How to publish jar to local repository? - sbt

I have a library compiled to a jar (not an sbt project, no source code, just the jar file) that's not available on a repository.
Is there a way to publish the jar locally so I can add the dependency using the libraryDependencies += "" % "xxx" % "1.0" notation? (I already know how to add the file to a project by copying it to the lib folder.)

The publishLocal action is used to publish your project to a local Ivy repository. By default, this local repository is in ${user.home}/.ivy2/local. You can then use this project from other projects on the same machine source
EDIT: Sorry I misread your question. Here is an example to publish a jar or sources to your local ivy repo.

tl;dr I'd call it a trick not a feature of sbt. You've been warned.
Let's say you've got file.jar to publish. As is for any build tool, sbt including, it's to execute tasks that eventually create an artifact - a jar file in most cases - out of the files in a project.
The project sets the coordinates for the artifact.
The trick is to leverage what sbt requires to set up the environment (= the coordinates) for the jar to be published (otherwise you'd have to specify them on command line that may or may not be very user friendly).
Create a build.sbt with the necessary settings - organization, name, version and possibly scalaVersion - and save it where the jar file is.
organization := ""
name := "my-own-publish-jar"
version := "1.0.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.3"
packageBin in Compile := file(s"${name.value}_${scalaBinaryVersion.value}.jar")
You may've noticed, the build changes compile:package task to point at the jar file.
That's it.
Execute sbt publishLocal and the jar file should be in the Ivy2 local repository, i.e. ~/.ivy2/local/
protip Writing a plugin to do it with the coordinates specified on command line should be quite easy now.

Let's say you have wetElephant.jar and wetElephant-javadoc.jar files some 3rd party library and corresponding javadocs which you want to publish to your local repo and referrence it from another project using libraryDependencies sbt taskKey.
Here's what you need to do.
Put your libraries (wetElephant.jar and wetElephant-javadoc.jar) into modules\wetElephant
Define project in your build.sbt file (or Build.scala file)
lazy val stolenLib = project
organization := "com.stolenLibs",
name := "wetElephant",
version := "0.1-IDonKnow",
crossPaths := false, //don't add scala version to this artifacts in repo
publishMavenStyle := true,
autoScalaLibrary := false, //don't attach scala libs as dependencies
description := "project for publishing dependency to maven repo, use 'sbt publishLocal' to install it",
packageBin in Compile := baseDirectory.value / s"${name.value}.jar",
packageDoc in Compile := baseDirectory.value / s"${name.value}-javadoc.jar"
Call publishLocal task from sbt/activator (I did it from activator and prefixed it with proejct name):
./activator wetElephant/publishLocal
... and read the output to see what and where was published:
/cygdrive/d/devstation-workspace/projects/m4l-patches 1
[info] Loading project definition from D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\project
[info] Set current project to m4l-patches (in build file:/D:/devstation-workspace/projects/m4l-patches/)
[info] Updating {file:/D:/devstation-workspace/projects/m4l-patches/}wetElephant...
[info] Packaging D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\modules\wetElephant\target\wetelephant-0.1-IDonKnow-sources.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Wrote D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\modules\wetElephant\target\wetelephant-0.1-IDonKnow.pom
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...4 ....
[info] Done updating.
[info] :: delivering :: com.stolenLibs#wetelephant;0.1-IDonKnow :: 0.1-IDonKnow :: release :: Sun Dec 20 20:09:24 CET 2015
[info] delivering ivy file to D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\modules\wetElephant\target\ivy-0.1-IDonKnow.xml
[info] published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\poms\wetelephant.pom
[info] published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\jars\wetelephant.jar
[info] published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\srcs\wetelephant-sources.jar
[info] published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\docs\wetelephant-javadoc.jar
[info] published ivy to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\ivys\ivy.xml
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 2015-12-20 20:09:24
Optionally use these libraries in another project
libraryDependencies += "com.stolenLibs" % "wetElephant" % "0.1-IDontKnow"
Disclaimer: I don't know how not to publish sources...

Here is a blog post I followed to push sbt artifact to a maven repository (local and remote) a few months ago.

Try this:

I created a sample Play Framework/sbt project that creates a local repository (not just publish-local) here:
Specifically look at Build.scala
localRepoArtifacts += "" % "wss4j" % "1.6.9"
These localRepoArtifacts are found in my local ivy repo, but I think you could edit this to work with plain old jar files as well.
To run: play local-repository-created
It is a simpler version of which does a whole lot more in their Build.scala.


what is the usage of sbt-git plugin

My sbt version is 1.1.5
I read readme in git,and add addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-git" % "1.0.0") in plugins.sbt .
When I use enablePlugins(GitVersioning), it's red, "Cannot resolve symbol GitVersioning"
New user to sbt, cannot figure out where did I missed.
Reload project and error will dissapear.
Every change to sbt build definition (e.g. build.sbt, plugins.sbt) requires sbt project rebuild.
If working directly from sbt, type reload or from console sbt reload
If working from IntelliJ, then right click on sbt project and choose Refresh sbt project (rebuild once) or Auto-import (rebuild on every change).
You have to add addSbtPlugin line to project/plugins.sbt file (create it if doesn't exist). Then add enablePlugins(GitVersioning) to your build.sbt (in the root directory of your project).

Specify jar structure in sbt assembly

When sbt-assembly builds a fat jar, it places all the dependencies in the main folder. I need to construct a jar that looks like this
domain classes
-- lib
dependency classes
is it possible to do this with sbt assembly, or any other plugin?
If you want to seperate your app jar file and your dependecy jar files, here is the most practical method i found with sbt;
Create project/plugins.sbt file if not exists and add following line:
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-pack" % "0.8.0")
After adding this line refresh your project.
Note: Plugin version might change in time.
When sbt refresh finishes update your build.sbt file like this:
lazy val MyApp ="."))
.settings(artifactName := {(
sv: ScalaVersion,
module: ModuleID,
artifact: Artifact) => "MyApp.jar"
Then run:
sbt pack
Or if you're doing this for child project, run this:
sbt "project childproject" clean pack
This will nicely seperate your main jar file and your dependency jars.
Your app jar will be in target scala folder.
Your dependencies will be in target/pack/lib.
In this way you can deploy your dependencies once.
And whenever you change your app, you can just deploy your app jar file.
So in every change you don't have to deploy an uber jar file.
Also in production, you can run your app like:
java -cp "MyApp.jar:dependency_jars_folder/*" com.myapp.App

What are key differences between sbt-pack and sbt-assembly?

I've just stumbled upon the sbt-pack plugin. The development stream seems steady. It's surprising to me as I believed that the only plugin for (quoting sbt-pack's headline) "creating distributable Scala packages." is sbt-assembly (among the other features).
What are the key differences between the plugins? When should I use one over the other?
(Disclaimer: I maintain sbt-assembly)
sbt-assembly creates a fat JAR - a single JAR file containing all class files from your code and libraries. By evolution, it also contains ways of resolving conflicts when multiple JARs provide the same file path (like config or README file). It involves unzipping of all library JARs, so it's a bit slow, but these are heavily cached.
sbt-pack keeps all the library JARs intact, moves them into target/pack directory (as opposed to ivy cache where they would normally live), and makes a shell script for you to run them.
sbt-native-packager is similar to sbt-pack but it was started by a sbt committer Josh Suereth, and now maintained by highly capable Nepomuk Seiler (also known as muuki88). The plugin supports a number of formats like Windows msi file and Debian deb file. The recent addition is a support for Docker images.
All are viable means of creating deployment images. In certain cases like deploying your application to a web framework etc., it might make things easier if you're dealing with one file as opposed to a dozen.
Honorable mention: sbt-progard and sbt-onejar.
Although Eugene Yokota's explanation is complete, I would like to explain the mentioned plugins with package command in the aspect of usages and how different results are generated.
Directory settings and build.sbt
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "stackOverFlow",
scalaVersion := "2.11.12",
version := "1.0",
lazy val app = (project in file ("app")).
Above build.sbt file declares project called app and includes all the source files in the app directory. To enable Pack plugins, enablePlugins(PackPlugin) should be included in the sbt file.
Also, I've put the below line in project/plugins.sbt file to use pack plugins in our project
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-pack" % "0.9.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.5")
The package is already integrated into the sbt by default, so you don't have to explicitly specify the plugins using addSbtPlugins. However, the sbt-pack and sbt-assembly plugins are not included in the sbt by default, so you have to specify that you want to use them. addSbtPlugin is a way to say that "I want to use xxx, yyy plugins in my project" to your sbt.
Also, I implemented two contrived scala files in the ./app/src/main/scala:
class AppBar {
def printDescription() = println(AppBar.getDescription)
object AppBar {
private val getDescription: String = "Hello World, I am AppBar"
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val appBar = new AppBar
class AppFoo {
def printDescription() = println(AppFoo.getDescription)
object AppFoo {
private val getDescription: String = "Hello World, I am AppFoo"
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val appFoo = new AppFoo
sbt package
This is very basic sbt command included in the sbt to help you distribute your project through the jar file. The jar file generated by the package command is located in the projectDirectoy/target/scala-2.11/app_2.11-1.0.jar (Here, the specified scalaVersion and version setting keys included in the build.sbt file are used to generate the jar file name).
When you look inside the jar, you can see the class files generated by the sbt tool, which is the result of compiling the sources in the app/src/main/scala. Also, it includes a MANIFEST file.
$vi projectDirectoy/target/scala-2.11/app_2.11-1.0.jar
Note that it only includes the class files generated from the scala files located in the app/src/main/scala directory. The jar file generated by the package command does not include any scala related libraries such as collection in the scala library (e.g., collection.mutable.Map.class). Therefore, to execute the program you may require scala library because the generate jar file only contains the minimal classes generated from the scala sources that I implemented. That is the reason why the jar file contains AppBar.class, AppBar$.class for companion object, etc.
As mentioned by the Eugene Yokota, sbt-assembly also help you distribute your project through generating the jar file; however the generated jar file includes not only the class files generated by your source code, but also all the libraries that you need to execute the program. For example, to execute the main function defined in the AppFoo object, you may need scala libraries. Also, when you add external libraries in your project, which can be included by adding the dependencies to the libraryDependencies key.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.json4s" %% "json4s-jackson" % "3.5.3")
For example, you can include json4s libraries in your project, and jar files related to supporting json4s in your project also will be added to the final jar file generated by the sbt-assembly. In other words, when you invoke assembly in your sbt, it generates one jar file containing all the requirements to execute your program, so that you don't need another dependency to execute yout program.
When you prompt assembly command in your sbt shell, then it will generate one jar file in your target directory. In this case, you may find the app-assembly-1.0.jar in the app/target/scala-2.11 directory. When you look inside the jar file, you can find that it contains lots of classes.
$vi projectDirectoy/target/scala-2.11/app_2.11-1.0.jar
As mentioned before, because the jar file generated by the assembly contains all the dependencies such as scala and external libraries to execute your program in the jar, you may think that you can invoke the main functions defined in the AppFoo object and AppBar object.
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/scala-2.11$ java -cp './*' AppFoo
Hello World, I am AppFoo
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/scala-2.11$ java -cp './*' AppBar
Hello World, I am AppBar
Yeah~ you can execute the main function using the generated jar file.
sbt-pack is almost same as the sbt-assembly; it saves all the library on which your project depends as jar files required to execute your program. However, sbt-pack doesn't integrate all the dependencies into one jar files, instead, it generates multiple jar files which correspond to one library dependencies and your classes (e.g., AppFoo.class).
Also, interestingly it automatically generates scripts for invoking all the main functions defined in your scala source files and Makefiles to install the program. Let's take a look at the pack directory created after you prompt pack command on your sbt shell.
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/pack$ ls
bin lib Makefile VERSION
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/pack$ ls bin/
app-bar app-bar.bat app-foo app-foo.bat
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/pack$ ls lib/
app_2.11-1.0.jar sbt_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar scala-library-2.11.12.jar
As shown in the above, two directories and two files are created; bin contains all the script files to execute the functions defined in your sources (each file is a script that helps you execute the main method defined in your scala files); lib contains all the required jar files to execute your program; and lastly Makefile can be used to install your program and dependent libraries in your system.
For the details, please refer the github pages for each plugins.

Create standalone jar using SBT

I was a heavy Maven user and now I'm gradually using SBT for some of my projects.
I'd like to know how could I use SBT to create a standalone Java project? This project should be packaged as a JAR file and this JAR file would be used as a dependency in another SBT project.
In Maven, I could tell in my pom.xml what type of artifact it should produce when I build it. Is there something similar that I can do in SBT?
There is a difference between standalone and making a project useable as a dependency or another project. In the first case, you would use a plugin such as sbt-assembly. What it will do is create one jar file containing the project class files along with all of its dependencies. If you write an application, what you get is a double-clickable jar that you can execute from anywhere.
If you want to use your project A as a dependency for another project B, you have different options. You could just package the class files of A, using sbt package (answer of #Channing Walton). Then you could drop the resulting .jar file in the lib directory of project B. However, if A also requires libraries, you must make sure that they also end up in project B's libraries.
A better approach is to publish your project. You can do that purely on your local machine, using sbt publish-local. That will store the jar as produced by package in a special local directory which can be accessed from sbt in another project, along with a POM file that contains the dependencies of A. It will use a group-ID (organization) and artifact-ID (name) and a version of your project A. For example, in build.sbt:
name := "projecta"
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
organization := "com.github.myname"
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
publishMavenStyle := true
After publishing with sbt publish-local, you can add the following dependency to your project B:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.myname" %% "projecta" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
If you have a pure Java project, you can omit the Scala version suffix, i.e. in Project A:
crossPaths := false
autoScalaLibrary := false
And then in Project B:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.myname" % "projecta" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
(using only one % character between group and artifact ID).
More on publishing in the sbt documentation.
'sbt package' will produce a jar file.
If you want it to be executable you need to add the following to your .sbt config:
mainClass in Compile := Some("your.main.Class")
Sure, you can use 'sbt package' command, it creates a jar file but this jar will be without any dependencies. To run it necessary to specify 'classpath' arg to the libraries.
In your case you wish a standalone runnable file. And you need to add the dependencies.
To do this you can use 'assembly' plugin for SBT, see
Afterward you can just run 'sbt assembly' command, it provides a fat jar file with all dependencies that you can deploy and run anywhere and at any time.
For details see this article
builds the artifact and publish in the local Ivy repository making it available for your local project dependencies.
same as above, but the artifact is published in local Maven repo instead of Ivy repo.
I think the easiest way to produce a stand-alone jar with your project in it,
is sadly not lying inside sbt.
I personally use my IDE: Intellij to make the jar (through the 'build artifact' feature).
Thanks to Intellij I can easily choose which library I want to include in the jar or not, (for instance the scala stl).
IMHO, this is by far the simplest method to get an executable jar for your project.
If you put the scala stl you can run your jar with the "java -jar" command, if you don't you have to run it somewhere with the correct version of scala installed with "scala".

Why doesn't sbt create project files?

I have tried to install SBT on my macbook. When I run it, it doesn't ask me for any project definitions (e.g. title) and simply says
[info] Set current project to default (in build file:/Users/qui/Documents/Programming/test2/)
It then goes to what looks like the sbt interpreter.
When I look inside "test2", there is a project and target directory but I dont see a src directory to work with
Clearly I have gone wrong somewhere in my installation but I'm unsure where. Any ideas?
So I just installed 0.10 on a fresh fedora install. And I am getting the exact same problem, same "info" message and it has only created a project and target directory
I must be doing something idiotic right? What am I doing wrong? :p
I work with SBT 0.13 so...your mileage may vary.
sbt's default behaviour
What you experience is the default behaviour of sbt. The tool expects that the project files are already in place or when there is no project files it doesn't bother to create them - the default values are just applied to the current directory that effectively becomes the project directory for a project called by the name of the directory it's in. SBT then opens sbt shell.
$ tree
0 directories, 0 files
$ sbt
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Updating {file:/Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins/}global-plugins...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Set current project to testaaa (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/testaaa/)
Quoting Running from the official documentation of SBT.
Running sbt with no command line arguments starts it in interactive
mode. Interactive mode has a command prompt (with tab completion and
In your case, when you started sbt in /Users/qui/Documents/Programming/test2/ it silently assumed it's the project directory and applied the default settings.
The following sbt session is in test2 directory, too. I use help to display the help of a setting key and then use the key to display its value.
$ tree
0 directories, 0 files
$ sbt
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to test2 (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
[test2]> help name
Project name.
[test2]> name
[info] test2
[test2]> help organization
Organization/group ID.
[test2]> organization
[info] default
[test2]> help version
The version/revision of the current module.
[test2]> version
[info] 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[test2]> help scalaVersion
The version of Scala used for building.
[test2]> scalaVersion
[info] 2.10.2
(I've changed the prompt so the name of the project, i.e. the name of the directory sbt has been started in, is displayed before the >).
You can change the value of a key with the set command that Evaluates a Setting and applies it to the current project.
[test2]> help set
set [every] <setting-expression>
Applies the given setting to the current project:
1) Constructs the expression provided as an argument by compiling and loading it.
2) Appends the new setting to the current project's settings.
3) Re-evaluates the build's settings.
This command does not rebuild the build definitions, plugins, or configurations.
It does not automatically persist the setting(s) either.
To persist the setting(s), run 'session save' or 'session save-all'.
If 'every' is specified, the setting is evaluated in the current context
and the resulting value is used in every scope. This overrides the value
bound to the key everywhere.
[test2]> set scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
[info] Defining *:scalaVersion
[info] The new value will be used by *:allDependencies, *:dependencyUpdatesData and 11 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to test2 (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
[test2]> scalaVersion
[info] 2.10.3
In the other question on StackOverflow #regis-jean-gilles has showed how to set the other settings using the set command.
[test2]> set name := "My test2 sbt project"
[info] Defining *:name
[info] The new value will be used by *:description, *:normalizedName and 8 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to My test2 sbt project (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
[test2]> set version := "1.0"
[info] Defining *:version
[info] The new value will be used by *:isSnapshot, *:projectId and 5 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to My test2 sbt project (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
[test2]> set scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
[info] Defining *:scalaVersion
[info] The new value will be used by *:allDependencies, *:dependencyUpdatesData and 11 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to My test2 sbt project (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
[test2]> session save
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to My test2 sbt project (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
[test2]> exit
The build.sbt file will then contain all the settings as if there'd been set there in the first place.
$ cat build.sbt
name := "My test2 sbt project"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
By default, sbt creates various files in target directory. When you look inside the target directory, there are no files - just an empty directory. The same applies to project that also may or may not hold target directory. They're assumed to be available and if there's not, they're created by default.
When you change a setting in sbt's interactive shell (with set), you can save the session with session save.
[test2]> help session
session <command>
Manipulates session settings, which are temporary settings that do not persist past the current sbt execution (that is, the current session).
Valid commands are:
clear, clear-all
Removes temporary settings added using 'set' and re-evaluates all settings.
For 'clear', only the settings defined for the current project are cleared.
For 'clear-all', all settings in all projects are cleared.
list, list-all
Prints a numbered list of session settings defined.
The numbers may be used to remove individual settings or ranges of settings using 'remove'.
For 'list', only the settings for the current project are printed.
For 'list-all', all settings in all projets are printed.
remove <range-spec>
<range-spec> is a comma-separated list of individual numbers or ranges of numbers.
For example, 'remove 1,3,5-7'.
The temporary settings at the given indices for the current project are removed and all settings are re-evaluated.
Use the 'list' command to see a numbered list of settings for the current project.
save, save-all
Makes the session settings permanent by writing them to a '.sbt' configuration file.
For 'save', only the current project's settings are saved (the settings for other projects are left alone).
For 'save-all', the session settings are saved for all projects.
The session settings defined for a project are appended to the first '.sbt' configuration file in that project.
If no '.sbt' configuration file exists, the settings are written to 'build.sbt' in the project's base directory.
[test2]> session save
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to test2 (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/test2/)
Once you do that, a build.sbt with your own setting(s) is saved. That might be a good starting point for further configuration of a project.
$ cat build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
Typesafe Activator
According to the home page of Typesafe Activator:
Typesafe Activator is a browser-based or command-line tool that helps
developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform.
Under the covers, Activator is a UI built atop of sbt as demo'ed by Josh Suereth in the screencast Introducing sbt 0.13.2.
It appears that that's the only blessed solution for setting up sbt projects out of the many templates available in Activator.
giter8 - sbt project (layout) templates
If you however need some help to lay out the directory structure and have a ready-to-use project setup, you may want to use giter8 that's a command line tool to apply templates defined on github
Say, you want to create a project with scalaz dependency. You may want to use adinapoli/scalaz-revolver (see the list of available templates).
$ g8 adinapoli/scalaz-revolver
Simple scala project with sbt-revolver
organization [org.example]: pl.japila
name [Scala sbt-revolver project]:
scala_version [2.9.2]: 2.10.3
version [0.1-SNAPSHOT]:
Template applied in ./scala-sbt-revolver-project
$ cd scala-sbt-revolver-project/
$ tree
├── build.sbt
├── project
│   ├── Build.scala
│   ├──
│   └── plugins.sbt
└── src
└── main
└── scala
└── pl
└── japila
└── ScalaSbtrevolverProject.scala
6 directories, 6 files
See Create a project directory with source code to find out more.
np - new sbt project generation made simple(r)
As pointed out in the comments by #0__ below, there's another project that aims at simplifying how new projects in sbt are created - np. That seems exactly what you needed.
In there's a complete description of what's needed to set it up and create new sbt projects using the utility that boils down to:
Registering the sbt plugin. Add the following to ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/np.sbt.
addSbtPlugin("me.lessis" % "np" % "0.2.0")
Define a custom global overrides in ~/.sbt/0.13/np.sbt. Add the following to the file.
(NpKeys.defaults in (Compile, ~= {
_.copy(org="me.lessis", version="0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")
Use the np plugin's command - np. Create an empty directory for the sbt project and run sbt np.
$ mkdir np-sandbox/
$ cd np-sandbox/
$ sbt np
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to np-sandbox (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/stackoverflow/np-sandbox/)
[info] Generated build file
[info] Generated source directories
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Dec 7, 2013 12:51:42 PM
$ tree
├── build.sbt
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── resources
│   │   └── scala
│   └── test
│   ├── resources
│   └── scala
└── target
└── streams
└── compile
└── np
└── $global
└── out
12 directories, 2 files
$ cat build.sbt
organization := "me.lessis"
name := "default"
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
No you're not doing something wrong, previous versions of sbt (0.7.x) did ask you if you wanted to create your project.
sbt version 0.10.x is a complete rewrite and does not act the same way (i.e. ask you to create a project on startup).
The old project was on googlecode but has since moved to github, you can find the documentation for 0.10.x at, in particular if you come from a 0.7.x background.
It's a bit hard to wrap your head around the new settings system at first, but trust me when I say you'll love it :)
As described in the np plugin readme, the required steps would be :
mkdir -p src/{main,test}/scala
touch build.sbt && vi build.sbt # fill in the basics (name, organization, version)
touch && vi
... start coding
One-liner to create the directory-structure and files (all empty):
mkdir -p ./src/{main,test}/{scala,java,resources}; mkdir project; touch build.sbt; touch project/
I found and updated a script by Alvin Alexander (author of the amazing book Scala Cookbook) that does just what you want.
Once again, I provide a bash script because the task of creating the directories and the files is pedantic, but simple. Making a full fledged plugin for SBT for this is an overkill.
This script creates an SBT project directory beneath the current directory.
Directory/Project Name (MyFirstProject): ProjectX
Create .gitignore File? (Y/n):
Create File? (Y/n):
Directory/Project Name: ProjectX
Create .gitignore File?: y
Create File?: y
Create Project? (Y/n):
Project created. See the following URL for build.sbt examples:
$ cat build.sbt
name := "ProjectX"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
And finally, I believe SBT launched without any arguments should behave exactly like this script.
