FullCalendar is inserting duplicate events even when removing all events - fullcalendar

FullCalendar is working great apart from 1 issue I'm having.
The monthview div which loads a calendar in monthview mode, seems to show duplicate holidays loaded in. This happens when I add an event, and then call my calendar bind function, which basically runs the code below.
Has anyone else had a similar issue? It looks like 'removeEvents' function is working ok against the data feed which comes from an internal database, but seems to leave the google dates. When the addEventSource is called, it's adding the same events again.
var googleUkHolidaysFeed = {
url: 'http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/uk__en%40holiday.calendar.google.com/public/basic',
cache: true,
color: "green"
$.getJSON(url, {}, function (data) {
$('#dayview').fullCalendar('addEventSource', data);
if ($("#monthview")[0]) {
$('#monthview').fullCalendar('addEventSource', data);
$('#monthview').fullCalendar('addEventSource', googleUkHolidaysFeed);

I resolved this issue myself. The 'removeEvents' has to be called followed by 'removeEventSource' like so:
('data' is json array of events provided by the app, 'googleCalendarUkHolidayFeed' is the url feed from google).
var googleCalendarUkHolidayFeed = {
url: "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/bla..."
$('#dayview').fullCalendar('addEventSource', data);
if ($("#monthview")[0]) {
// remove events and re-add event source to reflect search/non-search
$('#monthview').fullCalendar('removeEventSource', googleCalendarUkHolidayFeed);
$('#monthview').fullCalendar('removeEventSource', data);
$('#monthview').fullCalendar('addEventSource', googleCalendarUkHolidayFeed);
$('#monthview').fullCalendar('addEventSource', data);


Vue JS AJAX computed property

Ok, I believe I am VERY close to having my first working Vue JS application but I keep hitting little snag after little snag. I hope this is the last little snag.
I am using vue-async-computed and axios to fetch a customer object from my API.
I am then passing that property to a child component and rendering to screen like: {{customer.fName}}.
As far as I can see, the ajax call is being made and the response coming back is expected, the problem is there is nothing on the page, the customer object doesnt seem to update after the ajax call maybe.
Here is the profile page .vue file I'm working on
The component has a computed property called "customer" and as I said, I can see in the network tab, that request is being made and there are no errors. The response is being sent to the child component here:
<app-customerInfo :customer="customer"></app-customerInfo>
within that component I am rendering the data to the page:
But, the page shows no results. Is there a way to verify the value of the property "customer" in inspector? is there something obvious I am missing?
I've been using Vue for about a year and a half, and I realize the struggle that is dealing with async data loading and that good stuff. Here's how I would set up your component:
export default {
components: {
// your components were fine
data: () => ({ customer: {} }),
async mounted() {
const { data } = await this.axios.get(`/api/customer/get/${this.$route.params.id}`);
this.customer = data;
so what I did was initialize customer in the data function for your component, then when the component gets mounted, send an axios call to the server. When that call returns, set this.customer to the data. And like I said in my comment above, definitely check out Vue's devtools, they make tracking down variables and events super easy!
I believed your error is with naming. The vue-async-computed plugin needs a new property of the Vue object.
computed: {
customer: async function() {
this.axios.get('/api/customer/get/' + this.$route.params.id).then(function(response){
should be:
asyncComputed: {
async customer() {
const res = await this.axios.get(`/api/customer/get/${this.$route.params.id}`);
return res.data;

viewRender does not update calendar when eventsource is changed

Whenever the user selects the calendar I need to go back to the server and refresh the data for the dates they have selected - so on next, prev, etc. buttons. I tested that the event source works if defined on the calendar - but defined this way does not get the events. How do I hook up the views, next, prev buttons with the ajax call?
viewRender: function(view, element) {
var eventSource = {
url: '/JVCalendar/GetJVCalendarEvents',
type: 'POST',
data: {
start: "01/01/2015",
end: "01/31/2015",
calendarId: "1"
error: function() {
alert('there was an error while fetching events!');
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('addEventSource', eventSource);
I'll add this as an answer since it's only mentioned in the comments. Credits go to #smcd. Finally found this after a lot of hassle.
fullCalendar already sends the start and end date by default. When looking in the network logs I can see the parameters being added automatically.

Meteor performance: not sure if publication is causing the lag

My Meteor app runs slowly in the beginning for about ten seconds, and then becomes fast again. I am trying to improve the performance but having troubles to find the real cause.
I thought the problem was that I am publishing all the course information like following:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish("courses", function() {
return Courses.find();
I tried using Kadira to monitor exactly what's happening. However, looking at the result, I am starting to think maybe it's not the real problem.
If it only takes 292ms for pubsub response time, it shouldn't feel that laggy but I cannot think of any other reason why the app would be so slow in the beginning and become fast again. Can an expert point me to the redirection?
I could improve the duration of lagginess in the beginning by making the following changes:
in /server/publications.js
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish("courses", function() {
// since we only need these two fields for the search bar's autocomplete feature
return Courses.find({}, {fields: {'catalog':1, 'titleLong':1}});
Meteor.publish("courseCatalog", function(catalog) {
// publish specific information only when needed
return Courses.find({"catalog": catalog});
and in router.js I made changes accordingly so I subscribe based on specific pages. But there's still some lag in the beginning and I wonder if I can make more optimizations, and what is the real cause of the slowness in the beginning.
I followed the suggestion and made changes like below:
Session.set('coursesReady', false); on startup.
and in router:
Router.route('/', function () {
Meteor.subscribe("courses", function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("course data is ready")
Session.set('coursesReady', true);
and in /lib/helpers.js which returns data for typeahead library
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.registerHelper("course_data", function() {
console.log("course_data helper is called");
if (Session.get('coursesReady')) {
var courses = Courses.find().fetch();
return [
name: 'course-info1',
valueKey: 'titleLong',
local: function() {
return Courses.find().fetch();
template: 'Course'
But now the problem is that when the helper function is called, the data is never ready. The console print:
Q: How do I ensure that the helper function is called only after the data is ready, OR called again when the data is ready? Since Session is reactive, shouldn't it be called again automatically?
I can't check this right now, but I believe your issue might be that the course_data helper is being run multiple times before all 1000+ documents in the subscription are ready, causing the typeahead package to re-run some expensive calculations. Try something like this:
Template.registerHelper("course_data", function() {
if (!Session.get('coursesReady')) return [];
return [ //...
Meteor.subscribe("courses", function(error) {
if (!error) Session.set('coursesReady', true);
Really, Meteor's new features this.subscribe() and Template.instance().subscriptionsReady() are ideal for this. Session isn't really the right choice, but it should still be reactively updating (not sure why it isn't for you). Try instead making the following changes to /client/views/navwithsearch.js (and main, though ideally both templates should share a single search template):
Template.NavWithSearch.onCreated(function() {
Template.NavWithSearch.onRendered(function() {
this.autorun(function() {
if (Template.instance().subscriptionsReady()) {
The idea is to tie the lifecycle of the subscription to the view that will actually be using that subscription. This should delay the typeahead injection until the subscription is completely ready.

how to properly bind jquery ui behaviors in meteor?

I am trying to create a group of draggable DOM objects using jQuery UI's .draggable() that are populated through Meteor subscriptions. The code I came up with looks like
Meteor.subscribe('those_absent', function() {
$( "li.ui-draggable" ).draggable( { revert: "invalid" } );
Meteor.subscribe('those_present', function() {
$( "li.ui-draggable" ).draggable( { revert: "invalid" } );
These correspond with some Meteor.publish() calls, so that any time the collection changes, the .draggable() behaviour will be attached. At least, that was my intention.
However, it only works once - once one of these <li>'s has been dragged and dropped, then they are no longer draggable at all.
When the objects are dropped, I'm firing a custom event that is attached to the Template for the item like so
$( "#c_absent .inner-drop" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {
Template.loftie_detail.events = {
'inout.leave': function (e) {
Lofties.update({_id:this._id}, {$set: {present: 'N' }});
So, my thinking is that this change to the collection on drop should propagate through the pub/sub process and re-run the .draggable() line above. But it doesn't seem to.
The complete code for this can be seen here https://github.com/sbeam/in-out/blob/master/client/inout.js and the app is live at http://inout.meteor.com/ (there are some other probably unrelated issues with items randomly losing values or disappearing from the UI altogether)
So if my understanding of how pub/sub works in Meteor is off, it would be good to know. Or is there a more efficient way to achieve this UI behavior binding that works without it?
The way I have implemented this in my apps is with the method shown by #lashleigh.
I have a template event that listens using code like this :
'mouseover .workItem' : function() {
Then I listen for the dragstop like this.
$('body').on('dragstop', '.myDraggableItem', function (e) {
// Update the collection with the new position
You can see the app that's using this code at aduno.meteor.com

JQuery : Forcing page to halt until data is finished loading

I might be wrong about what is actually happening here but i have 3 Html.dropdownlists. And im using jquery to handle filtering which does actually work. However, there is some odd behaviour which i think might be because data isnt finished loading before the next function is called.
For instance:
Some background.
Company: Owns several field offices
Field Office: Owns several facilties
So logically, when you change company, field offices should change, which then changes facilities.
$(function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
var cid = $("#CompanyId").val();
$.post("/ManifestSearch/GetFilteredFieldOffices", { id: cid }, function (data) {
var fid = $("#FieldOfficeId").val();
$.post("/ManifestSearch/GetFilteredFacilities", { id: fid }, function (data) {
Now, when the page loads, everything looks fine. All the dropdownlists have the correct data.
When i change company, this calls.
$(function () {
$('#CompanyId').change(function () {
var cid = $(this).val();
$.post("/ManifestSearch/GetFilteredFieldOffices", { id: cid }, function (data) {
var fid = $("#FieldOfficeId").val();
$.post("/ManifestSearch/GetFilteredFacilities", { id: fid }, function (data) {
This changes the field offices to the correct list, however facilities changes to whatever field offices was set to before the company change occured. I dont know enough about jquery to figure out exactly what is going on, but my instinct tells me that the two posts are happening at the same time, and the second post happens before the first one is finished.
It's the nature of an asynchronous request.. you don't know which order they will finish in so you can't always assume the data from the first one will be available to the second one.
Ideally, your second request should be within the onSuccess callback function of the first request, with an onFailure/onError function handler to take care of any problems that arise.
