Why does Chrome render newly declared web fonts in italic by default? - css

It's not the answer to the question above but I've put work I've done on this below as a bit of back ground so's not to rub people up the wrong way!

Finally figured out how to stop Chrome rendering newly declared web fonts in italic by default. I'm sure it's something to do with declaring a new web font on block level elements and having various options on your font. You need to reset your font not with font-style:normal; but font-weight:num; as dictated in your font settings (if using Google Fonts). Why it overrides the font style in the first place, I'm all ears!


Correct font-display value for icon fonts

font-display is a new CSS property that allows developers to control how fonts are rendered depending on if they load quickly enough. There's been a few articles on it:
Controlling Font Performance with font-display - Google Developers
font-display for the Masses
None of them mention icon fonts. The specification does have an example that mentions icon fonts for the block value, but to me it doesn't make sense to use that:
Gives the font face a short block period (3s is recommended in most cases) and an infinite swap period.
If I understand the specification correctly, this means if the icons haven't loaded after the "short block period", the fallback font will be used, resulting in random letters appearing in their place.
If I use the optional value, the random letters will never appear but neither will the icons if they haven't loaded in the "extremely small block period".
There doesn't appear to be a value for giving an infinite block period without swap (so it would show invisible text until and unless the font loads). Is there a reason behind this and is there a workaround?
font-display: block;
As you commented, block still has a swap period; so it's still rendered until it's loaded.
Quoting Chris Coyier:
Wanna hear something quite unfortunate? We already mentioned font-display: block;. Wouldn't you think it, uh, well, blocked the rendering of text until the custom font loads? It doesn't. It's still got a swap period. It would be the perfect thing for something like icon fonts where the icon (probably) has no meaning unless the custom font loads. Alas, there is no font-display solution for that.
Considering alternatives:
I've also been there. If you have the chance, you might need to switch to SVG for icons. It has a few advantages over font-icons: SVG is better at pretty much everything than icon fonts.
Even Zach Leatherman, web fonts expert, has opinions about it on his very famous Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies.
This guide is not intended for use with font icons, which have different loading priorities and use cases. Also, SVG is probably a better long term choice.

Odd font size issue on only my website

I'm currently developing a site for my University's library, and a very strange issue came up. The font on the website, whether the live version or the one on my machine (not the server) is always smaller than it should be. This is only the case on two computers--my own, and my supervisor. It happens in all browsers. I'm pretty sure it's happening on both of ours because we've handled code, but I can't think of any CSS rules that would be affecting it. To make it worse, it's affecting two different CSSs--the old site (which I have not touched) and the new site which is intended to be rolled out tomorrow. I've tried fixing the way the computer displays fonts, the way browsers display fonts, changed the resolution, and tried zooming in. None of those methods worked. Also, other computers with the same resolution and monitors look at it just fine. No other websites that I visit have this issue. I'm stumped. Any ideas?
The site is here: http://library.uis.edu
Comparisons of the text can be seen here: http://imgur.com/a/Tb7Mv
I think this might be a font issue, rather then a font size issue. Myriad pro is not considered a websave font. As your machine and probabaly the one of your supervisor have probabaly Adobe installed, wich comes with Myriad, you are seeing the site in Myriad, while the other machines are seeing the site in Verdana. (not entirely sure though)
It looks like you are calling Myriad Pro as the first font. I have that font installed on my system, but you're calling the font size to be 75%, which on a font like Myriad Pro, will shrink it down considerably. If I clear the font-size, and font-family to just Verdana, it renders okay, but some of your elements such as the tabbed nav, would need to be addressed.
I'd stay away from fonts like that unless you are using #font-face and a web generated font pack. By choosing Myriad Pro as your font, you will only render that font on computers that also have the font. Consider using something like Google Web Fonts: http://www.google.com/webfonts/
Having fonts at the body level is fine, and cross fonts (headings versus paragraph) should be handled at a global level for those elements (not the body). Assume the body will take the bulk of the text in the body. You can define a standard font size such as 1.0em; at the body level if you wanted, and then define em sizes for other elements such as h1, h2 tags, and p tags if you don't want to use 1.0em from the body.

Why does #font-face only work in localhost?

I used #font-face on my new site, it works fine in localhost in both FF and Chrome. However, when I upload it to my server, I can't see the fonts in FF or Chrome. What could be some possible causes?
My website is http://leojiang.me
While debugging your site you may want to have an easier to read css script to help find some of the problems. Compression should only be done when everything works the way you intend it to.
for now you can copy/paste it on this site to see it more clearly:
I was a bit suspicious of the #media print and the later one for #page. I am not sure if those are set up properly. I would suggest concentrating on the website first by commenting out the print specifics to help you troubleshoot the web rendering problem. You may want to set up a test html page with all the various elements you wish to use and make sure they are working properly before incorporating the 3d shapes. Just make an html file and remove those classes so you can see how everything renders as a basic web page.
As Ettiene said, there are several spots where the code is setting the font for different elements to Lucida Grande and Courier. These locations are where you should be referencing your desired font name, ColThin. How you name them is important as well, check the file that was downloaded from font squirrel (if you got the font there). The html demo file that is included has some css which shows how to use the #font-face fonts:
p.style1 {font: 18px/27px 'ColaborateThinRegular', Arial, sans-serif;}
You are missing the quotation marks, so the css may not be registering the new font name. As well, setting it on html and having those other font names in the code afterwards replaces the html setting. The only name that is important is how you designate the #font-face name. You could designate it 'smashed-font' and if you reference it as 'smashed-font' it will reference the files you have designated as 'smashed-font'. 'ColThin' should be fine.
From what I can see, you have copied the font files into their correct place, but how you want to use them is not quite right.
Good use of Paul Hayes 3d experiment, BTW. http://www.paulrhayes.com/2009-07/animated-css3-cube-interface-using-3d-transforms/
Bear in mind it may not work properly on several kinds of browsers, so have a fallback of some kind for people who are not fortunate enough to have webkit browsers, or include the alternatives such as -moz and -o and a version of the css which does not include -webkit, just in case these transformations make it into the css3 specifications.
If this is intimidating, consider it a learning experience. Polishing these mistakes through your own work will make your services that much more valuable to your potential clients.
Your font familly name may be wrong..
try this one
font-family: 'ColaborateThinRegular';
Look at the source code of the page.
Shad found the problem: "you have a rule body, button, input, select, textarea that is further down setting the font to sans serif".

What is the meaning of term "css font stack"? Has the meaning of the term changed?

I'm using Dreamweaver for many years which gives some suggestions to put font-families in CSS.
Is it not a font-stack? What is new in the term "CSS Font Stack"
What I know is, that one defines multiple font families to keep the typography consistent if any font is not available in system.
You are correct - You define multiple fonts and the browser will simply choose the first one in the list that you have on your system.
A font stack allows you to define multiple fonts to essentially provide a better experience for users.
Using the CSS font-family property, you can define multiple fonts, like so:
font-family: Arial,Liberation Sans,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;
This reads from left to right, if the user does not have Arial then font-family will fallback on Liberation all the way down to the most basic sans-serif (select any sans-serif font if the aforementioned fonts are not found).
font stack, is just a list of fonts (of font families), if the first is not available to the browser, then the second is used etc..
your picture shows 6 font stacks, you could choose from
there's nothing new, this has been the standard way to set fonts for some years now.
You are correct in your thinking. The pulldown menu has 'Web Safe' font stacks to choose from. If you use any of them your text should render fairly consistently on all devices and on all browsers.
The trend now is to use Google Fonts or some other imported or loaded fonts and thereby control what is rendered. Even then it is recommended to also include one or more alternative standard fonts in a font stack in case your visitors cannot load Google Fonts or the other choices you provide.

How does the font-family property work in CSS?

How does the font-family property work in CSS? Why is more than one font used? Isn't only one font used at a time by the browser?
The font-family property holds several font names to provide a "fallback" system.
The browser tries each font family in the order that they are listed; if the browser does not support the first font, it tries the next font, and so on, down the list. That's why it's important that at least the last font in the list be a generic font family that is guaranteed to be universally available. There is no guarantee that the fonts you have loaded on your computer when you design the web page will be loaded on your visitor's computers—fonts are generally handled client-side, rather than server-side.
A common declaration might look like this:
font-family:Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;
The "Georgia" font will be used if it is available. If not, the browser will attempt to fall back to "Times New Roman". If it can't find that font either, it will use a generic serif font.
For more technical information, I suggest reading the Fonts specification from the W3C.
To expand on what cody said:
When you look at a web page through a browser, your browser looks at the css and sees what fonts to use. Then it checks this list against the list of fonts that your computer has installed; the first one that matches is the one that gets used. Fonts are client-side, not server-side, and if you don't have the font that the css specifies, your browser falls back either to the next font specified or a default font.
