Checkout menu without images - css

What's the best practice to create a checkout (tracking) menu like below in CSS.
How to create this menu without images? e.g. With CSS triangles?

You can use the CSS triangles, as described on CSS-Tricks. Then, apply CSS-gradient to your background. Oh, and there is a slight border-radius needs to be applied on the first (and, probably, last) element.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, you cannot apply CSS-gradients to the triangular part, since its background is actually the color of the border.
And, well, the gradients don't work well across all browsers, so you will have to fallback to a plain image for older versions thereof.
An, of course, as #BoltClock suggests you could use a single sprite image, accompanied by :before or :after pseudo-elements.
Sample sprite image:


Using ::before or ::after on an image element?

Do the "::before" and "::after" pseudo elements not work on image elements?
Here's an example I put together...I'm just trying to get a yellow background behind the image here:
I saw this "answered" (but no other details) in another post, but can't seem to find anything about it elsewhere.
CSS 2.1 spec says:
Note. This specification does not fully define the interaction of
:before and :after with replaced elements (such as IMG in HTML). This
will be defined in more detail in a future specification.
So it it'd be wise to avoid using this. Behavior across the browsers is uncertain and can change in future.

CSS Cross-browser issue, div won't fill container in IE9, overflows in Firefox

I'm working on a table that has cells requiring a background with lowered opacity, and text on top not effected by the background. The content in the cells is dynamic.
In IE9 (have not tested in other IE versions) the background is clipped at the span content. In firefox, the background runs wild and overflows to bottom right. In chrome this works like a charm.
Some similar questions that didn't quite cover it:
How to make <div> fill <td> height
Someone suggests a 1px height to the td - this did not work for me, nothing changed. I would also rather not use JS to fix this problem.
Another somewhat related issue: CSS absolute positioning bug with IE9
The strange thing is in IE9, this worked in compatibility mode, but not without.
This is indeed seemingly impossible - unless you specifically define each cell's width and height, which kind of defeats the object of using a table.
Possbile solutions...
Assuming you are going to use background colours you can always use background-color: rgba(200,200,200,0.5) with a fallback to solid colours if it fails. Support for RGBA is in all of the top browsers, it doesn't work for IE8 and below however...
Transparent PNGs
The obvious easy one is to fallback to using transparent PNGs, but then this relies on the colours you are using being predefined and rather rigid.
Use -moz-element
Another mad solution to get FireFox to work (if you are using background images rather than colours) would be to use the background: moz-element() ability. Here you create hidden elements on your page of each different opacity that you might require and reference them as a background via id. For example:
<div id="image1" style="background: url(image1.jpg); opacity: 0.5;"></div>
Then reference that on the element you want the background to appear on:
<td style="background: -moz-element(#image1);"></td>
I'm not vouching for this method however, it's rather inelegant and browser specific. Tbh I'm quite suprised to find that this problem is indeed not fixable (esp. in FF) using plain old absolute and relative tricks.
Don't us Tables
The more browser supported solution by far would be to drop using tables and recreate a table structure using good old divs and floats. The only problem with this solution is again you'd have to define most widths and heights and you wouldn't be able to achieve vertical cell alignments unless you fallback to something even more experimental like FlexBox.
You could try working with a CSS framework, like LESS or Blueprint. Most frameworks have background code that makes your styling look the same in all browsers, even if tweaking would normally be required.

Mask that blurs content behind it

As a purely aesthetical design thing, I'm wondering if it's possible to have an element with a non-opaque background blur out the content behind it.
More specifically, when I have a modal box appear (as part of my custom alert/confirm/prompt setup), currently the background content is "faded" by having a mask over the screen the same colour as the document's background.
What I'd like to do is apply a small amount of blur (just a few pixels) to the masked content to further direct attention to the modal box.
Browser compatibility is not an issue, since as I mentioned it's purely aesthetical. Preferably I'd like it to work in IE9 as a minimum, and Chrome if possible.
Also, no jQuery. By all means, provide an answer in jQuery if you want, but I'll be translating it to raw JS before letting it near my site.
Nowadays you can use the backdrop-filter CSS Property.
.modal {
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
Not possible with pure CSS..
You could use (with its limitations) the html2canvas script to render the pages to a canvas.
Then blur that image or the part you want with
Use the toDataUrl to get the image and use it as a background to your popup...
It is quite an involved process and requires a lot of javascript, but i believe it to be the only way to do it...
This would require javascript (and fairly complex javascript).
From what I understand, it sounds like you're trying to create an 'Aero glass' effect where the content behind a semitransparent element is given a blurred effect. It is not possible with HTML and CSS alone (unless you consider using IE-only filters).
At the moment, there aren't any CSS properties that can dynamically apply image filters like you're describing.
The html2canvas solution presented by Gaby is potentially overkill. You can get the same effect with an iframe of the same website that has been blured (via filter blur or another technique - "-webkit-filter: blur(2px)" only works in chrome as far as I know.
This said, I'd say both solutions are really really hacky and I'd personally never use either myself. I tried this out just to see if it was possible at all out of curiosity.
See a (chrome only) example here:

Css rounded corners with border

I use css to apply rounded corners to li navigation elements. This elements have a border too.
So this is how it looks like:
Like you can see the quality of the rounded corner - border combination is strange, there is a bit of white shining through.
Any idea how to fix that? Do I have to use bg-images?
Unfortunately, yes, you should use background images. Some browsers don't properly handle actual borders with border-radius. You can even see this happening to Stack Overflow's badge styles (which also use border-radius) on Firefox. I don't think you can do anything to fix the border-radius issue other than to report bugs to the respective vendors.
Yes it can be done using this jquery plugin.
No corner images, uses nested divs to draw borders. It's flexible and easy to use. It also has Added support for native border-radius so it only executes on browsers that do not support supports border-radius.

Inline stretchy button with CSS background image

Anyone know if there's a bullet-proof (standards-compliant to XHTML1.1 strict, cross-browser, non-javascript) way to use CSS and background images to turn an inline link into a visual button that will stretch to accommodate different amounts of text (or text resizing)?
I'm thinking I need to use background images as the designer's buttons have rounded corners with a different coloured border. It must work in IE6 (Government job).
Im pretty sure the answer is no, but as always thought it worth a check.
Amongst other things, I've already tried variations on the sliding doors technique, but can't make it work as the solution needs to work inline (i.e. within a paragraph) and I can't set a fixed width.
EDIT: There are several buttons, each of which has a different colour for foreground, border and background. They also have a gradient 'face', but no need for transparency or anything else 'unorthodox'. Unfortunately I can't link to examples as I'm under an NDA.
I'm not sure if this will fit your needs, but I helped someone with hoverable rounded buttons in this post... it uses only HTML and CSS.
I don't think you can do this within your restrictions. The problem is that you have one element, but to properly do stretching, you need three (unstretched left side, stretched center, unstretched right side).
Yeah, you probably need to make image buttons for this.
Just as an aside in future, here's a page on CSS button styling.

