css layout: image gallery with left-bar - css

I'm trying to implement a design with a shrink-wrapped left bar and a fluid main panel, which will allow as many pictures to be shown as the window width will accommodate, without a horizontal scroll bar.
I'm having massive trouble doing this. When I float:left the control bar, the content of the main panel begins to flow around it. Floating the main panel as well solves this, but causes the content to be shrink-wrapped, meaning that the images tend to be lined up in a single column.
Is there any elegant solution to do this?
I've made a mockup of the problem here: http://jsfiddle.net/PYKwg/2/embedded/result/

Try this: http://jsfiddle.net/CXvRn/10/ It's all in the code:
I wrapped #main in #mainWrapper
I added padding-left 220px to #mainWrapper.
I added float:left to "#top .thing" and "#bottom .thing"

here is the most basic jquery version:
You have to set some constants such as the total horizontal padding and the horizontal margin for the #main. you could derive those using jQuery but if they are never going to change them you might as well set them your self and save some lines of code.
If you'd like to do it with jquery you can figure that out here: Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

The solution is "overflow:auto" on the main-content section. This establishes a new frame of block flow, which content won't flow out of (under/behind the floated control section). Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#block-formatting
See it in action here:
(Thanks Alex)


Container restricts individual margins wordpress

Currently im making a wordpress page, and i want to add these small author cards (pic related), which i can't seem to align side by side.
i figured that the margin is what restricts me from doing so.
The boxes are composed of shortcode. and i made my own div in my stylesheet to resize the width to 50%. However these author boxes are within a container, that sets a fixed margin, so if i for example try to float the boxes respectively left and right, they still align on top of each other.
Furthermore i tried adding individual div tags to my boxes, in order to css my way out of it, however still no luck.
Is there a way in which i can override the original margin?
Apply this CSS --
.author-shortcodes {
This will make those 2 boxes to stay next to each other. If applying this CSS does not really override, use 'display:inline-block !important;' instead.

Make inline justified div into link (display: block does not work)

I used the following solution to create 3 divs next to each other:
Fluid width with equally spaced DIVs
However, when I wrap each box inside an <a> tag with display:block the entire layout gets funky.
Is there a way around this? The fluidity (is that even a word?) is not really necessary, but preferable. The reason I used it this solution is because it keeps boxes neatly next to each other even in IE6/7 and for the sake of simplicity too.
Thanks in advance!
You cannot wrap a div with a - and if I am understanding you correctly this is where your problems start.
If you want to make your entire div clickable, place a link inside your div around some text/a title/whatever and use jQuery to action this link if you click ANYWHERE inside the div
$(".divClass").click(function () {
window.location = $(this).find("a").attr("href");

Force element scrollbar to the top using CSS

I have a container on my site that is 100% of the screen width and has its own scrollbar using overflow: auto. The standard scrollbar does not display on my site and I use this instead because there is another layer behind the main layer of my site that also has its own scrollbar (you can view my site here and click a blog post to see what I mean).
I have a blue bar that I want to be fixed to the top of the screen. This is easy enough in terms of positioning in that way with position: fixed however the width of the bar needs to be 100% of the screen width and I'm finding that the bar will overlap the scrollbar that is applied to its parent container.
Here is a jsFiddle showing what I mean: http://jsfiddle.net/xUTR2/1/
I've thought about just offsetting the bar to the left based on the width of the scrollbar, but then I decided that I couldn't rely on estimating the width of the scrollbar across different browsers, and that would leave a gap if there were no scrollbar.
Is there an obvious way to force the scrollbar to render ontop?
As I can't comment yet, im forced to give an answer.
If im correct you would like to get the top blue bar in a fixed position as in visible while scrolling down.
personally i would make seperate containers
something like
<div id='page'>
<div id='bluebar'></div>
<div id='content'></div>
Demo can be found here ( http://limpid.nl/lab/css/fixed/header )
you can do this by jquery easily, at some event.
$("body").load(function () {
$('scrollable container').css('overflow-y', 'auto');
try keeping the blue bar and other page content in separate containers, i think it will solve the problem for you.
This is impossible to achieve in a clean/robust kind of way because anything you position as fixed is done so within the context of the main browser (and within any scrollbar it has), but because you removed the main body scrollbar (and you must because you cannot z-index position on top of it) it doesn't think anything is there, yet you have this div below it so the only options you have are to use fixed margin and height for the two elements or use some javascript method to determine the correct width of your top div.

side by side divs with same height

How can I put the height of side by side DIVs?
When I change the width of browser, sometimes the left div get higher or shorter than the left.
I want that automatically the left or the right div grows up to became with the same height of the other one.
Setting a display table-row is the best solution for this?
Take a look at the image of the page I want to develop.
I solved the problem using display=table-row, table and table-cell. I've added one div to be the table.
Now it is perfect! Take a look.
Here's a solution, also found on SO
Here is the link to original post
How do I keep two divs that are side by side the same height?
The technique is called Faux Columns and here is an article about it
I solved the problem using display=table-row, table and table-cell. I've added one div to be the table. Now it is perfect! Take a look.
If what you are trying yo do is to place the content in a grey box with rounded conrners then your divs don't need to be of the same height. Just move the background-color and border-radius to the enclosing div: http://jsfiddle.net/tcWCC/41/
I think you won't be able to do that without using a html table.

Side By Side Panes

I'm building a HTML template for my site and would like to have a main content pane on the left and a navigation pane on the right (similar to Twitter).
I'm assuming DIVs are not the preferred approach since they are by defaulted listed top-to-bottom. I've played around with float:left and float:right but those cause the parent div to not expand appropriately vertically.
I've seen references to using tables (seems like a step backwards) and SPANs (which I haven't been able to use to produce the right effect).
What is the best practice for accomplishing side-by-side panes in HTML?
Any advice or examples would be greatly appreciated.
I'm assuming DIVs are not the preferred approach since they are by defaulted listed top-to-bottom.
Why would you assume that when the example you gave, Twitter, uses them?
The parent div can be made to expand to the height of the larger of the two columns by putting a div below the two columns within the container div with clear: both as its CSS.
DIVs with float is probably your best bet. What is your problem with the height? Have you tried doing height: auto for the div?
