How to take multiple values in textbox in -

I want to take the language known by a user. A person can know multiple languages. I want that when a user press "E" then the languages that have "E" as their starting letter are displayed below textbox and user is forced to select the value from the displayed values and secondly I want to take multiple languages.
This is just like when question is asked on while selecting the tags.

Rough first answer: look at the Ajax Control Toolkit:
You want to use the AutoCompleteExtender. There are really good samples on the web.

Ajax or jQuery will help you in this issue not sql


Fuzzy autocomplete textbox control in ASP.NET

What is the best approximation algorithm to implement full-text fuzzy search. For example we have a dropdownlist with the following data (from SQL datasource):
Company Policy
Product Catelog
Our Partners
Now I want to replace it with an autocomplete textbox, such that when the letter "p" is typed the list shows all three results. It should start matching the first letter of the first word or second word and so on. Also, it should highlight or make the matched letters bold in the suggestions dropdown.
Is there a readymade control for ASP.NET (with JS or jQuery) to deliver all the aforementioned functionality? Otherwise if I have to implement it, is there a tutorial/blog which point me in the right direction?
I believe this is what you're looking for.
It's jquery ui it has the autocomplete functionality described.
check out this one, I used it and works very well

Posting variable data

I am building an application in ASP.NET, C#, MVC3 and SQL Server 2008.
A form is presented to a user to fill out (name, email, address, etc). I would like to allow the admin of the application to add extra, dynamic questions to this form.
The amount of extra questions and the type of data returned will vary. For instance, the admin could add 0, 1 or more of the following types of questions:
Have you a full, clean driving liscence?
Rate your drivings skills from 1 to 5.
Describe the last time you went on a long journey?
etc ...
Note, that the answers provided could be binary (Q.1), integer (Q.2) or free text (Q.3).
How would I allow the posting of 0, 1 or more random values from the form back to my code?
Any help would be greatly appriecated.
Thanks in advance.
PS. I asked a similar question regarding the storing of this data in sql, see here
You will need to use an EAV scheme for storage. For a discussion of the topic, along with common pitfalls and solutions, see Best Practices for Semantic Data Modeling for Performance and Scalability. Other alternatives are Sparse Columns and XML data type column, but I think EAV is superior most of the times.
You'll have to accomplish this using dynamic controls.
Basically you'll read the question list from your database, inject zero or more custom controls to emit the question(s) and accept the answer(s). Probably wrapped in a repeater.
On post back you'll have to rehydrate the dynamic controls so that you can get the values.
I have done this before when I worked on a survey tool.
So first of all you need to decide what questions type you'll have. I had SingleOption, MultiOption and FreeText type questions.
User logs into the admin screen and selects a type of question he wants to add. He then clicks on Add button, which submits a request to a controller/web service.
Controller looks at type of question and adds a record into the database.
Rough table structure below:
QuestionID | SurveyId | QuestionTypeId
2 4 1
This is your basic structure.
When you generate an interface for answering questions, you will retrieve all questions with a SurveyId = 4.
You will then write an HTML helper that looks at question type and generates an appropriate control.
When it comes to submitting a survey, or answers to your question, you will display all questions and answer fields in some div, say we call it "survey_questions". Inside this div will be a form which will contain all your questions and controls for answers (text inputs, checkboxes etc).
You will then submit this form through jQuery to a controller/web service. Controller/Web Service will read survey id and it will iterate through all submitted values.
You will then use these values to populate a table for storing survey results. I understand that this is very brief and abstract, but I have worked over a month on this, so if this is useful and you need further help, then please ask.
I found a great article that solves my problem.
You can find it here

Ideas for Quick Hierarchical Listing - .NET

I have a table in SQL Server listing corporate departments and their sections and subsections (3 levels). I would like to create some web-based listing of this, but similar to a TreeList.
I was thinking to set up nested Ajax Accordions, but it was taking me way too long to put together. I would even settle for a GridView with non-repeating column values.
Is there a way I can implement my idea without it taking me more than an hour or so for a newbie to complete? Any controls in ASP.NET or Ajax I can bind to would be great.
Thanks to Ozzy, I was able to solve this simple issue using a TreeList. Since my issue is simlper than the one in the tutorial he supplied, all I did was create DataTable for each level, and for each row I added the TreeNode (which was simply the string value of that entry). Thanks!!

Good way to allow people to select a lot of things?

I'm using jQuery, ASP.NET, SQL Server, and the other usual suspects to design a company CRM. After they put in contact info, notes, dates, places and so forth they have to be able to select many different people to be "CC'ed." A group of people will be required to be one either "CC'ed" or "ToDo." The rest of the people can be nothing or "CC" or "ToDo." Currently we have it set up as a huge databind to templates with radio buttons for each option. Looks like shit. Anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to use a template with a datasource and have a good way to retrieve their answers and use them.
I'm leaning jQuery direction but like I said I'll need there to be up to 3 possible options for the people. This is going to be all opinion so I'm just looking for options.
Just to re-clarify, this concept is similar to email but I don't want them to have to type anything in as it is a set group of names that they're allowed to select from.
Looking for quick simple and pretty. somewhere in the range of 120 names.
If you intend to look down the jQuery route, I suggest that this widget could possibly help you out (even if only for inspiration sakes).
I'm struggling to "visualize" your form for terms of "real-estate expendature" etc.
Not directly what you are looking for, but this plugin may help
Typing with intellisense. Sorry - any graphical thing will look overloaded.
Or: A table with filter options on top (again, typing). THere simply is no other way.
What I would most likely do to achieve this is implement the auto filter pattern that you type in a text box a few letters of the name and then it would filter down all of the overall results to those containing that pattern. Then have a select all button that will let you check all of them, and then the user can manually uncheck a few instead of having to check all.
The other thing to do would be to offer some type of categorization of the data so that they could filter by category that would put people in probable groups that would want all them all together. Like IT, HR, Executive or something similar.

How to Bind Data to an ASP.NET ListBox Control?

How can I bind data from a database to a ListBox control in ASP.NET?
Basically, you:
make a connection to the database and select the data (there are a whole bunch of variables that will dictate the best way to do this)
ensure your data is in an IEnumerable container, such as List< object>
assign the IEnumerable list to the Items/ItemSource property of the control
call DataBind() on the control
Of course this won't work for every control, a textbox will have to be done differently. This probably didn't help you much at all, when you have more exact questions then people can give you more exact answers. If you ask vague questions with a lot of different ways of achieving the desired outcome then nobody can give you exact step by step instructions.
See Web Forms Data on the site.
