Search file for characters excluding a set of characters - unix

I have a text file with 1.3million rows and 258 columns delimited by semicolons (;). How can I search for what characters are in the file, excluding letters of the alphabet (both upper and lower case), semicolon (;), quote (') and double quote (")? Ideally the results should be in a non-duplicated list.

Use the following pipeline
# Remove the characters you want to exclude
tr -d 'A-Za-z;"'\' <file |
# One character on each line
sed 's/\(.\)/\1\
/g' |
# Remove duplicates
sort -u
echo '2343abc34;ABC;;#$%"' |
tr -d 'A-Za-z;"'\' |
sed 's/\(.\)/\1\
/g' |
sort -u

you can use grep -v command and pipe it to sort and then to uniq.


replace specific columns on lines not starting with specific character in a text file

I have a text file that looks like this:
And a list of column numbers: 2, 4, 7. Of course I can have these as a variable like:
cols="2 4 7"
I need to replace every column of the rows that don't start with > with a single character, e.g an N, to result in:
Additional details - the file has ~200K lines. All lines that don't start with > are the same length. Line indices will never exceed the length of the non > lines.
It seems to me that some combination of sed and awk must be able to do this quickly, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to link it all together.
E.g. I can use sed to work on all lines that don't start with a > like this (in this case replacing all spaces with N's):
sed -i.bak '/^[^>]/s/ /N/g' input.txt
And I can use AWK to replace specific columns of lines as I want to like this (I think...):
awk '$2=N'
But I am struggling to stitch this together
With GNU awk, set i/o field separators to empty string so that each character becomes a field, and you can easily update them.
awk -v cols='2 4 7' '
!/^>/ {
for (i in f)
1' file
Also see Save modifications in place with awk.
You can generate a list of replacement commands first and then pass them to sed
$ printf '2 4 7' | sed -E 's|[0-9]+|/^>/! s/./N/&\n|g'
/^>/! s/./N/2
/^>/! s/./N/4
/^>/! s/./N/7
$ printf '2, 4, 7' | sed -E 's|[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[^0-9]*|/^>/! s/./N/\1\n|g'
/^>/! s/./N/2
/^>/! s/./N/4
/^>/! s/./N/7
$ sed -f <(printf '2 4 7' | sed -E 's|[0-9]+|/^>/! s/./N/&\n|g') ip.txt
Can also use {} grouping
$ printf '2 4 7' | sed -E 's|^|/^>/!{|; s|[0-9]+|s/./N/&; |g; s|$|}|'
/^>/!{s/./N/2; s/./N/4; s/./N/7; }
Using any awk in any shell on every UNIX box:
$ awk -v cols='2 4 7' '
BEGIN { split(cols,c) }
!/^>/ { for (i in c) $0=substr($0,1,c[i]-1) "N" substr($0,c[i]+1) }
1' file

Replace last 9 delimeters "," with "|" in Unix

I want to replace last 9 "," delimeters with "|" in a file.
For example, from:
Help would be really appreciated.
Not exactly the same but replace all after the second occurrence with GNU sed:
$ echo \"ashu,pant\",3,5,5,7,7,87,8,8,8 |
sed 's/,/|/2g'
Edit to match your changed requirements:
Hackish, but first reverse lines and replace all commas with pipes, then replace pipes with commas starting from 10th occurrence:
$ echo -e \"ashu,pant\",3,5,5,7,7,87,8,8,8\\nabcd,3,5,5,7,7,1,2,3,4 |
rev |
sed 's/,/|/g; s/|/,/10g' |
You could also use GNU awk and FPAT to replace all comma outside of quotes:
$ echo -e \"ashu,pant\",3,5,5,7,7,87,8,8,8\\nabcd,3,5,5,7,7,1,2,3,4 |
awk 'BEGIN{FPAT="([^,]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")";OFS="|"}{$1=$1}1'
awk '{gsub(/[[:digit:]]/," |&")gsub(/, /,"")}1' file

Create duplicate line based on maximum number of delimiters in a field

I have a file which contains multiple fields and 2 types of delimiters. If the number of delimiters in one of the fields reaches a defined number then I want to split the field after the number is met onto the next line while replicating the first part of the line.
Is this possible in awk or sed?
Max Number = 6, to split on commas in field 5
Assuming not more than one split would be required:
$ sed -E 's/^(([^|]+\|){4})(([^,]+,){5}[^,]+),(.*)/\1\3|\n\1\5/' ip.txt
-E use ERE, some sed version uses -r option instead
^(([^|]+\|){4}) first 4 columns delimited by |
(([^,]+,){5}[^,]+) 6 columns delimited by , (without trailing ,)
, comma between 6th and 7th column
(.*) rest of line
\1\3|\n\1\5 split as required
The column and max number can be passed from shell variables too (example shown for bash)
$ col=5; max=6
$ sed -E "s/^(([^|]+\|){$((col-1))})(([^,]+,){$((max-1))}[^,]+),(.*)/\1\3|\n\1\5/" ip.txt
$ col=5; max=8
$ sed -E "s/^(([^|]+\|){$((col-1))})(([^,]+,){$((max-1))}[^,]+),(.*)/\1\3|\n\1\5/" ip.txt
awk to the rescue!
awk -F\| -v OFS=\| -v c=',' '
$5=a[1] c a[2] c a[3] c a[4] c a[5] c a[6];
gsub(/([^,]+,){6}/,"",$5)}}1' file

Unix Command for counting number of words which contains letter combination (with repeats and letters in between)

How would you count the number of words in a text file which contains all of the letters a, b, and c. These letters may occur more than once in the word and the word may contain other letters as well. (For example, "cabby" should be counted.)
Using sample input which should return 2:
abc abb cabby
I tried both:
grep -E "[abc]" test.txt | wc -l
grep 'abcdef' testCount.txt | wc -l
both of which return 1 instead of 2.
Thanks in advance!
You can use awk and use the return value of sub function. If successful substitution is made, the return value of the sub function will be the number of substitutions done.
$ echo "abc abb cabby" |
awk '{
if(sub(/a/,"",$i)>0 && sub(/b/,"",$i)>0 && sub(/c/,"",$i)>0) {
END{print count}'
We keep the condition of return value to be greater than 0 for all three alphabets. The for loop will iterate over every word of every line adding the counter when all three alphabets are found in the word.
I don't think you can get around using multiple invocations of grep. Thus I would go with (GNU grep):
<file grep -ow '\w+' | grep a | grep b | grep c
The first grep puts each word on a line of its own.
Try this, it will work
sed 's/ /\n/g' test.txt |grep a |grep b|grep c
$ cat test.txt
abc abb cabby
$ sed 's/ /\n/g' test.txt |grep a |grep b|grep c
hope this helps..

SED command to change the header

Well, I have about 114 files that I want to join side-by-side based on the 1st column that each file shares, which's the ID number. Each file consists of 2 columns and over 400000 lines. I used write.table to join those tables together in one table and I got X's in my header. For example, my header should be like:
ID 1_sample1 2_sample2 3_sample3
But I get it like this:
ID X1_sample1 X2_sample2 X3_sample3
I read about this problem and found out the check.names get rid of this problem, but in my case when I use check.names I get the following error:
"unused argument ( = F)"
Thus, I decided to use sed to fix the problem, it actually works great, BUT it joins the 2nd line and the 1st line. For instance, my 1st column and second column should be something like this:
ID 1_sample1 2_sample2 3_sample
cg123 .0235 2.156 -5.546
But I get the following instead:
ID 1_sample1 2_sample2 3_sample cg123 .0235 2.156 -5.546
Can any one check this code for me, please. I might've done something wrong to not get each line separated from the other.
head -n 1 inFILE | tr "\t" "\n" | sed -e 's/^X//g' | sed -e 's/\./-/' | sed -e 's/\./(/' |sed -e 's/\./)/' | tr "\n" "\t" > outFILE
tail -n +2 beta.norm.txt >> outFILE
If your data is tab delimited, the simple fix would be
sed '1,1s/\tX/\t/g' < inputfile > outputfile
1,1 only operate on the range "line 1 to line 1"
\tX find tab followed by X
/\t/ replace with tab
g all occurrences
It does seem as though your original attempt does more than just strip the X - it also changes successive dots to (-) but you don't show in your example why you need that. The reason your code joins the first two lines is that you only replace \n with \t in your last tr command - which leaves you with no \n at the end of the line.
You need to attach a \n at the end of your first line before concatenating lines 2 and beyond with your second command. Experiment with
head -n 1 inFILE | tr "\t" "\n" | sed -e 's/^X//g' | sed -e 's/\./-/' | sed -e 's/\./(/' |sed -e 's/\./)/' | tr "\n" "\t" > outFILE
echo "\n" >> outFile
tail -n +2 beta.norm.txt >> outFILE
whether that works depends on your OS. There are other ways to add a newline...
edit using awk is probably much cleaner - for example
awk '(NR==1){gsub(" X"," ", $0);}{print;}' inputFile > outputFile
(NR==1) for the first line only (record number == 1) do:
{gsub(" X","", $0);} do a global substitution of "space followed by X", with "space"
for all lines (including the one that was just modified) do:
{print;}' print the whole line
