Drupal - Get image from url and import it into node - drupal

Im writing a module for drupal, Im trying to create a node from my module, everything is fine , I only have 1 problem with creating an image , The image exist on different server, so I want to grab the page and insert it , I install module http://drupal.org/project/filefield_sources , which has remote option , I search in the module code , I could not find the function that he used for this process, module work very nice from interface , but how i make it do the job from code ? which function should i call and what parameter should i pass .
I'm over Drupal 6.

Hopefully you're using Drupal 7...
The system_retrieve_file() function will download a file from a remote source, copy it from temp to a specified destination and optionally save it to the file_managed table if you want it to be managed.
$managed = TRUE; // Whether or not to create a Drupal file record
$path = system_retrieve_file($url, 'public://my_files/', $managed);
If you want to get the file object immediately after you've done this, the following is the only way I've found so far:
$file = file_load(db_query('SELECT MAX(fid) FROM {file_managed}')->fetchField());

get fid using $path->fid. no need to mysql


Not sure of the correct use IP2Location database

I've used:-
$db = new \IP2Location\Database('./database/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB3.IPV6.BIN', \IP2Location\Database::FILE_IO);
it seems to work OK.
IP2 docs. says "Class Database, Expects 2 input parameters"
Full path of IP2Location BIN data file. -- OK
File Open Mode. -- Why does it also need "\IP2Location\Database::" ?
Tried not using "\IP2Location\Database::FILE_IO" just using "FILE_IO".

how to add node in through Drupal API

In order to insert an article to Drupal there are thee ways of doing that:
by admin panel - really slow and not feasable if talking about 400 articles
by pure sql - number of tables that have to maintained and calculated (content, core, cat etc.) is quite high and it's not really reliable
by using drupal API - that's something that I was trying to implement but can't find a good documentation on it. What I'm trying to achieve is to use drupal classes and insert content (ie. running a PHP file with (catid,title,introtext....))
Example: what i want to add node in xyz.com/drupal site but my php code should be run in irankmedi.com
Can you please point me into direction where I can find some info on how to manage articles and categories this way?
Thanks in advance
If your request is very specific and you can't find a module that does what you need it shouldn't be too difficult to make a module on your own and import (create drupal) content from your code. Should be something like this:
Create a php file that will do the job.
At start of your script include standard Drupal's bootstrap code so you'll have all Drupal's functionality available in your script
Make code that will read content (from database or feed or something else).
Use Drupal api to insert node programatically:
Call your script manually or set cron to call it on specific time periods.
First you have to read RSS feed in drupal custom module. Then, following code can create node programatically.
$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = 'blog'; // This type should exist
node_object_prepare($node); // Sets some defaults.
$node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; // The language of the default
$node->title = "testnode";
$node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = "Body";
node_save($node); // function that actually saves node in database

Using specific drupal-related functions in a non-drupal.php file INSIDE the drupal dir

Good morning all.
I'm having some issues while trying to make the function "field_file_load" work in a php script I've done to process an AJAX call.
I've read about bootstrapping drupal core elements inside, but it doesn't seem to work.
So far I've succesfully populated a Select Box using the data from another Select Box, making an AJAX call to this php file (which is in the drupal directory folder, in a theme to be precise)
$var = $_GET['q'];
$con = mysql_connect('*******', '******', '********');
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("drupal", $con);
$sql="SELECT DISTINCT xc.field_brand_value FROM node
INNER JOIN term_node AS tn ON node.vid = tn.vid
LEFT JOIN content_type_extra_content AS xc ON node.vid = xc.vid
WHERE tn.tid IN (SELECT th.tid FROM term_hierarchy AS th WHERE th.parent = '149')
AND xc.field_location_value = '".$var."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo(' <select name="brand" id="brand">
<option value="default" selected>Select a brand</option>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo('<option value="'.$row['field_brand_value'].'">'.$row['field_brand_value'].'</option>');
And this is working like a charm because all I have to do is connecting to the drupal db and fetch the desired values.
The problem arises when I want to fetch the url of some pictures (with a query that uses values from the first and second dropdown) and use the "file_field_load" to load the url of the given picture.
I get (obviously) a "call to undefined function" error.
So I tried bootstrapping drupal.
But it doesn't work anyway.
/** bootstrap Drupal **/
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
Since I don't have full access to the server where the site is hosted, assuming that drupal is convenientrly installed in the root, how can I figure out the path to drupal site htdocs ?
Moreover, does calling a full bootstrap (instead of just the needed part) can cause some problems?
So, to be brief:
1] how can I call a drupal function (in this case which comes from the filefiled module) in a non-drupal php script which resides however in the drupal directory?
2] Which is the correct way of bootstrapping?
3] Do I need to connect to the db (like in the previous working example) IN ADDITION to bootstrapping?
Or, finally. there's a different, speedier way you know how to do what I need to do?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
Hmm that's weird. If the FileField module is enabled, the function should be available. So maybe FileField is not actually enabled?
If that's the case you're gonna have to manually add the file that contains the function definition, which is the field_file.inc file in the module's directory, so you'd add that dependency to your bootstrapping code:
/** bootstrap Drupal **/
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
module_load_include('filefield', 'inc', 'field_file');
AFAIK what you're doing for bootstrapping Drupal from an outside script is the "correct" way.
Now, I'm not sure if, on a big picture level, whatever you're trying to do is a good idea at all... That is: You're making a little nonDrupal script which:
manually connects to the Drupal database with plain mysql functions instead of Drupal's DB API functions, in order to
fetch CCK information using a query that's 100% vulnerable to SQL injection, and
all of this put in a theme directory no less!
So you might want to rethink your angle of attack here, you know?. Maybe making a custom module for this.
But if you just have to do things this way (for reasons I can't think of), then at least use db_query so you don't have to do the whole mysql_connect() stuff, and do something like
db_query("YOUR BIG QUERY HERE... xc.field_location_value = '%s'", $var);
...for at least some degree of security.
I would also recommend that you browse the involved modules a bit (FileField, etc) to see if they have APIs (or at least some internal functions) that might return what you're trying to get through plain DB querying.

Re-processing attached images in drupal 7

I'm trying to import nodes from my forum to drupal 7. Not in bulk, but one by one so that news posts can be created and referenced back to the forum. The kicker is that I'm wanting to bring image attachments across as well...
So far, using the code example here http://drupal.org/node/889058#comment-3709802 things mostly work: Nodes are created, but the images don't go through any validation or processing.
I'd like the attached images to be validated against the rules defined in the content type. in particular the style associated with my image field which resizes them to 600x600.
So, instead of simply creating the nodes programatically with my own form, i decided to modify a "new" node using hook_node_prepare and using the existing form to create new content (based on passed in url args). This works really well and a create form is presented pre-filled with all my data. including the image! very cute.
I expected that i could then hit preview or save and all the validation and resizing would happen to my image, but instead i get the error:
"The file used in the Image field may not be referenced."
The reason for this is that my file doesn't have an entry in the file_usage table.. *le sigh*
so, how do i get to all the nice validation and processing which happens when i manually choose a file to upload? like resizing, an entry in the file_usage table.
The ajax upload function does it, but i can't find the code which is called to do this anywhere in the api.
What file upload / validation functions does Drupal call which i'm not doing?
Anybody have any experience with the file/image api for Drupal 7 who can help me out?
For getting the usage entry (in essence, checking out a file to a specific module so that it doesn't get deleted while its in use) look up the Drupal function 'file_usage_add()'
For validating incoming images, I got this example from user.module (if you're comfortable with PHP, you can always look at the core to see how something is done the 'Drupal way'):
function user_validate_picture(&$form, &$form_state) {
// If required, validate the uploaded picture.
$validators = array(
'file_validate_is_image' => array(),
'file_validate_image_resolution' => array(variable_get('user_picture_dimensions', '85x85')),
'file_validate_size' => array(variable_get('user_picture_file_size', '30') * 1024),
// Save the file as a temporary file.
$file = file_save_upload('picture_upload', $validators);
if ($file === FALSE) {
form_set_error('picture_upload', t("Failed to upload the picture image; the %directory directory doesn't exist or is not writable.", array('%directory' => variable_get('user_picture_path', 'pictures'))));
elseif ($file !== NULL) {
$form_state['values']['picture_upload'] = $file;
That function is added to the $form['#validate'] array like so:
$form['#validate'][] = 'user_validate_picture'

How can I associate many existing files with drupal filefield?

I have many mp3 files stored on my server already from a static website, and we're now moving to drupal. I'm going to create a node for each audio file, but I don't want to have to upload each file again. I'd rather copy the files into the drupal files directory where I want them, and then associate the nodes with the appropriate file.
Any ideas on how to accomplish that?
I am not sure if I am going to propose a different approach or if I am about to tell with different words what you already meant with your original question, but as you want the nodes to be the files, I would rather generate the nodes starting from the files, rather than associating existing nodes with existing files.
In generic terms I would do it programmatically: for each existing files in your import directory I would build the $node object and then invoke node_save($node) to store it in Drupal.
Of course in building the $node object you will need to invoke the API function of the module you are using to manage the files. Here's some sample code I wrote to do a similar task. In this scenario I was attaching a product sheet to a product (a node with additional fields), so...
field_sheet was the CCK field for the product sheet in the product node
product was the node type
$sheet_file was the complete reference (path + filename) to the product sheet file.
So the example:
// Load the CCK field
$field = content_fields('field_sheet', 'product');
// Load the appropriate validators
$validators = array_merge(filefield_widget_upload_validators($field));
// Where do we store the files?
$files_path = filefield_widget_file_path($field);
// Create the file object
$file = field_file_save_file($sheet_file, $validators, $files_path);
// Apply the file to the field, this sets the first file only, could be looped
// if there were more files
$node->field_scheda = array(0 => $file);
// The file has been copied in the appropriate directory, so it can be
// removed from the import directory
BTW: if you use a library to read MP3 metadata, you could set $node->title and other attributes in a sensible way.
Hope this helps!
The file_import module doesn't do exactly what you want (it creates node attachments instead of nodes), but it would be relatively simple to use that module as guidance along with the Drapal API to do what you want.
