Bind Menu To a List in ASP.NET -

How to bind a list to ASP.NET Menu control?

try something like this .
This is just example how you bind data to the menu control using you can bind list also same way like this....
Start with a IHierarcyData class that will store each string from the StringCollection...
public class MyMenuItem : IHierarchyData
public MyMenuItem(string s)
Item = s;
public override string ToString()
return Item.ToString();
#region IHierarchyData Members
public IHierarchicalEnumerable GetChildren()
return null;
public IHierarchyData GetParent()
return null;
public bool HasChildren
get { return false; }
public object Item
get; set;
public string Path
get { return string.Empty; }
public string Type
get { return string.Empty; }
Build a class that will be the collection...
public class MyMenu : StringCollection, IHierarchicalEnumerable
List<IHierarchyData> _list = new List<IHierarchyData>();
public void Add(StringCollection strings)
foreach (string s in strings)
MyMenuItem i = new MyMenuItem(s);
#region IHierarchicalEnumerable Members
public IHierarchyData GetHierarchyData(object enumeratedItem)
return enumeratedItem as IHierarchyData;
#region IEnumerable Members
public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return _list.GetEnumerator();
In the page you can now construct the menu...
MyMenu pos = new MyMenu();
StringCollection sc = new StringCollection();
Menu1.DataSource = pos;


Xamarin Forms: Selected items get cleared when perform search in listview

I have done the fetching of contacts from the phone using this blog.
Now I am trying to add the selection of contacts. Using a switch I have done the selection. But the selected contacts are clearing when performing a search operation.
public List<Contact> contactList;
public MainPage(IContactsService contactService)
contactList = new List<Contact>();
BindingContext = new ContactsViewModel(contactService);
void OnToggledEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
ViewCell cell = (sender as Xamarin.Forms.Switch).Parent.Parent as ViewCell;
if (cell.BindingContext is Contact)
Contact contact = cell.BindingContext as Contact;
if (contact != null)
if (contact != null && !contactList.Contains(contact))
else if (contact != null && contactList.Contains(contact))
Debug.WriteLine("contactList:>>" + contactList.Count);
public class ContactsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
IContactsService _contactService;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public string Title => "Contacts";
string search;
public string SearchText
get { return search; }
if (search != value)
search = value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText))
FilteredContacts = new ObservableCollection<Contact>(Contacts);
FilteredContacts = new ObservableCollection<Contact>(Contacts?.ToList()?.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Name) && s.Name.ToLower().Contains(SearchText.ToLower())));
public ObservableCollection<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
ObservableCollection<Contact> filteredContacts;
public ObservableCollection<Contact> FilteredContacts
get { return filteredContacts; }
if (filteredContacts != value)
filteredContacts = value;
public ContactsViewModel(IContactsService contactService)
_contactService = contactService;
Contacts = new ObservableCollection<Contact>();
Xamarin.Forms.BindingBase.EnableCollectionSynchronization(Contacts, null, ObservableCollectionCallback);
_contactService.OnContactLoaded += OnContactLoaded;
FilteredContacts = Contacts;
void ObservableCollectionCallback(IEnumerable collection, object context, Action accessMethod, bool writeAccess)
// `lock` ensures that only one thread access the collection at a time
lock (collection)
private void OnContactLoaded(object sender, ContactEventArgs e)
async Task LoadContacts()
await _contactService.RetrieveContactsAsync();
catch (TaskCanceledException)
Console.WriteLine("Task was cancelled");
I am adding the selected contact to a list when toggling the switch. If again click the switch I will remove the contact from the list. But the problem is when searching for a contact, already selected contacts get clear. I try to fix this using IsToggled property of switch, but no luck.
I have added a sample project here for the reference.
The itemsource updates every time you search , you should add a property inside model to log the status of the switch and implement INotifyPropertyChanged .
public class Contact : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Image { get; set; }
public string[] Emails { get; set; }
public string[] PhoneNumbers { get; set; }
private bool isToggled;
public bool IsToggled {
get {
return isToggled;
} set {
isToggled = value;
in Xaml
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding IsToggled} //... >"
Modify the method OnToggledEvent as below
void OnToggledEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
var s = sender as Xamarin.Forms.Switch;
var model = s.BindingContext as Contact;
if(model != null)
if (model.IsToggled && !contactList.Contains(model))
else if (!model.IsToggled && contactList.Contains(model))
Debug.WriteLine("contactList:>>" + contactList.Count);

WPF listbox binding to listview

I have below classes:
public class BusinessFunction
private string str_Id;
public string id
get { return str_Id; }
set { str_Id = value; }
private List<Function> str_FunctionList;
public BusinessFunction() { }
public List<Function> functionList
get { return str_FunctionList; }
set { str_FunctionList = value; }
public class Function
private string str_FunctionType;
public string functionType
get { return str_FunctionType; }
set { str_FunctionType = value; }
private string str_FunctionName;
public string functionName
get { return str_FunctionName; }
set { str_FunctionName = value; }
private string str_Value;
public string value
get { return str_Value; }
set { str_Value = value; }
I have to bind the above data into Listbox and Listview. The "id" should display in listbox and the "functionList" in listview. When user changes the selection in listbox, it should bring the associated "functionList" into listview.
How to achieve this scenario?
Listview Itemsource={Binding functionList} did the trick.

Steps to map classes using ValueInjector

Quickly getting to the problem the mapping does not occur for the following code. Could someone explain why? or what i should do for the mapping to occur?
var parent = new Parent();
parent.ChildOne.Add(new ChildOne() { Name = "Child One" });
parent.ChildTwo.Add(new ChildTwo() { Name = "Child Two" });
AnotherParent anotherParent = new AnotherParent();
Required Class are below
Anothher child one
public class AnotherChildOne
public string Name { get; set; }
Another child two
public class AnotherChildTwo
public string Name { get; set; }
Another Parent
public class AnotherParent
public ICollection<AnotherChildOne> ChildOne { get; set; }
public ICollection<AnotherChildTwo> ChildTwo { get; set; }
public AnotherParent()
ChildOne = new Collection<AnotherChildOne>();
ChildTwo = new Collection<AnotherChildTwo>();
Child Two
public class ChildTwo
public string Name { get; set; }
Child One
public class ChildOne
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Parent
public ICollection<ChildOne> ChildOne { get; set; }
public ICollection<ChildTwo> ChildTwo { get; set; }
public Parent()
ChildOne = new Collection<ChildOne>();
ChildTwo = new Collection<ChildTwo>();
I believe by default Value Injector will only inject the properties with the same name of the same type. You can get around this using a tweak to the CloneInjection sample from the Value Injector documentation as described here with this code:
public class CloneInjection : ConventionInjection
protected override bool Match(ConventionInfo c)
return c.SourceProp.Name == c.TargetProp.Name && c.SourceProp.Value != null;
protected override object SetValue(ConventionInfo c)
//for value types and string just return the value as is
if (c.SourceProp.Type.IsValueType || c.SourceProp.Type == typeof(string)
|| c.TargetProp.Type.IsValueType || c.TargetProp.Type == typeof(string))
return c.SourceProp.Value;
//handle arrays
if (c.SourceProp.Type.IsArray)
var arr = c.SourceProp.Value as Array;
var clone = Activator.CreateInstance(c.TargetProp.Type, arr.Length) as Array;
for (int index = 0; index < arr.Length; index++)
var a = arr.GetValue(index);
if (a.GetType().IsValueType || a.GetType() == typeof(string)) continue;
clone.SetValue(Activator.CreateInstance(c.TargetProp.Type.GetElementType()).InjectFrom<CloneInjection>(a), index);
return clone;
if (c.SourceProp.Type.IsGenericType)
//handle IEnumerable<> also ICollection<> IList<> List<>
if (c.SourceProp.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IEnumerable)))
var t = c.TargetProp.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
if (t.IsValueType || t == typeof(string)) return c.SourceProp.Value;
var tlist = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(t);
var list = Activator.CreateInstance(tlist);
var addMethod = tlist.GetMethod("Add");
foreach (var o in c.SourceProp.Value as IEnumerable)
var e = Activator.CreateInstance(t).InjectFrom<CloneInjection>(o);
addMethod.Invoke(list, new[] { e }); // in 4.0 you can use dynamic and just do list.Add(e);
return list;
//unhandled generic type, you could also return null or throw
return c.SourceProp.Value;
//for simple object types create a new instace and apply the clone injection on it
return Activator.CreateInstance(c.TargetProp.Type)
If you include the above CloneInjection code you will want to do this:
instead of:

Nunit tests on Response.Cache.VaryByHeader

I am doing some Unit testing with NUnit and NSubstitute on a function that uses HttpResponse, I know you can't mock these objects so I have created interfaces to represent them and some of there properties.
I'm having trouble understanding how to create an interface for Response.Cache.VaryByHeader
// This is my HttpResponse interface
public interface IHttpResponse
Stream Filter { get ; set; }
IHttpCachePolicy Cache { get; set; }
void AppendHeader(string name, string value);
// concrete httresponse
public class HttpResponseProxy : IHttpResponse
private HttpResponse _httpResponse;
public Stream Filter {
get {
return _httpResponse.Filter ?? new MemoryStream();
set { _httpResponse.Filter = value; }
public IHttpCachePolicy Cache
get { return new HttpCachePolicyProxy(_httpResponse.Cache); }
set { }
public HttpResponseProxy(HttpResponse httpResponse)
if (httpResponse == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpResponse");
_httpResponse = httpResponse;
_httpResponse.Filter = httpResponse.Filter;
public void AppendHeader(string name, string value)
_httpResponse.AppendHeader(name, value);
// HttpCachePolicy interface
public interface IHttpCachePolicy
IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders VaryByHeaders { get; set; }
// concrete HttpCachePolicy
public class HttpCachePolicyProxy : IHttpCachePolicy
private HttpCachePolicy _httpCachePolicy;
public HttpCachePolicyProxy(HttpCachePolicy httpCachePolicy)
_httpCachePolicy = httpCachePolicy;
public IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders VaryByHeaders
get { return new HttpCacheVaryByHeadersProxy(_httpCachePolicy.VaryByHeaders as HttpCacheVaryByHeaders); }
set { }
public interface IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders
IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders HttpCacheVaryByHeaders { get; set; }
public class HttpCacheVaryByHeadersProxy : IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders
private HttpCacheVaryByHeaders _httpCacheVaryByHeaders;
public HttpCacheVaryByHeadersProxy(HttpCacheVaryByHeaders httpCacheVaryByHeaders)
_httpCacheVaryByHeaders = httpCacheVaryByHeaders;
public IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders HttpCacheVaryByHeaders
get { return new HttpCacheVaryByHeadersProxy(_httpCacheVaryByHeaders); }
set { }
This is the function i am actually testing:
public static void CompressPage(IHttpRequestGetCompressionMode getCompressionMode, IHttpResponse httpResponse)
string supportedCompression = getCompressionMode.GetClientSupportedCompressionMode();
if (supportedCompression != HttpHeaderValues.NoCompression)
switch (supportedCompression)
case HttpHeaderValues.DeflateCompression:
httpResponse.Filter = new DeflateStream(httpResponse.Filter, CompressionMode.Compress);
case HttpHeaderValues.GZipCompression:
httpResponse.Filter = new GZipStream(httpResponse.Filter, CompressionMode.Compress);
httpResponse.AppendHeader(HttpHeaderValues.ContentEncodingHeader, supportedCompression);
// this line is where i have the problem
httpResponse.Cache.VaryByHeaders[HttpHeaderValues.AcceptEncodingHeader] = true;
I'm getting "cannot apply index to an expression of type IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders" errors.
I have the interface for the response and cache but how do I represent VaryByHeaders in an interface and then use it in a concrete class?
The error seems to suggest that IHttpCacheVaryByHeaders does not have an indexer declared (e.g. bool this[string header] { get; set; }), but rather than implementing these wrappers yourself, try the HttpResponseWrapper and other System.Web.Abstractions. This will should make testing this stuff a lot easier. :)

Create a log everytime When methods in an interface class are called

I want to update a log file(txt) everytime when methods in a an interface class are called?
Is there any way to do this other than writing code in every method to create log?
Here's my 30 mins. you'll have to implement the logging code somewhere so you have to create another abstraction for your code. thus an abstract class is needed. i think. this is very quick and dirty.
public interface IService<T>
List<T> GetAll();
bool Add(T obj);
then you'll need the abstract class where you'll need to implement your logging routine
public abstract class Service<T> : IService<T>
private void log()
/// TODO : do log routine here
public bool Add(T obj)
return AddWithLogging(obj);
public List<T> GetAll()
return GetAllWithLog();
protected abstract List<T> GetAllWithLog();
protected abstract bool AddWithLogging(T obj);
as for your concrete classes
public class EmployeeService : Service<Employee>
protected override List<Employee> GetAllWithLog()
return new List<Employee>() { new Employee() { Id = 0, Name = "test" } };
protected override bool AddWithLogging(Employee obj)
/// TODO : do add logic here
return true;
public class CompanyService : Service<Company>
protected override List<Company> GetAllWithLog()
return new List<Company>() { new Company() { Id = 0, Name = "test" } };
protected override bool AddWithLogging(Company obj)
/// TODO : do add logic here
return true;
public class Employee
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name { get; set;}
public class Company
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
then on your implementation you can just..
static void Main(string[] args)
IService<Employee> employee = new EmployeeService();
List<Employee> employees = employee.GetAll();
foreach (var item in employees)
IService<Company> company = new CompanyService();
List<Company> companies = company.GetAll();
foreach (var item in companies)
hope this helps!
I think you would have to use Aspect Oriented Programming to achieve that. Read
I think you meant class (instead of interface)
Two options I can think of:
Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged which is in lines of writing code in every method
to adopt on of the AOP frameworks in the article if that is not a major leap
