Arabic Locale Support in Flex - apache-flex

Today, I learn how to localize my Flex application and to support multiple languages. The tutorials on-line are great. However, non of them mention the Arabic locale.
So basically, I created the Arabic (Jordan) locale files in the SDK folder by using:
copylocale en_US ar_JO
I navigated to the locale folder and I was able to see the ar_JO folder in there... So I assume everything went smooth.
Next, I followed the tutorials ( and was able to localize my test application in English, French, and Arabic. Clicking on any of those languages switches the labels of my simple form/into the desired language... however:
When switching to the Arabic language the labels turn into empty square symbols. If you are wondering, yes I can open a notepad and type Arabic text and save it successfully.
When I type Arabic text into the text boxes, I can see the Arabic words that I typed correctly (the labels are still square symbols).
Any ideas what I might be missing here??
I tried changing the font of my application (right on the application tag I set the fontFamily) into Simplified Arabic which comes by default on Windows.

Have you embedded a font into your swf which can render Arabic? Are you using that font? If the answer is no to either, then I suggest reading up on the subject.
One thing to remember about Flash and fonts is that it has incredible power which comes from the fact that one is able to embed actual fonts into the swf itself. One also needs to remember that Flash is incredibly finicky and is prone to throwing fits if you fail to do so.

The solution is to change the context-type to UTF-8. Three ways to accomplish this from within Flex Builder:
(Option 1) Right click the file from the File Navigator and select Properties
(Option 2) With the file open, navigate to the File menu and choose Properties
(Option 3) With the file open, press Alt + Enter to bring up the file Properties
Once the properties window is displayed, you will see the option to change the file encoding from Default to Other (UTF-8).
Note: At least for me, once I changed the content-type to UTF-8, I had to close my unsaved file, open it back up, and paste my contents back into the file in order to clear the error message. Then clean the project (Project -> Clean...) and let it rebuild.

I found the solution. Actually, I didn't have to embed any fonts or anything in order to get it working.
My problem was the encoding in the file. I opened it in Notepad++, then I noticed the Encoding menu. At that time, I remembered reading something about that the encoding of the resources files should be UTF-8. So I converted the encoding to UTF-8 from the menu, compiled, it didn't work! After couple of retries and cleaning the project, it worked successfully!!!
Just a reminder for everybody (as I have fallen into this while working this problem out):
For mx components, embedded fonts must have the embedAsCFF set to false.


Chrome does not seem to follow link to css sylesheet. IE and Edge OK [duplicate]

Okay, something just went crazy. Unless China is taking over starting with my test style.css file on my iepage - well I guess they are starting off on the right foot hating on IE, but anyways. It loads with no stylesheet - sad :( I go into the Web inspector and see that all my linked files are filled with [possibly] Chinese characters (瑨汭笠ऊ楷瑤...) I have tried deleting the files on the server and re-uploading them. The local files look fine and when loading the files directly they look fine. I didn't do anything that should of changed the rendering or anything either.
So I think I figured it out. This is weird. But anyway.
I copied and pasted your HTML to a local file to experiment with. And it loaded just fine. It was saved as UTF-8. Then I changed it to UTF-16, and I got exactly what you're seeing! As far as can tell, the browser (Firefox for Linux for me) is assuming the linked files are all in the same encoding as the HTML...
So - I assume the file on the server is in UTF-16, and if you change it to UTF-8 you should be good. Hope that fixes it!
PS: According to Firebug, your HTML is compressed by your server, even if you never explicitly told it to. But that doesn't seem to be causing any problems, thankfully.
I encountered this same problem with XML files exported from PowerShell that were embedded in iFrames.
There was no issue in IE10/11 or Edge, but Firefox and Chrome wouldn't load the stylesheet.
The original page loading the iFrames was UTF8 encoded, same with the stylesheet. However, the XML file was exported to UTF16LE ("Unicode" in PowerShell). When the XML file was loaded from the iFrame, it loaded the stylesheet as Chinese characters.
I converted the encoding in PowerShell...
Get-Content C:\foldername\file.html -Encoding Unicode | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 C:\foldername\file.html
...and it worked! My guess is that IE must treat the encoding of all files the same as the parent, which meant that the UTF16LE encoded file was rendered as UTF8. Chrome and Firefox apparently don't do that.
Thanks Xavier Holt for setting me on the right path!
Another quick solution is to change the file encoding using Notepad.
Open the file in Notepad and Save As with the UTF-8 option selected from the drop down
it may be the .html file itself. I solved my similar problem by copying the contents of the original .html file and pasting it into a new file with the same name in the same directory (change the original's file name at first and delete the remainder of course)

ASP vs Inc behavior difference with html.encode

For my current project i work with include files (.inc) inside visual studio.
What i did is changed some inc files to asp.
But when i consult my page i have a strange behavior with special characters.
André for André
Priv� for privé
When i use html.encode i do not get any good result.
In versioncontrol i noticed the only thing that's changed are the extentions for the include files.
Is this normal behavior ?
What did i mis or do wrong ?
I found the cuase of my problem.
In visual studio each file i create is in UTF-8 encoding.
What i need to do is change the encoding from UTF-8 to ANSI.
Problem solved.
In vs-2019, you can save a file with encoding:
From the File menu, choose Save File As, and then click the drop-down button next to the Save button.
The Advanced Save Options dialog box is displayed.
Under Encoding, select the encoding to use for the file.

Alignment plugin in Sublime Text does not work with style.less (less file)

As the title, i can't find the way to make alignment plugin available with .less file. It's just work on CSS File
I haven't tested this yet, but I have a pretty strong hunch that it might help your case.
Open sublime text, and go to Preferences>Browse Packages
Look for the Alignment plugin folder and enter in it.
Look at the files in there, you will see:
Base File.sublime-settings
Try your hand at creating a LESS.sublime-settings file in there, copying the contents of another of the settings files, for example, the JSON.sublime-settings contains this:
{ "alignment_chars": ["=", ":"] }
It seems to me, that to enable alignment to work as expected with other filetypes not designed as default with the plugin, one would have to add this settings file to the plugin in order for it to work out.
I am not sure if the file name has to be case sensitive towards the syntax you want align to work with. If you installed the less package, you should see "LESS" shows up in the list as all caps, this is why my guess is to name the file LESS.sublime-settings. You can try different naming if it doesn't go at first...
Open any LESS file in Sublime Text.
Navigate to:
- Preferences
-- Package Settings
--- Alignment
---- Settings-Syntax Specific-User
Alternatively, if you're on a Mac hit Command+Shift+P and start typing 'Alignment' and the option will appear. Once clicked, an empty JSON file will be generated for you: LESS.sublime-settings
As EffectiX mentioned, just type in { "alignment_chars": [":"] } or whatever you want to align on. Save the file. This will work with pretty much any file format if configured correctly.

HtmlEncode Local resources

I have a web site that uses local resources. The main text (so not the labels, etc.) on de default page is stored in a file. This file is added to my local resources file and is named text-defaultPage. It's a regular text file with tags etc.
The problem is however, that the text is Finnish in other words it uses a lot of characters having umlaut (ä) and other special characters.
The person for whom the web site is wants to edit this text himself but he doesn't know anything about programming, html entities etc.
Is there a way to make it so that those characters are encoded with say htmlEncode?
in my Global.asax I check for the selected language and the page gets reload with that language.
Never mind, I made the files Unicode text files.
Solution to the problem is make the files unicode.

Text in resource file is not displaying correctly in Chinese

I have a website that is written in where the text is resourced in resource files. I am able to successfully view the correct characters for all (Spanish, German, Arabic, Korean, etc) languages except Chinese. When I change my browser to Chinese (any version) I get weird characters displayed. I have Chinese fonts installed and have tried changing encoding but nothing seems to work. This is happening in both IE9 and FF9.
English - Progress
Chinese (in resource file) - 進度
Display in browser - 进程
Any help would be appreciated,
If you see weird characters in the .resx file when you edit it in Visual Studio, that means the file itself is corrupt. Fix the errors and the text should show up properly in the browser.
