How do I edit HTML on WordPress post page? - wordpress

I'm using WordPress and I've made a number of posts. What file do I need to edit, so the same HTML shows on the bottom of all the posts?

there are so many file wordpress theme structure if you want to edit:
(i think you Edit single.php)
page.php : use for simple page
index.php : use for post page
single.php : use for single post if you want to change ur post setting
similerly footer.php, header.php

The default name of the template file used to display pages in Wordpress is named page.php. It is located in your current theme.


Add Shortcode to All Post Types

I want to display shortcodes (I'm using fruitful Shortcode) above the post title tag (H1). And I want to display it to all my post (also as a template).
i want to be like this
If you want to adjust the way your single posts are displayed for all the posts, you have to edit the single.php file in your theme folder. You can do this in the backend under "Design" -> "Theme Editor" or you can access the folder and files via FTP.
For your default posts in wordpress you just need to open the single.php file and look for the h1 with your title. It can look something like:
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
Above that (if you want to display it above), you can put your shortcode with the do_shortcode() function:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[name_of_shortcode]'); ?>
If you are not using normal posts of wordpress but custom post types or something else, please have a look at the wordpress template hierarchy to find out, which file to edit or how to name the new files for creating template files:
If you are using a theme that is not made by you, you should make sure you keep your theme updateable. So if you overwrite the single.php, with the next update of your theme, the file will not have your edits. You need a child theme, if you want to keep your parent theme up to date but also customize it in the page templates. Here is a nice tutorial for child themes:

Changing the "standard template" name of the single.php post template

I have a Wordpress website, now i want to change the post template name how it displays in the Wordpress CMS. Now it's saying "Standard template", i want to rename this to "News", just for usability reasons.
I can't find a way to do this. I know you can create new post templates by creating new files, but it always takes the single.php as standard template. I'm also using a child-theme, so i dont want to delete the single.php file, just rename the text: "Standard template".
Thanks in advance.
I tried creating a new post template file with a custom title. This doesnt solve problem, as the single.php file will still be the standard one (i dont want the user to have to change the template).
You can use another single.php for another post type for example if you have news registered as a post type you could have a single-news.php and that file then would server all the single views of postype = news. But from what i understand you would like to create a template appearing to the user with a different name. For that the best practice is to create a directory inside your child theme and name it page-teplates. Inside this directory you can create as many different templates you want and wordpress will recognize them but adding the following code at the top of each template. For the sake of the example lets say i want to create a contact page template. I will create a contact.php file inside the directory page-templates and have these lines of code inside.
* Template Name: Contact
/* My templates Code/Design Here */
The possibilities are endless.
The code in this post will generate a dropdown box similar to the one that you see in pages.
All it requires is a little editing of your child themes functions.php file .
In most cases, you just need to copy your single.php file to a new file name in your child theme and edit the functions.php file in your child theme. Name your templates as seen in the code Dimitrios posted.
consider using the premium elementor page builder to create custom post templates that you can apply at will.
Try a plugin like Post Custom Templates Lite

Iclude php file in wordpress post

How do I include a php page in a wordpress post?
I know how to include in pages, using /* Template Name: templatename */ and select a value from dropdown attributes. I don't know how to achieve this in a post, can you help?
i have file ex.php and i want to display the contents of the file in post article.
The template file for single posts is single.php
Depending on your theme you might have to create it
(for example copy index.php and name it accordingly)

Wordpress: create a custom home page

I want to create a website using wordpress, but I want my website to have a customized home page, created by me, completely different from the theme of the site, and then link the wordpress pages directly from my page.
Is this possible? How can I achieve this?
Can I simply create the page, and link the other created with the wordpress panel, without breaking everything?
According to official WordPress codex:
If a visitor goes to your home page at, the following happens:
WordPress first determines whether it has a static front page. If a static front page has been set, then WordPress loads that page according to the page template hierarchy.
If a static front page has not been set, then WordPress looks for a template file called home.php and uses it to generate the requested page.
If home.php is missing, WordPress looks for a file called index.php in the active theme's directory, and uses that template to generate the page.
Therefore you just need to create a home.php template and place it with the other theme (which so ever theme you will use) templates and WordPress will automatically start using home.php template for the home page.
Just copy the default page.php template file and call it front-page.php. Change the configuration at the top of that file. Now create a new page called home.
Go to Administration > Settings > Reading panel and set a static front page.
For more help check this link on the Wordpress website:
If you create HTML off your home page first than this is easy for you
First Create a file Like this "template-home.php" in your theme.
Now in "template-home.php" First you must write these lines at the top of the page
/* ==========
Template Name: Home
========== */
After that add your header.php and footer.php like this:
<?php get_header(); ?>
// Your Content is here
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Now your Whole HTML is work between in Header and Footer
Then Go to your Admin Panel
Go to Pages > add new
and create a page named "Home"
NOTE: When you create a page Please Select a Template of Home and "Publish" it.
Then go to Settings > Reading and select "A static page (select below)" radio button, then a drop down is active and select your "Home" Page Then click on save changes.
I hope this will help you
You can create a front-page.php file in your active theme folder.
It can be use for both Your latest posts or a static page as you want.

Wordpress themeing

I am relatively new to wordpress, I am creating a custom theme, and so far it is going ok.
I currently have index.php, header.php, footer.php and sidebar.php.
I have now hit a bit that has been puzzling me for a couple of days.
My home page has a slightly different layout to other pages, how do I theme for that change?
My website is essentially made up, of 'static' pages and 2 posts pages, what can I do so that the homepage looks different to the other pages?
Create a page template called home.php. WordPress will use it automatically for the start page.
* Template Name: Home
// Do your regular page.php stuff
See also the codex page an Conditional Tags.
Go into your dashboard, settings>reading, check what the setting is for your home page display. You may need to change it from the default "list of latest posts" to a static page of your choosing.
You need a front-page.php
Please see the template hierarchy
You need to use the built-in functions from wordpress such as is_home() and is_front_page().
Conditional Tags
If you have a front-page.php that will take precedence over home.php or page.php. Whether or not home.php or page.php are defaulted to (assuming you have both) can be controlled in Settings → Reading. If you do not have a front-page.php, home.php, or page.php, then index.php would be defaulted to.
One difference between home.php and front-page.php is that home.php defaults to being a blog index page. Though both home and front-page may be used to display static or blog index pages.
More info may be found Wordpress' Template Heirarchy page.
