Wordpress User Submissions - wordpress

I want to be able to modify my Wordpress theme to be able to do exactly what this page does.
I know first one would have to allow user uploads, but i would like to moderate them as well.
Does anyone know of a Wordpress plugin or solution to this problem?
ALSO: If possible, I need to add meta to the file upload (eg. Image, Title, Description)
Thanks in advance!

Afaik there's no plugin yet doing something like that. But maybe you can find one yourself in the wordpress plugin repository!
Depending on your programming skills, you could just write one yourself. The idea here would be to create a folder named as a auto-incrementing id, which is equal to an id in the database that you create simultaniously together with all the information stored in the DB.


Create WordPress Admins To Create Posts Only Securely

Using WordPress is a great way to learn and make progress on web development. Although, I want to make admins for each and one of my classmates to only and only create and publish posts on the web. For example, BuzzFeed has admins that create content and it tells the author name, date and time, comments and responses next to it. That's what I am aiming for. Not all of my classmates use wordpress or have ever used it so I want to find a way to create admins for them simply without creating security holes for the website itself and risking getting hacks or login attempts.
what is the best way to approach a situation like this?
Thanks :)
If you want your classmates to be able to add posts you can add them as "Authors." Wordpress has a build in permission system that allows authors to only add, edit and delete posts.
If you want to have more control over the capabilities you can use a plugin like User Role Editor. This will allow you to create a new role and set specific capabilities for the created user role.

Wordpress - How to create a fav posts feature

I want my users to be able to mark posts as favorite. I tried the wp-favorite-posts plugin, but it doesn't work. I mark posts as favorites and after refreshing the page it's all gone. Furthermore, if I put {{wp-favorite-posts}} to a page, it just shows the text.
So I want to create my own solution, but don't really know how. I have never edited the WP database, but I have plenty of PHP mySQL experience.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction ?
You can use post_meta. You can store the "favourite" aspect as a custom field attached to each post. You don't need to manually edit the database (i.e. via mySQL).
When you want to show the favourited posts, run a custom query that only shows posts with the specific custom field that you've specified.

WordPress: Web Form with Image/File Submission

First of all, I am absolutely new to WP.
I am hoping to build a site using WP and figured out how to manage every thing except one feature. The feature that is required is to be able to submit a form with files (images in particular) by a non member.
For example, you should be able to visit the site and fill a form and submit your image along it.
Is it possible to upload files as above? How is this achievable?
Thanks in advance.
If you are not a wordpress coder , I would sugest you use a plugin for that .
Some options :
and many more ..
read also this tutorial : http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/allow-users-to-submit-images-your-site/ - it is not for VISITORS but for registered users - but it might help you to understand what is needed to be done .
I would use the Contact Form 7 plugin to do this, as it's extremely easy.
In the plugin settings you'll be able to choose what parts of the form you'd like to include, adding a way to upload is one of those options. You can even limit the type of file that is being used as well the max file size.
Once you create a form in the settings, you just use its shortcode to add it to your Wordpress page.
Yes you can upload file, but it is not a Wordpress specific solution, unless you want to use a plugin. You can code html/php as per usual to achieve it:
To embed it on a page, you can create a Page in Wordpress, and assign it a custom page template that you create with the upload form:

WordPress Plugin Development Idea? Is this possible? Am I on the right track?

I'm very new to WP development. I host a website which needs a list of trails (hiking, biking, etc) and I'd like to write a WordPress plugin to do it.
Can someone please tell me if I'm taking the right approach, and if what I'm proposing is possible.
I'd like the site to end up with an auto-generated and filtered index at http://example.com/trail-guide, and the discrete trail info pages at http://example.com/trail-guide/trailname. This data would all be stored in a single database table holding info for each trail, with an admin page for adding, editing, and deleting entries from here.
Is a WP plugin the best way to go about doing this, or should I be looking at something else?
From the way you're describing, your best bet would be to Register A Custom Post Type. This can be done by adding to your existing theme's Functions.php file, or by creating a plugin.
If you don't plan on changing themes, my advice would be to just hardcode everything into your functions.php file. Otherwise, creating a plugin for this particular job would be the safest alternative.
Using this functionality in tandem with Custom Meta Boxes and Custom Taxonomies will allow you to keep everything organized within the Wordpress Framework with your own special data.
This means that these new posts can also be queried at any time through the standard Wordpress Loop or search box.
If you are uncomfortable with writing your own functions to extend your existing framework, you might want to look into some plugins like GD Custom Posts And Taxonomies Tools to manage your own.
Hope this helps.

User template with recent posts

I'm developing a custom theme for Drupal 7. My problem is I don't know how to make a page that shows information about the author, and below the info, a list of the author's articles. (For ex. if I go to user/ i want to see the profile of the user with the given id, and his/her latest posts).
So what would be the best solution for this?
I've tried with creating user-profile.tpl, it's ok, but I dont' know how the get the nodes, and I don't really want to make sql query-s, because I think there is a prettier method for this.
I've tried with Views, too, but I'm new to Drupal and the most of the tutorials/explanations were for drupal 6 (if it's simple with view, please write me a small guide for it).
It'd be better to create a view that takes the uid as an argument.
