.
I have found several answers adressing the issue of changing text color in a QLabel (1, 2, 3) and they all use the function setStyleSheet. This function works fine but it changes my font size and other styles related to the QLabel.
I have seen that the problem is related to setStyleSheet ignoring any previous style. The solution proposed there involves retrieving all the styles I want to maintain and setting them again together with the text color change.
This is cumbersome and difficult to maintain. If more styles were defined in the future I would need to review this part of the code to be able to reset all of them.
I would like to be able to change QLabel text color without altering any other syle. Is it possible?
If you want to manage the text color of QLabel you could wrap it with customized class.
For example:
class ColorLabel : public QLabel
ColorLabel(const QString &text, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
: QLabel(text, parent)
void setTextColor(const QColor &color)
QPalette palette = this->palette();
palette.setColor(this->backgroundRole(), color);
palette.setColor(this->foregroundRole(), color);
And to use it in your code:
ColorLabel * poColorLabel = new ColorLabel("My string", this);
poColorLabel->setTextColor(Qt::red); // set label text in red color
FYI: I tested it on Fedora, Qt5.12 and it works fine.
A pragmatic approach:
Utilize the cascadingness of CSS.
Wrap your QLabel in a QWidget (don't forget a QLayout).
Set your default style on the surrounding QWidget.
Set the font color as the QLabel's only style.
You can create some style class to control a widget's style:
class WidgetStyleSheet
// change some style's value
void setValue(const QString& styleKey, const QString& value)
_styleMap[styleKey] = value;
// to default state
void reset() {}
// form stylesheet
QString toStyleSheet() const
QString styleSheet;
QMapIterator<QString, QString> iter(_styleMap);
while( iter.hasNext() )
styleSheet += QString("%1: %2").arg(iter.key()).arg(iter.value());
return styleSheet;
QMap<QString, QString> _styleMap;
Somewhere in your code:
WidgetStyleSheet labelSS;
// ...
labelSS.setValue("color", QString("%1").arg( QColor(255, 10, 0).name() );
labelSS.setValue("background-color", "...");
// ...
The following works fine. But it is not that elegant. This is in python. You have to pass the button name (or any other) to the following as is defined in the array
btns = ['self.hBeamBtn','self.lBeamBtn','self.allTestBtn','self.prnStatusBtn']
for btn in btns:
if str(btn_name) == str(btn):
styl = btn+'.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: red;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")'

OpenGL dont clear to fill background color

I write the code to use OpenGL in Qt widget, this code like this:
GL_Widget::GL_Widget(QWidget *parent) :
void GL_Widget::initializeGL()
void GL_Widget::paintGL()
but the widget dont clear correct color as I code, it display background of desktop like though I already set up widget inherit with my widget class, and set up the background of widget use style sheet.
If I draw something like triangles, it clear correctly.But my purpose want clear it dont need to draw, so how can I do that?
Try to call
updateGL ();

Qt5 custom context menu ignoring style sheet

I have a two editor classes, say BaseEditor and AdvancedEditor. BaseEditor inherits from QPlaintTextEdit and its standard context menu follows my style sheet properly.
My AdvancedEditor now inherits from BaseEditor and reimplements the method void showContextMenu(const QPoint &point) to generate a custom context menu. In it I basically do the following:
void AdvancedEditor::showContextMenu(const QPoint &point)
QMenu* pStandardMenu = createStandardContextMenu();
QMenu* pMenu = new QMenu();
[add various stuff to pMenu]
connect(pSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(const QString&)), this, SLOT(onContextMenuSelected(const QString&)));
delete pMenu;
This menu however is rendered in the default OS design despite me having the following part in my QSS style sheet (which is properly used for all other menus):
QMenu {
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #4495D1;
padding: 1px;
I tried adding a custom paintEvent() as described here without any luck: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/25664/#117575. Do I need another PE_* type?
Set pMenu's parent widget to the one which has your stylesheet.

QDockWidget change background color when floating

I have a QDockWidget with a transparent background, but I would like to change the background color or background image when it is floating. It doesn't look like the qt style sheets have a pseudo state to tell you whether or not they are floating, so I'd like to know: is this possible to do?
Found the solution. Add the following connection in the code:
connect(knobDock, &QDockWidget::topLevelChanged, [&] (bool isFloating)
if (isFloating)
setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, false);
setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false);
This will cause the dock widgetto use whatever background is specified in the stylesheet when the dock is floating, but it will be transparent (i.e. show the mainwindow background) when it's docked.
You can use custom properties to do this.
Thanks #phyatt for link to Dynamic Properties and Stylesheets.
To declare custom property in your custom class you can write in .cpp:
setProperty("customPropertyName", 1);
or in .h (don't forget to define and implement used get/set access methods too):
Q_PROPERTY( int customPropertyName, READ getCustomPropertyName, WRITE setCustomPropertyName);
And in your global stylesheet file you can use the state of your custom property as following:
.YourClass[customPropertyName="1"] {
background-color: transparent;
.YourClass[customPropertyName="2"] {
background-color: black;
Also it's needed to reload stylesheet of the object instance after your set new property value, because stylesheets are not recalculated automatically:
object->setStyleSheet("/* */");

Qt Style Sheet - Different styles for same type widgets

I need to assign different styles for the same typed widget instances. Specially for QActions. Following style sheet sets QActions' background images, actualy tool buttons'.
background-image: url(bg.png);
But I need to assign different backgrounds for tool buttons like this.
background-image: url(close.png);
background-image: url(open.png);
Is there any easy way like this or is it not possible?
You can set object name for instances of QToolButton
QToolButton *button = new QToolButton;
button = new QToolButton;
and next use them in Style Sheet
background-color: gray
background-color: red
It helps if you can post c++ code that creates the QToolButton and associates with QActions.
Cite from QToolBar's reference "Toolbar buttons are added by adding actions, using addAction() or insertAction(). " and "QWidget * QToolBar widgetForAction (QAction *action )const
Returns the widget associated with the specified action."
So if you are creating QToolBar and call QToolBar::addAction(QAction*) to fill it, it is possible to get pointer to the tool buttons. Try QToolBar::widgetForAction(), and call setObjectName("") and Blueman's method can be applied.
while applying Style Sheet to widgets, "#" is used after class name to specify object name, ":" is used after className of objectName indicating the object's status such like "enabled", "::" is used to specify the subcontrols such as "ListView::Item", unfortunately QAction is neither of QToolBar.
