Aptana Javascript code assist - aptana

OS: Ubuntu 11.04 64bit
Application: Aptana 3.05
Java: java version "1.6.0_22"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.2) (6b22-1.10.2-0ubuntu1~11.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
Hi! I'm new to programming, so I decided to not post it as a bug, because I think that should be an easy solution to these problems.
After upgrading to Aptana 3.05, I miss some features and I noticed some strange behaviour.
HTML Files Template removed
I accidentally fix it when I opened command>HTML>Edit this bundle, than I saved and the application crushed. At restart I had all HTML files template.
A new folder was created Aptana%20Rubles/html.ruble
Javascript Code Assistent
It worked so well before updating! now it getting lazy, and seems to have forgot some common methods.
function searchList () {
var txt = document.getElementById("search").value;
alert("Invalid Input");
return false;
For instance, the only proposal for the last line is "getElementById"(eg. no -"getElementByTagName")
How can I install or restore a more "basic" javascript assistent?
Even some useful scripts don't work as before. Function in javascript should focus on the function's name, then the function's arguments and finally the body. Instead it skip to the function body after the name.
Do you think a new fresh installation of Aptana 3.05 will fix these issues?
If it won't I rather downgrade.


Getting error can not access disposed object for builder.build() on visual studio update

I am getting error on debug session start on my dot net core API project; since I updated visual studio to latest version 17.1.1. Following is the exception detail, it is showing on console. I tried by deleting temp, bin, obj folders but nothing worked. Has somebody faced such an issue or know how to fix?
Unhandled exception. System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'ConfigurationManager'.
at Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ReferenceCountedProviderManager.AddProvider(IConfigurationProvider provider)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AddSource(IConfigurationSource source)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfigurationBuilder.Add(IConfigurationSource source)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.WebApplicationBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.b__2(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.CreateServiceProvider()
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.Build()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.WebApplicationBuilder.Build()
at Program.$(String[] args) in Program.cs:line 40
It is because you use the old way of getting the settings from the configuration manager, like:
using (var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider())
If you remove these lines and just use the configuration as-is with
options = configuration.GetOptions<Object>("xxx");
it will work
we also had this issue since march 8.
is was introduced with the release of 6.0.3, see a github post about the issue : https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/40614
for now what we did is revert to the 6.0.2 version (this is a temporary work around, i will hope to figure out what was wrong asap)
for docker images:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:6.0.2 AS base
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0.200 AS build
if you are using it in yml also probably
use dotnetversion
DotNetVersion: "6.0.200" instead of "6.0.x"
6.0.200 is the sdk version of 6.0.2 framework https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0
see also this https://github.com/dotnet/core/issues/7259 were i have pinpointed the issue in our code and added a sample app to reproduce
if we look into that repo https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Kubernetes/blob/69f44c6ec3fda26d76a01836b851402e3f8a02ad/src/ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes/Extensions/ApplicationInsightsExtensions.cs
we indeed find the same piece of code on the other answers
i faced to this problem when i update my SDK both in docker and my window 11
my sdk is : 6.0.3
but i cant understand why this problem is happend

Sudden syntax error after deployment

I have a working symfony project. I have it on a private bitbucked repository and locally the website works without an issue.
Today I tried to deploy the project onto an external server linuxpl.com.
Steps taken include:
Istalling composer
Adding the mysql database
Running git clone to get the data into a proper location
Running composer install on the folder to install everything and connect to the db
Cleared the cache
Set the project root as ....domain/project_name/web
However after completing all these steps, when running the website with regular server:run I'm getting this odd error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.' in /home/spirifer/domains/surowcewobiektywie.pl/konkurs/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1571
Not sure if this is of any importance but the mentioned code partion looks like this in my local files:
// Some objects throw exceptions when they have __call, and the method we try
// to call is not supported. If ignoreStrictCheck is true, we should return null.
try {
$ret = $object->$method(...$arguments);
} catch (BadMethodCallException $e) {
if ($call && ($ignoreStrictCheck || !$env->isStrictVariables())) {
throw $e;
The local version does not differ from the one on the server.
My local machine has PHP 7.0.9 and the remove server has PHP 7.0.14
How could I fix this issue?
PHP 5.6 adds Variadic functions, with "...". However, Twig v1.x only required the use of PHP 5.2.7 or above.
If you didn't explicitly update to Twig 2.0, it's very possible you have used the 'death star' version constraint in the composer file - '*'. which allows uncontrolled version updates to the latest version. If this is the case, you will need to either update your version of PHP, or at least require just a previous version of Twig/twig, "^1.32" would be the latest in the version 1 series of Twig.

Symfony ICU Issue, routes using locale different than EN will fail

After installing Yosemite and a new version of MAMP
and when I'm trying to execute
This route is rendering a form containing a language type field, so it's requiring ICU.
being 'es' the locale i get errors. If I changed it to 'en' there's no problem.
The errors are:
[1/2] ResourceBundleNotFoundException: The resource bundle
does not exist.
[2/2] Couldn't read the indices [Languages] from
The indices also couldn't be found in the fallback locale(s)
My symfony version is 2.5, I'm running the MAMP PHP 5.5.10.
I updated dependencies via composer, including "symfony/intl": "*",
I have followed several webs in order to install icu and intl via pecl. But still get the error. I don't know how to check if the installations or the configs are ok. Maybe you can let me know how to test both via terminal and let you know what is the result...
This is because you are trying to get resources only for language es. But now (from the moment of importing to Symfony icu data) you need to get language resources via language and country codes es_ES.
You may not be able to just simply activate intl.so after the Yosemite update. I solved the issue installing intl.so following an excellent article by Danilo Braband http://dab.io/posts/getting-started-with-symfony-on-yosemite.html
Solved updgrading to Symfony 2.5.6

CoffeeScript Packages Not Working with Meteor

After upgrading to it would seem that CoffeeScript packages have two problems:
The exports from package.js don't seem to be exported.
The source files don't seem to be compiled.
summary: "sunburn"
Package.on_use(function (api, where) {
api.add_files(['lib/sunburn.coffee'], 'server');
api.export && api.export('Stinger', 'server');
Package.on_test(function (api) {
Stinger = -> "stinger here"
This is a local package. Both 'meteor add sunburn' and 'meteor remove sunburn' work fine. If sunburn.coffee is modified the server restarts. However, 'Stinger' is undefined when used from the server-side code. Somewhat more interestingly, if sunburn.coffee is modified to include syntax errors, the server will happily restart and no error will be reported. This is what leads me to believe that the CoffeeScript files aren't even being compiled. Or, at least, not being fully "wired up".
Code similar to this worked in the pre 0.9 version.
One last note: if the sunburn.coffee is changed to be a normal js file, 'Stinger' rewritten as normal javascript, and the file path updated in package.js, the above works fine.
Thanks :-)
You need to specify that your package actually depends on coffeescript to make the compilation happen :
Previously, only having your app depending on build plugins (less, coffeescript, etc...) was OK but apparently now you have to specify that you use them inside packages as well.
Unrelated, but you should also specify a version in your Package.describe, and testing for the existence of api.export is unrelevant because I hope nobody is using Meteor < 0.6.5 anymore.

meteorite local packages, having trouble setting the global namespace?

My current project is at https://github.com/jimmack1963/localPackages.git.
I am trying to get this code to work:
console.log("You pressed the button, " + MyName);
where MyName comes from a package called simple, that is JUST LOCAL. Per 6.5, am exporting via
Package.on_use(function (api, where) {
api.add_files(['constant.js'], 'client');
//below added per possible suggestion from Nathan, had no effect.
api.use('constant.js', 'client');
if (api.export)
Am trying to factor my code out to local packages. This is not about publishing packages, but about using local ones, which is referred to in many places. My package is simply trying to publish a string, MyName. But the project wants none of it. "MyName is not defined."
I copy the technique in 'Discover Meteor,' but it doesn't work for me, and I try other things. Have had a lot of success in Meteor in general.
This spec seems to be changing. I get the 6.5 export requirement, but easily find contradictory advise about the base project's need to add that project in smart.json (not the one in the package). Most references don't list that as a requirement at all.
I've tried
"packages": {
"simple" : {
"path": "packages/simple"
and putting it into git and trying from a different project:
"packages": {
"simple" : {
"git": "https://github.com/jimmack1963/localPackages.git"
For the latter, pleasingly, the installer was smart enough to burrow down and extract the package itself, ignoring the project wrapping it in the git project. Nice! So, I have the same problem when I install the package directly from git, still not published to the world.
Ubuntu 13.04
Meteorite version 0.6.11
Meteor Release
I had the same issue after migrating to 0.6.5 -
You only get 'exported' variables from packages you explicitly "use"; Packages "use" other packages by calling .use inside Package.on_use, projects "use" packages by adding them to .meteor/packages
Additionally, it seems to be quite picky about exporting variables, and wont currently export ones preceded with this.
