Change the picture onhover position along with the text - css

I listed categories in my website on my home page. I want the image to change to the blue version of it onhover position. I also want that picture to change to the blue version when Computer Services heading is onhover in onhover position. I coded one way but it looks like is not working properly because I went inside of the image it changed then it went back several times. Is there anybody can help me with this ?
Here is the coding I made for this;
Note: I don`t want that black text to change the color of heading or picture.

What's happening is that your <p> tag is sitting on top of the other elements, blocking the on-hover effect when you mouse over the middle of the image. There are a couple of ways you can fix this:
Use z-index to fix this problem by forcing the <p> tag behind the other elements.
Change the <p> tag to an inline tag, like <span>.
Apply display: inline to the <p> tag's style.
Note: if you use the second or third, you may need to adjust the positioning styles of the <p> tag.


Text not wrapping around image in WordPress

I am trying to add a success onto a page on our website: and have the image appear on the right, and the text wrapping around it.
However, it seems to align to the right, but then not all the text wraps around it. I have tried adjusting the CSS, but nothing seems to work.
How can this be solved?
The <p> tag has "clear:both" property set. Due to this the text is not wrapping adjacent to the image. see the screenshot for reference.
Removing this "clear" property will work for you.
That's due to the GENERAL clear: both; setting for p tags of your theme. You could erase that in your stylesheet, but that might affect a lot of other pages.
Or you add a style="clear:none" attribute to those p tags which follow the image in the "text" (actually code) mode of the editor, like
<p style="clear:none"> ...your text ... </p>
I need to ensure the paragraph clear property is set to none.

How to change hover size of link elements to take full box width/height of area which text contained

I have a navbar that is set to display an inline-block. When, I added the hover pseudo class to change the color on hover. I want the color of the hover state to take full width/height of area. Right now its just taking enough space to cover the text.
link to my code on codepen
You need to use a CSS reset to disable all the default browser stylings, If you check the demo you put in the first post, by default <ul></ul> have a margin-top: browser-value; and a margin-bottom: browser-value;, by adding a margin: 0; to your <ul></ul> the anchor tags (<a></a>) inside will resize probably, This is a forked version of the codepen demo you had earlier, And i just applied a CSS reset through the CSS panel in codepen, For this specific part I used a normal reset, but if you want to read more about resets and understand how they work the following link will give you a lot of insight.

should link icons be rendered as images or with css background-image url's?

I want to use iconography in a web UI, while retaining the context language of what clicking on the link will achieve, but possibly not displaying the text and crowding UI space. For example using CRUD screens, I want to display a plus icon for adding an item, a minus icon for deleting, it, a pencil icon for editing it, and a magnifying glass to search for a different item. There are a couple of ways to achieve this.
Render an img element inside of the anchor. The img alt attribute will describe what the icon represents (alt="pencil icon"), and the title attribute will describe the intended consequence (i.e. "Click here to edit this widget").
Render an anchor tag only, and use css to display the image as a background. In this case, the anchor's content should describe the intended consequence, however it needs to be wrapped in a span element so that its display style can be set to none. The anchor should also contain a title attribute matching the content (without a surrounding span of course).
It seems to me like option #2 is easier to implement in an mvc app. Since the icon is a design concern and not a markup concern, it makes sense to define the image in CSS. It also makes things easier from a code maintenance perspective... changing the img src location would only necessitate changes in the CSS file and no view files. Removing the CSS would cause the application to fall back to full text accessibility too.
What smells funny to me is the part about nesting the link content into a span so that it can have disply: none; set in the css. Another thing is, if I use the :hover selector to swap the image and provide a rollover / rollout effect, the images seem to take longer to swap out than when done with javascript.
Am I missing anything here?
We frequently use option #2, but in a different fashion. Instead of wrapping the anchor content in a span, use CSS to style the anchor as display: block or inline-block, then set its text-indent to -1000em (or similar, just pick a big value). I think you also have to set overflow to hidden.
If you do the background image as a sprite (a single image with both the non-hover and hover states in it) and use :hover to reposition the background, you should avoid the flicker/delay that you might be seeing now. That also results in one less separate request hitting your web server.
Note that this also requires explicitly setting the width and height of the anchor in your CSS to match your icon size.
If the icon conveys information that does not duplicate information already in the document, then it should be a real <img>.
However, the alt attribute should contain an alternative to the image, not a description of it.
alt="Edit this widget"
The title attribute should only be used to provide advisory information (think "optional extras") and you should avoid using implementation specific terminology (such as "Click here").
What smells funny to me is the part about nesting the link content into a span so that it can have disply: none; set in the css
If you do go down the route of putting content in background images and hiding real text, at least negative text-indent it out of sight instead of display: noneing it and making it invisible to screen readers.

CSS Reset for one div

I am trying to create a div on my site that is supposed to work like the descriptions on Ebay where all the css styles of the main site are stripped off and then whatever styles are in the div are what style the div (if you can understand what I mean). I've been trying to use a reset stylesheet, but my problem is that the reset is also resetting anything I put into the div. For example the following:
<div class="reset_this_div">
<font color="red">This is reformatted</font>
should reset the css in the div, then make the text "This is reformatted" red with the font tag. However, the reset seems to be overriding the font tag and the text just stays black. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Have you considered using one div inside another instead of using the tag?. Something like this:
<div class="reset_this_div">
<div style="color: red !important;">This is reformatted</div>

CSS Experts required - problems with Z-Index stack in my page design

Basically I'm having some problems with Z-Index. Although I'm not amazing at CSS I would reckon I was reasonably good, but really can't work this out.
You'll see at the URL...
... that my problem is that links in the returned 'Popular' results aren't clickable or anything. I've concluded this is due to their Z-Index being messed up. I had to fiddle and tweak with Z-Index to get the tabs - Popular, Top Rated, Featured etc. - to show above the codebg div.
When I adjusted the Z-Index so that the results were definitely on top, they acted as normal - text could be selected, the ratings images hovered, etc. etc. However the downside to this was that my Popular, Top Rated, Featured tabs were all placed BENEATH the background image for the returned results.
If anyone can post a workaround or alteration to my CSS that would be much appreciated.
Please don't forget this is a test site and design and any other URLs are likely not to work, I haven't uploaded any database configs yet or whatever!
Attached are a couple of screenshots to clarify what I mean:
This is what I WANT to happen (not that in actual fact in this screenshots link aren't clickable, just to demo my point though):
This is what DOES happen when I adjust the Z-Index properties (I don't want this!):
Thanks y'all!
You need to remove this:
z-index: -1 !important;
From your .codebg class, which will result in your #2 screenshot above. (As a side note the children can't have a higher z-index than their parent, so everything inside .codbg is -1, behind the page) Then, you need to fix the tab images :) The problem is not that they're behind the background, it's that they're transparent, and look darker on top of a darker background. Here's the image (may change in this answer once you update it, pointing directly to it):
alt text
They look fine here because of the white background, but if you open them up in an editor, you'll see they're transparent, just make the the three tabs fully (or at least more) opaque since that seems to be what you're after.
not the best solution but here it goes.
inside the content div move tabs div after codebg so this
<div id="content">
<div id="tabs">
<div id="codebg">
becomes this
<div id="content">
<div id="codebg">
<div id="tabs">
then add to #tabs
position:absolute; top:232px;
to #content
this is a quick and dirty fix. otherwise you have to rethink your whole layout
You could also put your background-image from code-bg on content instead, and adjust content's width and border-radius
