Passing request file into flex application with flashvar - apache-flex

I am trying to get a xml file with data into Flex application. There are a lot of examples online passing parameter into flex I found very helpful. However, it doesn't really work in my case.
here is my code in HTML:
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.storageStatsXML = "stats.xml";
var params = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("mySWF.swf", "mySWF", "1000", "500", "10.0.0", "js/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);
here is the code in mxml:
public var storageStats:XML;
protected function start(event:FlexEvent):void
storageStats = Application.application.parameters.storageStatsXML;
And then the XML file got parsed in the application.
I think there is something not right about the code, any thoughts?

The Application.application.parameters.storageStatsXML property is not the XML data you are expecting, it is a String containing the text "stats.xml".
In the same way that the file path "c:\temp\info.txt" (or "/temp/info.txt") isn't the file itself, it just tells you how to find the file on disk.
You will need to use a URLRequest to load the XML file specified by the storageStatsXML property.
Have a look at the Actionscript documentation and here on StackOverflow for examples on how to load external data.


POST method to upload file to Azure storage - what to return

I am creating an app where
user can upload the text file and then
find most used word and change that word in text and
show the changed text to the user.
if it is possible, I would like to
get the file’s text content before uploading when Post method is being called and save that content
so I add the “DownloadTextAsync()” method inside of the POST method, but it seems like I am calling this method to the wrong subject?
public async Task<IActionResult> Post(List<IFormFile> files)
string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("mykeystringhere");
// Create a BlobServiceClient object which will be used to create a container client
BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(connectionString);
//Create a unique name for the container
string containerName = "textdata" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// Create the container and return a container client object
BlobContainerClient containerClient = await blobServiceClient.CreateBlobContainerAsync(containerName);
// Create a local file in the ./data/ directory for uploading and downloading
string localPath = "./data/";
string fileName = "textfiledata" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt";
string localFilePath = Path.Combine(localPath, fileName);
// Get a reference to a blob
BlobClient blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(fileName);
// Open the file and upload its data
using FileStream uploadFileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(localFilePath);
await blobClient.UploadAsync(uploadFileStream, true);
string downloadFilePath = localFilePath.Replace(".txt", "DOWNLOAD.txt");
// Get the blob file as text
string contents = blobClient.DownloadTextAsync().Result;
//return the string
return contents;
//if (uploadSuccess)
// return View("UploadSuccess");
// return View("UploadError");
The issues I am having are
I understood that ‘blobClient’ is the reference to the blob, where I can get the file’s data but this must be wrong?
Also it seems like I cannot use “CloudBlobContainer” nor the “CloudBlockBlob blob”. Is it because inside of the POST method, the blob has been just initialized and does not exist when these twos are executed?
Also when I test the POST method, the console throws “Refused to load the font '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'none'". Note that 'font-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.” which I googled but have no idea what it means?
I have tried different ways but keep getting CANNOT POST/“ But could not really find the solid anwers. Could this be related to my POST method?
I understood that ‘blobClient’ is the reference to the blob, where I
can get the file’s data but this must be wrong?
That's correct in a sense that you can use blobClient to perform operations on blob like upload/download etc. I am not sure why you say but this must be wrong.
Also it seems like I cannot use “CloudBlobContainer” nor the
“CloudBlockBlob blob”. Is it because inside of the POST method, the
blob has been just initialized and does not exist when these twos are
No, this is happening because you're using a newer version of SDK (version 12.x.x) and CloudBlobContainer and CloudBlockBlob are available in the older version of the SDK.
Also when I test the POST method, the console throws “Refused to load
the font '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy
directive: "default-src 'none'". Note that 'font-src' was not
explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.” which I
googled but have no idea what it means? I have tried different ways
but keep getting CANNOT POST/“ But could not really find the solid
anwers. Could this be related to my POST method?
Not sure why this is happening. You may want to ask a separate question for this and when you do, please include the HTML portion of your code as well.

Alfresco Object is not available in extension module in alfresco share

I am trying to override the javascript controller node-header.js of components\node-details with the extension module of alfresco share
This is my node-header.get.js
<import resource="classpath:/alfresco/templates/org/alfresco/import/alfresco-util.js">
for (var i=0; i<model.widgets.length; i++)
if (model.widgets[i].id == "NodeHeader")
var jsNode = new Alfresco.util.Node(model.widgets[i].options.nodeRef);
model.widgets[i].options.showFavourite = false;
model.widgets[i].options.showLikes = false;
I am getting this error
Error Message: 05270002 Failed to execute script
05270001 ReferenceError: "Alfresco" is not defined.
Error lies in this line
var jsNode = new Alfresco.util.Node(model.widgets[i].options.nodeRef);
as Alfresco object is not available how can I get it?
Based on my answer yesterday on the share-extras-devel list:
Your issue is that you are mixing up your web script JS with client-side JavaScript. Alfresco.util.Node is a client-side helper class and is therefore available to client-side JS running in the web browser, but not to your web script code which runs on the server.
If you look at the source of alfresco-util.js, which you are including, you will see that there is a helper class there but it is called AlfrescoUtil.
To get some information on this given node I would suggest that you want to use the static method AlfrescoUtil.getNodeDetails() from that class, e.g.
var jsNode = AlfrescoUtil.getNodeDetails(model.widgets[i].options.nodeRef);
The structure of the jsNode object will be as per the JSON returned by the doclist-v2 webscripts, so you should be able to check for the presence of your custom aspect in the aspects array property.
If you check the source of alfresco-util.js you will see that additional parameters are also supported by getNodeDetails(). It seems to me you can also pass in an optional site name, plus some options if you wish.

How do I read in FILE contents in QML?

I just need something similar to Fstream to read file IO in QML. Why is there no file IO?
If your file is plain text you can use XMLHttpRequest. For example:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", "mydir/myfile.txt");
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
var response = xhr.responseText;
// use file contents as required
I know this is old question but you might be still interested in answer.
Here it is: Reading a line from a .txt or .csv file in qml (Qt Quick)
In short, you have here explained how to read files in QML:
All you need is to extend QML with C++.
QML has no built-in file I/O. But - judging from the tone of your post - you already knew that.
How do I read in FILE contents in QML?
You can extend QML's functionalities using C++.
The Getting Started Programming with QML tutorial from the Qt Reference Documentation shows you how to build a text editor. This includes file I/O using C++.
Why is there no file I/O?
Because QML is based on JavaScript, and JavaScript has no built-in file I/O either.
QML is designed as an (easy) way to build a user interface. You need an actual program to do the rest.
There is built-in file I/O available for QML with the Felgo SDK (formerly V-Play) FileUtils. It works cross-platform on desktop, iOS and Android. More info and examples are also in the latest blog post.
It looks like this:
var documentsData = fileUtils.readFile("subfolder/file.json")
function readConfigFile() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
var configaddress = "File:///" + root + "/webconfig.txt" //root = "c:/folder/file.ini";
console.log(configaddress);"GET", configaddress);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
var response = xhr.responseText;
var js = JSON.parse(response)
if (js.address != "") {
service_address = js.address
// use file contents as required
What do you want to read the file for?... if its simple data.. then you are probably better off using QML Offline storage API. Look for that section here.
If you want to deploy a db with your application read this conversation.
If you really want to read the file still, learn C++ and expose your code to QML. That, then, is beyond the scope of my answer.

Correct way of passing and reading parameters to a .swf in Flex?

What is the preferred way of passing parameters to a Flex application deployed as a .swf and how do I read the parameters from Flex?
I'm looking for the equivalent of passing and reading URL parameters in Flex land.
I like to use FlashVars.
var paramObj:Object = Application.application.parameters;
public function getQuerystringProperty(property:String):String {
var bm:IBrowserManager = BrowserManager.getInstance();
var oArgs:Object = {};
bm.init("", "");
oArgs = mx.utils.URLUtil.stringToObject(bm.fragment, “&”);
if (oArgs[property])
return oArgs[property].toString();
return "";
Gets the QueryString from within Flex (no ExternalInterface).
embed the swf object in an html page and then use external interface. These articles should help you:
Flex Examples

Get URL of current page from Flex 3?

How do I determine the URL of the current page from within Flex?
Let's be clear here.
1. If you want the URL of the loaded SWF file, then use one of these.
Inside your application:
From anywhere else:
Application.application.url; // Flex 3
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.url; // Flex 4
If you are loading your SWF inside another SWF, then keep in mind that the code above will give different values. this.url will return the url of your SWF, where as Application.application.url will give the url of the parent/root SWF.
2. If you want to know the URL that is in the browser address bar, then use one of these.
BrowserManager method(Make sure you have the History.js included in your wrapper html for this to work):
var browser:IBrowserManager = BrowserManager.getInstance();
var browserUrl:String = browser.url; // full url in the browser
var baseUrl:String = browser.base; // the portion of the url before the "#"
var fragment:String = browser.fragment; // the portion of the url after the "#"
JavaScript method:
var browserUrl:String ="eval", "window.location.href");
If you are parsing the url for parameters, don't forget about this useful function:
// parses a query string like "key=value&another=true" into an object
var params:Object = URLUtil.stringToObject(browserURL, "&");
From the Application:
var myUrl:String = Application.application.url;
I searched and came up with this url. I've honestly never used Flex, but it looks like the important part of that document is this:
private function showURLDetails(e:BrowserChangeEvent):void {
var url:String = browserManager.url;
baseURL = browserManager.base;
fragment = browserManager.fragment;
previousURL = e.lastURL;
fullURL = mx.utils.URLUtil.getFullURL(url, url);
port = mx.utils.URLUtil.getPort(url);
protocol = mx.utils.URLUtil.getProtocol(url);
serverName = mx.utils.URLUtil.getServerName(url);
isSecure = mx.utils.URLUtil.isHttpsURL(url);
Either way, good luck! :)
Using ExternalInterface (flash.external.ExternalInterface), you can execute Javascript in the browser.
Knowing this, you can call"window.location.href.toString");
to get the current URL (note that this will be the page url and not the .swf url).
From the Application, use: this.loaderInfo.loaderURL
to break it apart and use parts of it do:
var splitURL:Array = this.loaderInfo.loaderURL.split('/');
var baseURL:String = "http://"+splitURL[2];
I tried the e:BrowserChangeEvent version and inside my class it didnt or wasnt the appropriate moment for this event to work so in short it didn't work !
Using Application.application.loaderInfo.loaderURL is my preferred solution."window.location.href.toString");
