CSS Changes, Updates in ASP.NET Theme Does Not Show Up - asp.net

I thought it may be cached, but for some reason that I don't know the changes I make in CSS file that is located in application theme does not show up. If I take that change and put in a CSS file outside of theme folder, let's root or a new folder, it does show up. This is a ASP.NET 4.0 application. Not sure where to look for the solution. Please advise.

Don't just put the Theme folder, create a sub folder and put under it. It is better to name both sub-folder and css file same.


Can I modify jquery/javascript on Wordpress?

I installed a theme that has some desc wrapping effects of some images (when you pass by the image with the mouse cursor, it will slide or something) which is made probably with javascript/jquery?
Is it possibly to deactivate this effect without losing the settings on the next update of my theme? I have created a child theme which I use to edit the css of my website, but I don't know how should approch jquery/javascript.
ps. I really can't give you link to the website because it is put on private, but I will try to provide more info if you need to help me solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,
In your themes folder, there should be a /js or /scripts directory. The JavaScript/jQuery on your page should be contained within that.
The full path of your theme from the root directory will be wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME. Within this folder you will find the JavaScript folder.

Language independant themable CSS in Sharepoint

After a little research it turns out that themable custom css in sharepoint should be placed either in the styles library or in the layouts folder but always in a language dependant folder structure like /<LCID>/Styles/Themable
I would like to replace the target folder of the css files in the package with the primary language of the server where the solution is deployed.
For Example, I want to change
<TemplateFile Location="Layouts\1031\Styles\mygrid.css" /> to
<TemplateFile Location="Layouts\1033\Styles\mygrid.css" /> when the solution is deployed.
A solution to this problem would also help for other files which have to be put in the Layouts\LCID directory such as theme xmls themselves.
Thanks for your help!
I understand you have only one version of css file (language independent) and you need to put it into the right folder during deployment.
The solution can be to get rid of the language specific folder schema and put your css file into Layouts\YourProject folder and then register the css file via CssRegistration control on your master page, web part or control.
See also my related question.

ASP.NET Theme'ing along with customer specific images and css

We have a ASP.NET solution using images, css and .skin files with in the App_Theme/{selected theme}. The themes today contains many, many files and images and for a customer theme we add a new folder to the App_Themes and copy all files to the new folder and make the 10-200 changes on images, skin and css's.
The issue here is that the default theme, the one we normally have when we develop, evolve's and grows making theme customer theme out of date. So when an upgrade comes we have to go through all files looking for changes and hopefully finding them all. Sometimes we miss things that are really important.
The perfect solution would be to have a base theme that contains the base css, skin and images. And when we add a new customer theme we only tell the system what has been changed, what css-selectors to override and what images to use instead of the images from the base theme. In my understanding, if using the normal ASP.NET theme functionality in App_Themes folder, you can only have ONE theme and not a BASE theme and then say a DeliveryCustomer-theme that has a different background and some other images that the solution shall use instead of the ones in the BASE-theme.
Does anyone have some guidelines to solve this in a maintainable way for the future. I seen that people override the App_Theme path to make it work with custom skins.
Use the concept of a base theme like you described. Pull out all common CSS rules into another file, let's call it base.css.
Take base.css and all the images that are common, and put them in a folder outside of App_Themes, and just include the CSS file like you normally would any other on your master page.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/base.css" /> <!-- Note this isn't in app_themes -->
Then, make sure your CSS files in various themes only specify the delta for your styles.
Ok, so here is how I'v done it know.
I have created a Default theme that is the original theme with all the css-files, skin-files and images that is needed, and that is alot. This theme is in the App_Themes folder. Them I'v created a new folder called ThemeSkins next to the App_Themes folder. In this folder I have all the new skins in different folders. The folders name is the name of the new theme that one want's to have. In each of the skin folders there are css-files that contains only the selectors that I want to overload. There is also images that I want to replace.
I have created a ThemeCreator tool that does three things:
Remove all themes except the Default theme in the App_Themes folder. This is to only have one main theme to work on for the developers. There will still be work that needs to be done in the ThemeSkins, but the overall work load will be minimal.
Next the tool looks at the folders that is in ThemeSkins and creates a folder under App_Themes for each skin with its name. Then it copies the Default theme into all the new skin folders that it just created.
The last thing is that it will merge the skin specific files into the newly created skin under App_Themes and let the user know what files were added just for information. The tool adds a prefix, "z_", on all css-files so that these are loaded last of all css-files and there for will overload the default selectors.
The thing that remains is to update the skin-files, so far, no customer has needed changes in these files. But when they do, I guess I just add a skin files and have to update the default in a automatic way since the skin-markers can't be overloaded as css-selectors can.
This works really smooth and gives us a nice and lean way to work with skins on our themes.
Any one got a better idea how to get the same result? the major issue using ASP.NET themes are that you can't use a default theme and then just apply skins to it without using the shape and color attribute in the skin-files. This is not recommended as the skin files will copy out all attribute to all the places that they are needed in the markup and not just reference them as css-classes do.

Adding an image to a sharepoint theme

I'm trying to add a bottom banner image to our sharepoint site without editing the masterpage files.
Is this possible?
The image should appear on all pages with the relevant theme.
-Jeremiah Tantongco
I guess you don't want the image on all pages? You could use an Image Web Part or Content Editor Web Part and add the images using those standard web parts.
Edit the theme.css file in your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extentions\12\TEMPLATES\THEMES\themeName
Put any images in the same folder and referer it as url('image.jpg') in the CSS, do not use / or ../ etc.
Save the file, apply a different theme to your site, recycle the application pool then apply the customized theme back. Complicated, yes I know. Keep in mind that the theme is now changed to everyone using it and will be changed when applied in the future.
If you want to find other ways to customize the site, check this post I made a while ago

How can I change the way my Drupal theme displays the front page

I am trying to build an website for my college's magazine. I used the "views" module to show a block of static content I created on the front page.
My question is: how can I edit the theme's css so it changes the way that block of static content is displayed?
For reference, here's the link to the site (in portuguese, and with almost zero content for now).
I can't access your site at the moment, so I'm basing this on fairly limited information. But if the home page is static content, the views module might not be appropriate. It might be better to create a page (In the menu, go to: Create content > page), make a note of the page's url, and then change the default home page to that url (Administer > Site Configuration > Site information, 'Default front page' is at the bottom). Although I might be misunderstanding what you mean by 'static content'.
But however you're creating the front page, don't edit the css in the theme - it'll get overwritten next time you upgrade. Instead you need to create a sub-theme.
As an example, if you want to subtheme Garland, in drupal 6. You first need to setup a directory for your themes. Go to sites/all/ in your drupal installation, and create a subdirectory called themes if it doesn't already exist. Go into that directory, and create a directory for your subtheme, say mytheme (i.e. sites/all/themes/mytheme/). Then use your text editor to create a file called mytheme.info in that directory, with the contents:
name = My Theme
version = 0.1
core = 6.x
base theme = garland
stylesheets[all][] = mytheme.css
And then use your text editor to create a file called mytheme.css in that directory, and put the extra CSS in there.
For more information, there's the druapl documentation on .info files and style sheets. Although, you might want to buy a book, as the online documentation isn't great.
The main css file that drives your content is the styles.css file located in your currently selected theme. In your case that means that most of your site styling is driven by this file: /aroda/roda/themes/garland/style.css with basic coloring effects handled by this file:
You're currently using Garland, the default Drupal theme included with the core download, so for best practices you shouldn't edit the included style.css file directly. Instead, you should, as Daniel James said, create a subdirectory in /sites/all called "themes".
If you're using Drupal 6, I'd follow Daniel James directions from there. If you're using Drupal 5, I'd go ahead and copy the garland directory into the themes directory and rename it for something specific to your site (aroda_v1) so you would have something like /sites/all/themes/aroda_v1 which would contain styles.css. At that point, you can edit the styles.css file directly to make any changes you see fit. Hope that helps!
It looks like most of your CSS info is in some *.css files. There is also some inline Style info on the page. Your style for the static info comes from the in-line stuff. I am not sure how Drupal generates the page but the place to start looking is for any properties for "ultima-edicao". That is what the surrounding DIV is called.
