twitterizer API Value cannot be null. Parameter name: String ASP.NET -

I am using Twitterizer API for accessing twitter related functionality. I have one demo application that works fine with my consumerkey and consumersecret i run this application locally. but when i integrate the same settings in my live application i got this error
Value cannot be null.Parameter name: String
Can anyone tell me why?

Please check you keys. Also check your server time. Sometimes timestamp that we generate give some issues.

Without a stacktrace or more details, there is absolutely no way I could give you an absolutely accurate answer.
My best guess is that your request is failing, possibly because of DNS, lack of .NET permissions, or misconfigured proxy settings on the server and you're not checking if the ResponseObject is null before trying to use it.
To check for failed requests at runtime (so you can display a nice error without an ugly try/catch), check the Result property of the TwitterResponse<T> you got back from the library.
For example,
OAuthTokens tokens = new OAuthTokens();
tokens.AccessToken = "XXX";
tokens.AccessTokenSecret = "XXX";
tokens.ConsumerKey = "XXX";
tokens.ConsumerSecret = "XXX";
TwitterResponse<TwitterStatus> tweetResponse = TwitterStatus.Update(tokens, "Hello, #Twitterizer");
if (tweetResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success)
// Tweet posted successfully!
// Something bad happened
That code is lifted directly from my homepage.


REST API Getting 401 UnAuthorized

I am using .NET Core Web API to make call and getting back
401, unauthorized ? I am using a REST API key.
var _Http = new HttpClient();
var response = await _Http.GetAsync($"{address},{city},{state},{postalCode},{country}&apikey={ApiKey}");
What am I missing ?
I am getting the key from the following section
UPDATE: this problem has vanished today. It appears to have been a bug on the Here side.
Yesterday: My JS API code, which has been working fine, is throwing 401s today as well, with no changes. I could kill the project and create a new one with a new API key, but I'm not sure that would fix it. I did find that it was "disabled" (due to a billing issue, I think), and I "enabled" it and it still throws 404s.
Did you confirm your email address (by clicking the link in the email they send)?
If you have not confirmed your email address, then the API Key is only valid for 30 minutes.

Yahoo OAuth Invalid Client ID

I'm trying to connect my ASP.NET Core 3.1 web app with Yahoo. To do this, I have to set up Authorization with OAuth. I have followed a few different guides, including:
I have set up my app in Yahoo, with the configuration found in the below picture:
I then have my code set up to send the authorization request to Yahoo with the following code:
public void YahooAuth()
string id = configuration["YahooClientId"];
string returnUrl = "";
string url = $"{id}--&response_type=code&redirect_uri={returnUrl}";
When this code is ran however, I get an error page with a message "Developers: Please specify a valid client and submit again.", and the URL displays:{Client_ID}--&error=unauthorized_client&error_description=invalid+client+id
I double and triple checked the Client ID, and the client ID in the URL is the same as in my Yahoo App's profile. I'm wondering now, is there an extra step that I missed in registering my app, or is there something wrong with my code?
Edit: Progress is made! The dashes after the client id must have been part of the example, or otherwise were an error. When I removed that, I started getting a new error, saying to enter in a valid request. It had something to do with my return url, because replacing that with 'oob' made it go through.
So there were two errors. The first was that the "--" after the client id were not supposed to be there. I'm not sure why in yahoo's example they have them there, but they aren't needed. The second reason is that my return uri was capitalized in my code, but not capitalized in my app settings. Now it works!

PHP and REST API - Retrieving Company Updates

I'm actually working on displaying my company updates as a feed on my website.
I've created an App on LinkedIn and I'm able to get my security token and list info related to my profile by using the : "".
However, when I'm trying to retrieve my company updates using a GET call on : "".$company_id."/updates". I'm getting a :
"Member does not have permission to get company." in the HTTP response message.
Configuration set :
I'm correctly listed as Admin on my company's page
"rw_company_admin" is enabled on my LinkedIn App
My App status is set to "Live"
My company ID is the correct one (I've double checked already)
My token is properly issued and I'm correctly identified by the app
Here is the code I'm using in the PHP method to get the updates :
public function getCompanyUpdates($company_id, $start=0,$count = 20){
if(!$company_id)return false;
$params['url'] = "".$company_id."/updates";
if($start != 0 )$params['args']['start']=$start;
if($count != 0 )$params['args']['count']=$count;
$result = $this->makeRequest($params);
return json_decode($result,true);
I'm probably missing a step somewhere, but I've no idea where..
In advance, thanks a lot for your help!!
I fixed the error some weeks ago, but forgot to post the answer that fixes the issue.
My errors :
- At first, I forgot to pass the scope while requesting the Token
- After fixing this, I forgot to re-issue a new Token to get the scope applied
To conclude, it was just an oversight from me.
However, the LinkedIn API is a bit shitty, as it requires to refresh the Token periodically. It should be simplified when we only want to list Public updates that everyone can access.

Novell eDirectory with .NET DirectoryServices

In our company, we have a project which should use Novell eDirectory with .net applications.
I have tried Novell Api ( to connect between .NET applications. It is working fine.
But, as per requirement, we specifically need .net API to connect not with Novell Api, which is not working. Connection and binding with .NET Api DirectoryServices not working.
Our Novell eDirectory is installed with following credentials:
IP address: 10.0.x.xx(
Tree : SXXXX
New Tree Context: WIxxxK01-NDS.OU=STATE.O=ORG
ADMIN Context is: ou=STATE,o=ORG
admin : admin
password: admin
I used Novell Api and used following code
String ldapHost ="10.0.x.xx";
String loginDN = "cn=admin,cn=WIxxxK01-NDS,OU=STATE,o=ORG";
String password = string.Empty;
String searchBase = "o=ORG";
String searchFilter = "(objectclass=*)";
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection lc = new Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection();
// connect to the server
lc.Connect(ldapHost, LdapPort);
// bind to the server
lc.Bind(LdapVersion, loginDN, password);
This is binding correctly and searching can be done.
Now my issue is with when I trying to use .NET APi and to use System.DirectoryServices
or System.DirectoryServices.Protocols, it is not connecting or binding.
I can't even test the following DirectoryEntry.Exists method. It is going to exception.
string myADSPath = "LDAP://10.0.x.xx:636/OU=STATE,O=ORG";
// Determine whether the given path is correct for the DirectoryEntry.
if (DirectoryEntry.Exists(myADSPath))
Console.WriteLine("The path {0} is valid",myADSPath);
Console.WriteLine("The path {0} is invalid",myADSPath);
It is saying Server is not operational or Local error occurred etc. I don't know what is happening with directory path.
I tried
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://10.0.x.xx:636/O=ORG,DC=witsxxx,DC=companyname,DC=com", "cn=admin,cn=WIxxxK01-NDS,o=ORG", "admin");
DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(de, "&(objectClass=user)");
var test = ds.FindAll();
All are going to exceptions.
Could you please help me to solve this? How should be the userDN for DirectoryEntry?
I used System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection too with LdapDirectoryIdentifier and System.Net.NetworkCredential but no result. Only same exceptions.
I appreciate your valuable time and help.
To diagnose your LDAP connection error, get access to the eDirectory server from the admins, and use iMonitor (serverIP:8028/nds and select Dstrace), in Dstrace clear all tabs and enable LDAP tracing, then do your bind see what happens on the LDAP side to see if there is a more descriptive error there. Or if you even get far enough to bind and make a connection.

How to use SharpSVN in ASP.NET?

Trying to use use SharpSVN in an ASP.NET app. So far, it's been nothing but trouble. First, I kept getting permission errors on "lock" files (that don't exist), even though NETWORK SERVICE has full permissions on the directories. Finally in frustration I just granted Everyone full control. Now I get a new error:
OPTIONS of 'https://server/svn/repo': authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge (https://server)
This happens whether I have the DefaultCredentials set below or not:
using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
//client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "password");
SvnUpdateResult result;
client.Update(workingdir, out result);
Any clues? I wish there was SOME documentation with this library, as it seems so useful.
The user you need to grant permission is most likely the ASPNET user, as that's the user the ASP.NET code runs as by default.
ASPNET user is a local account, preferably youd'd want to run this code in an Impersonate block, using a network account set up for this specific reason
